Home » Person Struck By Vehicle On Olivera Rd. In North Concord

Person Struck By Vehicle On Olivera Rd. In North Concord


A person was struck by a vehicle (FedEx truck) in the area of Northwood Dr. and Olivera Rd. in Concord this afternoon.

The collision occurred around noon.

At the time of first responder arrival, the person was conscious in the roadway.


Thanks to Staci T. for the photo from the scene.

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UPS, Amazon, and Fed Ex drivers are pushed to the limit…. but still need to be more careful hope they’ll be ok


Hope the pedestrian is okay. Fed Ex and UPS trucks drive like maniacs up and down Olivera Rd because there are hubs for both nearby. My husband was almost killed by a FedEx truck down in the Livermore area. It has been over 10 years since the accident and he still won’t drive on the freeway and when he is a passenger in a car we have to stay clear of all trucks because of his trauma.


She sadly was not. She died on the scene. It was better though. The way she was left….anyone would be begging for death if they were in the state she was in 🙁

Right across the street from a park, glad it wasnt a kid

Pedestrians are supposed to stop and look both ways before crossing a street, especially if not at a corner. I have seen Pedestrians jump in front of cars at crosswalks even, so there is enough blame to go around.


I live in the condos on the corner. That intersection is HORRIBLE and always has bad accidents! It’s not uncommon to hear screeching tires and metal collide. (My own car was totaled at that intersection while on my way home, due to someone running a red light!) I was home when this accident happened and figured it must have been a pedestrian, since I didn’t hear the usual collision noises. I hope the person is ok!!


Hello, is Northwood really bad on crime as well? Me and wife looking to purchase there.

I was on the scene when it happened (was in the middle of being picked up by a family member and I literally live close to the condos there). The person was an elderly lady. The person’s dog was injured severally and she did cross carefully and the FEDEX truck just zoomed by and hit both of them. I talked with a few police officers and the FEDEX driver was on their phone. It’s so sad….please be careful on the roads people.

I was on the scene when it happened (was in the middle of being picked up by a family member and I literally live close to the condos there). The person was an elderly lady. The person’s dog was injured severally and she did cross carefully and the FEDEX truck just zoomed by and hit both of them. I talked with a few police officers and the FEDEX driver was on their phone. It’s so sad….please be careful on the roads people.

@VALENTINA….If the LE officers told you the driver was on the phone they should be at least suspended. Just because you were “on scene” and didn’t see the driver talking on the phone, you shouldn’t be spouting off.
I don’t believe you either way.



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