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Think if an enemy tried, it could not have done as much damage to America as the last 4 years of Joe Biden and the democrats! And we’re still going to be suffering the consequences for a generation to come! I do love how JFK Jr is now telling about all the dirty work that has been going on in this administration.. he’s at least an honest democrat but they’ll have nothing to do with him of course.
While RFK JR was writing his book about Fauci, he was having Hollywood parties with vaccine mandates. I can’t believe people think that a Kennedy is anti-establishment candidate.
I thought it was Cheryl Hines who was requiring the “vaccinations” so that her Hollywood career wouldn’t be non-vaccine-injured.
Do you want a president that blames policy on his wife?
He’s running to be the leader of the country, but he’s not even the leader of his own house. His wife’s loyalty to Hollywood outweighed his campaign promises and he’s hasn’t even been elected yet.
Not to mention his daughter-in-law/campaign manager/television host is former CIA. Nothing suspect there.
get a grip,open yout eyes,youre worried about personality?you must live for free
@YOYOHOP- pretty much everyone in politics in CA and a lot in Fed Gov. have a loyalty to Hollywood that out weighs the common citizens.
Exactly. And that is why RFK Jr. is NOT an outsider candidate.
It appears that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will never be the President of the United States of America!!!
I didn’t say anything about a President Robert F. Kennedy Jr. blaming policy on his wife. I simply stated that it was my understanding that the “vaccination” request or requirement, as reports of both terms have been leaked by invitees, to attend their parties was something that his wife, Cheryl Hines, had decided on, as she decided what was on the invitations, because she wanted her career to survive and didn’t want to be “blacklisted” by Hollywood. Americans from all walks of life made decisions regarding the Corona Virus “vaccine” to protect their livelihoods and careers, just as Cheryl Hines did.
It’s also my understanding that these parties took place long before Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced he was running for president. You stated “His wife’s loyalty to Hollywood outweighed his campaign promises and he’s hasn’t even been elected yet.” If it’s in fact correct that their parties took place long before he announced he was running for president, then how could Robert F. Kennedy Jr. have allowed “His wife’s loyalty to Hollywood outweigh his campaign promises,” when those campaign promises came long after their parties? These appear to be two different periods of time with different and changed circumstances.
To say Cheryl Hines’ “loyalty” was to Hollywood looks to be incorrect, it appears her “loyalty” was to her livelihood and career. The Kennedy’s have been intertwined with Hollywood for a century, for four generations, beginning with Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s grandfather, Patrick Kennedy, in the 1920’s, to the youngest current generation, which includes his cousin once removed, Patrick Schwarzenegger, and his cousin-in-law once removed, Chris Pratt, and yet you’ve said nothing about the Kennedy’s century long intertwined relationship with Hollywood.
If you think all, or even a majority of the 16 modern presidents, from Herbert C. Hoover thru Joseph R. “Joe” Biden Jr., were or are “the leader of their own house,” then you’d be wrong.
As far as things go with Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s daughter-in-law and campaign manager, former television host and former CIA agent go, I’ve got nothing, I haven’t seen, heard, or read anything about her, as of yet, but just as the Kennedy’s relationship with Hollywood has existed for a century, the Kennedy’s have been intertwined with American politics, holding office, and involvement in government on and off for 130+ years, with family members from 5 generations having held and are currently holding office, so I’m not surprised at all by her CIA past.
You are correct. RFK will never be president. So the result of him running for president, appearing to be an anti-vaxxer that is critical of the Democratic party, will be to siphon votes away from Trump.
I am not sure when RFK formally announced his run. Like most candidates, his campaign started years before the announcement. His website, Children’s Health Defense, his book about Fauci and hiss recent lawsuits surrounding vaccines and big tech censorship kept him in the public eye as an advocate against Big Pharma and Big Ag. Thus the hypocrisy when there is a vaccine mandate at his own house party.
If their was an op for to control RFK’s campaign via daughter-in-law and former CIA operative, Amaryllis Fox Kennedy, then no, you wouldn’t have heard about it.
