The greatest con job ever perpetrated on citizens of CA.
Example, the “The Viaduct” to nowhere,
‘California is mercilessly mocked for ‘world’s most pointless crossing’
high-speed rail bridge that cost $11 BILLION’ …
“The Viaduct has taken nine years to build and has cost taxpayers $11 billion as part of the state’s long-delayed, bullet-train plan attempting to link San Francisco to Los Angeles.”
HSR the perpetual project that assures DEM politicians votes and campaign contributions from of unionized building trades workers and companies profiting from greatest boondoggle in this state’s history.
I’ve only got 10 – 20 years life left in me it’ll NEVER be done in my lifetime.
How with this state so deeply in debt, can DEMs justify continuing it.
It will never live up to it’s hype and will NEVER operate at a profit.
Think of HSR as a monument to DEM arrogance and incompetence and your well deserved reward for electing DEMs.
The bridge did not cost $11B, that is the amount spent on the entire project so far. And construction of the viaduct started in 2015 and finished in 2018; three years, not nine.
May 13, 2024 - 12:35 PM 12:35 PM
If I live to be 150, same as use the public trails in MOTCO
Bingo! Love to see it but don’t believe it will be in my lifetime.
Mike hammer
May 13, 2024 - 12:38 PM 12:38 PM
No. Waste of money.
May 13, 2024 - 12:38 PM 12:38 PM
N O !
May 13, 2024 - 12:43 PM 12:43 PM
No. My purpose for riding a train is to relax and enjoy the scenery; High speed train defeats the purpose
May 13, 2024 - 1:01 PM 1:01 PM
I’d rather drive. Traveling at 200 MPH on the Jerry Brown/Gavin Newsom train might seem thrilling, but I’d still have to arrange transportation to the nearest train station, and rent a car at my destination.
May 13, 2024 - 1:48 PM 1:48 PM
Maybe – if I’m still alive by the time it actually runs.
May 13, 2024 - 1:50 PM 1:50 PM
Nope, we’re getting the heck out of CA in the near future…
May 13, 2024 - 1:52 PM 1:52 PM
Absolutely. CA taking the lead in green initiatives to address climate change.
The best way for you to fight carbon dioxide emissions is for you to stop breathing. Just hold you breath and silently count to 1000.
May 13, 2024 - 1:55 PM 1:55 PM
The train form LA to Vegas will be done long before this one is. I probably won’t live long
enough to ride it. More delays sure to come-a slow speed construction project.
Captain Bebops
May 13, 2024 - 3:00 PM 3:00 PM
The idea was replaced years ago by cheap airfare. I flew between Oakland and Los Angeles numerous times in the 1990s for business arriving at one the the LA airports close to where the meeting was held. Seems California has no lack of “pie in the sky” con men fresh off a carnival midway proposing such things while lining their pockets.
And a number of those meetings would be done nowadays as virtual meetings, no time wasting travel.
May 13, 2024 - 3:00 PM 3:00 PM
May 13, 2024 - 3:18 PM 3:18 PM
I will be dead. My kids will also be dead. At least my grandchildren and great grandchild might get a chance to ride the high-speed train from Madeira to Bakersfield.
May 13, 2024 - 3:56 PM 3:56 PM
I will most likely be deceased by then…maybe my grandkids or their kids will get to see the “High Speed” railway
May 13, 2024 - 4:29 PM 4:29 PM
i will be 200 when they announce that all construction so far has rusted and decayed and they need to start over
May 13, 2024 - 5:46 PM 5:46 PM
HSR costing hundreds of billions of our tax dollars to go from Modesto to Bakersfield? NOOO This is what Newscum promised in his campaign speeches to stop to save us the black hole of money! did he? NOOOO but people kept voting for him …smh
Original G
May 13, 2024 - 8:44 PM 8:44 PM
‘Brightline West Breaks Ground on Vegas to SoCal High-Speed Rail’
“… will be a 218-mile 186-mile-per-hour rail line from Vegas to Rancho Cucamonga – about 40 miles east of downtown L.A. – expected to open in 2028”
‘What’s the difference between California’s 2 high-speed rail projects?’
Prediction, LA to Vegas will be up and running at a profit while DEM’s choo-choo to nowhere will, if ever finished, will be a dismal failure never making a profit.
May 13, 2024 - 10:11 PM 10:11 PM
How long have they been working on 680 between 580 and 84, which is just a highway without a choo choo???? BART extension to San Jose???? Scrap Brown’s Folly and just buy every person (excluding illegals) a round trip ticket to SoCal once a month and save money.
I will be dead before it is completed (if ever completed). I use the EU and Japan trains and love their efficiency, comfort, and speed. I would use the California high-speed rail if it was also efficient, comfortable, and fast. However, the route is poorly planned, and the terminal points are inconvenient, so it is unlikely I will use it. American infrastructure is the most inefficient and over-cost building in the world–can”t get anything done right.
May 14, 2024 - 5:40 AM 5:40 AM
Nope – my grandchildren will be dead before the Bakersfield to Madera line is open.
May 14, 2024 - 6:22 AM 6:22 AM
Before to long they will find a crack or other flaw in the structure and the project will come to an end. At least Hollywood will have a new prop for their next Planet of the Apes movie which won’t be AI generated.
Whoe Jim
May 14, 2024 - 8:29 AM 8:29 AM
Uh NO! I haven’t taken BART in over three years and will never again, so why would I want to ride an
Overpriced high speed train to nowhere or what equates to Bakersfield. Beside if I wanted to go the desert l could go to San Francisco’s shopping and financial district…
May 14, 2024 - 11:56 AM 11:56 AM
Even if I live long enough to see this thing completed. With Californias lack of ability to maintain their freeways and highways there is no way I would trust a rail systen travelling at 200+ mph maintained by California’s finest.
