Home » Claycord – Talk About Politics – March 29, 2024

Claycord – Talk About Politics – March 29, 2024


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Original G March 29, 2024 - 7:02 PM - 7:02 PM

‘Gov. Gavin Newsom:
How to Destroy California in Less than 10 Years’…
caglobe https://tinyurl.com/48ubpe39
Article contains long list of actions taken that are detrimental to CA and it’s citizens.
Soft on crime . . . .
Is SAFETY and solution to CA’s problems important to you . . . ?

Angry American March 30, 2024 - 10:46 AM - 10:46 AM

Classic Fascism, taking control for political agenda without nationalization of property “almost like squatters rights” you don’t own it but somehow you have taken control and have rights. Things like we wont say you can’t sell lawnmowers but we will determine under penalty of consequence what lawnmowers you can sell as well as cars “electric by 2035” next it will be you having to use government banks and their new currency or you will be punished.

whenwilltheylearn March 29, 2024 - 7:14 PM - 7:14 PM

Good news-
Newsom is being investigated for poiltical favoritism for the Panera bread scandal,so his buddy didn’t have to meet the $20 an min wage..because they bake their own bread..quite lame and obvious btw.

Bobfished March 29, 2024 - 7:31 PM - 7:31 PM

No one is above the law right.
New York Attorney General Letitia James is facing mounting pressure to prosecute comedian Jon Stewart after it was revealed that he overvalued his Manhattan home — the same so-called “offense” for which James is prosecuting former President Donald Trump.

Jeff (the other one) March 29, 2024 - 7:46 PM - 7:46 PM

Understood, but need I remind you, james did not run on go after lebowitz from getting his own show (back), whereas her entire campaign was to “get Trump.” So it is not so much the law that is in question but rather a derangement syndrome against a certain President that runs waaaaaay deep in a certain party, a party throwing out no stops to stop his getting elected. I wonder if they will even try for subtlety when it comes to the fix in November.

The Wizard March 30, 2024 - 6:41 AM - 6:41 AM

Lock him up !

whenwilltheylearn March 29, 2024 - 9:43 PM - 9:43 PM

Did anyone see the video of Camel a Harris talking to french people,and shes talkng with a french accent.You can’t make this stuff up

yoyohop March 30, 2024 - 9:13 AM - 9:13 AM

Camel Hairs in Puerto Rico, clapped along to a song sang by the natives while they played drums and tambourines. Finally the interpreter explained that the lyrics were a protest against her and Camel Hairs stopped clapping and crossed her arms.

Glen223 April 2, 2024 - 11:55 AM - 11:55 AM

Kinda like Hillary Klinton doing the Southern drawl thing years ago.

Just more political pandering to the “unwashed masses.”

Cyn March 29, 2024 - 10:12 PM - 10:12 PM

The Best Scene Of The Day: After the New York governor showed up unannounced and uninvited to Officer Diller’s wake, she was kicked out, scolded in no uncertain terms, and then had to turn around and leave with her tail between her legs. LOVED IT!

whenwilltheylearn March 29, 2024 - 11:32 PM - 11:32 PM

Again,i just made the same comment before reading the current comments…my mistake.

Roz March 30, 2024 - 5:00 AM - 5:00 AM

Yes! … and Amen!!

JWB March 30, 2024 - 8:23 AM - 8:23 AM

Thanks for confirming what we all know. It was not a wake for a murdered officer, but a political campaign event.

MAGA SAM March 30, 2024 - 1:28 PM - 1:28 PM

A political campaign for Trump. As was the biden, clinton, obama event. Everything is a political campaign for TRUMP because that’s who everyone wants. Must suck to be riding with biden, obama and clinton, what a pack of absolute feminine losers. Negative testosterone is a feature of your politics. I’ve never seen 3 men touching each other so much. What’s up with that?

Dr. Jellyfinger March 30, 2024 - 2:16 PM - 2:16 PM

“It’s simple…. they love each other”

whenwilltheylearn April 1, 2024 - 4:35 AM - 4:35 AM

The 3 stooges.Biden is Curly,.Obama is Larry,and Clinton is Moe.

THE BLACK KNIGHT April 3, 2024 - 6:15 PM - 6:15 PM

What about the other four stooges, Shemp, Joe, Curly Joe, and Emil?

whenwilltheylearn March 30, 2024 - 1:48 PM - 1:48 PM

Her going there was political, and them not wanting her there was a fact

whenwilltheylearn March 29, 2024 - 11:23 PM - 11:23 PM

Cathy Hochol,NY governer,”not welcome” at NYPD officers wake.They make her turn around and leave,on camera.
The person she spoke to pointed to several officers and told her that “none of these men want you here.”

MAGA SAM March 30, 2024 - 5:43 AM - 5:43 AM

The US has lost 25% of its purchasing power since 2020. For the democrats who don’t understand what that means, for every 1 dollar you had in 2020 it only buys 75 cents worth in 2024. Thats the true consequences of elections.
Crime is off the charts but when you stop arresting and convicting criminals, it’s not.
biden and democrats constantly lying about real important things that matter.