YOYO Trump is happy he is running. Biden wants Kennedy to drop dead.Pay attention.Biden wants to be the sole candidate to vote for,meaning theres no reason to vote if that happened
I understand you position on calling the Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – Cheryl Hines party requirement as hypocritical, but I just can’t get there. Spouses disagree, political spouses disagree, and that’s all this seems to be, at least for the moment. As an example, when former DCI George H.W. Bush was chosen by former Governor Ronald W. Reagan as his running mate in 1980, Bush changed all of his public policy positions to align with those of Reagan, because Reagan was the head of the ticket and Bush viewed his position as one to support the views of the Republican presidential candidate and president. Did that really make George H.W. Bush a hypocrite? He also stood with candidate and President Reagan on Reagan’s position on abortion being pro-life, but while at home, spouse of the candidate and Second Lady Barbara Bush was always pro choice. Did that make candidate and Vice President Bush a hypocrite because he and his wife held differing positions? Spouses disagree.
Badge104. I’m sure it was a typo, unfortunately JFK.Jr died many years ago. I just caught an interview with him on Utube, what an absolutely gorgeous man, and so much charisma and charm, swoon. Sorry, that really isen’t political, but I couldn’t help my myself. As for RFK. Jr too bad he is not more like his dad. RFK was my poltical hero, even more so than his brother JFK. Before some you attack him for being liberal, if you read about RFk and read his writings and speeches, he was not all that liberal, certainly no by todays standard. He was compassionate, and eloquent speaker and tough at the same time.
But a lousy pilot….
He had no business flying by radar at night.I guess he didnt want to tell his girl that it would be to hard.It is a believable story to cover him actually being whacked.
clinton body count enters chat
Badge104, that was the plan: to destroy the US and turn it into a communist state even though that form of government has clearly shown it will not work. They are mindless fools and guilty of treason. First thing to do is run them out of California then the rest of the country will follow. I listened to a bunch of WEF-Agenda 2030 hogwash from Kamala this morning. She is clearly off her rocker. 🙄
Here’s the video:
Don’t watch if you just had breakfast.
Hard to believe she is a heartbeat away from being president!
@Captain Bebops
……and even if you didn’t just have breakfast.
Willy Brown owes America an apology ! ! !
Must’ve been one helluva “interview”
Kamala has a drinking problem.
Shes a weed head,or just straight crack..Take your pick,she is never sober.
There should be strict drug tests to work in the Whitehouse or for the federal govt.It would save more money that they believe it would cost.
I suppose that could explain the talking problem.
difficult to argue against your points there, Badge. With replacement of the population with non-Americans, it becomes easier to erase the American culture, and ensure one party power. Two small states worth already, in just 3 years, and still going strong.
they did in 6 months of invasion what usuallly takes 6 years
Just look at France.
A few happenings on the woke left coast
“Seattle has shuttered its gifted and talented programs because the school board determined they had too many white and Asian students.”
“After three years in which its streets became a hellscape of open drug use, rocketing fatal overdoses and rampant crime, Oregon has learnt a painful lesson. And hopefully so has everyone else who believes that the best way to deal with the menace of deadly drugs such as fentanyl and heroin is to decriminalise them.
Oregon governor Tina Kotek this week reversed large parts of a controversial 2021 law known as Measure 110 and restored criminal penalties for possession of hard drugs and court-ordered treatment for offenders.”
“Oakland activist accuses progressive mayor Sheng Thao of killing California city and predicts four giant corporations still headquartered in its crime-ridden downtown will leave within months”
“The idea of social justice is that the state should treat different people unequally in order to make them equal.”
— Friedrich August von Hayek
“Social justice rests on the hate towards those that enjoy a comfortable position, namely, upon envy.”
— Friedrich August von Hayek
‘Portland’s progressive DA Mike Schmidt is branded lazy by challenger for spending time meeting lawmakers to push ‘equity’ instead of working on cases in crime-ridden Oregon city’
“Portland’s progressive, Soros-backed DA spends too much time glad-handing lawmakers to push his ‘equity’ agenda – and not enough time working on criminal cases, his rival says.”
There are unconfirmed reports that Nathan Wade and rapper Lizzo were observed entering Spago in Beverly Hills. Hey, the brother’s got to make a living…………
@THE FEARLESS SPECTATOR….When I first read your comment I thought it said “….. Lizzo were observed EATING Spago in Beverly Hills….”…not an impossible feat for her I’m sure.
Fani Willis illegally records a phone call in Maryland,and its felony
Felony Willis.
As Fani’s legal problems continue to mount, so to speak, rumor has it she is planning for her “post DA” business endeavors. Apparently she is deep into a feasibility study funded by Fulton County taxpayers regarding a chain of combination gas station/charm schools. Imagine all the young people lining up for a tank of gas while learning Fani’s social graces and cultural rituals. Sounds like a winner!
