The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Do you think police should crack down on illegal window tinting on vehicles?
Talk about it….
Along with colored front facing lights
Expired registration
Add expired paper plates to the list.
Yes. Part of driving is being able to see the other driver and being able to tell if they see you or are distracted when driving. When driving down the freeway one of the rules for blind spot avoidance is being able to see the other drivers face in the mirror. These illegally tinted windows prevent that and pose a safety hazard for other drivers. There is also an idiot here in concord that has all his window black tinted out and tint on his front windshield. I have seen this clown park in handicap cap spots, and then put up a window screen on the front window. He has no placard. But uses the tint and screen to hide his actions. Have seen him do it several times. Keep your eye out for this Camry
I kinda prefer to see the person in the car beside me… but that’s not why I’m commenting. I’m just wondering who pee’d in Black Knights Cheerios this morning~~🤣🤣😁😂😌
It’s not illegal to tint the windows, but the windshield cannot be tinted below four inches from the top, and the front passenger and driver’s side windows cannot be so dark that it blocks 70% of the light. Other than that, the back windows can be as dark as you want. When all the windows are tinted so dark that the cop cannot see who’s in the car, I can understand why it’s not a top priority to pull them over. For the safety of the officer, it seems to me that the safest way would be to call for plenty of backup, and that wouldn’t be feasible for a minor traffic infraction.
In the 90s, I had a GMC SUV with the back side windows and rear window tinted limousine black. It was the darkest tint made, and while I could see clearly through the windows from the inside, it was difficult to see through the windows from the outside, and the best part was how they helped dim the bright headlights of the cars behind me at night. It was like driving with sunglasses.
Might want to check CA Vehicle Code. We’re not Arizona. And to add, it’s absolutely beyond a doubt unsafe for vehicles to have dark tinted windows during night driving.
What I said is absolutely true, the rear and back side windows can be as dark as you like. The restrictions apply only to the front side windows, and the windshield.
I can’t help UT add a comment, I bought a Durango ftom a tow yard that had the dark tinted windows ( all but the windshield ) I drove with the windows down because I couldn’t see well enough to drive safely! I couldn’t see out anymore then anyone could see in. Unsafe and that’s just for starters.
Maybe it’s just me, but the stupid drivers that don’t use their turn signals and blow red lights seem to have tinted windows.
It’s you. I’ve seen that from everyone young and old.
ONLY when there are a surplus of traffic and patrol officers on the street.
Priority should be distracted drivers, speeders and those under the influence.
Tint is at bottom of list of priorities I’d like focused upon.
there are so many other real things that law enforcement should be ( I believe they are trying to be) concerned about that this doesn’t even show up on the want list. Who cares if we can see what the other driver is eating or if they are picking their nose or not….we all can see a bad driver and stay away from them. What are the statistics on crashes related to tint? I do not know but I cannot believe it anything even in the same zip code as distracted drivers. People talking on the phone or believing they are so important that that text can’t wait should be on top of the list or others driving like total A$$holes. this is simply petty.
@Angry – There is a law enforcement philosophy that you go after minor infractions when you see them. People willing to commit infractions in plain sight of others are often also concealing major infractions. The cop’s job is to cite or detain for the minor infraction while being alert and digging for clues of more significant infractions.
Concord Police Department Officers are among those who are the worst window tint offenders on their personal vehicles.
Some police departments have official vehicles that have window tint that’s too dark. There are some great videos of citizens going up to police vehicles with window tint meters and telling the officers that their department vehicle has window tint that’s to dark.
Do you feel the same way about citizens who wear full face masks and/or full face shields in order to protect or hide their identity while walking down the street?
swooped in Black Knight and laid down the facts!
Yea, pull them over for DWB! Then slap the cuffs on them.
Generally, laws should be enforced. What is the point of having laws if they are never going to be enforced? Sure, sometimes we might see a particular law as being somewhat frivolous or even in some instances unnecessary but that shouldn’t change the fact that it will be properly enforced. It should not be up to each individual to decide what laws should or should not be obeyed.
Obviously, that doesn’t mean that everybody in every situation should be cited/arrested, but it wouldn’t hurt for officers to issue fix it tickets, warnings, etc. as each case merits.
If you slightly tint to keep sun out it should be ok, but if they are totally black and you can’t tell if someone is in there….that should be illegal. You are up to no good!
@Aunt Barbara
It is illegal. You have to be able to identify the driver.
