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Should illegals committing criminal acts be repeatedly released back onto our streets ?
Rep. Mike Collins speaks on the House floor during debate on the Laken Riley Act
Laken Riley Act
Requires ICE to arrest and detain illegal aliens like Laken Riley’s murderer until they are deported.
‘…House Passes Laken Riley Act –
170 America-Hating Democrats Vote Against Bill’
Isn’t this interesting???
Roll Call VOTE 66 | Bill Number: H. R. 7511 – Laken Riley Act
DeSaulnier – Democratic – California – Nay
What was with Joe Biden last night?
That wasn’t a state of the union speech but rather a manic angry Hitler-esque display!
He scares me!
Although I guess we answered the question of whose cocaine the Secret Service found in the White House months back. They wondered who it belonged to ( And we never heard anything more about it afterwards) I think we now know who uses it!
Maybe . . . .
“Changes in personality and behavior are common in people with dementia. These changes may involve angry outbursts and aggressive behaviors such as shouting verbal threats, physical violence, and damaging property.”
Did you hear about the runner who got murdered while running in Georgia? What a tragedy. That kind of stuff should never happen here.
Thousands of people are murdered by illegals.
Travis McMichael, Greg McMichael and William Bryan were illegals?
bidens words not mine.
You may want to google those names….
Yeah,, Biden called him an illegal immigrant?
Yeah wasn’t that beautiful! And the whole democrat party and liberals are mad at Joe Biden for the slip of his tongue a calling someone ” illegal “.. remember the democrats say they were supposed to call them ” new residents ”
It is probably one of the only honest things Biden said in the speech.
They had it all rehearsed to pathetically chant'”4 more years..”
That’s not what a state of the union speech is for or about..he didnt even really address the state of the nation.
A hand puppet from the 1930’s
The feckless career democrat politician swamp dwellers want to keep their jobs.
Well it certainly wasn’t supposed to be about whatever Marjorie Taylor Green (you know, Tammy Faye Baker and Yosemite Sam’s love child) was doing there.
We now know that Ronny Jackson, Trumps White House physician… after the DOD investigation – was busted down in rank from rear admiral to captain. He still refers to himself at the higher rank, erroneously, as a guy like him would do. It was as a result of “substantiated allegations about his inappropriate behavior as a White House physician” He is infamously known as the “Candyman” for his actions of giving all the pills to Trumps staff. Uppers, downers, you name it, they were handed out like candy without proper records and protocol. Wonder if that had anything to do with the constant, incessant sniffling Donald was always observed doing…
Trumps on cocaine. Hunter’s cocaine was really Trumps stash that he left behind. It all makes sense now. It’s too bad biden won’t debate him. Democrats are losing everything. They will never hold office again.
No debate, no problem. They should re-run the “2020 Trump vs Biden” debate, and refresh the voter’s memory, how we got here. Trump put things into place, so we could have Covid vaccinations (Operation Warp Speed) but Biden took the credit. Or, how Biden reversed foreign policies that were in America’s interests.
They had Joe so cranked up last night he passed God, which is ironic considering……..
So you should really let us know what the miracle drug would be that cures dementia? You know there are millions of people who suffer because a loved one is ill with dementia. It’s a horrific disease and to see your parent or spouse no longer recognizing you.
Good nutrition and exercise works. Especially as growing old people “dry out” and start looking like raisins. Big pharma doesn’t want to cure dementia because there is more profit in treating it. Most doctors don’t know much of anything about nutrition too or they could help more. If a clinic has a nutritionist on staff they might be able to help unless they think that everyone’s nutritional needs are the same as everyone else.
We can just be so glad that you know more about diseases than “most doctors”. Also quite some insight into what big pharma is up to.
And now back to reality here is from the website from July 2023:
“There are 141 drugs being tested in clinical trials for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. 78% of these drugs are designed to try and slow down how quickly the disease progresses. We examine the three most promising drugs, lecanemab, donanemab and remternetug and summarise their journeys so far.”
So you say because there is no profit in these drugs they are spending literally billions of $$$ on their development?
