Home » Claycord – Talk About Whatever – April 5, 2024

Claycord – Talk About Whatever – April 5, 2024


Happy Friday to all the wonderful citizens in the City of Claycord.

This is a post with no subject, you can talk about whatever you want. If breaking news happens (such as a shooting, earthquake, etc.), or you hear about something newsworthy, feel free to post it here.

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S April 5, 2024 - 7:03 PM - 7:03 PM

Pick One:
A) Tomatillo & Avocado Salsa
B) Tomatillo Salsa
C) Yuck

Jeff (the other one) April 5, 2024 - 7:51 PM - 7:51 PM

Never had either, but do not like avocado, but imagine tomatillos to be good, so will go with B

Roz April 5, 2024 - 7:57 PM - 7:57 PM

S ~
Both A & B are good, …. but anything with avocado wins, … 🙂

nytemuvr April 6, 2024 - 1:12 AM - 1:12 AM

@S….,”B”….goes with chicken enchiladas really good, use it every time. I would imagine “A” would make a good chicken enchilada sauce too, going to check that next time chicken enchiladas comes up in my meal rotation.

Dawg April 6, 2024 - 1:21 AM - 1:21 AM

A) With lots of avocado. Another recipe I like is avocado with pesto and sun dried tomatoes, spread on a slice of sourdough, sprinkled with Parmesan cheese and toasted in the oven.

Roz April 6, 2024 - 4:33 AM - 4:33 AM

@ DAWG ~
YUM!! Going to try that today!

Captain Bebops April 6, 2024 - 10:41 AM - 10:41 AM

A. I like avocados!
My quiz that will send some of you to the search engines:
A) Bandh Gobhi
B) Aloo Matar
C) Yuck!

Roz April 6, 2024 - 12:52 PM - 12:52 PM

Yes, had to look food items up on Google.
Both sound tasty, but I would pick B to try first.

Dawg April 6, 2024 - 2:20 PM - 2:20 PM

I’ve had aloo matar at Indian restaurants, but not the bandh gobhi. I don’t like cabbage.

Dr. Jellyfinger April 6, 2024 - 2:39 PM - 2:39 PM


S April 7, 2024 - 7:54 AM - 7:54 AM

I know both these dishes: Delicious. I did have to refresh my memory with ‘A’, for the name.
A place in El Sobrante (Punjabi Kitchen) makes an excellent “B”; and has a version with mushrooms too. Best thing about cooking it at home is the aroma building the anticipation.
Thanks Captain; you made my mouth water!

Atticus Thraxx April 8, 2024 - 6:53 PM - 6:53 PM

I’m going to assume Bandh Gobhi is Hindi for Tater-Tots and choose A).

S April 7, 2024 - 7:38 AM - 7:38 AM

I like both; avocado adds an extra creaminess…
No surprise, that I grill the Tomatillo over wood until they are soft…

Cyn April 5, 2024 - 7:30 PM - 7:30 PM

….and congrats on being first.

S April 7, 2024 - 7:54 AM - 7:54 AM


Cowellian April 5, 2024 - 8:14 PM - 8:14 PM

Cowellian’s first,
I’m ready for real Spring.

nytemuvr April 6, 2024 - 1:23 AM - 1:23 AM

@COWELLIAN…… Spring, sprung???….they never worked right. The climate emergency caused it back in the 60s I guess, Trump probably had something to do it too, ask any lefty liberal…….

Roz April 6, 2024 - 4:36 AM - 4:36 AM

Yes so ready for Spring!
This coming up week is going to be good.

Dorothy April 5, 2024 - 9:10 PM - 9:10 PM

Book report: Colossus, D. F. Jones, 1966. Colossus is created to bring peace to the world. It is to be activated as the sole arbiter of the world’s war armaments. Suddenly Colossus is aware of another just like him named Guardian created by the Russian controlled part of the world. Because they are both ultra intelligent machines they soon have more control than was intended by either country and become merged as one. This is a more intense read that most stories of this type. It is also the first part of a trilogy. I do not have the next two books. I have developed an aversion to serials so will not try to find the missing parts.

nytemuvr April 6, 2024 - 1:37 AM - 1:37 AM

@DOROTHY….That title reminded me that I saw a movie back in the 70s? using that book as the screenplay
I don’t remember if it was a good movie or not, going to try and find it now.

