The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
QUESTION: Do you feel like we’re closer than we’ve ever been to WW3, or do you think we’re still pretty far away from that happening?
Talk about it….
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
QUESTION: Do you feel like we’re closer than we’ve ever been to WW3, or do you think we’re still pretty far away from that happening?
Talk about it….
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Feels like it.
Fingers are crossed but I think we are.
Nuke ’em all.
No. There may be a lot of crazies out there but I think they are reined in enough to kept from starting a “big one”. Besides the money junkies seem to like extended “forever” wars at our expense. It’s up to us to stop that.
So we’ll get to see the billionaires doomsday bunkers go to waste and maybe them bankrupt which is just karma. And some will have a lot of canned beans to eat. 😁
Yup, close to war.
History is a good indicator,
compare iran’s behavior while 444 day jimmy THE WIMP carter was president to when Ronald Reagan became President. Compare iran’s behavior when obama biden were in control to term of President Trump.
obama biden foreign policy,
biden harris foreign policy,
“We maintain the peace through our strength;
weakness only invites aggression.”
–Ronald Reagan
“History teaches that war begins when
governments believe the price of aggression is cheap.”
–Ronald Reagan
Ask yourself,
is America strong under biden harris
is America feared under biden harris.
IF world survives for this long, there might be a chance.
Depends on your vote in November.
Unfortunately yes….. Nostradamus said it was to start in the Middle East around this time I believe as well … if you believe in that but it has a surprisingly accurate pattern
hate to think of the worst….
It may not be possible for a WW III to actually develop. With the weapons of today; one group may be able to instantly annihilate another; and its all done….
That’s the idea
Very close. It is time to crank up the meat grinder
Things are dicey in the Middle East. And Taiwan remains a potential flash point. We have, however, a competent administration with a coherent State Department. The coalition of allies that President Biden already has already built will continue to strengthen. This strength will serve as a deterrent to bad actors, therefore easing the prospect of WWIII at this time.
That the biggest load of crap I think I have ever read. You guys ain’t even trying anymore. Step it up will you Stevie Wonder can see through that Nonsense
This post is sarcasm, ….right???
@concord Guy
My labrador was more competent and coherent than this administration.
Concord Guy, are you kidding? Is your statement a joke? Cause it sure isn’t true! Competent my —.
You all are entitled to believe what you will, as am I. My viewpoint is based upon my reading reliable news sources. Yours, I’m not so sure…
@ Concord guy???
are you high????
No. Just rational and informed.
Two things this administration is not.
Do you folks have any idea how much marijuana you’d have to smoke to zook your mind up badly enough to make a statement like Concord Guy just did?
Concord Guy….Just for laughs tell us what “reliable news sources” you read.
I’m betting you’re to embarrassed to tell us.
I don’t know if a world war will happen, but one thing is for sure, we are not doing anything to prevent it. Biden’s open border policy is allowing millions of illegal invaders from every corner of the world into our country, and we have no idea how many of them are here to spy on us, and do us harm.
After leaving more than $7 billion of military equipment in Afghanistan, and sending over $75 billion in arms, spare parts, and maintenance to Ukraine, it has left the US without a sufficient amount of weapons and munitions to meet the many conflicts developing around the world, and if a war should develop, the Pentagon doesn’t have a plan to win. According to the Left, it would be racist to defend ourselves.
Something to ponder, Woodrow Wilson was president at the beginning of WWI, and FDR was president at the beginning of WWII. Both were Democrats.
if it happens,it happens before November.
I do not think we are close, only that, putin is not as dim as biden and can see how duplicitous jinping can be. While biden represents no threat whatsoever at retaliation, or even defense of the nation, there are some behind him who would kind of force him to retaliate. Maybe they’ll tell biden that putin is MAGA (Lord knows he’ll believe that machination from the clinton clan), or jinping is corn pop, come back for another fantastic fight. The mideast will remain what it is; if the US gets brought into conflict with iran, that wiping out could be rather quick (assuming we limit the RsOE that hamper only us).
No, no one want’s to lose their regime, they just like to rattle their sabers. We could keep concerning ourselves with it but that’s just addiction to the fear. “What did the pig say on Toy Story?” “Go back to your lives citizens, nothing to see here” . There is nothing you can do about it anyway “just look at the Free Gaza bunch and see how effective they are” (LOL). If there is anything to worry about is that we will tear ourselves apart from the inside so all I can do is take care of myself, take care of my family ,friends,neighbors and do my best to take the path forward. (soapbox preaching)
We’re closer now than we will be after Trump is elected in November. If Biden somehow manages to steal the election, we’ll be even closer than we are now.
Far from it. More concerned about climate change.
Climate Change? LoL!
What about ghosts & outer space alien invasion?
Such a great question! I can’t imagine a better way to spread love and cheer and joy around Contra Costa County than to ask such a question…great job Claycord!
Lucky we’re near the coast…. plenty of beaches for “Concerned Citizens” to bury their heads in the sand.
Next phase of the Great Reset
COVID 19 … WW 3, climate change… what ever you want to call it, … It’s simple! there are TOO many people on earth. You think we have issues now.. Lets just add another 8 BILLION people to this planet … and see what happens. I guarantee you it won’t be pretty!