Dammed Ineffectual March 31, 2024 - 1:49 AM - 1:49 AM

No, $100 in 2020 would buy you -$88 today. Where do you get your info from?

MAGA SAM March 31, 2024 - 10:21 AM - 10:21 AM

There it is, constantly lying about real things that matter.

frank March 30, 2024 - 7:09 AM - 7:09 AM

Is trump offering to cut prices on his Bibles if they are bought in bulk?

Paul March 30, 2024 - 12:08 PM - 12:08 PM

No. But for $60/copy, the Bible better include some national top secret documents.

MAGA SAM March 30, 2024 - 2:44 PM - 2:44 PM

Is 60 dollars a lot for a bible? I was under the impression you guys loved paying lots of money for everything..hmm. Are you gentlemen on the market for some new bibles or something? I think that’s probability a good idea. Glad to see you fellas looking to better yourselves. Good job

Glen223 March 31, 2024 - 2:27 PM - 2:27 PM

Paul thinks that everything should be free.

Typical of democrats.

whenwilltheylearn March 30, 2024 - 1:46 PM - 1:46 PM


Dammed Ineffectual March 31, 2024 - 1:50 AM - 1:50 AM

And cut into his profits? I should think not.

Concord Guy March 31, 2024 - 11:28 AM - 11:28 AM

Likely not. He’s in full grift mode right now. Separating fools from their money.

Cyn March 31, 2024 - 1:00 PM - 1:00 PM

@Concord Guy
Anyone wanting to read the Bible is not a fool.

Paul March 31, 2024 - 3:50 PM - 3:50 PM

Grifting is Trump’s best asset. He gets his base and gets all theirs money 💰; I think his success so far is exposing the hatred and ignorance of his supporters while taken theirs money 💴. Great job Trump 👍

Dr. Jellyfinger March 31, 2024 - 7:51 PM - 7:51 PM

“He gets his base and gets all theirs money”
“while taken theirs money”
Paul…. is English a second language for you or are you maybe posting from another country?
The misspellings and Pidgin English are confusing.

buck April 1, 2024 - 10:15 AM - 10:15 AM

That’s really funny Paul, you calling other people ignorant.

Glen223 April 2, 2024 - 12:02 PM - 12:02 PM

“…all theirs money.?”

“While taken theirs…?”

Wow. Get back to us when you can construct a paragraph with no errors.

Jeff (the other one) March 30, 2024 - 8:54 AM - 8:54 AM

$136,600,000,000. What is that number?

How about $280,830,000,000?

so dimwit, ignoring the opinion by Supreme Court, has taken money from you, I and every other taxpayer, and generously has used the result of our collective efforts of labor to “forgive” $136 billion in federal student debt. That is almost half of the total revenue from taxes California paid in 2022 (the $280 billion number). Now my wife and I had roughly $100K in loans (many years ago) and paid for it. Worked hard, took no vacation, bought no luxuries and we paid for our kids’ tuition. Now, because some corrupt dullard fears for his reelection likelihood (not confident the fix will work), he is buying votes, and we are paying for it (actually, at the level of debt we are at, more like our great grandkids will be paying for this). Feel good?

Paul March 30, 2024 - 11:18 AM - 11:18 AM

Thanks Joe Biden for his generosity and keeping campaign promises. Maybe Obama, the cool president, secretly took park in the student debt forgiveness; may god bless him. May all his legacies, especially the Obama’s Care, stay alive forever and ever. AMEN 🙏!

MAGA SAM March 30, 2024 - 1:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Haha do you also pray to obama? Do you want to wash his feet with your mouth? Sick puppy alert, my God man. Get it together, you’re gushing

The Fearless Spectator March 30, 2024 - 1:39 PM - 1:39 PM

In case you have not noticed, none of those guys believe in God, so blessing them is moot. Perhaps the urban dictionary can provide a more appropriate salute.

whenwilltheylearn March 30, 2024 - 1:51 PM - 1:51 PM

limited to only govt workers so he only helped a few of his people and no average Joe

Jeff (the other one) March 30, 2024 - 3:19 PM - 3:19 PM

I love good sarcasm. Well done.

Snakekeeper March 31, 2024 - 6:10 AM - 6:10 AM

But…but he wants to save your soul!
He is doing God’s work!
” God bless you but most of all send your money ” Hank Jr.
This idiot is such a hypocrite I seriously doubt he has ever read the bible or constitution because he knows nothing about either.

Dr. Jellyfinger March 30, 2024 - 10:06 AM - 10:06 AM

George Soros pledges $1 million to Hamas propaganda organization.


MAGA SAM March 30, 2024 - 10:09 AM - 10:09 AM

Biden Declares Easter Sunday Is No Longer About Jesus, It’s Now ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’
This is what democrats voted for. This is what democrats represent.
Remember the blackmailed sean puff diddy combs getting so political for obama? Vote or die. Pretty sure he means vote for democrats or he’s gonna be exposed. Jay Z is next. All the lefts heroes are falling.
Trump is still standing tall. Haha told you.

