Home » Why Daylight Saving Time Is Starting Again In California

Why Daylight Saving Time Is Starting Again In California


By Lynn La – CalMatters

In the wee hours of Sunday morning, Californians (and most of the rest of the country) will have to move their clocks one hour forward, starting eight months of daylight saving time. The change means we get to experience more daylight later in the day, but the sudden hour of lost sleep can be jarring for some people — and can even increase health risks, experts say.

Didn’t Californians vote on this issue? Yes, sort of, but it isn’t quite that simple.
In November 2018, voters overwhelmingly passed Proposition 7. But the measure only allowed the Legislature to change daylight saving time, either by establishing it year-round or abolishing it.

A change still requires a two-thirds majority of both the state Assembly and Senate and the governor’s signature. Permanently keeping daylight saving time also requires congressional action — and that hasn’t happened.


California doesn’t have to wait on Congress to use standard time, which is what Hawaii and most of Arizona do.

So this year Republican Sen. Roger Niello of Roseville introduced legislation to do away with daylight saving time for good and establish standard time year-round. (Westminster Republican Tri Ta is carrying a twin bill in the Assembly.)

Arguing that standard time makes “the most sense,” Niello says his bill has the backing of the California Medical Association. A large portion of the medical and sleep expert communities also agree that standard time coincides better with people’s natural clocks.

In its analysis of Prop. 7, the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office said continuing to switch between time standards potentially affected “worker productivity and the number of accidents.”


But California lawmakers can’t quite agree what standard we should stick with. In 2021, then-Assemblymember Steven Choi proposed a measure to make daylight saving time permanent (which, again, would still be contingent on changing federal law). The bill died before it reached the Senate.

Even now with Niello’s bill, other lawmakers expressed their preference for year-round daylight saving time — not standard time.

Niello, however, says that last fall, lawmakers from Oregon and Washington reached out to him about making standard time permanent, saying that it would be a “good idea” for the West Coast to align their clocks.

There are also similar bills in Idaho and Utah.


And while Niello recognizes that not everybody shares his preference for standard time, at least more could agree with doing away with changing clocks altogether.

“I have become increasingly tired of making the switch myself on a personal basis,” he said.

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Didn’t the people vote on this? See how much winning elections actually matters these days.


Proposition 7 from 2018 was nothing but a waste of time and money. Federal law doesn’t allow states to be on Daylight Saving Time (DST) year round, Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) for California. Federal law does, however, allow states to be on Standard Time year round, Pacific Standard Time (PST) for California.


The answer to that question is in paragraph 2.

Voting doesnt matter. Its all rigged. Trump will be president whether you like it or not.
Daylight savings time will never go away.
Mondays will always be awful.


Donuts will always be donuts.


here we go again…

I hate DST as much as the next guy, but switching as a state makes no sense.

Imagine swapping an hour on a trip to Tahoe or Vegas???


Change batteries in any and all smoke detectors when you change your clocks.


I wonder the utility in the time change, more for today than when it was implemented, since it seems of little value/benefit in this day and age.


Joke’s on them. I never set my clocks back in the fall, and my phone updates automatically.


Team standard time here. Follow the science. It will be almost a month until I wake up to daylight at 6:00 again for work.


Does anybody really know what time it is, does anybody really care about time?
If so, I can’t imagine why, we’ve all got time enough to try…….. a Mojito!
It’s the Cuban punch of white rum, sugar, lime juice, soda water, and mint, it is very refreshing! Pair that with one of those Cuban squished sandwiches & nom!


Thanks S…. I thought I sounded familiar.
I’m still a bit jazzed up over the food & drinks we had this morning for our DST party all catered by a gal named Rosarita… Started at midnight and we stayed up to watch the clocks flip forward…. I think we might have gone overboard a bit with the fireworks (neighbors look pizzed off) I need a nap!


I can’t help but think that our elected “representatives” still discuss legislating/regulating time. To think that we all accept (like we have a choice?) that the federal government is regulating, to a certain degree, the time of day. Next thing you’ll know, they’ll tell us what kind of cars to drive, or what kind of insurance to buy…


Your computer or phone runs on UTC (Coordinate Universal Time) and converts it to local time by offset. In a global world we probably should just do away with time zones and use UTC everywhere. UTC is the same as GMT except it doesn’t change as GMT does to BST, British Summer Time their DST. I think that wanting DST year round is a bit narcissistic since the real reason is so you have more time after work to putter around in the garden. Where I worked the “exempts” (paid by salary not hourly) could make their own hours so the idea of DST was superfluous.
I don’t pay much attention to time anyway and prefer to be “organic” instead of “mechanic” so my biorhythms don’t get messed up. DST can be fattening too. 😎


I identify as a standard time male. Therefore, I will keep my clocks set right where they are.

Even if that wasn’t sarcastic…still funny.

Elect me as King and I’ll abolish this and compounded interest, and the ATF, and man buns under 30, and 1-800-KARS4-KIDS kommercials. For reals.



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