Home » The Water Cooler – Dealing With Protesters

The Water Cooler – Dealing With Protesters


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

QUESTION: Do you think protesters, especially those on college campuses and freeways, are given too much leeway in the United States?


Talk about it….

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Yes. If they’re blocking the freeway, run them over. The only way they’ll learn.


Yes! absolutely! Those that were chained to barrels – just drag ’em to the side of the road off the bridge and leave them chained! They should be in jail and liable for all the costs associated with their removal including the salaries of LE, missed appts, etc. Calif is soooooooo weak and lib these days… truly sad what this state has become


Well, I read about protesters at a museum in Europe that glued themselves to the floor to disrupt everyone. What did the authorities do? They put a fence around the protesters so they couldn’t see out. They also had all visitors leave, turned off the lights closed the museum and left the protesters to hang out all night. Before too much time they were screaming for help. Thirsty, hungry and need to go to the bathroom. The authorities left them there (with security) that they couldn’t see or hear for the night.


That is amazing.




“Do you think protesters, especially those on college campuses and freeways, are given too much leeway in the United States?”
The recent college campus protests are nowhere close to what we experienced in 2020 with the George Floyd protests.


They’re probably the same groups.


Firehose!!!!!But they might melt……


A little Kent State action would go a long way towards dealing with these twerps.


“A little Kent State action…” Such a blasé reference to an American tragedy. Are you advocating for the National Guard to shoot and kill protestors? Tell us the truth, Ruth.


Especially since Kent State was a peaceful protest, one of the 4 shot were just walking by. We all have a right to protest, we should all be grateful for, that is part of democracy. China, Russia other countries don’t allow protests. However, no one have the right to think they are so special that they can disrupt other people lives, which protester do when they block traffic etc. In a case like that the police have the right to remove them, not to shoot at them or cause them harm, but put them in handcuffs and remove them.


I agree. All are high value targets.


Especially those on freeways. If someone is dim enough to stand on a highway/freeway/main artery of transportation to deliberately impede traffic, I think it should just be considered a darn shame if these vehicles continue to travel at the posted speed limit, replacing the displayed/held sign with only some unworn shoes. I was going to go a bit more graphic in my description of the aftermath of a vehicular introduction to an ignored protestor, but thought better of that.


You feel the same about Ashli Babbit?


She wasn’t blocking traffic on a freeway/major artery, nor was it demonstrated that she was exhibiting any violence. In fact, she was shot while amongst a tight crowd of individuals. So, no.


of course Jeff. once again it’s a specific instance. “Stand in the road. Run them over!!!”

Break into a government building, pound on a door, “no violence there”


She did not break into the building (few did, as evidenced by the videos showing Capitol Police not only opening doors, but shepherding many in). I did not see her pound on the door. Others did, and some did worse. Those people are locked up. Yes, you cited a specific instance.


You’re talking about the same Ashli Babbit that was unarmed and yet shot from behind, with no warning from the Capitol Police who received no consequence for her murder?


I’m reserving judgment until the investigation of the officer and shooting is finished. Oh wait, that’s right…there was no investigation.


Forgot, my response to the former. I do believe I protested on a college campus once, when I was told I had had enough to drink, and felt I could have used a couple more barley sodas. While I find most (let’s face it, all) of these protestors annoying at best, if they are not violent, and are not impeding on the free movement of other college students, let them protest, it is their right as an American. Start veering into violence, or incitement of violence, well, that is something that violence in kind, or worse (I keep thinking of a cleansing wood shampoo) needs to be initiated. Start chanting “Death to America,” and they earn a quick, non-stop flight out of this country, if not a charge of treason (US Code Title 18).


If they’re going to block our bridges and freeways and mess up thousands of people’s day I think the water cannon works effectively.


Were any of these comments helpful?…….what is this space for?…to get lessons in sarcasm…or really tiring to solve problems? Have you ever considered the principal… “wise citizens build up their community ….foolish ones tear it down by their own hands”


@Claude Long
Read “Dawg’s” post below. Arrest, sue, deport, suspend, expel. Some excellent solutions there.


Think the road blockers should become hood ornaments.


Everybody on the freeway that was inconvenienced by the protesters blocking traffic, should obtain a copy of the police report with the names and addresses of everyone that was arrested, and sue each individual. If they don’t have any money, they can be sued for future assets. If they are indeed college students, after they graduate, and become professionals earning a good income, their salary can be garnished. Any protester that is not a citizen of the United States, and is here on a student visa, should immediately have their visa revoked, and deported back to their home country.
I’m a strong believer in the Constitution, and I am all for protesting for what a person believes in, even if I disagree with them, but it should be done in a civil, and peaceful manner.
Instead of protesting in a way that pisses most people off, maybe they could take out an add and go on television to tell their side of the story. That way, some people might listen to them, and maybe a few will even sympathize with them.
Protesters that are protesting on a college campus, and causing a disruption, should be dealt with by the college, and depending on the circumstances, they should be suspended or expelled.