Bobfished March 30, 2024 - 12:21 PM - 12:21 PM

This is the result of Liberal Progressive Democrat Party and their supporters. Saw a picture of Joe Biden and the Easter Bunny standing in front of the “Transgender Flag” at the White House.

Dr. Jellyfinger March 30, 2024 - 5:12 PM - 5:12 PM

Another “Extraordinary Success”

The Fearless Spectator March 30, 2024 - 1:42 PM - 1:42 PM

Only the Biden administration can turn a sacred holiday like Easter into yet another abortion. Next they’ll announce a vibrating Easter egg hunt on the White House lawn. Unbelievable.

whenwilltheylearn March 30, 2024 - 1:52 PM - 1:52 PM

Without the wierdo vote Biden has nobody

inmotion March 30, 2024 - 3:16 PM - 3:16 PM

Transgender Day of Visibility has been celebrated for the last 15 years on March 31st. Not Easter Sunday even when Trump was prez.

MAGA SAM March 30, 2024 - 7:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Yeah sure 15 years…lmao what are you talking about. Ain’t nobody celebrating that ever. Bunch of mental clowns acting like mental clowns. Trust me, we are all shaking our heads in disgust and laughing

Jeff (the other one) March 31, 2024 - 7:41 AM - 7:41 AM

I’d be fine with it if they’d stay invisible the rest of the year.

ProveMeWrong April 1, 2024 - 9:08 PM - 9:08 PM

There has been a Transgender visibility day on March 31st since 2009. .. including during Trump’s time in office. It fell on Easter this year. Facts Matter. Why are you all so concerned about something that has no impact on your daily lives? Asking for myself.

Dr. Jellyfinger April 2, 2024 - 7:20 AM - 7:20 AM

I’m not concerned about the weirdo visibility day, I’m concerned about Biden’s lack of common sense and his priorities.
All Biden’s decisions affect every US Citizen and he’s screwed things up badly (don’t take my word for it check his poll numbers or go shop for food and see how much prices have risen).
Even Obama warned us “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f… things up.”
Remember, Joe Biden is the Big Guy who declared his bungled, deadly Afghanistan withdrawal an “Extraordinary Success”! complete with US Soldiers being blown up & terrified Afghan civilians clinging to evacuation aircraft & falling to their deaths a thousand feet below.
He is a F’ed up failure and he proves it on a daily basis.
His Trans pandering is just another example of his incompetence.

Dr. Jellyfinger March 30, 2024 - 10:15 AM - 10:15 AM

For some reason there wasn’t much media mention on this clarification Trump made about his NATO comments:


Original G March 30, 2024 - 10:28 AM - 10:28 AM

What woke and soft on crime has turned CA into,
‘The city that must not be named! Oakland’s Airport is considering changing it’s name to San Francisco Bay, after Dem-run city became byword for crime and urban decay’
“LA has been described as ‘third world’ after shocking footage reveals a homeless encampment with open fires in the street and trash-covered sidewalks ”

Original G March 30, 2024 - 10:41 AM - 10:41 AM

“Amid sharply rising rates that have infuriated local PG&E customers, officials at the California Public Utilities Commission are proposing to create a monthly fixed fee of $24.15 for a large swath of the state’s residents.”

Bobfished March 30, 2024 - 12:16 PM - 12:16 PM

The fees will be based on your income. They’re calling it equity!

Dr. Jellyfinger March 30, 2024 - 5:15 PM - 5:15 PM

The rest of us are calling it Socialism.

Original G April 2, 2024 - 5:13 PM - 5:13 PM

So now state will be volunteering citizen’s tax information ? ? ?
Is it “EQUITY” or is it DEM vote buying ? ? ?

THE BLACK KNIGHT April 3, 2024 - 7:29 PM - 7:29 PM

The CPUC is moving forward with the flat rate fee that California State Senate Republicans have pushed for.

Original G April 3, 2024 - 8:44 PM - 8:44 PM

Would like to learn more, do you have any URLs ?

JWB March 30, 2024 - 11:22 AM - 11:22 AM

Good now look at the chart to see when money supply rose sharp and when it started to decline. And yes maybe the huge increase in 2020 was due to COVID. But it doesn’t support your statement that “it is consequence of election” but rather that it is a consequence of a pandemic.
Now I’m sure that we will disagree how well the pandemic was handled in 2020, but that still doesn’t support your statement about consequences of elections.

MAGA SAM March 30, 2024 - 11:49 AM - 11:49 AM

Happy transgender day of visibility. I see you

JWB March 30, 2024 - 2:11 PM - 2:11 PM

Looking at your posting, I makes it clear how important it is to recognize that annual day which in many places has been acknowledged since 2009, and by the WH since 2021.