Concord Guy
May 14, 2024 - 12:55 PM 12:55 PM
Yes I will. I’m paying for it (overpaying, actually) and I will certainly use it. But it won’t be going to Bakersfield. I’ll use it to go to Los Angeles. Whenever that will be completed.
May 15, 2024 - 6:41 PM 6:41 PM
I have high hopes for this technology, but, alas will probably not live to ride it. With the world as it is (see headlines “Europe prepares for WW III”” Our country will likely create a vast network of high speed trains for war time purposes as it is not practicl to fly thousands of troops and tons and tons of equipment and weapons, so rail, high speed that is, has to be a national priority.
The greatest con job ever perpetrated on citizens of CA.
Example, the “The Viaduct” to nowhere,
‘California is mercilessly mocked for ‘world’s most pointless crossing’
high-speed rail bridge that cost $11 BILLION’ …
“The Viaduct has taken nine years to build and has cost taxpayers $11 billion as part of the state’s long-delayed, bullet-train plan attempting to link San Francisco to Los Angeles.”
HSR the perpetual project that assures DEM politicians votes and campaign contributions from of unionized building trades workers and companies profiting from greatest boondoggle in this state’s history.
I’ve only got 10 – 20 years life left in me it’ll NEVER be done in my lifetime.
How with this state so deeply in debt, can DEMs justify continuing it.
It will never live up to it’s hype and will NEVER operate at a profit.
Think of HSR as a monument to DEM arrogance and incompetence and your well deserved reward for electing DEMs.
The bridge did not cost $11B, that is the amount spent on the entire project so far. And construction of the viaduct started in 2015 and finished in 2018; three years, not nine.
If I live to be 150, same as use the public trails in MOTCO
Bingo! Love to see it but don’t believe it will be in my lifetime.
No. Waste of money.
N O !
No. My purpose for riding a train is to relax and enjoy the scenery; High speed train defeats the purpose
I’d rather drive. Traveling at 200 MPH on the Jerry Brown/Gavin Newsom train might seem thrilling, but I’d still have to arrange transportation to the nearest train station, and rent a car at my destination.
Maybe – if I’m still alive by the time it actually runs.
Nope, we’re getting the heck out of CA in the near future…
Absolutely. CA taking the lead in green initiatives to address climate change.
The delusion is strong with this one.
The best way for you to fight carbon dioxide emissions is for you to stop breathing. Just hold you breath and silently count to 1000.
The train form LA to Vegas will be done long before this one is. I probably won’t live long
enough to ride it. More delays sure to come-a slow speed construction project.
The idea was replaced years ago by cheap airfare. I flew between Oakland and Los Angeles numerous times in the 1990s for business arriving at one the the LA airports close to where the meeting was held. Seems California has no lack of “pie in the sky” con men fresh off a carnival midway proposing such things while lining their pockets.
And a number of those meetings would be done nowadays as virtual meetings, no time wasting travel.
I will be dead. My kids will also be dead. At least my grandchildren and great grandchild might get a chance to ride the high-speed train from Madeira to Bakersfield.
I will most likely be deceased by then…maybe my grandkids or their kids will get to see the “High Speed” railway
i will be 200 when they announce that all construction so far has rusted and decayed and they need to start over
HSR costing hundreds of billions of our tax dollars to go from Modesto to Bakersfield? NOOO This is what Newscum promised in his campaign speeches to stop to save us the black hole of money! did he? NOOOO but people kept voting for him …smh
‘Brightline West Breaks Ground on Vegas to SoCal High-Speed Rail’
“… will be a 218-mile 186-mile-per-hour rail line from Vegas to Rancho Cucamonga – about 40 miles east of downtown L.A. – expected to open in 2028”
‘What’s the difference between California’s 2 high-speed rail projects?’
Prediction, LA to Vegas will be up and running at a profit while DEM’s choo-choo to nowhere will, if ever finished, will be a dismal failure never making a profit.
How long have they been working on 680 between 580 and 84, which is just a highway without a choo choo???? BART extension to San Jose???? Scrap Brown’s Folly and just buy every person (excluding illegals) a round trip ticket to SoCal once a month and save money.
I will be dead before it is completed (if ever completed). I use the EU and Japan trains and love their efficiency, comfort, and speed. I would use the California high-speed rail if it was also efficient, comfortable, and fast. However, the route is poorly planned, and the terminal points are inconvenient, so it is unlikely I will use it. American infrastructure is the most inefficient and over-cost building in the world–can”t get anything done right.
Nope – my grandchildren will be dead before the Bakersfield to Madera line is open.
Before to long they will find a crack or other flaw in the structure and the project will come to an end. At least Hollywood will have a new prop for their next Planet of the Apes movie which won’t be AI generated.
Uh NO! I haven’t taken BART in over three years and will never again, so why would I want to ride an
Overpriced high speed train to nowhere or what equates to Bakersfield. Beside if I wanted to go the desert l could go to San Francisco’s shopping and financial district…
Even if I live long enough to see this thing completed. With Californias lack of ability to maintain their freeways and highways there is no way I would trust a rail systen travelling at 200+ mph maintained by California’s finest.
Yes I will. I’m paying for it (overpaying, actually) and I will certainly use it. But it won’t be going to Bakersfield. I’ll use it to go to Los Angeles. Whenever that will be completed.
I have high hopes for this technology, but, alas will probably not live to ride it. With the world as it is (see headlines “Europe prepares for WW III”” Our country will likely create a vast network of high speed trains for war time purposes as it is not practicl to fly thousands of troops and tons and tons of equipment and weapons, so rail, high speed that is, has to be a national priority.