Blow torch works best by heating up the metal collars. They will be sure to let go!


And they want us to “FORGIVE” their student loans.
What a crock of s**t!


In this version of California, bridge protesters will get probation and perhaps community service.
But this is an election year.
In CA when I was growing up,
Ronald Reagan Lays Down The Law at Berkeley


We all have the same rights, freedom of movement being one of them.

No one, or group, has the right to deprive others of their rights.

The consequences for depriving others of their rights should be severe.


That is exactly what these protesters are doing. Trying to tear down our communitys.


If you say I am Hamas, then you need to be arrested and put in jail. You are a terrorist. If you’re not a citizen then you need to be arrested and immediately deported. Any student that does this should not have their student loan paid off and expelled from school.


Part of the Democratic Party is Hamas, just look at the squad. Democrats hate America and are trying to destroy this great country


To Dawg…& CYN….now those are some practical recommendations and worth looking into for those responsible in handling those events….we need more input like that brought to the officials that oversee those events…….How is that done, and will there be a appreciative/ respectable response?


Yes, they are given too much leeway. I believe they have the right to peaceful assembly and protest BUT they ABSOLUTELY DO NOT have the right to infringe on other peoples’ rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That’s where their rights end.

I had a post surgery appointment at UCSF and arrived early in San Francisco when I got a call from my doctor’s office that my appointment was cancelled because he was stuck trying to get across the Golden Gate Bridge. It turns out that he spent several hours in the Robin Williams tunnel trying to get to UCSF. I was able to get the appointment rescheduled for two days later. There could have been a medical issue, in addition to a few hours of my time wasted, along with the gas and bridge toll. However, there were people who did not get their surgeries because of him not being able to get to the hospital.
The CHP is looking for input for anyone who was impacted by the protests at chpmarin@chp.ca.gov


Sorry you had to experience that Clayden….it well illustrates that serious, practical…..and realistic actions are needed …..it appears like law enforcement plays “footsies” with these people…its not detectable that C.H.P. and local law enforcements handling these takeovers of our streets and highways is discouraging anyone, except the innocent …..It really surprises me, because since i was a young man my experience with the C.H.P. had consistently been impressive…. they have always had a reputation of being a top notch organization……
I don’t fully understand why they don’t get tougher with at least the leaders of these groups….maybe there’s something else involved their not telling us….or its going over my head…the lack of effectiveness, i suspect is what breeds all these cynical comments….people don’t feel there’s anything left to trust.
….The whole thing defies rational thinking.

Apparently they want the input from anyone impacted so they can properly prosecute and get restitution from the protestors. This is a real positive IMHO.

I can assure that if the issue was about Trump re-election being overthrown the “tough love” (remember that trope) group would be in the streets protesting and undoubtedly blocking traffic too. Via government manipulation we are edging closer and closer to a police state.


Trump 2024!

Metal off road bumper on my truck. Foot to the floor. Problem solved permanently.


As much as I think the protesters that stop traffic is misguided, and being very selfish, violence is not the answer. Do those of you who so casually suggests run them over, actually be willing to do that. It is so easy to make suggestions like that, it is very different when they are in that situation. I would have to think that most the propose that, would have a hard time doing it, or if the did and actually killed someone, might have some regrets later. Most of these are very young people (though that is not an excuse) I would imagine some years later might turn conservative, or at least regret what they did. US does not give the death penalty for protesting.


I think the suggestions of running them over is excessive but we are not placing them under arrest them and they are not punished for these crimes …. So what we to do?

We want these folks to stop inconveniencing us because they don’t like the flavor of the month. Their protest at the university or the bridge or the freeway will have ZERO impact on what happens, so find a new venue to get support.

Personally, bean bags and fire hoses; provide no public supplied/paid for medical treatment for those injured as put themselves in harm way. Suffer the consequences of your piss poor decisions as a close friend like to say.

Besides if you run someone over you will be prosecuted for murder or attempted murder.


This is a good excuse to “test” public transit (unless BART was blocked too) / I’m also riding my bike for errands (in my community). If things keep going on like this – I might invest in a E bike. I honestly think roads, highways, and bridges – should never be blocked (as a “protest” statement).

These protestors support Hamas and other terrorist groups! These protestor’s tell the Jewish people to go back to Poland. These protestors are committing hate crimes and some members of the liberal Democrat party are supporting them! Hamas and Hezbollah both want all Jewish people eliminated.
So much for inclusion!!!



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