The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: If you could choose a restaurant from another part of the Country, and have them open in the Claycord area, which one would you choose, and why?
Talk about it….
Chevy’s, Arby’s, Applebee’s, Mimi’s, Bob’s Big Boys, and bring back C.C. Ole’s
Bo’s BBQ!
Sadly, the legendary Bo McSwine passed a few years ago.
Anything but a chain restaurant. I’d like to see Mediterranean type restaurants. French would be nice, also Northern African, and Middle Eastern restaurants, their food is absolutely delicious. Spanish and Greek are also on the top of my list. Throw in a couple of enjoyable seafood restaurants, and I’d be in heaven.
Olive Garden
Bring back Tahoe Joe’s
Wahoos fish tacos
OliveGarden or Buc E
I’m always hoping for a Texas Roadhouse closer than 40/50 miles away.
For chain restaurants, a Pizzeria Uno or the Rock Wood Fired Pizza would be an excellent addition to Claycord. I’m a big fan of their menus, as they have an excellent assortment of appetizers, pizzas, burgers, sandwiches, and desserts. They are quite different from existing pizza places in the area, especially after Paxti’s closed in Lafayette.
No chains, let it be operated by local people so the money stays here instead of to some corporation in some other state. How about a brewery, beer garden with an outdoor music stage. Maybe they could make cider and sodas, something for everyone that wants to gather there.
One that doesn’t charge $18 for a burger.
Scott’s Seafood … or The Velvet Turtle ….. know it would never happen though
Portillo’s from Chicago
There is one in the Anaheim area, in Buena Park. Ate there last week, tried the Maxwell Street, will stick with their burgers.
Concord has enough mexican restaurants. We need some greek food or good pizzerias.
The pioneer inn.
Please Note: Users who use multiple names will be deleted. Please choose ONE name so others can easily chat with you.
Marie Callender
Hungry Hunter
Elegant Bib
Ming’s(Pleasant Hill). Best Chinese food in the entire area!
White Cottage Tearoom -From Scotland. Knew about it when my son went to visit with the high school baccalaureate program. A Tearoom would be amazing. One suggestion from another part of the Country I remembered.
Bella Roma Pizza. When it was run by its original owner Frank Ciaramitaro from Martinez.
The pizza and the empanadas were great.
An excellent Hof Brau, like the old Sam’s in Oakland or The Green Parrot in SunValley Mall. I understand there’s a Hof Brau in Orinda but I haven’t tried it…….too far to drive. Wish it was in Concord.
Sweet Tomatoes. They brought one back to Arizona… it CAN be done!
Oh yeah Bella…. I can see it now, packed full of folks with their pinkies raised high as they sip their tea…. and the dollars just rolling in, scones and short breads!
I’d invest all my money now if I were you!
Superdawg, a Chicago hot dog joint starting back in the late 1940’s, the kind of place you park and order through the speaker, and they deliver to your car. Best dog ever. Burgers are darn good as well. (superdawg.com)
El Charro, Lettuce Romaine Friends (loved the aebleskivers!) and La Cocotte.
Cracker Barrel
They should turn the KMart on Clayton Road into a Casa Bonita like there is in Denver. Complete with waterfall, divers, and puppet shows but with better food. The one in Denver has tour buses stop there.
Or one of the tropical themed restaurants like at Disneyland or the one in SF that had the airplane crashed in the jungle. Get something out of the ordinary for a change.
The Caribbean Zone! We used to go for dinner and stay for the reggae. Still have a box of match sticks from there.
Casa Bonita was recently purchased by the creators of South Park. They are restoring it to its previous glory.
Flame Broiler!
Love me some Flame Broiler in Southern CA! We ran into a copy cat type place when over in Santa Clara. It was pretty good! I don’t recall the name, but looked like a chain place.
How about a Dutch Bros?
Starbucks. Because the world needs more Starbucks.
A good Steak house. Nothing fancy. Just a good ol steak house.
The Blue Oyster.
Very excited for Original Joe’s opening in Walnut Creek. The entire menu is fantastic but I always end up ordering the white linguine & clams or the famous Joe Burger.
……OJ’s sounds good – but traffic & parking in that area? nope …now put it in Claycord 🙂
Strictly to go, But with the original guido’s running it. Back in the 80’s they were always very well dressed, very tan with a lot of jewelry. Standing behind the counter making and selling their pies. They were the og gtl’s. And their pizzas were the real deal!
Rubio’s Coastal Grill
Please, no more restaurants owned by private equity funds. They are all terrible.
Some examples: Mendocino Farms, Rubio’s, Qdoba, Applebees.
Maggiano’s Little Italy
A good Mongolian BBQ
There are no good Mongolian BBQs