Home » Claycord – Talk About Politics – May 3, 2024

Claycord – Talk About Politics – May 3, 2024


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Original G May 3, 2024 - 7:01 PM - 7:01 PM

Take a minute to consider what might have happened if mass murderer of last Century
had support of leftist media wing of the DEM party ? ?
“All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate
itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.”
–a h
Hmmm, interesting, hamas protestors magically showed up almost as quickly as when DEMs selected a dead black felon to be their martyr for riots last presidential election cycle. Riots which were allowed to continue in DEM controlled cities.

Dr. Jellyfinger May 4, 2024 - 8:09 AM - 8:09 AM

As Kamala Harris said of the violent protests of 2020 :
“That’s right”. “But they’re not gonna stop. They’re not gonna stop, and this is a movement, I’m telling you.”

“They’re not gonna stop, and everyone beware, because they’re not gonna stop,”.
“They’re not gonna stop before Election Day in November, and they’re not gonna stop after Election Day.”

“Everyone should take note of that, on both levels, that they’re not going to let up — and they should not. And we should not”

Original G May 4, 2024 - 12:07 PM - 12:07 PM

DEMs knelt to remember their dead black felon george floyd
for 8 minutes and 46 seconds in 2020 .
They did not take a knee to acknowledge these deaths,
They’ll take a knee for a publicity stunt to get black votes,
but not “for the children”

Hope Johnson May 4, 2024 - 5:17 PM - 5:17 PM

You are no different than Nancy Pelosi. Everything must come down to associating those with whom you disagree with some terrible bad actor. For Pelosi, everything is related to China and Putin. It’s ridiculous. Now, instead of addressing that many people don’t want the US to fund the murder of civilians on behalf of a foreign country, you have to hide behind the veil of Hamas nonsense. But keep it up – there’s still plenty of time for the Democrats to continue to use the same tactics before the next presidential inauguration.

Original G May 4, 2024 - 7:04 PM - 7:04 PM

Hows about putin gets Europe and china gets Taiwan then takes over most of Asia.
An iran gets the Mideast.
Where were protestors after America was attacked on 9/11
or when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor?
Those “Protesters”
‘Who’s really behind the campus protests?
Expensive tents, giant banners and adult agitators who have nothing to do with the schools where they’re causing anarchy make expert think the uproar in America is a ‘professional job”
There are companies that will provide you people paid to protest or provide actors to generate a staged news event.
‘Getting paid to protest’
An whatever happened to antifa, did they just evaporate?
Among those arrested on college campuses many are not students.
“More than a quarter of protesters arrested Tuesday at Columbia University and 60 percent of those arrested at the City College of New York had no connections to the institutions, according to data from the New York Police Department.”
OHMy, could it be, antifa has been located ? ? ? ?
We’re experiencing a well crafted and well financed Public Relations campaign designed to pressure the enfeebled biden into curbing Israel’s justified pay back.
Beginning to think there are about same number of gullible Americans as there are uninformed voters.

Cyn May 4, 2024 - 7:52 PM - 7:52 PM

@Hope Johnson
Regarding Pelosi, everything is related to her plastic surgeon, her colorist, and her broker. And I cannot understand why people think it’s acceptable for Jews to be slaughtered but unacceptable for Israel to defend itself in a war they didn’t start. The United States had better be helping Israel, that’s for sure.

Disgusted May 4, 2024 - 10:36 PM - 10:36 PM

Remember 9-11. The gazans supported the terrotists. They are brainwashed by Hamas. What country would stand still when people at a concert are slaughtered, babies are slaughtered and hostages taken. Let’s have a ceasefire. Hamas returns the hostages and recognize Israel. No more River to Sea which is a genocide of a people. If not, destroy them

DOH May 5, 2024 - 12:36 AM - 12:36 AM

Original G -The “DEMS” didn’t select Floyd but he is symbolic of blacks men being killed by police for minor infractions or sometimes for nothing at all. There has been many incidents since. Just this week Frank Tyson died in Canton, Ohio man died in police custody after telling officers he couldn’t breathe as they allegedly kneeled on his back. His crime was he crashed his car into a pole.

Parent May 5, 2024 - 8:49 AM - 8:49 AM

Funny Doh that you don’t mention that the police did not find him in the crashed car … but rather in a business threatening people there. Hmm … selective reporting to try and represent our OPINION?

Try again

buck May 5, 2024 - 2:49 PM - 2:49 PM

Don’t waste your time with Doh, truth, accuracy and common sense seems to avoid him.

Glen223 May 5, 2024 - 7:31 PM - 7:31 PM

Geez doh….

Do you proofread you posts for readability and grammar?

Dr. Jellyfinger May 5, 2024 - 8:53 PM - 8:53 PM

Or make sure the links you post actually work? ….. Ever?

Original G May 6, 2024 - 10:19 AM - 10:19 AM

IF you’d like to keep score of concern and reverence
DEMs place on lives of Black persons in a city they control.
Last republican mayor of chicago left office in 1931.

Badge1104 May 3, 2024 - 7:04 PM - 7:04 PM

The democrats have a poverty plan…..and it’s working: we are all poorer now!

Paul May 3, 2024 - 7:10 PM - 7:10 PM

Uncle joe just announced 3rd round of the student debt forgiveness; about $6B this time. What is a great president!

MAGA SAM May 3, 2024 - 7:42 PM - 7:42 PM

Like a dictator going against the supreme court. This fascist pig making me pay for gender confused useful idiots to smoke pot and ruin the world. Cool paul. Just wait for the revenge…it’s coming and you and your rainbow commies ain’t gonna like it

Dr. Jellyfinger May 4, 2024 - 8:12 AM - 8:12 AM

I will look forward to Joe’s trials after the election.