MAGA SAM March 30, 2024 - 2:38 PM - 2:38 PM

Good. You recognize it all you want. I’ll be right here staying normal not playing that goofy garbage game. Making jokes about dudes dressing up like ladies and chicks thinking they can do anything guys can do. Your time is fading fast. We will bring back mental institutions for delusional weirdos. They will be locked away where they can’t diddle with children ever again. Nobody acknowledges those degenerates except your degenerate president. 2009…yeah sure

ProveMeWrong April 1, 2024 - 9:11 PM - 9:11 PM

If they can lock them up, you could be next… be careful what you wish for.

yoyohop March 30, 2024 - 12:24 PM - 12:24 PM

I remember the masks and the cosplay, the fake vaccines and the people getting paid to stay home from work. But I don’t remember any actual pandemic.

whenwilltheylearn March 30, 2024 - 6:12 PM - 6:12 PM

I should have said”pandemic” i didnt buy it for a second or ever wear a mask. it was a mental illness, mask and business loss pandemic

whenwilltheylearn March 30, 2024 - 1:54 PM - 1:54 PM

the consequence of Bidens election was years of pandemic.Nice try but fail….

MAGA SAM March 30, 2024 - 11:57 AM - 11:57 AM

Only 7 EV charging stations built since $7.5 billion investment from Biden admin started in 2021.
This is what democrats do. Where’s the money? Where’s the EV charging stations getting you across the country? You guys are so gullible but barely work so barely contribute tax dollars so I guess you don’t care. Lame

MAGA SAM March 30, 2024 - 12:01 PM - 12:01 PM

Just a reminder the church doesn’t belong to the pope. It is infiltrated like everything else on this earth.

Paul March 30, 2024 - 3:29 PM - 3:29 PM

Exactly 👍! A biggest infiltration sign is that an adulterous guy hawks God’s words for $59.99/copy. We are in big trouble because salvation is no longer free😬😬

MAGA SAM March 30, 2024 - 6:09 PM - 6:09 PM

You democrats always want something for free. Pretty sad. Some bible’s cost thousands of dollars. 59 bucks is cheap, especially without weighted inflation under biden at 25%

JWB March 31, 2024 - 1:42 PM - 1:42 PM

Amazon sells Holy Bibles for $4.99. I guess selling them for $59.99 must include a huge Trumpflation.

Glen223 March 31, 2024 - 4:03 PM - 4:03 PM

So therefore every Bible should be $4.99?


Dr. Jellyfinger March 30, 2024 - 6:05 PM - 6:05 PM

Biden’s Easter Sunday Egg Hunt Prohibits any “Religious Art On Eggs”
I wonder if that includes Satanic stuff? Probably not… he wouldn’t want to offend his base.


Angry American March 30, 2024 - 2:36 PM - 2:36 PM

Good job Gov. I see our tax money must only be spent on cocaine and hair gel.

MAGA SAM March 30, 2024 - 3:13 PM - 3:13 PM

•Feb 19-25 – Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week
March 21-25 – LGBTOIA+ Health Awareness Week «March 31 – Transgender Day of Visibility
April 6 – International Asexuality Day
•April 13 – International Day of Pink (Day Opposing Homophobia)
«April 14 – Day of Silence
•April 26 – Lesbian Visibility Day •May 17th – International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and
May 19th – Agender Pride Day
May 22 – Harvey Milk Day
May 25 – Pansexual & Panromantic Awareness Day
June 23 – Stonewall Day
June 28 – International LGBTQ+ Day
July 14 – International Non-binary People Day
•July 16 – International Drag Day
•September 16-23 Bisexual Awareness Week
•September 23 – Celebrate Bisexuality Day
•October 8 – International Lesbian Day
•October 11 – National Coming Out Day
•October 17-24 Genderfluid Visibility Week
•October 19 – International Pronoun Dav
•October 19 – Spirit Day (Support for LGBTQ+ Youth)
•October 23-29 Asexual Awareness Week
•October 26 – Intersex Awareness Day
•ENTIRE MONTH OF NOVEMBER – Trans Awareness Month
•November 5 – Trans Parent Day
•November 8 – Intersex Day of Remembrance
•November 13-19 – Transgender Awareness Week
•November 20 – Transgender Day of Remembrance
Simply pathetic

Dr. Jellyfinger April 1, 2024 - 7:22 AM - 7:22 AM

Everybody show that list to your employer and demand these days off.
If they don’t give it to you alert the media!

