Home » Man Found Dead On Train At Walnut Creek BART Station – Drug Overdose Suspected

Man Found Dead On Train At Walnut Creek BART Station – Drug Overdose Suspected


BART police announced Saturday morning that a man died of a drug overdose at the Walnut Creek BART station Friday night.

At approximately 8:04 p.m., officers performed a routine patrol check on a train. They then came across an unresponsive male whom they believed was experiencing a drug overdose.

The officers administered one dose of NARCAN, followed by life-sustaining measures.

Medics responded and while attempts were made to resuscitate the man, he was pronounced dead and was handed over to the coroner.


There was no reason to believe there was foul play. Police say narcotics paraphernalia was found on his person.

No other details were immediately available.

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No surprise …. nothing to see here – move along …. move along…… just another day at BART


Homeless living on BART, druggies dying on BART. What a life!


Thats sad. Dont do drugs kids.


He had a free ticket to Paradise…


Gosh golly,how on earth did this happen?


Very sad that BART is no longer the safe, clean form of transportation that took us to our jobs in formerly beautiful, clean San Francisco in the 80s. After hearing someone’s recent experience in coming back from a Giants’ game and being confronted by a nutcase who got in their face and threatened to kill them, I wouldn’t get on it again for any amount of money. Thanks to the bleeding heart Democrats who keep getting elected, riding it is too dangerous.


BART is exponentially safer than driving on a per passenger mile basis. Your much more likely to get yourself killed hit injures in a collision than by a criminal on BART.


Democrats suck. This is all they bring. Fake statistics, fake science, fake attitudes, all fake. Real stats don’t need liars making fraudulent posts online. Real stats show the correlation between public transportation and crime.
Democrats are such a nuisance to normal people trying to live their lives in peace.
Vote Trump, vote out all democrats from California. Let’s get this thing back under control.


Lamorinda Larry, your chances of dying may be greater when driving, but in your own car you don’t need to sit in someone else’s bodily fluids, or look at people passed out on a seat or on the floor, or have someone in your face threatening to kill you. Also, your chances of picking up a disease are probably much greater on BART. Are you a regular BART rider? Just curious.


I was one of those in your first sentence….east bay to Embarcadero Center….every weekday….1979-1981. I was often the first to board, which I liked, but would never do now – would be afraid of being pushed onto the tracks.
@Lamorind Larry
If people don’t feel safe riding BART, they probably won’t ride it, no matter the statistics.

Ten years ago this news story would’ve been shocking. Incredible that now it’s like “Why is this in the news?” Politicians aren’t what they used to be.


As a former Train Operator, in my years of service, I never had an OD onboard… sick passengers yes, OD’s no. SAD. World is gping to hell.


If the Bart police had just kept him out of the system he could have OD’d and died somewhere off of BART property. Just sayin’.


What did the cameras show?

I’m 98.5% sure this person did not pay a fare. BART needs to allow only fare paying riders into the system. They are basically providing a place for people to do drugs and die, should this be allowed? Maybe they can get some inflation reduction act money to secure they system and save lives! Is Weiner drafting a bill on this topic or just updating one to improve needle distribution?

Perhaps it’s time to add a refrigerator car to each BART train. They can rack and stack ’em without interrupting train schedules. Reminds me of the Credence Clearwater Revival tune “Graveyard Train”.


It feels like this is happening at least weekly at this point.

He got what he wanted. They don’t call it “Dope” for no reason.


Please remember, this was somebody’s family. They were a human being and now they’re gone. Say what you want but maybe try to remember that. I hope none of you ever lose someone in a similar way. A person is a person whether or not they meet your standards.



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