Darwin May 4, 2024 - 12:02 PM - 12:02 PM

Don’t forget Obama’s trial for killing American with his drone strike

Tim May 4, 2024 - 8:22 AM - 8:22 AM

The major lesson that students will learn is that you may not be obligated to pay your debts. Tax payer will pick up the tab. Biden is just buying votes.

Original G May 3, 2024 - 7:44 PM - 7:44 PM

Remember cage free or free range . . . . . Prop. 12
Farm Animal Confinement Initiative (2018)
Libs spent $13,267,245 to con voters into passing Prop 12.
This out of oregon,
Woman cracks a free range egg and finds live roundworm inside.
Turns out it’s not uncommon for free range chickens to have intestinal parasites.
Cage use reduced frequency of parasites.
But keep in mind libs saved us from those world ending, plastic straws in paper wrappers.

Hanne Jeppesen May 3, 2024 - 8:04 PM - 8:04 PM

This might be a little presumptious, but I feel fairly certain that no one on this sight, no matter political persuasion, can defend Kristi Noem killing her dog, as well as a sheep.

I think she misread the public opinion on this one, she wanted to show she could be tough and deal with tough situations. How does killing a defenseless puppy compare to dealing with dictators and world leaders?

Couldn’t she have come up with another solution if the puppy did not behave they way she wanted it to.
Such as getting a dog trainer, or finding another home for the dog. It sounds like she took it on one hunting trip and because did act they way she wanted to, she right there and then decided to shoot it. Heartless’
I grew up around farmers, yes sometimes an animal needed to be put down, but usually it was because it was older, or sick and in pain, it was usually done humanely by a vet.

I’m pretty sure majority of Americans are dogs and/or animal lovers, and her actions does not sit well with them.

Bob May 3, 2024 - 9:16 PM - 9:16 PM

I think the biggest question is who on earth convinced her including the story was a good idea?

Max May 3, 2024 - 9:18 PM - 9:18 PM

Hanne, I heard her talk about the dog. Kristi took the dog in from another family who couldn’t control the dog and had to get rid of him, and she hoped to train the dog because she had trained dogs before and have had success doing so. The 14 month old dog wouldn’t stop terrorizing other animals, and bit her and a couple other family members, and KILLED a couple of her neighbors farm animals. Once a dog starts killing other animals, are her small children in danger? Here in Concord dogs that bite and hurt people, are picked up by the pound. There might not have been one near by where she was. Some 14 month old dogs are big. Remember the St Mary’s tennis coach who was killed by a vicious big dog out side her apt door about 20 yrs go? Dogs can become dangerous. I love dogs too, and had a 130 lb Akita who lived almost 15 yrs when he was put to sleep because he could barely walk and he bit me as I walked by him, and I didn’t want him biting my grand kids. Found out he lost a lot of weight, but with his thick fur, it didn’t show that he went from 130 lbs down to 89 lbs. Kirsti Noem said, read her book, she talked a lot about it and they took things out of context, like the media is so used to doing.

Hanne Jeppesen May 3, 2024 - 10:48 PM - 10:48 PM

Maga Sam, I’m sorry I don’t think I’m wrong, and from my experience most farmers are animal lovers. !4 months old is a very young dog, anyway that is not the issue. The issue is the dog was never given a chance.

Max I remember the story about the St. Mary’s coach, yes those were dangerous dogs. I’m more of a cat person and I’m not comfortable around certain big dogs, German Sheppards, Pittbulls, I would still not be comfortable with someone shooting them. She is the Governor of a state, I’m sure she could have found a vet to put the dog down if that was the only solution. The situation you describe with your dog is very different, your dog was old and sick, and you had him put to sleep, that was the right think to do. By the way Akita’s are one of my favorite dog breed, they are beautiful and irresistible as puppies.

CJRN May 3, 2024 - 9:51 PM - 9:51 PM

I agree with you. This story was deeply disturbing. I can’t understand how someone can do something like she did, and then seemingly brag about it.
Yes, you are so correct, she should have tried a trainer before shooting the poor dog to death

Hanne Jeppesen May 3, 2024 - 10:36 PM - 10:36 PM

If they dog is dangerous to people and children and another solution cannot be found, I can see taking it to a vet and have it humanely put dow, how can you take a gun and shoot what is suppose to be your pet, even if it is misbehaving? Read my post, I grew up in farm country, I have had numerous cats, when they the got old and sick I took them, with a heavy heart to the vet, and had them peaceful euthanized. Shooting a pet seems barbaric.
Sorry no matter how our of context the story might be I can’t excuse it. Since the story first broke and driving around town I listened to several right wing talk show hosts (there is no left talk shows here anymore) they condenmed her action. Armstrong and Getty kind of skirted around the issue, saying they wouldn’t comment on it, but couldn’t understand who thought it was a good idea to put it in the book.

Max May 4, 2024 - 8:28 PM - 8:28 PM

A gun shot to the head is instant. Farmers used to kill live stock with a gun shot. If a horse broke his leg, they were shot. Kristi said her family was the last resort for the dog, the other family gave up on him and since she had trained several dogs, they tried. Then the dog started killing other animals–

MAGA SAM May 3, 2024 - 10:01 PM - 10:01 PM

You’re wrong as usual. That’s farm life. And no, it’s not usually done by a vet. It wasn’t a puppy. “It sounds like” isn’t the story. Why would you deceptively describe this if you’re so familiar with the story? Hmm suspect.
Now tell us how you feel about COVID HOAX perpetrator dr death anthony fauci torturing thousands of innocent puppies for “science”.
Bet you don’t .