Clyde April 1, 2024 - 12:35 PM - 12:35 PM

Any group can make a day, doesn’t make it law. Jeebus, here is a food day list just for January.
January 1
National Bloody Mary Day
National Black Eyed Pea Day
January 2
National Buffet Day
National Cream Puff Day
January 3
National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day
January 4
National Spaghetti Day
January 5
National Whipped Cream Day
January 6
National King Cake Day
National Shortbread Day
National Bean Day
January 7
National Tempura Day
January 8
National English Toffee Day
January 9
National Apricot Day
January 10
National Bittersweet Chocolate Day
January 11
National Hot Toddy Day
National Milk Day
January 12
National Marzipan Day
National Curried Chicken Day
National Glazed Doughnut Day
January 13
National Gluten-Free Day
National Peach Melba Day
January 14
National Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day
January 15
National Bagel Day*
National Fresh Squeezed Juice Day
National Strawberry Ice Cream Day
January 16
National Fig Newton Day
International Hot and Spicy Food Day
January 17
National Hot Buttered Rum Day
January 18
National Gourmet Coffee Day
Peking Duck Day
January 19
National Popcorn Day
January 20
National Buttercrunch Day
National Cheese Lover’s Day
January 21
National Granola Bar Day
National New England Clam Chowder Day
January 22
National Blonde Brownie Day
National Southern Food Day
January 23
National Pie Day
National Rhubarb Pie Day
January 24
National Peanut Butter Day
Lobster Thermidor Day
January 25
National Irish Coffee Day
January 26
National Peanut Brittle Day
January 27
National Chocolate Cake Day
January 28
National Blueberry Pancake Day
January 29
National Corn Chip Day
January 30
National Croissant Day
January 31
National Hot Chocolate Day**

Dr. Jellyfinger April 2, 2024 - 8:14 AM - 8:14 AM

At first I thought that was the menu for Golden Corral.

Anew March 30, 2024 - 4:28 PM - 4:28 PM

Trump Campaign Responds to Biden’s Latest Attacks on Easter
“It is appalling and insulting that Joe Biden’s White House prohibited children from submitting religious egg designs for their Easter Art Event, and formally proclaimed Easter Sunday as ‘Trans Day of Visibility.’
From Townhall: https://tinyurl.com/9vn5pmc5

JWB March 30, 2024 - 6:31 PM - 6:31 PM

Maybe we should also include the WH’s response to the Trump campaign’:
“Fyi on all the misleading swirl re White House and Easter: the American Egg Board flyer’s standard non-discrimination language requesting artwork has been used for the last 45 years, across all Dem & Republican Admins—for all WH Easter Egg Rolls —incl previous Administration’s.”
After all we want to be fair and balanced.

Dr. Jellyfinger March 30, 2024 - 8:27 PM - 8:27 PM

I only found one dubious source for your story and about 85 sources for the other version.
Can you offer any confirmation?

JWB March 31, 2024 - 10:24 AM - 10:24 AM

Emily Metz, president and CEO of the American Egg Board, a group that supports the White House Egg Roll, said in a statement, “The American Egg Board has been a supporter of the White House Easter Egg Roll for over 45 years and the guideline language referenced in recent news reports has consistently applied to the board since its founding, across administrations.”

whenwilltheylearn March 31, 2024 - 11:42 AM - 11:42 AM

that ought to clear it all up..huh?

ProveMeWrong April 1, 2024 - 9:15 PM - 9:15 PM

I think WWTL’s response is a symptom of TDS.. facts are incomprehensible

Original G March 30, 2024 - 7:06 PM - 7:06 PM

‘Outrage as Biden proclaims Easter Sunday as ‘Trans Day of Visibility’ – as White House BANS children from submitting religious-themed Easter egg designs at annual event for military families’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/4jwcasbv
On of all days, Easter Sunday
transgender visibility day proclamation
https://tinyurl.com/47hmptdu click to enlarge

Original G March 31, 2024 - 12:11 AM - 12:11 AM

‘White House Doubles Down After Declaring Easter Sunday ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’ ‘…
“The Biden White House has betrayed the central tenet of Easter — which is the resurrection of Jesus Christ,” Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) posted on X. “Banning sacred truth and tradition—while at the same time proclaiming Easter Sunday as “Transgender Day”—is outrageous and abhorrent. The American people are taking note.”
‘Gov Kathy Hochul Will Light Up NY Landmarks, One World Trade Center,
in Transgender Flag Colors on Easter’

Original G March 31, 2024 - 12:58 AM - 12:58 AM

Correction for last URL in 7:06 PM post
https://tinyurl.com/4k5sxcmy click on to enlarge

The Fearless Spectator March 31, 2024 - 9:34 AM - 9:34 AM

Hey it could be worse, he could have proclaimed it Bestiality Appreciation Day. In fact if they had put it on the teleprompter he would have announced it.

Concord Guy March 31, 2024 - 11:31 AM - 11:31 AM

Right wing pearl clutching. March 31 has been Trans Visibility Day for many years. This year it happens to coincide with Easter.

The right wing can’t let facts get in the way of faux outrage.

whenwilltheylearn March 31, 2024 - 12:45 PM - 12:45 PM

Lady,its not faux

JWB March 31, 2024 - 1:55 PM - 1:55 PM

That’s the point, it’s faux with the right wing influencer to induce outrage among their flock. So sure the outrage feels not faux for you.

Cyn March 31, 2024 - 1:10 PM - 1:10 PM

@Concord Guy
There is nothing “right wing” about this. Sorry to see you do not know or recognize the difference.

Dr. Jellyfinger March 30, 2024 - 8:28 PM - 8:28 PM

Somehow I think this story might be a bit partisan….