What happened to all those screaming people who told me that I had no choice but to take the untested DNA gene therapy just a few years ago?
Why are they all so quiet now?
Working on a new scare tactic. Don’t believe they are going to give up that easily. They will fail again too. Someday they will pack up and move to Somalia.
Even with all their screaming we didn’t. The press on us with hard.
They are quite now but looking for a ‘new’ way to control the masses.
Fear not, Sam. Bird flu is wafting around and they sure seem to be hyping it. It wouldn’t be surprising if there is some sort of manufactured crisis around this virus. Then the Dems can follow the 2020 Covid election protocol game plan.
I hope you all have signed the referendum and are communicating with your Councilmembers to get this truly horrific law scrapped.
City Council, led by Councilmembers Birsan, Nakamura, and Aliano, are pitting tenants against homeowners. Punitive new regulations called “rent stabilization” and “just cause” were approved by the Concord City Council on February 13.
‘Rent stabilization and just cause” sound so nice until you actually read the details…written by lawyers and for lawyers. The only solution to disagreements is lawsuits. No arbitration or mediation.
Every individual homeowner is affected. Not just big corporate landlords.
Please read the full 30 page text of these new regulations (link below) and you will see how unfair it is to individual homeowners who want to rent their home. This will also harm tenants as fewer rentals will be available.
These city council members have made it too risky and expensive to rent out your own home or condo in Concord.
What can be done? Your neighbors are using the state referendum process to place the regulations on the ballot in November. Please sign the referendum! This is democracy in action. We have only about 2 weeks left and a total of almost 8,000 Concord voters are needed to sign.
Signatures are being collected in front of the Clayton/Treat Safeway grocery store (4309 Clayton Rd.) daily from Noon to 4:00 PM. You can also go to 5 Star Automotive (1440 Concord Ave) from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Monday-Friday.
If enough signatures are not obtained, then our recourse will be to continue to explain the harm this new law causes to all our neighbors. We need to tell our city council members to go back to the drawing board and replace this legal monstrosity with simple, common sense reforms that can help tenants without harming homeowners.
Here is a link to the full text of this new anti-homeowner ordinance. Please read it for yourself. Bad for Tenants. Bad for homeowners. Bad for Concord. Tell your neighbors to contact their council member and express their objections.
Fortunately for me, I do not own any rentals in Concord. However as a Concord homeowner, I am dismayed that our city council has decided to effectively take away my freedom to rent my home for a few months or a few years if I need to some day.
Here is a list of some of the new requirements affecting individual home owners. These complicated new requirements, restrictions, fees, and fines are mostly found under the “Just Cause” section of this new law.
Citations are from the new Municipal Code Chapter 19.40 :
1) Concord homeowners with just one home being rented ARE affected – not just big corporate landlords. (19.40.070 (a))
2) No arbitration or mediation. Small homeowner mistakes can lead to big lawsuits. This law is a lawyers dream and a homeowners nightmare. Includes the ability to sue in some cases for “three times actual damage suffered by an aggrieved tenant (including damages for mental or emotional distress”). (19.40.120 Remedies)
3) Even the death of a homeowner and sale of the rental home is not considered “just cause”. Homeowners must sell their home with the tenant in it. No right to terminate tenancy due to home sale. (19.40.070 (d) No fault termination of tenancy)
4) Even if you want to simply return to live in your own home, you can be denied the right to do so if your tenant happens to be a senior or disabled. (19.40.070 (d)(1) Owner Move Ins)
5) Even short term rentals require the homeowner to pay 2 months rent plus $2,000 to tenant for no-fault tenancy terminations. This is in addition to the deposit refund. (19.40.080(a)(2))
6) Every individually owned home or condo in Concord is now subject to Ellis act requirements if rented, which can require up to 1 year notice and up to a 10 year “right of return”. (19.40.070 (2) Ellis Act Evictions)
7) Effectively ends month-to-month tenancies. Owner must offer tenant a new lease with a specific term as requested by the tenant when the old lease expires. (19.40.100(b))
8) Concord homeowners with one or more homes rented are now subject to annual rental registration, rent registry fees, and the requirement to upload tenant notices within 7 days and annual reports just like the big corporate apartment owners. Failure to pay the registration fees on time incurs “fines, accrued interest, penalties…and a municipal tax lean”. (19.40.060 Annual Rent Registration)
I plan to vote each of the current Concord City Council members out!!!!!