Hanne Jeppesen May 3, 2024 - 10:58 PM - 10:58 PM

Noem herself called the dog a puppy. Judge Jeanine Pirro was very critical of her actions. This is not a right or left issue, this is not a Trump supporter issue, this a animal lover issue. End of story.

MAGA SAM May 4, 2024 - 6:26 AM - 6:26 AM

Read Maxs post. The dog had already killed. Where I’m from, that is a good indication the dog should be put down. Where I’m from a bullet to the head is the most humane way to put an animal out of its misery. You confused 14 months with 4 months. Imagine this is a pit bull in Concord that has already killed the neighbors dog and bit the kids. What would animal control do? Your emotions are out of wack about this because she’s MAGA, nothing more. Using a vet is an option but not necessary a “more humane” option. There’s more than one way to skin a cat.

Dr. Jellyfinger May 4, 2024 - 8:22 AM - 8:22 AM

Too bad she didn’t just send the dog away somewhere to live with “Other relatives”…..

Original G May 4, 2024 - 9:38 PM - 9:38 PM

You might appreciate this one.

Roz May 4, 2024 - 5:24 AM - 5:24 AM

Our daughter & son-in-law were stationed up in Cordova Alaska for his Coast Guard service, the last 3 years.
There are no roads to Cordova, … just airplanes, boats and part time ferry.
A Vet would only come out there every 2 or 3 months.
If a dog was sick, hurt or a danger to anyone the means of care was to take it to the woods and shoot it.
Some Farmers and Mountain Folks do things a bit different than City Folks.

MAGA SAM May 4, 2024 - 2:56 PM - 2:56 PM

Oh but hanne knows better because she grew up on a farm….yeah. Again just doing her part to not MAGA. She listens to conservative talk radio. Who is Jeanine Pirro? And who cares what she said?
If this wasn’t a political issue to hanne, she wouldn’t be posting this in a political thread. Just like the COVID HOAX wasn’t political. Just an innocent old lady who works for Macys and immigrated from a farm town in denmark that didn’t side with nazis and an avid listener of conservative talk radio because NPR doesn’t tune in on her transistor radio..sure

whenwilltheylearn May 6, 2024 - 2:33 AM - 2:33 AM

you forgot being an au pair in Eastpoint

Hanne Jeppesen May 6, 2024 - 12:43 PM - 12:43 PM

Westport, I’m flattered that you read my comments, even if you don’t like me.

Hanne Jeppesen May 4, 2024 - 7:54 PM - 7:54 PM

Roz, I understand the situation you are describing, that is was not the case with Noem.

MagaSam, I’m pretty sure you know Jeanine Pirro, she is on Fox News and a staunch supporter of Trump.
I posted it here because it involves the governor of a state, I did actually contemplate posting it on “Whatever”; Your personal attack on my show what a small person you are, obviously taking lessons from Trump. No class.

Glen223 May 4, 2024 - 9:31 PM - 9:31 PM

Hanne, there are a lot of us that grew up on a farm…..40-50 miles from a vet, who btw was usually out on another large animal call. One does NOT always the “luxury” of having a vet nearby….

Ya do what ya gotta do. And sometimes the bullet to the head is the most humane way to handle it.

This ain’t Denmark, sweetie.

Hanne Jeppesen May 5, 2024 - 5:52 PM - 5:52 PM

There is no need to be patronizing. All I’m saying in this case with Kristi being the governor I’m sure she had other options. From reading the excerpt on the internet and listening to several commentators, and not liberal ones, including dog trainers, it sounded like didn’t give the dog a chance and the same with the goat. The way she put it, “it was worthless and the goat smelled”. I agree if an animal is suffering and there is no other option a bullet can be humane. This dog was not suffering, couldn’t she lock it up for a day or two until she could find a more humane solution. I amazed how many are willing to defend her, would you do the same if she was a liberal? Just asking.

MAGA SAM May 4, 2024 - 10:12 PM - 10:12 PM

I don’t trust you or your intentions. You said “screw my freedoms” because the media told you it was the right thing to do. You post trash opinions and try to deflect responsibility because you’re just a simple open minded middle of the road immigrant…sure. You have straight lied and attempted to manipulate people about whatever the democrat topic of the day was be it ukraine, masks, inappropriate books in schools, antifa, george floyd, jussie smolet, race, gender, inflation, vaccines, whatever the democrat talking point is, you’re here pushing it. You are an opp, I don’t believe for one second you’re a member of the community. I think you’re a plant trying to portray as a normal person with simple honest opinions. Jeanine pirro is an old drunk media lady who gets paid to spew divisive nonsense. What are you?

Hanne Jeppesen May 5, 2024 - 5:57 PM - 5:57 PM

Your comments about me get more and more ridiculus. You obviously have a problem with anyone who do not think like you. What do you mean you think I’m a plant? I live here I work here, (you know where to find me) I pay taxes. I have not lied, and how can I manipulate anyone, everyone have the freedom to make up their own mind, they can read my comments, not read them, disagree or agree, that is what this forum is all about. I don’t remember commenting on Jussie Smollet nor inflation. You think anyone not agreeing with you are lying.

MAGA SAM May 5, 2024 - 7:50 PM - 7:50 PM

It’s too bad hanne. I think you not agreeing with reality is the problem. It has nothing to do with me. Your battle is with truth and facts.
So how do you feel about dr anthony fauci torturing puppies?

Frank May 5, 2024 - 4:32 PM - 4:32 PM

she never said she killed a sheep

Hanne Jeppesen May 5, 2024 - 5:58 PM - 5:58 PM

She did it is there black and white in her book. It is easy to find on the internet.

frank May 5, 2024 - 6:56 PM - 6:56 PM

It was a goat . They are different from sheep. You need not apologize. I don’t care .

