Home » The Water Cooler – What’s Your Favorite Big City In The United States?

The Water Cooler – What’s Your Favorite Big City In The United States?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: What’s your favorite “big city” in the United States, and why?

Talk about it….

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surprise… it is in CA….
I like San Diego. Pleasant weather and such.
other than that, I am not a big city person….


San Diego, my hometown. I loved living there as a kid and an adult, and I miss it.

San Diego. I lived there for over 20 years. Great weather. Beautiful beaches. La Jolla shore is 30 minutes away. authentic Mexican food.


I was born and raised in San Francisco so it was my favorite big city. That being said, I have no desire right now to visit San Francisco. It breaks my heart to see what that beautiful city has become. It’s best viewed from a distance. So right now I don’t have a favorite big city.


Ditto on all the same points right down to the last. No longer have a favorite big city.


Used to be SF – like 30 yrs ago …now not so much …. not a big city but Bodega Bay is good


Portland, Oregon. It’s not so much the city that I like, it’s the beauty that surrounds it. Mount Hood is a sleeping volcano and is right in your face, it’s about an hour drive from Portland with camping, hiking, and skiing. On the mountain is the Timberline Lodge with good food, and drinks.
From Portland, you can drive in any direction, and in half an hour you will be in some of the most beautiful country in the state. Just a thirty-minute drive takes you to the Columbia River Gorge where 15,000 years ago at the end of the Ice Age, glaciers melted and formed a river that has carved out a canyon, resulting in a beautiful forest with waterfalls, steep cliffs, and a spectacular view.
Other choices are Charleston, South Carolina, Savannah, Georgia, and San Diego, and Santa Barbara, California. I also like Reno, Nevada. The people of Reno, as with most Nevadans, always seem friendly to me, they are not afraid to say “hi” as I walk by on the sidewalk. I also enjoy taking a short drive from Reno out to the desert, where it’s peaceful and quiet.


Chicago was pretty cool. Good, solid food. Great music venues.




Las Vegas!
I agree with LAZY K….. Vegas has it all.
Fine Dining, Shows, Gambling, Football (and Baseball 2 years from now….) Racing, The Big Sphere…. not so enthused about the outdoor concerts anymore tho.


Oakland, CA. It’s a shining city by the bay that represents successful integration of government, business and culture.


And “gimme yo money o I’ll cutcho neck”


Ever get off a BART train in West Oakland? Didn’t think so.


I grew up there, nice then, now it is the PIT!

San Francisco was amazing, fun, and safe when I lived there early 90s. Nowadays I avoid big cities.

Bakersfield! Come for the heat and awesome air quality! wait did I just say Fresno?


Honolulu. It has it all. Great weather, food, good public transportation (The Bus), friendly people, great walking city, interesting sights to visit, and a fun night life.


At my age, none.




Agree on San Diego, only place we visit as far as a city outside the Bay Area.

For those that don’t know, Oakland was in the early 70’s more expensive and more attractive for housing than Burlingame, San Francisco, or San Jose. That’s why so many, over time moved to the East Bay, Concord, PH or Walnut Creek.


Seattle is the only big city I ever lived in and that was in the 1970s. You could drive to downtown to shop and find parking on the street. No big deal to catch a movie or have dinner on the wharf. Rain was more like a constant drizzle not a monsoon. That did drive people into movie theaters and bookstores. Too bad what ihas happened to it in the last 20 years.


Is Honolulu considered a big city? Vacationed there one time, for one week, did not want to leave. Granted, living there wouldn’t be as much fun as vacationing, but I think I now would be able to spend my days beaching and fishing.


Yes, used to be San Francisco for me too.
Not sure it’s my favorite, but Honolulu is up there for me.


Charleston South Carolina, with San Diego as a second choice. Charleston is a beautiful city with great food, natural beauty and very nice people. It does get hot and humid in the summer though. San Diego is a nice city, though the weather is boring to this Bay Area native. It’s 10 months of sunshine and 2 months of overcast (the May grey and the June gloom). I worked there for almost 5 years and found that I really missed winter, which is my least favorite time of the year. I am glad to be in Clayton and the Bay Area that has much more natural beauty and is within a 4 hour drive to more places than anywhere in the country.

Favorite city in the world? Florence Italy. There is so much there that books have been written about it. Yes, it’s crowded, but it is beautiful and the Tuscan countryside is minutes away, and the northern Italian lakes are an easy 3-4 hours away. Lakes Como, Orta, Garda, and Iseo; some of the most beautiful places in the world.


The 2 I have lived in, New York City, I moved there from Ct. in 69 and almost 2 years there. New York then was fun and exciting especially if you were young and single. Lots of single bars, museums, movie theaters etc. It took me about 6 month to warm up to NY, I missed Ct, and felt frustrated with all the crowds. However, it grew on me. I left for one of half year to join my boyfriend (ex husband) in New Orleans. The best thing about New Orleans was it’s food, the weather was too hot and humid. Compared to New York in the early seventies it was culture chock. I was happy when my ex was transferred back to New York, where we lived for another almost 2 years. After we got married, we moved, another transfer, we lived for a few month in Milwaukee, and then got transferred to San Francisco. I have been in the Bay Area since, first the City then different suburbs. San Francisco had a lot to offer great restuarants, great weather, museums etc. After my divorce I would often meet friends in the City Friday nights, we would meet at the Royal Exchange, then often move on to Union Street, Perry’s was a favorite or we would go to North Beach, often for a bite to eat, and at times we would go dancing at “Silouette’s”. Boston is a nice city, in the summer, I had friends there and visited several times. Been to Miami and Seattle, nice cities, but have not spend enough time there to get the feel of the city.


Memphis,Beale st, sun record studio and Graceland.


And B.B. King’s Blues Club !



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