“On Friday 5 April, at 6.25 p.m., the LHC Engineer-in-Charge at the CERN Control Centre (CCC) announced that stable beams were back in the Large Hadron Collider, marking the official start of the 2024 physics data-taking season”…just in time for the solar eclipse on April 8. Watch the short video, the engineer is excited as he says, “it will be a journey of the unknown.” “Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it,” said Sergio Bertolucci, who is Director for Research and Scientific Computing at CERN, briefing reporters in 2009. Are they opening up portals?
Forget Joe Biden and Donald Trump for a minute. The biggest enemy of Californians is there to stay. They blow up your cities, burn down your forests, kill 10s or 100s of Californians, and then charge YOU for the privilege. Yes, it’s PG&E, your friendly utility company. I lived in California for half a century and not one politician (Democrat or Republican) had the cojones to properly regulate this rogue company.
So now, bonuses and raises for the PG&E execs. What was YOUR utility bill last month?
PG&E is a monopoly controlled by the Gavin Newsom appointed PUC, and must also comply with every befuddled regulation produced by the state legislature. As long as PG&E does their masters bidding, they get to keep their franchise. In return, our governor can pass the blame for high prices, wild fires, etc. off on them. It’s a reciprocal relationship in that respect.
So the buck stops in Sacramento. 100%
Hi Mike. True – the buck stops in Sacramento, which is currently Gavin Newsom. But I don’t remember Ronald Reagan, Jerry Brown, George Deukmeijan, Pete Wilson, Grey Davis, or Arnold Schwarzenegger doing any better at handling PG&E with a firm hand. Perhaps PUC members should be elected by the public, rather than appointed by the governor.
I’m new here – The problems started after George Deukmejian, our last good governor in my opinion, left office. The environmentalist lobby convinced the governors and legislatures to shut down nuclear power plants, stop constructing dams (a very important source of clean power), stop logging and thinning of forests, stop construction and maintenance of forest roads. State government policies and mismanagement over 3 decades are the root cause of the problems (massive wildfires, exorbitant prices) many people blame only on PG&E.
Not trying to defend PG&E management. Just pointing out the fish rots from the head as they say. .
Saint Peter doncha’ call me ’cause I can’t go…. I owe my soul to Pacific Gas & Electric!
What’s so bad about an open border ? ? ? ?
‘Illegal migrant, 46, who has been arrested ELEVEN times and
deported eight is charged with murder after man’s body is discovered in Ohio –
as furious sheriff slams Biden’
‘Migrant ‘smuggled child into the U.S. to use them in porn by lying that he was was their uncle…’
Why cross an open border when you can fly over it ?
‘The U.S. cities Biden is flying hundreds of thousands of migrants in controversial program that sparked national security fears’
Simply DEMs are stacking the country with illegals to steal your country.
Perpetual control of congress . . .
“David Stockman on Why Debt Serfdom is not Prosperity”
What happens when a country prints more money
Real M2 Money Stock
FBI data now shows Concord Ca to be the 49th most dangerous city in California.With 9 out 10 most dangerous cities in the USA are in Calif,Oakland of Commerce #1.
Go Gavin.
Most Dangerous Cities in California 2024
February 23, 2024
“Concord: Concord is less expensive city, located close to San Francisco. Concord is ranked thirty-first crime city in California, overall crime rate is 42.38 per thousand residents, violent crime is 4.14 per thousand, on average 15.16 incidents take place per day.”
Same webpage,
“Below list is the most dangerous cities in the California State from Jan 2023 to Sep 2023 by Rank, crime data based on the violent crimes in 2024(Murder, Rape, Robbery, Aggravated Assault).”
Concord ranked – 14
Antioch ranked – 15
Rankings likely vary by year or however data is cherry picked.
Size does not matter,its the number of cetain demographics in the city,,you know that,they wont admit it ,but its fact
Interesting! Do you happen to know if just violent crime numbers or all crime numbers were used to calculate and compile the list of the “most dangerous” cities in California?
The City of Oakland is the 8th largest city in California by population at 440,000+ and is ranked the 2nd “most dangerous” city in the state.
The City of Concord is the 50th largest city in California by population at 125,000+ and is ranked the 49th “most dangerous” city in the state.
The City of Commerce is the 449th largest city in California by population at 12,000+ and is ranked 1st as the “most dangerous” city in the state. What’s going wrong in the City of Commerce?