Glen223 May 6, 2024 - 7:08 AM - 7:08 AM

But it’s ok. Hanne said she grew up “around farmers.”

Sheep, goats, steers, puppies…. They’re all the same to her.

Dr. Jellyfinger May 5, 2024 - 5:45 PM - 5:45 PM

Obama admitted he ate dog….. no problem.

Dr. Jellyfinger May 6, 2024 - 6:42 PM - 6:42 PM

Where is the outrage?

Glen223 May 6, 2024 - 7:02 AM - 7:02 AM

“Grew up around farmers…” says nothing. Until you’ve worked/lived in a farm and depended on it for survival, you might want to reconsider your opinion.

I’ve known people that have grown up around doctors, veterinarians, nurses and dentists…does that make them knowledgeable about medicine?

I think not.

Hanne Jeppesen May 6, 2024 - 2:44 PM - 2:44 PM

I understand farm life. My dad was a gardner, and the friends I played with and were friends with in my small community all lived on farm, small, big or medium. My girlfriend and I would ride through town as 10-11 years old on an old work horse, both of us on one horse, the horse was massive and very docile. We played in the fields with the cows. Do I know everything about farming, no. I do however know how rural life was in the fifties in Denmark. Does it compare to the US? No, the US is much bigger and they do things differently.
I stick with my point that no matter other situations, Kristi Noem had other options. I haven’t heard Trump defending her actions. In fact his daughter in law (Eric’s wife) is very passionate about rescuing animals. I think Kristi Noem’s chances to become VP is slim to none.

Bob May 3, 2024 - 9:17 PM - 9:17 PM

Only because it’s been a while, I’d just like to remind everyone dont look at me, I dont think I voted for him.

MAGA SAM May 4, 2024 - 6:30 AM - 6:30 AM

Imagine calling your political opponents
dangerous extremists because they want:
– secure borders
– free speech
– a balanced budget
– have foreign countries pay their fair share
of their own defense
– low taxes
-nuclear family values
– no chemical castration of minors

MAGA SAM May 4, 2024 - 5:28 PM - 5:28 PM

Trump has already won. Everyone wants these things.

Hayden Barsotti May 4, 2024 - 6:35 AM - 6:35 AM

In reference to politicians, there are so many horse’s a$$es that there aren’t enough horses.

MAGA SAM May 4, 2024 - 8:12 AM - 8:12 AM

Now biden wants to reverse the TRUMP TAX CUTS FOR THE MIDDLE CLASS. Gotta love it

Dammed Ineffectual May 4, 2024 - 3:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Reverse? They have already expired, and that was how Trump set it up.

MAGA SAM May 4, 2024 - 5:26 PM - 5:26 PM

Yes biden wants the middle and lower earners to pay more taxes. Can you believe it? biden could absolutely keep this in place. I thought he was for the poor people. Guess not.

MAGA SAM May 5, 2024 - 10:06 AM - 10:06 AM

I just can’t believe biden wants to destroy the middle class further. I thought he was the good guy. At least he doesn’t shower with his daughter like Trump…

Darwin May 4, 2024 - 11:13 AM - 11:13 AM

The democrats are finding another reason to hate America after the BLM terrorists failed. Now it’s about being pro hamas an organization that is pro kidnapping, rape and murder. Way to go democrats.

Captain Bebops May 4, 2024 - 12:59 PM - 12:59 PM

Black Rock’s Larry Fink seems to think that population reduction is a good thing. Work needed can be done by robots. A good thing for whom? Larry? Of course he’s the maniac in charge of Black Rock one of the largest hedge funds and an elitist. OK Larry, here is your appointment for your euthanasia session so you can be first in line to assist your goal. How is that such mentally ill people like Fink get into positions like these?
(A video from a World Economic Forum panel discussion or is it the World Economic Funny Farm).

Dr. Jellyfinger May 5, 2024 - 7:31 PM - 7:31 PM

We will wind up like the Eloi in “The Time Machine”

Original G May 4, 2024 - 1:01 PM - 1:01 PM

Oh my, more unresolved mental health issues ? ? ?
‘The shocking moment a ‘trans student’ beat up a much smaller girl in a school bathroom fight was caught on video. The brawl took place at Arcadia High School in Greece, New York….’
Nashville shooter, who bought weapons legally, was under Doctor’s care for ‘Emotional Disorder’.
Colorado Springs shooter, purchased weapons legally. Had previous cases been taken to trial should have been put on no buy list and should have has all weapons confiscated by authorities.
America doesn’t have a firearm or high ammunition capacity problem, it has a serious mental health problem. IF you research in depth you find legal purchase of firearms by mass shooters is mainly due to a failure to update federal database with convictions, court actions, non reporting by Doctors, clinicians and military services. What is additionally needed is confiscation of firearms of those on or added to federal list.
“The Air Force failed six times to report information that could have prevented the ex-airman who killed more than two dozen people in a Texas church from purchasing a gun…”
“Co-workers, supervisors and associates of Washington Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis raised concerns about his mental health, but those fears were never reported to the government…”
‘Fellow reservist warned of mass shooting before gunman’s attack in Maine’
Could go on with more examples, . . . .
Problem is not guns,
problem is an already in place “system” failing to protect citizens.
Next time a politician whines about gun laws ask them what they have done to strengthen reporting of those who should not have or be able to buy firearms.
You might experience a moment of silence.
Need to keep in mind they are not in office to solve difficult problems.

Glen223 May 6, 2024 - 7:04 AM - 7:04 AM

The only thing the politicians can say is “I introduced another anti-gun law” or “I voted for xxx antigun law.”

