The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
Safeway recently announced they plan to eliminate self-checkout lanes in some of their stores due to theft. Other stores, such as Wal-Mart and Target have already eliminated the lanes from many of their stores.
QUESTION: Do you think continued theft will eventually lead to the elimination of ALL self-checkout lanes?
Talk about it….
My Magic Eight Ball says:
“It is decidedly so”
Would not be surprised.
Tried one once at Home Depot after 6 pm because it was only way to buy something.
Self checkout computer flipped out and kept repeating “customer assistance needed”
Humans were helping other self check out customers, after 2 minutes left large item sitting and walked out.
I’ll walk to other end of a store to be checked out by a human.
Don’t believe in putting people out of work.
I think they won’t survive, but in reality it doesn’t matter. Scumbags can walk right out the door with items while employees and “security” is advised to not engage them. If they do, they’re usually fired from their job and risk being sued by the criminal for detaining them without authority.
We’re in upside-down world now in retail, I don’t think self checkout is the problem.
Probably not. Self -checkout is one less human they have to pay. I think it will be determined by the amount of theft the store is experiencing.
Will be on a case by case basis ….. cost benefit – theft loss vs labor expense
I always got the impression that the “express” lane 15 items or less was the least favorite check out stand for employees to man. As for self check it still seems to be “a work in progress” for the companies creating it’s software. At that it’s always hilarious to see how bad company IT department struggle with making their online web sites work properly.
So would I want to stand in line with people with full shopping carts ahead of me or go to the self check out? I prefer the latter. As for theft they do need to sort that out but I think the suits think in the future you won’t be able to shop at their store but only order online. That I don’t like either.
What kind of thiefs are waiting in line for a self checkout or cashier? Anyway, I have seen stores shut down self check out or limit items to 20 or fewer for self checkout. Given the trend, self checkout will be gone in 5 years.
in the near future every self checkout line will have a lock gate to pass before leaving the register if it was not scanned and employee to check bags/receipt if necessary.
Hope not. Self check-out is great to reduce covid exposure and maintain social distance requirements to avoid spread.
I’ve read that some stores are already closing their self-check stations as the cost of theft exceeds the cost of labor.
During the lockdown, I learned that I could save a lot of time at Sams by using Scan & Go instead of waiting in line. But when I go to Costco, have always have way more stuff than I’m willing to check myself.
I quit shopping at Kroger because they replaced all of the Express lines with self-check, and they never have more than one or two cashiers. And Kroger’s self-check machines are the most user-unfriendly ones in town. Walmart, on the other hand, has very easy self-check. And Publix always has enough cashiers that self-check isn’t needed.
Hopefully so.
So sad that low life people, scum of the earth are changing the way good people save time. I just can’t believe what a s hole this state has become.
No more plastic bags, no more self-checkout, half the store’s inventory is locked up behind plexiglass, and a customer has to wait five minutes for an employee to come and unlock the merchandise, only to have said employee stand over your shoulder while you look at the underwear. They’d rather inconvenience their customers than catch the thieves and hold them for the police, and then they wonder why they’re losing business to online shopping. This is what happens when foolish liberal voters elect Soros backed prosecutors who refuse to prosecute. The more concessions they make for the thief, the worse it will get. Corporate CEOs are a bunch of wusses and are getting what they deserve.
Unfortunately far too many CA voters have the attention span of a fungus gnat.
They’ll vote for which ever candidate, bond or proposition spends most on advertising.
I think stores should install an express lane so that shoplifters don’t hold up us regular paying customers in self checkout line. It is very annoying.
Our entire way of life is going to be a thing of the past unless the majority of people wake up and demand changes. Theft, inflation, uneven enforcement of the laws disguised as “equity”, open borders…. We are headed for trouble as a nation and as a society.
People should put politics aside for a single moment and vote for what is in their own best interests for a change. Demand that our laws be enforced and demand that legal, law-abiding, tax paying citizens are fully represented.