Good job carlyn hoffmister brison barone. Really serving the people there aren’t you? Not clear what people but cool
You forgot Concord City Councilmembers Dominic Aliano and Laura Nakamura, although in the case of Councilmember Laura Nakamura equal blame for crime in her district should go to former Councilmember Tim McGallian.
Councilmember Dominic Aliano’s City Council District is likely 1st, or possibly 2nd, when it comes to Concord’s crime rates by City Council District.
I’m still dying to do a boatload of donuts on Tims lawn anytime I see his easy to spot house.
I notice that the Concord politicians are just too quiet when it comes to them being called on the carpet.
U.S. admits record number of Muslim refugees in 2016
Registry used to track Arabs and Muslims dismantled by Obama administration
‘FBI director warns of ‘dangerous individuals’ coming across southern border’
Muslim protestors chant ‘death to America, death to Israel’ at rally in Michigan’s Dearborn after city was branded ‘Jihad capital’ of the U.S by WSJ
Anyone who chants “Death to America” should be locked up or deported, whether they are American citizens or not!
California is now $55 billion in the hole.You liberals sure are great…to each other..for a few minutes….Duhhhh?????
DEMs manage money about as well as they run California.
Would you trust a ten year old to manage your finances?
For much more of the same keep electing DEMs.
I’d trust my 10-year-old grandson to manage my finances more than any democrat. Hell, I’d trust my dog to do it more (and better) than I would any democrat.
@Original G
I’d trust a 10-year-old Danny Partridge.
Trump Eclipse Ad – speakers on please…..
I think the ad missed the mark….. Donald’s head is much bigger than that.
@Dr. J
I believe Chrissy Teigen’s ego is even bigger than Trump’s.
How true
Hmm, . . . . . Cliffs and DEMs
Is it that liberals don’t value life like the rest of us ?
Gun free zones at schools and shopping malls, etc guaranteeing rabid mental defectives time to kill as many as they can, until a good guy with a gun shows up to give them a well deserved permanent dirt nap.
An why is it when a mental defective shoots DEMs whine about gun control
but when illegals rape or kill tender age children or adults they are silent ? ? ?
Expect more silence . . . . . .
‘ ‘Animalistic Predator’ : Illegal Immigrant Deported Multiple Times Brutally Raped Ohio Woman’
‘Illegal Immigrant Deported Several Times Charged With Murder in Ohio’
What are the chances a DEM politician or media wing of DEM party will call for closing this country’s borders to the illegal invasion ? ? ?
Im tying to make sense of a news article that several new outlets are showing”migrant stabs to death wife and almost decapitates her is charged with 5 counts of first degree murder,and all news article have comments turned off and no mention WHO THE OTHER 4 PEOPLE ARE even a news broadcast ignored this..what are they talking about?”he did it in front of his children,so he is charged with 5 counts of murder” the children are not dead,this makes no sense.
The 5 first degree murder charges are due to having to meet different legal standards with each charge when at trial.
I know the Illinois law has changed and I believe this is the old law which shows what 3 first degree murder charges could be.
A person who kills an individual without lawful justification commits first degree murder if, in performing the acts which cause the death: (1) he either intends to kill or do great bodily harm to that individual or another, or knows that such acts will cause death to that individual or another; or (2) he knows that such acts create a strong probability of death or great bodily harm to that individual or another; or (3) he is attempting or committing a forcible felony other than second degree murder.
Fake news/misinformation the media knows and will never fix- Look at Calif inmate locator and see there is no such person as Richard Allen Davis,that they say they will soon be moving from San Quentin,, he kiilled Polly Klass they say.They need to make the killer look big with 3 names always,(Mark David Chapmen,Lee Harvey Oswald,John Wilks Booth.Janes Earl Ray)they need to make the killer do bug and important ,to even exaggerate and the victim so small ,and show his full proper name(in their mind) this is one of the oldest cases of misinformation and fake news thats provable.His mother named him RICK Davis ,but for years they just keep on calling him Richard Allen Davis,this is misinformation since the day he was arrested.There is NO Richard Allen Davis in any Calif prison and he was not arrested for killing Polly Klass.They now need to never mention this,keep ignoring this or admit theyve been full of crap for 31years.Fact.Im not defending this dirtbag,but if my name was Richard Allen Davis I would be filing a lawsuit for slander.If ALL the media truly doesnt know this they are all out of their element.They are all knowingly lying and falsely naming a killer to make him sound more menacing.Rick sounds nice,but”Richard’ ?what an “ogre”.