PO'd May 4, 2024 - 1:30 PM - 1:30 PM

The Dems are getting desperate- they keep pushing for Palestinians to enter US as refugees.
That should finish any chance they thought they have for victory in Nov. I’ll lay good money
on the rise of antisemitism continuing to escalate if allowed to happen. Going to be a
violent summer at the urging of the far left, if the college “protests” make it to the conventions.

Dawg May 5, 2024 - 1:46 AM - 1:46 AM

Letting in refugees, and having an open border, is all part of the Democrat plan. Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi have talked about it. They talked about how immigration is good for our country because American birth rate is down, and that immigrants will have babies born here as American citizens, and will grow up and vote Democrat.

Original G May 6, 2024 - 10:24 AM - 10:24 AM

Next thing ya know there will be mandatory background checks to buy fireworks and pressure cookers.

Sancho Panza May 4, 2024 - 2:17 PM - 2:17 PM

“The truth may be stretched thin, but it never breaks, and it always surfaces above lies, as oil floats on water.”
― Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Don Quixote
The truth is finally surfacing…even Chris Cuomo is talking about jab injuries and the gaslighting of injured–iatrogenic democide!


Mike McDermott May 4, 2024 - 2:55 PM - 2:55 PM

March 2024 unemployment rate by state. Nationwide state median is 3.3%. California is the worst of all states at 5.3%. That my friends is a rate 62% higher than the median. Where is the handwringing and outrage?

Perhaps California is leading the way again…into the next recession.


The Fearless Spectator May 4, 2024 - 6:02 PM - 6:02 PM

Bad ideas never die. They go to California.

Original G May 5, 2024 - 10:02 AM - 10:02 AM

You are so right !

Glen223 May 4, 2024 - 9:25 PM - 9:25 PM

And all the democrats can do is say “but but but but California has the world’s 5th largest economy.”

They neglect to mention the high homeless rate.

If democrats didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards.

Bobfished May 4, 2024 - 9:13 PM - 9:13 PM

If you are in the U.S and are on a student visa and support Hamas you should be deported.

Hope Johnson May 5, 2024 - 7:34 PM - 7:34 PM

What should happen to you if you are a US born leader of Israel and spent millions of dollars to support Hamas to help it destroy the Palestinian Authority? These are the actions that have led to this moment.

Your rhetoric to avoid the discussion of whether or not the US should send money to fund the murder of civilians is meaningless. Your willingness to support suppression of the 1st Amendment will come back to bite you.

Original G May 4, 2024 - 9:28 PM - 9:28 PM

Want to have some fun ? ? ?
Send this to your kool aid drinking liberal friends,
they may never speak to you again.

DOH May 5, 2024 - 12:55 AM - 12:55 AM
Fact Check May 5, 2024 - 8:44 AM - 8:44 AM

Ha! You’re quoting CNN?
CNN does not deal in facts. They are propaganda for the looney left.

whenwilltheylearn May 5, 2024 - 3:32 PM - 3:32 PM

its an opinion site and 1 percent of the country watches,same number that are mentally ill,funnily enough

Concord Guy May 6, 2024 - 10:34 AM - 10:34 AM

I’m surprised that there were only 32 lies in Trump’s interview. Lying is his nature. It is who he is. He must have restrained himself in the Time interview.

Dynomite D May 7, 2024 - 7:37 PM - 7:37 PM

Recently, Kamala Harris was leaving a restaurant and she was confronted by a reporter who asked her a serious question about a current conflict happening overseas, right now! Her response chuckling was “Shrimp and Grits!” Why would a Vice president act so arrogantly, very alarming. But here we are arguing about putting a dog to sleep.

Dr. Jellyfinger May 5, 2024 - 8:32 AM - 8:32 AM
Dr. Jellyfinger May 5, 2024 - 8:43 AM - 8:43 AM

You know when you post something that’s a complete lie the internet Lords erase the content.

MAGA SAM May 5, 2024 - 10:04 AM - 10:04 AM

Noticed that as well. Funny how that works.

I'm New Here May 5, 2024 - 10:56 AM - 10:56 AM

Being in the middle politically is the place to be. This is where the work gets done. Neither Marjorie Taylor Greene nor AOC speak for me. I think for myself, as I was educated to do, by my father (and mother).

The city that I live in, in Oregon, leans just slightly Democrat (52%-48% or so). We have low crime and safe clean streets, vibrant businesses, and a top-notch library. Homeless people are helped and housed. We live a mile from farms, and vineyards. Free concerts in the park during summer. Fresh corn and strawberries during the summer. Beef from cows raised 14 miles away. I live next door to a Christian conservative, and a nice liberal professor. I get along well with both and like them both.

This country is almost evenly split between conservatives and liberals. I just don’t have enough anger to hate one group or another.

whenwilltheylearn May 5, 2024 - 3:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Good luck now,liberal

I'm New Here May 5, 2024 - 5:08 PM - 5:08 PM

Being in the middle doesn’t make me liberal. It doesn’t – as my liberal friends think – make me conservative. Is my pro-Second Amendment stance what you find liberal about me? Or is it my anti-crime stance? Is it the fact that I think rent-control is a bunch of b.s.? I look at each issue and make up my own mind. When something doesn’t work out, I re-evaluate my position. I have liberal positions on some issues, conservative positions on some issues, and right-in-the-middle positions on a lot of other issues. It works for me.

Dr. Jellyfinger May 5, 2024 - 6:45 PM - 6:45 PM

And apparently you live in Willoughby….

I'm New Here May 5, 2024 - 10:57 PM - 10:57 PM

Hi Dr. Jellyfinger.