Dr. Jellyfinger March 31, 2024 - 9:34 AM - 9:34 AM

It’s kind of a moot point.
I’m sure Trump will change the White House rules for the Easter Egg Decorating Contest in time for next year’s celebration and allow the artists to express their freedom of religion as they wish.

JWB March 31, 2024 - 10:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Funny that he didn’t change it in his first term. But of course we all know this is just a manufactured outrage to keep his base angry.
The WH easter egg event never was about religion or politics. It always was a fun event for all kids but of course why not turn it into a political issue.
And by the way why does he keep referring to “Christians and Catholics”? if this are two separate groups does he think Catholics are not Christians?

Dr. Jellyfinger March 31, 2024 - 11:14 AM - 11:14 AM

I don’t think anybody made a point of the religious exclusions before.
Was it ever an issue in the past?
Well, it is now… but it won’t be again and it probably would not have surfaced in the first place if it wasn’t for Biden overshadowing Easter with his manic Pro Tran-sexual Madness.

whenwilltheylearn March 31, 2024 - 11:40 AM - 11:40 AM

they were born angry..nice try.

MAGA SAM March 30, 2024 - 9:28 PM - 9:28 PM

Pretty funny during Easter Trump promotes the Bible, while biden promotes NEW Transgender visibility day!
Liberals losing their minds over Trump pushing the bible is comical.

whenwilltheylearn March 31, 2024 - 2:05 AM - 2:05 AM

No matter what Trump does they say its all bad.
Can you say spoilsport?

inmotion March 31, 2024 - 9:35 AM - 9:35 AM

Trump promotes ‘his’ bible, taking a page from the huckster evangelist that take advantage of the ignorant rubes, in effect the only way to God is thru their ministry. I doubt Mr Trump has ever read a book let alone the Bible.

Original G March 31, 2024 - 3:26 AM - 3:26 AM

Probably brought a smile to some DEM politicians ,
“The Communist Party of Cuba reportedly banned Christians from celebrating traditional Catholic Holy Week processions across several regions of the country in anticipation of Easter, including processions observed on Good Friday.”
Maybe in a decade or so . . . . . . .

Original G March 31, 2024 - 4:32 AM - 4:32 AM

Response to Snickerdad Whatever post March 30 – 9:35 PM
“This is either brain died or a complete idiot.”
NO this affront to Christianity is part of the DEM plan.
Few years ago obama gloated in an interview with NY times
That 90 percent of the folks in his administration returned for biden harris regime.
“A new report from the Tablet online magazine alleges that former President Barack Obama is the power behind much of what happens in President Joe Biden’s White House, controlling key decisions through an army of Obama administration alumni.”

DOH March 31, 2024 - 9:53 AM - 9:53 AM

First it was trading cards, then Trump money with no actual cash value, then over-priced sneakers and now the antithesis of Trump, a bible with some patriotic copies of Constitutions, Pledge of Allegiance, etc. . No grift is sacred from Trump. If there are any documents that Trump does not agree with the it is the Bible and the Constitution.

whenwilltheylearn March 31, 2024 - 11:37 AM - 11:37 AM

Youre going to have a very whiny and bad next 4 years

MAGA SAM March 31, 2024 - 1:17 PM - 1:17 PM

Trumps first term is nullified by the russia hoax. We’re owed another 8 years. Wait till they figure out what they did

Dr. Jellyfinger April 2, 2024 - 7:34 AM - 7:34 AM

“If there are any documents that Trump does not agree with the it is the Bible and the Constitution”
How’d you figure that out DOH?
Or did you just extract that one from your derriere?

JWB April 2, 2024 - 3:26 PM - 3:26 PM

Mark 10:9 “Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”
1 Corinthians 6:9–10 ” 9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.”

Dr. Jellyfinger April 3, 2024 - 7:14 AM - 7:14 AM

That’s just a Bible verse that describes half of Congress.
How do you come to the conclusion that Trump “does not agree with it”?
That would be the “example” requested and it does not even address the Constitution!
Did Trump ever claim that he was pure as the driven snow & without sin?
He is only human… or would you argue that as well?
And if Trump does not agree with the Constitution why do he and his lawyers keep bringing it up in his defense ?

Dr. Jellyfinger March 31, 2024 - 10:25 AM - 10:25 AM
Original G March 31, 2024 - 1:59 PM - 1:59 PM

Wonder who is financing protests, nations and/or mega wealthy individuals ?

Dr. Jellyfinger April 1, 2024 - 6:44 AM - 6:44 AM

I’m a little confused…. when simply reporting a news story without expressing an opinion, does a “thumbs up” signal the reader’s approval of what happened in the story & a “thumbs down” signal disapproval of what happened? or does it mean the reader just approves or disapproves of the story being posted and the person who posted it?
I’m afraid that just posting the story without including an opinion does not give the reader a clear position to take.
I was about to select a thumbs up to approve of a post that offered no opinion on an action I did not approve of, but it just seemed wrong ….. maybe we should always offer an opinion of whether it is good or bad thing so that there can be no question of the reader’s reaction to what happened ?