Sorry my bad I actually misread what you wrote. You didn’t say that there is no money in treating it you only said that there is no money in curing it.
First there are still very few drugs available for treatment and they don’t seem very effective. And of course since most patients develop the disease late in their lives any drug that can effectively slow down development can be a great help to patients.
But I’m sorry for not having paid enough attention to what you wrote about drug development.
Irrespective of treatment vs. cure you have no clue about the way pharma operates. First believe me there is an ample supply of new patients even if there was a cure. Second have a look at Gilead, Abbvie. Merck or JNJ. They all developed cures for hepatitis C and made plenty of money with it.
If you read the article, you’ll get to the actually reason he was demoted: Jackson was a “leading critic of President Biden’s fitness for office, injecting himself into this year’s presidential campaign with frequent TV appearances, news conferences and public statements assessing the 81-year-old Biden’s mental and physical health. Jackson also has publicly called for Biden to undergo a cognitive exam comparable to the one he administered to Trump in January 2018”
I watched the video. Nobody even hints that he’s drunk. The cops detain him because he was in the way of the EMT’s. They didn’t know he was a doctor or a politician. If he was obviously drunk they would have detained him but instead they let him go at the end.
But thanks for the link, the more I look in to these things, the more it seems like people are trying to gaslight.
According to JWB, White House staff was never given these medications by Ronny Jackson.
I previously stated “Drugs like ambien and provigil are given to all White House officials and staffers who travel overseas with the president, vice president, and cabinet members to help them acclimate to the time change in foreign countries.” I should’ve added “if they wanted them.”
You replied “And once again TBK makes statements without knowing what he talks about. The White House Medical Unit does NOT serve staffers. If you would have read the report you would actually have learned this.”
Now, you say “We found that the White House Medical Unit provided a wide range of health care and pharmaceutical services to ineligible White House staff in violation of Federal law and regulation and DoD policy.”
So, what is it? Was I right or wrong that these drugs were given to White House staff on foreign trips? I never mentioned federal law, regulations, or Department of Defense policy! I simply stated the FACT that these drugs were given to White House staff on overseas trips.
As always, you interpret something different from what is posted. True to form when you can’t win an argument you go straight to your MAGA insinuations, MAGA innuendo, and/or MAGA name calling.
Biden had more drugs than a Race Horse
If anyone ever asks you “Prove to me Biden had anything to do with the decline of America” simply cite these “day one” executive orders. Then, ask yourself why a president, sworn to the protection of America’ and it’s citizens, would do such things. They are not stupid, they did these things for a reason.
Revoke the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline and cancel other Trump administration energy rules
Biden revoked the presidential permit for the $8 billion Keystone XL pipeline that would have transported fossil fuels from Canada across the United States — a project climate activists have protested for years. The order also directs federal agencies to start reversing and revising other Trump administration rules, including restoring protections and banning drilling in several national parks and national monuments and setting stricter emissions and fuel economy standards for vehicles.
Strengthen legal protections for “Dreamers”
Biden directed the secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the attorney general, to take actions to shore up the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that shielded hundreds of thousands of young immigrants from deportation. The Trump administration tried to abolish the program but was stopped by federal courts.
Cancel the Trump administration’s interior enforcement rule
Biden revoked a Trump executive order that massively expanded immigration officials’ interior enforcement work and broadened the categories of who they should try to detain and deport. His acting DHS secretary then issued a memo pausing deportations for 100 days beginning on Jan. 22.
Halt construction of the U.S.-Mexico border wall
Biden declared an immediate termination of the national emergency declaration that the Trump administration used to divert federal funding to building the U.S.-Mexico border wall, and ordered a pause on its construction while the new administration reviews the funding and contracts.
Trump posts 91.6 million bond. hmmmmm did Elon loan it to him or Putin? Or maybe his working class supporters that are still donating to his “campaign fund”? Maybe Lara is writing checks on the RNC’s dime? My fellow Americans.. you have been played.