Great Twilight Zone reference! One of my favorite shows when I was a kid (and even now). Where I live is more like Mayberry, but brought into the 21st. century. We have some problems, like everywhere else, but the people on the left and on the right (e.g. on the city council) work together to fix things, rather than sniping at each other. It works here; it might not work everywhere. So here I stay, until my final visit to Willoughby.

whenwilltheylearn May 5, 2024 - 7:17 PM - 7:17 PM

1 ounce of liberal youre a liberal.its embarrassing and youre in denial,but be honest with yourself at least.You can lie in a public forum, and its just good fun.You cant ride the fence on this,its like being kind of pregnant

Hanne Jeppesen May 6, 2024 - 8:40 PM - 8:40 PM

Whenwill That is ridiculous argument, you are bascially saying we all have to think alike. The biggest turn off for me is conservatives that are so closed minded they can entertain the thought of someone thinking differently, and another turn off is liberal that have the same attitude, both are very closed minded. Some issues are complex, not black and white, and of course as people grow and learn the are apt to see things differently. I’m mostly liberal, but a strong supporter of Israel, as those of you who come here will know, I lived there and loved the country and the people. I’m new here, is being honest, you are and embarrassment that you can’t entertain the idea of someone having different positions on different issues. Many are social liberals and fiscal conservatives, what do you call them? Aren’t their position just as legimate as yours?

Jjshawk May 9, 2024 - 9:54 PM - 9:54 PM

Social Liberal + Fiscal Conservative = Libertarian……..which is “the center”, and most of “the swing voters” who are open to voting, “one way, or the other”, depending on the policies/ideas proposed by any given candidate. I have always voted “third party” my entire adult life, until 2016 when I realized that my vote would only help the candidates that I hated. Some of Trump’s rhetoric scares the crap out of me, but I can’t trust either of the two establishments, so I’ll choke down 4 more years of the “Orange Guy” until better people can step into the breach.

MAGA SAM May 5, 2024 - 7:46 PM - 7:46 PM

Too late for that. You’re either with making America great again or you’re for destroying it. There is no middle road. It doesn’t exist. Only old Americans fighting communism, or commie scum trying to tear everything normal apart. Everyone knows what you are.

I'm New Here May 5, 2024 - 11:33 PM - 11:33 PM

Hi Sam,

You have an interesting perspective. Most of the people I know and have worked with through my life were pre-occupied neither with making America great, nor tearing it down. Most of them are just trying to get through life: working, commuting, raising families, dealing with their spouses, helping aging parents. going to church, volunteering in their communities.

None of MY liberal friends are trying to destroy the country. None of MY conservative friends are making America great again. Most are too busy with their children or grandchildren or jobs (or enjoying retirement).

I’m sorry your experience with liberals has been so bad to inspire your hatred, but my experiences with the the many liberals and conservatives among my friends and family (and neighbors and coworkers) has been almost completely positive, so I see things differently. What do you think of your liberal family members?

Hanne Jeppesen May 6, 2024 - 12:53 PM - 12:53 PM

Works for me as well. However, most people want to put you in a box and keep you there. If you say you are a liberal, but a strong supporter of Israel, they don’t believe you. Funny how others think they can define you. I too have friends that are more liberal than me, and some way to the right, but we manage to be friends. Although one of my Danish girlfriends who is much more liberal than me, and very critical of Israel, we don’t discuss these issues, mostly because she can’t debate. When it comes to social issues and lifestyles I’m more liberal than she is.

Mike McDermott May 6, 2024 - 5:41 PM - 5:41 PM

I find myself in a similar conundrum. More conservative than liberal, but still a few too many liberal ideas to feel fully at home at a MAGA rally.

Anyway, I used to say things similar to you about my town of Concord, but sadly no longer. Elon Musk calls it the “Woke Mind Virus”. It usually infects the public schools first, then your city government. In its final stages it infects the chamber of commerce.

Perhaps you live far from sources of infection like Portland of Eugene to feel safe, but don’t assume it can’t reach your city.

Original G May 5, 2024 - 11:57 AM - 11:57 AM

What say you ? ? ?
‘California Bill Would Give Black Applicants An Edge In Getting Occupational Licenses’
Is this bill an attempt to buy black votes for DEMs thru preferential treatment ?

whenwilltheylearn May 5, 2024 - 3:27 PM - 3:27 PM

its a great way to make life more unsafe with unqualified people at a workplace

whenwilltheylearn May 5, 2024 - 3:28 PM - 3:28 PM

can i identify as black?

Glen224 May 6, 2024 - 7:19 AM - 7:19 AM

In other words, having a license does not indicate competency.

And racism will again be the word of the day – just because some were given preferential treatment in their license application.

How about this… do the same thing for drivers licenses, medical licenses, etc….

For this left in California, it’s time to move away from the filth and corruption of the “5th largest economy.”

But don’t forget – California wants to tax your income even if you retire and move out of state.

Original G May 5, 2024 - 4:21 PM - 4:21 PM

Economics, evidently not too many stayed awake during class
so how about equating hourly wage to fast food purchasing power ?
‘For The Slow Ones In Back’
An since we’re on fast food, ain’t it grand what His Imperial Majesty Emperor newsom and knee jerk DEM super majority in CA state legislature did to fast food workers ? ? ?
‘Fast-food restaurants in California are laying off workers to prepare for the $20 minimum wage hike’
Look for kiosks replacing workers to accelerate nationwide as result of DEM’s move here in CA.
DEMs once again screwed over the people they claimed to be helping, same thing happened to CA farm workers after CA piled on laws, regulations and red tape eventually making automation cheaper to use than human labor. Saw first hand on my previous job the huge advances in machine vision, process automation and control, advances in programmable logic controllers (PLC) and software in past 25 years.
Funny thing about DEM politicians, they come up with half baked ideas then expect everything will magically go their way and there will be no negative effects. WRONG

Original G May 5, 2024 - 10:08 PM - 10:08 PM

‘Japanese Corp Says DOJ Requested a Delay on Purchase of U.S. Steel,
Insists It Has Nothing to Do with 2024 Election’
Isn’t it interesting, delay benefits biden by avoiding a confrontation with American Union workers by pushing closing of deal conveniently past presidential election.
My opinion, sale of US Steel to Nippon is the only hope
of ever getting steel plant in Pittsburg back open.