Are you able to see through the darkest legal window tint?
@The Black Knight
I don’t know what the darkest legal window tint is. But there are plenty of vehicles out there that I cannot see into and have zero idea who’s driving.
Legal tint allows a 30% blockage of light or allows 70% of light through the window. It’s also really easy to get a doctor’s note which allows individuals to legally get darker window tint.
Just because you can’t see in doesn’t mean they can’t see out. I have a security screen on my front door and I can see just fine who is at the door, but they can not see me.
Are you saying the darkest legal tint should be illegal or are you unfamiliar with how dark legal tint can actually be?
of all the illegal activities to crack down on, the level of tint on windows would be a pretty low priority.
Have you ever seen how many police cars have tint on the front door windows that are too dark? Start there! You aren’t under any obligation to roll down your windows so that a peace officer can use a window tint tester. You’re under no obligation to help peace officers in their investigations, just as they’re under no obligation to protect you. Concord Police are notoriously bad at following their own Police Department policies, let alone the law.
We have so many people who leave comments here proclaiming to be “Constitutionalists,” but at the same time they proclaim to be pro-police. The two don’t necessarily go together, as most police officers don’t know the law or don’t care to know the law, and they don’t know your rights or they don’t care to know your rights.
Some tint is okay BUT Its a huge safety issue for everyone if you can’t see the driver’s eyes thru the windshield or thru the front side windows. Pedestrians also need to see driver’s eyes to help them be safe.
Can you see the eyes of a driver through their sunglasses?
Can you even see the sunglasses?
Yes, it poses a threat to the police and to society. Plus, it’s an easy way to generate money for the county / city. I bet 95% of the drivers already know it’s illegal.!!!
Many Depts are forbidding the enforcement of mechanical “Fix it” ticket violations, under the notion that these type of stops lead to pretext encounters, and adversely effect the black and brown communities. There’s even State level legislation regarding this, pending in the hellhole called Sacramento.
Yes, I believe that more aggressive action needs to be taken against those who tint their front windows and windshield COMPLETELY DARK!!
When the front windows and windshield are tinted COMPLETELY DARK, it is harder for the driver to see out the windows, and pedestrians and bicyclists are unable to make eye contact with drivers. Also, if the front windows and windshield are COMPLETELY DARK, drivers can also cheat in the car pool lane!!
Unfortunately so many drivers don’t follow traffic laws anymore like they did 30-40 years ago, as so many people speed, run red lights and stop signs, pass on solid lines, and not stop for stopped school buses with their red lights flashing.
Of course. It’s illegal. What part of ‘illegal” do you not understand?
Restoring law and order should be first and foremost. Too many people get away with illegal behavior and it only emboldens more lawlessness. Just look at San Francisco, Oakland, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Portland, and Seattle…. total HOLES riddled
with vagrants, the homeless, addicts, and feckless police departments because their elected officials are spineless and woke. They accommodate and enable lawlessness rather than fully combat against it.
The only Dem-led major city that is reasonably well managed is San Jose.
Does that include the “illegal behavior” that you engage in, too, or do you believe you don’t violate the law? Legal experts have estimated the average adult American violates 3-federal laws each day, let alone the number of state and local laws the average American violates each day. The problem is that American citizens have allowed their representatives in government to create so many laws, that the government can get almost any and all functioning adult Americans on something.
Yes. Almost every vehicle in the “2 or more only” on-ramp lanes only have the driver in the car. I think they should start there and hit them with two tickets.
Having been ticketed for a light tint years ago – yes! LE should treat it the same as they did, laws haven’t changed … also can ticket for not using turn signal for lane changes but dont … even though they don’t and don’t stop for right turns at stop signs
Lol, the same people driving around with NON-DOT approved blinding LED headlights have to tint their Windshields so they’re not blinded!!!
Does anyone see the irony in that???
Maybe also go after the blinding bright headlights. No 25 year old Civic came out of the factory with LED headlights.
It’s amazing how bright those LED headlights are, while the City of Concord changed their street lights to LED, but they put far less light on the ground compared to how well the old street lights lit up the ground.
Of course, a few take things too far and should be immediately cited, and the vehicle impounded. On the other hand, different states have different levels of tint they allow, so my question is why isn’t it a universal standard? Why do some states say a certain level of tint is ok, while others say it’s illegal? Legally all windows behind the driver can be “painted” black. It’s why cars have mirrors.