Home » YouTuber From Concord Busted For Driving Dangerously

YouTuber From Concord Busted For Driving Dangerously


A YouTuber from Concord gave investigators all the evidence they needed before convicting him last month of multiple incidents of extreme speeding and reckless driving on Contra Costa County freeways.

The California Highway Patrol received public complaints about a gray BMW speeding and driving recklessly on Interstate 680 between Contra Costa and Solano counties in late spring 2022.

Investigators discovered the driver’s identity through his YouTube channel. Scott Kitfield, 33, posted numerous dashcam videos documenting his dangerous driving, including speeding well over 100 mph on Bay Area freeways, racing other cars, and weaving through traffic at high speeds while endangering nearby commuters.

The Contra Costa County District Attorney’s Office said Kitfield’s comments on the channel further confirmed his disregard for safety by boasting about his reckless actions. The videos also confirmed Kitfield frequently sped on I-680 and other Bay Area freeways, exceeding 120 mph.


On July 14, 2023, a CHP aircraft tracked Kitfield’s car as he drove home from Solano County to Concord, in the afternoon, with investigators watching him speed over 110 mph on I-680 as he crossed the Benicia-Martinez bridge.

He exceeded 120 mph while racing another car through Martinez. Just after passing a CHP patrol vehicle, Kitfield swerved abruptly across the freeway and exited at Willow Pass Road and drove into a residential area.
The CHP officer tried pulling Kitfield over as he turned around at a dead end. The DA’s office said Kitfield led the CHP officers on a chase before finally stopping his car and surrendering.

CHP investigators recovered Kitfield’s computer and the dash camera he used to create videos for his YouTube channel. The devices contained several more videos of him driving recklessly.

On April 3, Kitfield was convicted of two criminal charges arising from his conduct on July 14: fleeing a pursuing peace officer’s motor vehicle while driving recklessly and engaging in a motor vehicle exhibition of speed on a highway.


Kitfield was also convicted of charges from incidents on June 25-26: reckless driving on a highway and driving a motor vehicle without a valid driver’s license.

The court sentenced Kitfield to 60 days in jail and probation. He can only drive his own registered car with a valid license and vehicle insurance. He must also allow a tracking device installed on his vehicle by law enforcement. Kitfield also acknowledged in writing — and was verbally admonished by the judge — that his reckless driving conduct was extremely dangerous to human life, and that if he drives recklessly again and kills someone, he could potentially be charged with murder.

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That’s it? That’s all he got? For endangering the lives of everybody else on the freeway, and driving a double the speed limit? Crime is truly legal now. Anything and everything is on the table and you won’t get in trouble.


Its called having a lawyer represent you.


One heck of a plea deal ! ! !
Bet his little wrist, didn’t even feel it.
Did it come with a participation trophy ? ?
An they wonder why cops are fed up . . . . . .
‘… Hundreds of cops flee California to Texas blaming Golden State’s
‘soft-on-crime’ policies that made their jobs feel ‘pointless’ and put their lives at risk’


California is such a joke. Let this idiot rot in jail.


Californians have held such an open mind for so long that it’s collective brains have fallen out. You can see it by the way they keep electing democrats to office..with no others to keep things in check in staye government. . All the dems policies and everything they touch is making things worse and worse, yet your average California keeps voting that way thinking that going further down that failef road is going to somehow sundenly improve things. Just how bad do things have to get before they wake up?


Got to get those views!


At least his carbon footprint has been diminished ,,,


Why not some jail time and a permanently revoked license and a hefty fine and a million hours of community service… then if he ever drives again and even hurts anybody it’s years in jail?


And crush the car.


“The court sentenced Kitfield to 60 days in jail and probation.” Loss of license was not mentioned but it ought to be there. He has earned the points.


The only thing more stupid is bragging about it. Slam dunk verdict.ging about


What an arrogant tool.


We need to crack down on these speeders. The ones who speed and weave through traffic on the freeway, cutting people off and coming way to close as they do it. I wonder, when they do eventually get into a terrible accident do they just wonder what happened? Like, are they shocked? I mean, how stupid do you have to be? We need to come down hard on these reckless drivers. What will it take? Will they have to kill a child or end up in a wheelchair because of their stupidlity? Driving is still a privilege and not a right. Reckless driving and speeding is not cool and never will be.

Sixty days in jail and probation for this cretin is absurd. He is a total and complete menace to society, and he needs to spend exponentially more time in jail.

How many times and how often have all of us been passed on the 24, 680 and 4 by cars driving over 90 MPH? This light sentence plea has me steaming. DA Becton and her staff failed us on this one.


I see a Darwin Award in his future. Maybe next week.


33 Y.O. and doing that? WTF are you thinking? I can only hope he hits a concrete abutment
head on at high speed. Then Newtonian physics take over.


Not even a suspended license. What’s the point.


120 mph?
That’s all?
His BMW is slow AF or he has no ‘nads to go faster.
He should lose his license and in addition to jail time sentenced to take public transportation for at least 24 months.



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