Dr. Jellyfinger May 6, 2024 - 7:33 AM - 7:33 AM

I wonder if Democrats even realize they are being duped?
Worse would be if they realize it but pretend they don’t….
content to go along with chickensh*t Joe until all this election bother passes.

I'm New Here May 6, 2024 - 10:42 AM - 10:42 AM

Hi Doctor J.

I don’t think most Democrats are being duped. Joe Biden is extremely unpopular with a large percentage of the Democrats I know. While he is not completely responsible for the economy, his policies are generally inflationary, which works against most of us. His handling of the border has been atrocious.

But the powers-that-be have anointed Donald Trump and Joseph Biden as the candidates, so that is the choice Dems and Repubs have. Most Democrats dislike Trump more than Biden, just as more Republicans dislike Biden than Trump. I would have preferred two other candidates; Trump and Biden are way too old and much too divisive. And both come with some old nasty-smelling baggage.

Hanne Jeppesen May 6, 2024 - 12:55 PM - 12:55 PM

Works for me as well. However, most people want to put you in a box and keep you there. If you say you are a liberal, but a strong supporter of Israel, they don’t believe you. Funny how others think they can define you. I too have friends that are more liberal than me, and some way to the right, but we manage to be friends. Although one of my Danish girlfriends who is much more liberal than me, and very critical of Israel, we don’t discuss these issues, mostly because she can’t debate. When it comes to social issues and lifestyles I’m more liberal than she is.

Hanne Jeppesen May 6, 2024 - 12:56 PM - 12:56 PM

Again I agree with “I’m new here”, I too would have liked to see someone younger and more vibrant on either side.

Original G May 6, 2024 - 7:14 PM - 7:14 PM

I’m New Here, …
Have another view,
28 October 1980 Ronald Reagan asked these questions,
“… are you better off than you were 4 years ago?
Is it easier for you to go and buy things in the stores than it was 4 years ago?
Is there more or less unemployment in the country than there was 4 years ago?
Is America as respected throughout the world as it was?
Do you feel that our security is as safe, that we’re as strong as we were 4 years ago?”
Would you rather have a career Swamp Creature as President who needs a poll to decide what he thinks or a person hasn’t spent decades being a politician?
I was around for America’s 444 day embarrassment of carter, oil embargo,.
Bush’s IDIOT kid, Von-Zipper clinton who got Ukraine to give up their nukes and a self absorbed mirror worshiping teleprompter lecturer who is still convinced if you are nice, apologize and give billions to a terrorist supporting country, they’ll like us.
If you look up resume of Bush senior you will find he was well qualified to be President.
Under Bush, Reagan and Trump America was feared as it should be.
biden and harris were a mistake and condition world finds itself in is evidence.
Cognitively impaired and vastly under qualified are accurate descriptors of biden-harris regime.
Difference between career politician and a person who has run multi billion dollar corporations who knows how to deal with leaders.
obama at Korea DMZ hiding behind clear bullet proof panels.
Trump at Korea DMZ,
‘Trump takes historic walk from the DMZ into North Korean territory as he meets Kim Jong-un, who hails him as ‘courageous’ – and the president invites dictator to visit the U.S. and announces resumption of ‘concrete negotiations’ ‘
Vast difference between the teleprompter lecturer and PRESIDENT Trump.

Dr. Jellyfinger May 10, 2024 - 7:55 AM - 7:55 AM

“Cognitively impaired and vastly under qualified are accurate descriptors of Biden-Harris regime”
It is also an accurate description of many American voters.
America needs qualified voters, not just every knucklehead over 18.
Time to require a voting license just like a driver’s license to prove you have enough common sense and intelligence to be allowed to do it.

Original G May 6, 2024 - 3:49 PM - 3:49 PM

biden harris are greater WIMPS than carter and bowing-n-apologizing obama.
“We maintain the peace through our strength;
weakness only invites aggression.”
–Ronald Reagan

“History teaches that war begins when
governments believe the price of aggression is cheap.”
–Ronald Reagan

An what did biden just do ? ? ?
‘Biden bows to pressure from anti-Israel Democrats and suspends ammunition shipment to Israel for first time since Hamas October 7 terror attacks’
If Reagan or Trump were President right now, would events playing out have taken place ? ? ?
Current American college protests were planned long before 07 October attack on Israel.
444 day Iran hostage crisis happened because America had that WIMP carter as president.

Original G May 6, 2024 - 10:01 AM - 10:01 AM

What the heck could go wrong ? ? ?
It’s called tunnel vision, never considering what might go wrong . . . . .
Where Unsold EVs Go To Die:
Belgium’s Ports Drowning Under Glut Of Chinese Imports’
India, . . . .
“The world’s largest floating solar plant at Omkaresh Dam has been badly damaged in a storm.”
Water + Wind = WAVES
Engineering degrees (intelligence) sometimes,
equivalent to degrees on a rectal thermometer.
Would tell new electricians at work,
“they provide bosses and engineers for our entertainment”

happypappy May 6, 2024 - 2:37 PM - 2:37 PM

The USA right now is the perfect example of what can quickly happen to a prosperous business when you hire all the wrong people.

Cyn May 6, 2024 - 7:06 PM - 7:06 PM

You are exactly right. And I just learned that MIT recently announced they’re eliminating DEI from their hiring process. Hopefully, more will follow.