Captain Bebops April 6, 2024 - 10:46 AM - 10:46 AM

Try AppleTV+ where it is apparently some of the movies they recently licensed to fill their content void. The movie title is Colussus: The Forbin Project. I may watch it (again) myself. 😉

Captain Bebops April 7, 2024 - 12:39 PM - 12:39 PM

Just an update: AppleTV+ does not have it. Just do a search and you may turn up a place with it. The apps that are supposed to show who has what is usually behind the times. And it’s a Universal Pictures film but not on Peacock either.

THE BLACK KNIGHT April 7, 2024 - 10:37 PM - 10:37 PM

I believe this was the film where actor Hans Gudegast was cast as the lead, but he was told by Lew Wasserman, the head of Universal Studios, that he’d have to change his name in order to keep the role, because Wasserman said “No actor with a German name would be allowed to star in an American film,” and actor Eric Braeden was then born.
Interesting fact, Eric Braeden was one of the pallbearers at the funeral of actor Bob Crane, because they were brothers-in-law, as their wives were sisters Patty Olson and Dale Russell. Bob Crane was married to actress Patricia Annette “Patti” Olson Ateyeh Crane, known in Hollywood as actress Sigrid Valdis, and Eric Braeden is still married to Dale Russell.
Colossus: The Forbin Project was one of the films that inspired director James Cameron.

your neighbor the immigrant April 5, 2024 - 10:59 PM - 10:59 PM

I never knew tomatillo existed until i came to this country, so whether is to eat with chips, cook with chicken, pork ribs or even pozole verde ( green tomatillo sauce pozole soup) i will take B anytime! I make mine from scratch, the best!

whenwilltheylearn April 6, 2024 - 2:08 AM - 2:08 AM

This is why i never read this section because anytime i did its ALWAYS “choose one or the other,,,yuck”
.And still the same.i will try back in 2 or 3 years.

S April 7, 2024 - 7:57 AM - 7:57 AM

every party has a Pooper and that Pooper is you…

Atticus Thraxx April 8, 2024 - 6:50 PM - 6:50 PM

That’s disappointing WHENWILLTHEYLEARN. You’re usually such a bright ray of hope and positivity it sometimes talks my breathe away. 🙂

Dr. Jellyfinger April 6, 2024 - 10:32 AM - 10:32 AM

Oh oh! I hear millions of people are going to be in the “Path of Totality” on Monday.
We still have a couple of days, can’t we do something to help these poor folks?

Dawg April 6, 2024 - 11:25 AM - 11:25 AM

Anybody feel the earthquake? It hit about 11:12 am. It was small and short, probably around a 3 pointer. My cat noticed it too, she stopped eating and stared at me.

Dr. Jellyfinger April 6, 2024 - 2:37 PM - 2:37 PM

3.4 in Berzerkeley @ 11:12 AM
I didn’t feel it out here in Tule Land.

v April 6, 2024 - 12:27 PM - 12:27 PM

City of Concord Staff, Police & Citizens are tryin real hard to get us off the 10 highest crime cities list.
But like a cancer, crime grows.
My ‘hood’ has gotten bad, AGAIN.🥴🤔🙏

Frank April 6, 2024 - 12:42 PM - 12:42 PM

Where is our beloved Atticus?
The whole world is asking

Ancient Mariner April 7, 2024 - 6:57 PM - 6:57 PM

He’s having fun test-driving his new Cadillac!

Atticus Thraxx April 8, 2024 - 6:43 PM - 6:43 PM

Have no fear good citizen, I remain vigilant. If times get dark and things look bleak and hopeless, shine a great light with two XX’s to the North and I will come to wreck great vengeance on evil doers. Time permitting. Also I like to have wine with dinner, so I’ll need a driver. We’ll figure it out.
P/S: Under no circumstances shine three XXX’s to the North, gonna have to trust me on that. Seriously, don’t do it. 🙁

frank April 8, 2024 - 8:00 PM - 8:00 PM

The Xs is a great idea .
i’ll be sure to put all three up to summon you

Original G April 7, 2024 - 1:35 PM - 1:35 PM

If only it were possible, Mosquito Air Defense
Dr. Jellyfinger could use one out on the island.

Dr. Jellyfinger April 7, 2024 - 2:49 PM - 2:49 PM

We have that covered.
The Cliff Swallows returned on March 7th and the Barn Swallows showed up about a week after that, we have at least 1000 of them nesting under a couple of old piers out here and they are voracious insect eaters.
Bats will be coming out more as the weather warms.
I have to wear a hat with a mosquito veil in the summer when cat-fishing at night tho, you can’t get ’em all.