Glen223 April 1, 2024 - 11:20 AM - 11:20 AM

You’re not the only one confused…

Cyn April 1, 2024 - 7:29 PM - 7:29 PM

@Dr. J.
I gave you a “thumbs-up” for your post for sharing the information, however, I’m disgusted with what happened. (I agree with Glen223.)

The Professor April 2, 2024 - 10:14 AM - 10:14 AM

The protestors missed a golden opportunity for a two-fer protest. Why only protest for Gaza when they could have used Trans Day of Visibility to protest the plight of Trans Palestinians.

Original G March 31, 2024 - 2:37 PM - 2:37 PM

Did biden go to Easter services ? ? ?
‘Trailer with hundreds of bibles inside are set on fire
and left outside Tennessee church on Easter Sunday’
Seen any DEM politician condemning BIBLE burning or maybe taking a knee?
Surely Federal law enforcement will make investigation a priority . . . . . . .
Hmm, isn’t there a religion if this were done to their holy book
there would be consequences?

Original G March 31, 2024 - 4:50 PM - 4:50 PM

‘Transgender Day of Visibility’
Ya know it is so reassuring to witness biden harris priorities . . . . .
‘ISIS calls for Ramadan massacre of Christians and Jews by ‘lone wolves’ ‘
” Al-Ansari proceeded to reach out to “lone wolves” on Telegram, urging them to “target Christians and Jewish people, especially in the US, Europe, and Israel during the holy month of Ramadan.” ”
‘US official warns ISIS-K terrorists may slip through US-Mexico border
and carry out Moscow-style attack’

whenwilltheylearn April 1, 2024 - 4:26 AM - 4:26 AM

FDNY firefighters forced to removed stars and stripes flag commemorating men lost on 9/11 as democrat lawmakers brand it a “fascist symbol”
Wow, you guys are so cool……

THE BLACK KNIGHT April 1, 2024 - 9:41 PM - 9:41 PM

The flag that was ordered to be removed from the firetrucks was at one firehouse, and not the entire department. It wasn’t a “Stars and Stripes Flag,” it was a “Thin Red Line Flag,” as it’s a violation of FDNY policy to fly the “Thin Red Line Flag,” and this firehouse was told that they could replace it with a “FDNY Flag.” If it wasn’t for all of the significant controversy surrounding the “Thin Blue Line Flag” and the police, then this likely wouldn’t have been an issue. Any controversy surrounding the “Thin Red Line Flag,” the “Thin White Line Flag,” the “Thin Yellow Line Flag,” the “Thin Gold Line Flag,” the “Thin Grey Line Flag,” the “Thin Silver Line Flag,” the “Thin Orange Line Flag,” the “Thin Green Line Flag,” and the “Thin Purple Line Flag,” is significantly less, to virtually nonexistent, compared to that of the “Thin Blue Line Flag.”

whenwilltheylearn April 2, 2024 - 2:26 PM - 2:26 PM

Nice spin,complete BS.And you support it?Why not just publish your address?

THE BLACK KNIGHT April 2, 2024 - 5:11 PM - 5:11 PM

No spin, just truth! I know that you think you’re the only one who can find the “truth” on the internet, but you’re not. Why would I post my address? You’re more than welcome to post your address for all of us.

Original G April 1, 2024 - 9:34 AM - 9:34 AM
Original G April 1, 2024 - 12:29 PM - 12:29 PM

“Immigration into the U.S. has risen so rapidly that it beat out federal projections by decades, according to a report from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) released on Thursday.
The total number of immigrants in the U.S. rose to a record high of 51.4 million as of February 2024, representing 15.5 percent of the total population,according to CIS. The U.S. Census Bureau published projections in November which estimated that the share of foreign-born nationals in the U.S. would not reach 15.5 percent until at least 2039, making the projections “obsolete,”…”

THE BLACK KNIGHT April 2, 2024 - 1:12 PM - 1:12 PM

The previous high for the foreign-born population of the US was 14.8% in 1910, the low was 4.7% in 1970. The foreign-born population of the US has never surpassed 15% of our overall population, until now, we’ve begun to change like never before.

Original G April 1, 2024 - 1:36 PM - 1:36 PM

Assault an Christian values and beliefs that began under obama biden regime
has continued during obama’s third term, biden harris regime.
Appropriate cartoon and comment

Dr. Jellyfinger April 2, 2024 - 3:38 PM - 3:38 PM

Time To Go Shopping!


Dr. Jellyfinger April 3, 2024 - 6:42 AM - 6:42 AM

Just check off items on the grocery list to see how much you spent with Trump in charge vs, Biden…. so simple, even a Democrat can do it.

whenwilltheylearn April 3, 2024 - 4:15 PM - 4:15 PM

when price are better during Trump they will say Joe did it,but took minute

Dr. Jellyfinger April 3, 2024 - 4:47 PM - 4:47 PM

Wow! I feel awfully stupid!
My brother just checked out the Biden Mart shopping list site and set me straight.
Grocery prices under Biden are much cheaper….. in fact, all groceries up to $950.00 are free!