Original G May 7, 2024 - 1:56 PM - 1:56 PM

Intentional sabotage began the day obama biden took over
and is continuing in obama’s third term we’re living thru.
‘Biden ‘finishing the job’ my administration started, Obama says’

Buck May 7, 2024 - 8:29 PM - 8:29 PM

This Country as we know it can not survive a 4th Obama term.

happypappy May 6, 2024 - 8:47 PM - 8:47 PM

By direction from that puppeteer Obama, Biden the puppet has let in almost as many illegal aliens as Ellis Island did lawfully in 60 years.

I'm New Here May 6, 2024 - 9:40 PM - 9:40 PM

Hi Mike,

Close enough to Portland to enjoy shows and stuff like the T-Rex exhibit at the science museum, but far enough away and in a different county to avoid the Portland problems. The county is primarily liberal techies and conservative farmers and vineyard owners, which is a fine mix and brings in a nice stream of income for our city and county.

Original G May 7, 2024 - 3:00 PM - 3:00 PM

What’s the latest term for ILLEGALS ? ?
Ah yes, “newcomers”.
Well one of those newcomers is under arrest.
Here’s how biden – giggles are protecting you and your loved ones,
“… from Guatemala and left the Central American country sometime in January, according to local station WPTV. When he crossed into Mexico, he reportedly surrendered to border patrol and was given a court date in 2027, after which he was released.”
(tinyurl having problems)
Hmm, . . . .
Why not come to America where DEMs let in and protect predatory scum.
If they stayed in their own country and preyed on tender aged, life expectancy is short.
America, where the worlds criminals come to hide out.
Cities, counties and states refuse to cooperate with ICE,
illegal criminals a protected class by DEMs.

Original G May 7, 2024 - 6:58 PM - 6:58 PM

All that money to get an education . . . .
So, Ah, who paid the printer for all those signs ? ? ?
You decide, is it a tell ?

Dr. Jellyfinger May 7, 2024 - 8:43 PM - 8:43 PM

“Newcomer” isn’t accurate… how about “Trespasser” that’s more like it.
Chili Dipper & Taco Bender only insinuates Hispanics and is a little too foodie.
I was always kind of fond of “Sand Belly” that covers most of the border invaders.

Dr. Jellyfinger May 8, 2024 - 5:44 PM - 5:44 PM

Tara Reade is hiding out in Moscow…. (she’s the lady Biden “grabbed by the p%%$y” back in 1993 when he was a Senator). She say’s the DOJ & FBI are after her.


whenwilltheylearn May 9, 2024 - 4:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Looks like they are doing exactly what i said that would do to your PGE bill had announced,They are going to add a flat fee rate hike of $50 to $100(estimate) per month to your bill so that EV owners get a break but non EV owners pay for the EV people to charge their car (electrical infrastructure surcharge)to pay for this massive spending needed for cars that cant be driven for longer than 10 years or more than a few hours,if you go just 55 mph and dont use AC of course.Great deal for EV people if course and taxation without representation of the masses,just the lefties.I told you this was coming………

Original G May 9, 2024 - 5:11 PM - 5:11 PM

Have zero proof to support this,
Wouldn’t surprise me if college protests an what’s happened in mid east wasn’t all run past obama first long before 07 October. Perhaps decades from now proof might come out, one way or the other.

The Professor May 10, 2024 - 7:52 AM - 7:52 AM

So now Chris Cuomo, one of the chief peddlers of Covid BS, has had an epiphany.


“I am taking … a regular dose of Ivermectin. Ivermectin was a boogeyman during COVID. That was wrong. We were given bad information about Ivermectin. The real question is, why?”

“Cuomo walked that back – way back – suggesting that part of the reason Ivermectin was so vehemently rejected was that there was no profit in a drug that was already inexpensive and widely distributed.”

Looks like Chris has seen the light. We were force fed BS. To this day, many continue to gobble up said BS after reluctantly removing their masks and saying, “Thank you sir, may I have more”.

What does it take for the lunatic left to realize and admit that Govt mandated lies force them to live in unnecessary fear and servitude?

happypappy May 10, 2024 - 10:11 AM - 10:11 AM

This Was Obama’s Plan From The Beginning. Prove me wrong!

Breaking: House Democrats Vote UNANIMOUSLY to Give Illegal Aliens Representation in Congress and the Electoral College


THE BLACK KNIGHT May 10, 2024 - 1:47 PM - 1:47 PM

Illegal aliens already have “representation in Congress and the Electoral College.” This House bill passed with Republican votes, but it won’t pass in the Senate, therefore, nothing changes from the current system. Republicans knew exactly where House Democrats stood on this issue prior to the vote, they also knew that this bill wouldn’t pass the Senate, if the Senate were to vote on this bill at all, so, they instead chose to waste more time and our money on an election year political stunt.

Original G May 10, 2024 - 3:07 PM - 3:07 PM

Distract the rabble and steal a country.
Once they have control of congress they will turn the country into a giant California.

Whoe Jim May 10, 2024 - 4:26 PM - 4:26 PM

Gruesome Newsom and his band of minions which he hand picked for the public utilities commission are at it yet again. He has directed PG&E to increase monthly prices over the next two years for many California ratepayers regardless of energy consumption. Another words people will be paying more for others bills who have less income. So some people will lose incentive to conserve. It appears he doesn’t care that many more will flee this failed state due to his pathetic policies…

whenwilltheylearn May 13, 2024 - 5:53 PM - 5:53 PM

“in other words” = “another words”?(makes no sense) for those that didnt pay attention in school…..

whenwilltheylearn May 13, 2024 - 5:50 PM - 5:50 PM

Biden’s $430 billion student loan forgiveness plan shot down in court.To give him the nickname” Mr false hope” is being kind.

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