Original G April 8, 2024 - 12:29 PM - 12:29 PM

With home owners insurance becoming so expensive,
if your house were paid off and company canceled would you go without insurance ?
Have you ever put in a claim?

Kentucky Derby April 8, 2024 - 7:15 PM - 7:15 PM

We own two homes, and one of them is paid off. NO WAY would I ever go without homeowners’ insurance. We’ve filed one claim between our two homes (38 years of ownership), but it’s not worth the risk of being uninsured if something happens. If we get cancelled, I’ll find another company.

Insurance isn’t supposed to be a good deal, but I agree rates are too high.

Dr. Jellyfinger April 11, 2024 - 7:23 AM - 7:23 AM

There was a $3 million dollar home in Discovery Bay totally engulfed in flames a couple days ago.
Stuff happens.

Original G April 11, 2024 - 11:42 AM - 11:42 AM

Mid day diversion,
‘Signs Of Humor: Unexpectedly Amusing Public Notices’

Atticus Thraxx April 11, 2024 - 8:08 PM - 8:08 PM

Well anyway, you have a nice summer Claycord, I’m taking a few months off. Have a course of study I want to pursue, some books piled up and a bunch of ammo to shoot I reloaded over the winter., best get to it. A reset now and then does a body good. 😎

S April 12, 2024 - 9:56 AM - 9:56 AM

Enjoy !

Original G April 12, 2024 - 1:37 PM - 1:37 PM

Enjoy, look forward to your return.

Cyn April 12, 2024 - 6:27 PM - 6:27 PM

@Atticus Thraxx
Summer? Spring just started, therefore, you don’t have to leave for a couple of months. 🙂

Dr. Jellyfinger April 12, 2024 - 7:20 AM - 7:20 AM

I think the Japanese are missing the mark developing robots that are nearly indistinguishable from real humans to be sold supposedly as housekeepers but capable of sexual functions as well.
I’m sure the market for such things will be VERY successful, but for “normal” folks what is really needed is a robotic DOG that looks real and does all the adorable things that real dogs do except eat, pee, vomit, crap, fart, chew on things, dig up the yard & bark at anything smaller than a burglar.
Just imagine having a pet who you can love and play with that will outlive you.
Robo Dog could also serve as a companion and caregiver to a live pet & fix that problem of separation anxiety so many dogs have.
If they make robotic dogs I will surely buy one…. right after I purchase the robotic Maryanne & Ginger models that is.

Cowellian April 12, 2024 - 8:57 AM - 8:57 AM

Maryanne and Ginger?
I always thought that was an either/or question.
I guess I need to rethink things.

Dr. Jellyfinger April 12, 2024 - 3:01 PM - 3:01 PM

My needs are simple…. I want it all!

Dr. Jellyfinger April 12, 2024 - 7:24 AM - 7:24 AM

If you haven’t already guessed, it was my dog that inspired me to compose this comment this morning… what a mess.

Original G April 12, 2024 - 2:32 PM - 2:32 PM

Anyone seen letter from outgoing Clayton City Manager ?

Cyn April 13, 2024 - 2:45 PM - 2:45 PM

@Original G
Yes, now I’ve seen the one you’re talking about. Again, good riddance to that terrible hire.

Cyn April 12, 2024 - 6:49 PM - 6:49 PM

@Original G
I saw the one from the “assistant to the city manager”. What the heck kind of resignation letter is that? Besides assisting the manager, it sounded like she was also playing psychiatrist……….speaking about Clayton residents’ anger that possibly has accumulated over many years. What? She proved a partisan hack when she said it would take two election cycles to restore civility in Clayton. What a load of crap and good riddance to her and Bret Prebula.

Dr. Jellyfinger April 12, 2024 - 8:31 PM - 8:31 PM

I saw the writing on the wall about 6 years ago (before they even had a Gay Parade) wokeness rising…. so I cashed out after 30 years of living in the quiet upscale hamlet that was Clayton.
I miss it now & then and occasionally stop by the Clayton Club (which is probably the last remnant of the real Clayton) but I’ve found happiness in my new home in the rural Delta.
I don’t believe that Clayton will ever be restored to the fine example of Americana that it once was no matter how many elections go by.

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