Dr. Jellyfinger April 3, 2024 - 4:54 PM - 4:54 PM

Yes I know…. Biden, Newsom, California… give credit where credit is due.

The Fearless Spectator April 4, 2024 - 10:55 AM - 10:55 AM

Shoplifters are using an app that alerts them when they have pilfered $940 in merchandise. They dump the loot in the limo-tinted ghetto sled and head out for yet another “cashless purchase”.
Such a grand lifestyle, and flexible hours too……….

whenwilltheylearn April 2, 2024 - 6:32 PM - 6:32 PM

Trump used the word ‘bloodbath’ to describe the border today,many times,will the left even mention it this time?The left is a bunch of fakes trying to rile up the low IQ people,and they know it.

whenwilltheylearn April 2, 2024 - 7:20 PM - 7:20 PM

And more Biden grift,,breaking news-Biden accused of failing to disclose vacations gifted to him by wealthy donors.40 percent of his entire time in office has been vacations,proven,and probably 30 percent has been spent napping.He has ruined the country using only 20 percent of his time..glad he barely “worked”.We can let anyone get away with breaking laws..right,lefties?Federal disclosure laws and conflict of interest are on paper.Everytime his buddies needed something they bought him a vacation.
Also,the BLM people have all run to Canada to hide from their crimes.
Biden will soon go there too.

whenwilltheylearn April 2, 2024 - 7:26 PM - 7:26 PM

All Biden needed to do was report them as gifts,and from 2020-2022,he reported nothing.Maybe because Obama didnt care and is really the president.Why would Biden need to follow rules only meant for the president?Get that federal prison cell ready,he can bunk with his son.

whenwilltheylearn April 3, 2024 - 4:13 PM - 4:13 PM

Where’s the left spin on this..im waiting…

Original G April 3, 2024 - 5:44 PM - 5:44 PM

How to make money ? ? ?
‘Most gender-confused children grow out of it, landmark 15-year study concludes –
as critics say it shows being trans is usually just a phase for kids’
Drug companies, doctors and hospitals are profiting from gender confusion teachers, left wing media and DEMs have spread. Hospitals, drug companies and doctors are campaign contributors to DEMs..
An what is reason for DEM’ preoccupation with children ? ? ?

The Professor April 4, 2024 - 11:18 AM - 11:18 AM

Politicians will always find a way to back policies that pay. This applies to almost all politicians, Dem or Rep. They are all for it if it means cash in their coffers. To me, it seems that the Dems are much more blatant in their pay to play schemes. Here are some big money generators that the Dems champion:

Transgenderism- The Drs, hospitals, and drug companies see this as an untapped market that must be expanded at all costs. These people are making bank on confused kids and spineless parents.
Abortion- Once a word that brought shame and embarrassment. Now celebrated by the left. Govt $ funds abortion providers for “women’s health” services. Planned Parenthood and similar organizations funnel large portions back to the Dems as donations.
Climate Change- There is big $ available to researchers- if they toe the line that CO2 will kill us all. Pay the researchers via grants to say what you want. Then pass draconian laws and skim the cream from all of the govt $.
The lottery- Now we don’t think twice about the lottery. But back in the ’80s, before it was legal, the argument against was a moral one: gambling is bad. But the selling point was that revenue generated would fund our schools. Look at our school system and the product that it churns out and ask yourself, “Where did all the $ go”?
The Unions, especially Govt Unions- “Vote for us and we’ll give you more money so that you can donate to us so that we can win another election and give you more money so that you can donate to us….” An infinite vote buying/money laundering scheme.
Legalized pot- Like the lottery, this was once a moral argument that drugs are bad. That is, until politicians figured out that taxing weed meant more money. Never mind that the reality of this policy was one of increase drug use, reduced productivity, and a thriving black market (because now it is soooooo much cheaper to buy on the street vs. a dispensary).
Homelessness- How much money has flowed into this problem? Has it made a difference and improved the situation? Where did the money go? People are getting rich off of the misery of the drug addicted and mentally ill- but it’s not those people sleeping on the street.
Illegal immigration- Similar game plan as homelessness. Only this time the Dems know that they have lifetime voters as long as the benefits flow.

Follow the money! If you take $ out of the equation, then there is no incentive for the politicians to enact goofy laws. Take out the $ and you have no incentive for the “takers” to vote for these politicians.

I encourage any upvotes to add to the list. I also encourage the downvotes to add to the list the travesties perpetrated by the right.

THE BLACK KNIGHT April 4, 2024 - 2:31 AM - 2:31 AM
Dr. Jellyfinger April 4, 2024 - 7:37 AM - 7:37 AM

Biden’s “Get Out The Vote” executive order is being challenged in a lawsuit by PA Freedom Caucus and is headed to the Supreme Court.
“Biden’s order is essentially an executive get-out-the-vote effort targeting key demographics to benefit the president’s political party and his own re-election, which they argue is unconstitutional with Congress having never enacted a law that grants such an action from the Oval Office”.



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