The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
Do you think it’s ok for teachers & students to be “friends” on Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, Snapchat, etc., especially if nothing school related is posted on their social media accounts?
Talk about it!
N O !
Yes as long as the friendship doesn’t come with “benefits”
knew u would say yes
theres no way of knowing that will happen but you figure nobody would notice so now you want to be a teacher..theres no helping you so do a Peter Pan from a bridge
IF they are teachers then they teach.
Their job is to instruct, impart life skills and help their students
to become productive members of society.
A child’s social media should be closely supervised by parents.
When my Great Grandson makes it onto social media and
I find out a teacher is communicating with him,
my first call is to school district superintendent.
That’s crazy this is even a question
No adult should be ‘friends’ with children on social media, unless it is parents.
We need to go back to the way it was up until the mid 60s. Seriously!
I wonder chicks are coming out of school because pre programmed idiots! I still remember a study from about 10 years ago that said that high school graduates from 1962 had the same profficiency that college graduate did at the time of the study. Meaning tallest records are coming out now no smarter than the high school graduates of the 60s
Degradation of our educational system was instituted October 17, 1979
when jimmy The Wimp carter signed legislation creating U.S. Department of Education.
DOE began operating May 1980 and it’s been down hill ever since.
Years before LIBs became fascinated with chemical, physical and mental mutilation of children was this,
I think it goes beyond “should not”. It’s into “must not” territory.
Absolutely Not students should never have staff’s phone number, emails,texts or be on staffs social accounts.
Absolutely not! The principal / superintendent should be checking up on this on a regular basis – if not we should raise the issue asap!
Adult teachers with adult students is fine. I must admit, I do not know what “friends” on these social media sites means, I am meaning it just means they communicate sometimes through those media. The line I would draw where I think it would be ok is post high-school; in high school or earlier would be unacceptable to me.
Hard NO with their current students, or with former students who are minors. Fine with former students who are adults.
There was a female teacher having an “affair” with an ELEVEN year old boy.
The parents found the texts.
She was going to be married in June. I guess THAT’S canceled.
Oh yeah…. it’s cancelled for sure !
Who would perform the ceremony anyway, knowing the kid is only 11?
@Dr. J
good for a laugh there Dr. J! Thank you
Seems kinda creepy to me.
Really, Claycord???
I’m 38, and firmly in the camp of social media being regulated to 18+
To answer the main question…No. They should not. Another thing that I find is unprofessional is when a school Principal starts to become FB friends with parents. I am not referring to a group page specific to the school for information/ events but when it is social media connections on personal profiles I feel like that is unprofessional.
Do you want a teacher “passing notes” to your kid?
Absolutely not!
Even after my kids were out of school, I never sent friend requests to their friends. However, if they sent me a request, I always accepted it. The same applied to former Scouts, many of whom are Scout leaders now.
It should be illegal for minors to use social media. Minors have no business being on social media, nothing good comes from it, and it’s often a toxic environment for minors to be involved with it.
Social media should be illegal. It’s all fake, Fake people interacting with fake people interacting with bots and pretending they aren’t fake while portraying fake opinions and fake AI personalities. Teachers shouldn’t be commingling with students on any level of personal. But then most teachers never grew up and still act like kids so…
It’s nothing new….. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZhxxo0zoPk