While this shows a lack of fact checking by editors in the media industry, this is a very common mistake. When most people see the name “Rick” they automatically assume it’s a shortened alternative of the name “Richard.” As an example, look at the late actor and singer “Ricky” Nelson, most people think his first name was “Richard,” but it was actually “Eric” from which “Ric-ky” was derived. Given that the names “Richard Allen Davis” and “Rick Allen Davis” sound enough alike, those in the media likely thought they were hearing “Richard Allen Davis,” but it’s still lazy, sloppy, and unacceptable errors from so-called “reporters” and “journalists.” I know several people who were either named with a shortened alternative version of a formal name or were named with an alternative spelling of a common name and their employers, as well as different government agencies, don’t have their correct names in their systems. This is a really common error, although the media should have better fact checking standards, but with decades of cost cutting in media news divisions these sorts of errors will likely only worsen. Amazingly, the State of California seems to have been able to get his name correct on court and prison documents, that’s the real surprise here!!!
Fact is never conspiracy,but in your “world”
mistype-“do bug’ should be”look big’
More ‘student loan relief’ blab from China Joe Biden.
Way back in the day corrupt politicians would just pass out cash to buy votes. Nowadays China Joe and many others of the Democrat ilk swamp members(especially Garvin Newscum) are much more sneaky, deceptive and deceitful in their vote buying.
What shooting?
Raising children is a responsibility as is fire arms ownership.
“The parents were convicted at separate trials in February as juries found they callously ignored their son’s pleas for mental health help while buying him the firearm he used to massacre four classmates in 2021.”…
“The sentence was read shortly after the heartbroken mother of one of Ethan Crumbley’s victims slammed his parents for a lack of remorse, as she pleaded with a judge to impose the maximum sentence of 15 years, which they ultimately received.
Speaking at the sentencing hearing, Nicole Beausoliel, the mother of slain Madisyn Baldwin, 17, scathed the couple as ‘failed parents.’ ”
Holding parents responsible, it’s long overdue
So the Arizona state attorney general just stated that she would not enforce the abortion law that was just confirmed by the state court.
Not saying abortion is right or wrong, but how can the state attorney say she will not enforce the law in which the court has says is legal?
They should call immediate removal office.
If you do not like the law, change it. But do not choose to not enforce it.
“Before candidates elected to office or employees of the state may begin work, they must take a loyalty oath of office. In the oath the candidate elect or employee solemnly swears or affirms they will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution and laws of the state of Arizona…”
This would seem to be a gross violation of the oath that AG Mayes took when she was sworn in. If she won’t enforce her state’s laws, then she should resign.
Biden has been doing the same thing for years now.
@Dr. J
….and he’s still going at it, completely ignoring the Supreme Court.
It’s good to be King!
All the votes from the March 5, 2024 California primary election seem to have now been counted, with another 5 days left to go to count any outstanding votes which may still be found somewhere. Proposition 1 passed by just 26,242 votes. The 2024 California primary had 20,855 precincts, if just 15,433 (74%) of those precincts would’ve had one more “NO” vote and the remaing 5,422 (26%) precincts had just two more “NO” votes, then Proposition 1 would’ve failed, that’s how surprisingly close this primary proposition election results were. Let’s hope that a repeal of Proposition 1 makes it to the ballot and passes.
Stupid people should not be allowed to vote.
Maybe an IQ test before getting a ballot?
Great idea! And there will be millions fewer votes to count.
How about a mandatory civics class?
I suggest these same things 3 or 4 times a year every year!
Portland another example of woke DEM governance FAILURE.
‘Buffalo Wild Wings president blasts city of Portland for allowing rampant lawlessness as he closes down restaurant after 17 years’
An on the other coast, New Yorkers had enough and acted.
‘Shocking moment mob turn the tables on violent prowler after he was seen punching a woman on NYC street amid flurry of random attacks’
As it should be, they beat him to a pulp, instant KARMA ! ! !
Sunny Hostin on “The View” Monday, claimed solar eclipses, earthquakes and the periodic emergence of cicadas are all due to climate change…. no joke….. really.
“Needless to say, Hostin claiming that climate change was behind the moon blocking out the sun and tectonic shifts sparked widespread mockery across the political spectrum”
Including this post!
She probably also thinks the Earth is flat, boys can menstruate, and masks save lives.
