The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
QUESTION: Do you think Panera Bread franchise owner and Gov. Gavin Newsom campaign donor Greg Flynn and Gov. Newsom made a deal to exclude Panera from the state’s new $20 an hour minimum wage law, or do you think the report is absurd?
RELATED NEWS: Confidentiality pact deepens mystery of how bakery clause got into CA minimum wage law
Talk about it.
There should be NO confidentiality agreements in business.
There should be no secret agreements in Government.
There should be no $ 20-an-hour minimum wage.
There should be a free market for free people.
I’m sorry to say this – because I like to think the better of everyone – but Gavin Newsom is a liar and dangerously calculating politician… he is conniving behind the scenes now to become president. He has no values or scruples.he you want so bad to do for the country what he’s done to California. He’s so delirious he thinks it’s good.
Well, how does the new law define “fast food” and what are the other “carved out” exemptions?
Of course they made a deal. Flynn is a big donor, and they went to high school together. One plus one equals two.
Of course they made a deal. Newscum said they different, and he does not tell the truth, so yea, they made a deal. Why else would the two of them deny it so publically?
This will sum it up for you https://youtu.be/zfYX1BenOd4?si=WH258J92Rk7udFef
Seriously that’s what I figured too. Just bake bread and sell it and there you go McDonald’s
Yes – of course there was a deal – only when it blew up did Newscum throw in the towel and throw the others under the bus… watch out, he has eyes on the WH
I do not believe gavvy and his denials. He is as dishonest a politician, as loathsome an individual as has ever served as governor.
The breads not very good. That’s pretty much all I know on the matter.
What wasn’t explained is why would this type be exempt? Show me the logic that says this type of business has a valid reason for being excluded. None of this we all discussed this and said so? Typical political move
Naw, of course DEMs can be trusted . . . . . .
Anyone remember that no bid contract for covid face masks ? ?
‘California lawmakers press governor for details on $1B mask deal’
‘Newsom refuses to divulge secret deal for coronavirus masks – Los Angeles Times’
“New report entangles State Controller in first mask deal with newly-formed company”
“Why Did Gov. Gavin Newsom Make Hurried $1 Billion Deal With China’s BYD for Masks?”
Well the rule is so ridiculous it screams we made it for Panera. Selling bread stand alone bread? And you have to bake it there? I mean common sense is so uncommon nowadays but mine is still sharp and this is obviously a ridiculous stipulation.
Seems like all Micky D’s need to do is bake some buns there and sell them standalone.
Agreed. They are all going to start baking bread.
PG&E continues to “donate” money to Newsom and other politicians so what is the difference?
I don’t like it and I certainly do not trust them.
If PG&E can kill 85+ people , Panera has a long was to go.
Red meat question to the anti-Newsom crowd here on claycord.com.
Typical liberal Democrat California government:
‘Do as I say, not as I do.’
‘The rules and laws apply to you, but not to me.’
The $20 minimum wage is absurd. Here comes more inflation.