@Dr. J
Are you referring to the gassy round circle planet?
LoL! Sheila Jackson Lee!
Another MENSA member…. thanks for bringing that up CYN!
Is Guam still right side up ? ? ?
Hank Johnson U.S. Representative for Georgia a DEM.
2010 in a congressional hearing, he is still in congress.
@Original G
Yup, Guam capsizing takes the prize.
‘ ‘Inflation is back – and RAGING!’ Trump lambasts Biden for failing to put a lid on rising prices…
before buying Chick-Fil-A for entire Atlanta restaurant’
‘Consumer prices rose 3.5% from a year ago in March, more than expected’
U.S. Economic Calendar
Find this site helpful in understanding terms
‘Americans Skipping Meals to Afford Housing Under Biden: Poll’
“A major real estate company released a survey on Friday which found that renters and homeowners are significantly reducing their quality of life to afford housing under President Joe Biden.
Nearly one in five homeowners and renters reported skipping meals to afford housing in Biden’s economy, according to a new survey conducted by Redfin. The median asking rental price increased from less than $1,700 when Biden took office in January 2021 to nearly $2,000 as of February, according to Redfin’s data.”
They aren’t eating because the cost of groceries has risen by 40% since Brandon took office. Rent is cheap compared to food these days.
The only people who will vote for Brandon are Hunter and Jill. Any other votes that he gets will be against Trump from the TDS crowd.
Soon Hunter can’ t vote,they dont let felons.
The only way Hunter does any time is if he is convicted after 1/21/25 AND Trump wins. Convict him before the election and Brandon pardons him just after the election, win or lose. Convict him after the election along with a FJB win and he gets pardoned ASAP.
Lets hope the keep asking for a delay
Wait for it…. Biden will announce grocery prices have been deliberately raised as part of his
“War On Obesity” ……….. (“it’s working”)
O.J. was warned not to get sideways with the Clintons.
12 doctors deliberated and decided the cancer didn’t kill him.
‘Idaho Governor: No, We Aren’t Playing the Pronoun Game Here’
“Idaho Governor Brad Little signed House Bill 538 on Monday. This means that Idaho school districts will soon have to remove any requirements that teachers use the preferred pronouns of transgender students.
The legislation enacts protections for public employees, including teachers, who are unwilling to use someone’s preferred name and pronouns.”
URL for above
need coffee
@Original G
Very glad to see this.
They are now saying if they $780 billion dollars upgrading the electrical infrastructure will save us $85 billion by 2035.Now thats true BIDENIOMICS.WTF?
Pardon the typos….
If I understand correctly, that means spending $10 now to save $1 in 11 years from now.
Obviously nobody in this administration understands basic math, finance, economics or statistics.
No matter how much this doesnt make sense it will be forced upon is so they can push EV’s and triple the rates of electricity,and control all travel,with brown outs,and insist you’re good lemmings for going along with it and saving the planet and destroying life as we know it.
“”A $73-billion deficit is no joke,” Gallagher said. “It’s a serious problem we’ve got to address. It makes me think that the governor just wants to ride this out until the end of his term and just leave this problem to somebody else.””
Kicking the can down the road? Noooooooo, couldn’t be. BTW, the $39 BILLION DEFICIT is now estimated to be in the $73 BILLION range. Gavin and the Sacto Swamp Rats are sure doing a bang up job managing your money.
Idiot pulled over for seat belt violation shoots at police 11 times,they shoot back at him from 4 angles 91 times,now those officers are racist.
Information out there says he didn’t want to go back to jail on gun charges so he decided to try and murder police officers and ended up shooting one of them in the leg. It’s on body cam that he shot first. The Chicago mayor is blaming the police, along with news outlets, and trying to make this all about race, even though the cop shot in the leg was Black.
Well, this is a presidential election year and DEMs didn’t yet have
a dead black felon to champion into martyrdom.
Absolute perfection for them would be if cops were white.
After all they have to get out the black voter block somehow and it’s worked before.
Cailfornia labor group demands $20 an hour extend to all sectors..if you thought the economy was bad now…wait.
Avoiding fast food wont save you from this.
What did they think would happen?
Incredibly simplistic intellect of those running CA, if there is a deeply flawed woke governance which has causes rampant lawlessness merely change what something is called like good little ostriches.
‘Port Board Votes to Change Name of Oakland’s Airport To
‘San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport’ ‘