We have been played by Dumb Biden and Dictator Newscum
We are getting played either way. and at least there’s a choice of “Who” is going to screw us. I’m sick and tired of this current administration putting the needs of the world ahead of America. The needs of the American people come first, and then we can share what’s left over.
The Republican response to State of the Union was pathetic. Even Charlie Kirk said so. Sitting in her kitchen and talking about mass rape while going from haooy to sad. was high school drama stuff.
Meanwhile Biden jumped in the polls .
Mass rape?
I guess I’m better off staying in Haooy.
Frank, I thought her response was terriffic. The youngest senator, and a female. Amazing, a wonderful speaker, and she hit almost every problem that young families have, and that Biden is doing nothing to improve, including immigration and inflation. I was very surprised how good she was. She mentioned every problem except the woke stuff being stuffed down the kids in school, but talked about most everything else. In my home town where I grew up in Ohio, my friends commented that in the school there that if the kids identify as a CAT, they can take a litter box with them to school. And there are several!!!
I am a senior and a female who raised several kids, and that would not have happen in my house, and my great grand daughter in Ca. better not have any strange or other identities. Some one should explain simple DNA to these young kids, that you can’t change into any species you want to be, but if you try hard and learn everything you can you can succeed in life. Her response talked about the problems Biden’ has created. I really can’t see how anyone can think Biden has been a good president, but when I hear the ABC news stations criticize and lie about Trump and never mention the bad things happening now, they don’t want us to know what is happening now. Our country is in trouble and any one who doesn’t see that better stop believing every thing they hear on CNN and MSNBC.
Too bad her story of child trafficking was from the Bush era among other made up “facts”.
State of the Union?
Democrats are terrified of losing all power for ever. The pure PANIC is beautiful. Nobody wants this except illegals.
Because his voters are idiots.
California is NOT a model for the country, rather it is a warning!!!
…..and you know who is set up to take Biden’s spot – Newscum – despite his lying denials….. we’re in deep doodoo
Will democrats accept the results of the elections? Will they riot and burn cities in protest?
Will they make up lies?
Will they spy on the president?
Will they pay influencers to spread fake news?
Will they use race to divide people?
Will they impeach with lies?
Will they work with foreign governments?
Will they do a fake pandemic?
I think we all know the answers
Why are all “activists” bitter people who advocate things that are horrible for a functioning society? Who are these people, where do they come from and what’s their motivation?
Just laugh at these idiots in all their forms
Chris Hedges wrote the following: “A public that can no longer distinguish between truth and fiction is left to interpret reality through illusion. Random facts or obscure bits of data and trivia are used either to bolster illusion and give it credibility, or discarded if they interfere with the message . . . When opinions cannot be distinguished from facts, when there is no universal standard to determine truth in law, in science, in scholarship, or in reporting the events of the day, when the most valued skill is the ability to entertain, the world becomes a place where lies become true, where people can believe what they want to believe. This is the real danger of pseudo-events and pseudo-events are far more pernicious than stereotypes. They do not explain reality, as stereotypes attempt to, but replace reality. Pseudo-events redefine reality by the parameters set by their creators. These creators, who make massive profits selling illusions, have a vested interest in maintaining the power structures they control.”
We are in a Fifth-Generation warfare era, folks…discourse about R and D is just a distraction…
Unfortunately, it looks as if Proposition 1 is going to pass, as the margin of votes continues to widen as more votes are counted each day, after two days of a narrowing vote count.
YES – 50.4% – 49.6% – NO
Tuesday – under 16,000 vote margin
Wednesday- under 13,000 vote margin
Thursday – under 23,000 vote margin
Friday – under 31,000 vote margin
Saturday- under 57,000 vote margin
Only 34 more days of vote counting to go.
Give the Newscum time, he will buy a few more votes for his proposition.
The margin between Propsition 1 has fallen again.
YES – 50.3% – 47.7% – NO
Sunday – 29,049 vote margin
Kamal Harris now needs investigation ,and it will happen soon..She refused to investigate the Herbalife company for being a pyramid scheme because her husband was the lawyer representing Herbalife.
Yup, old Camel Hairs knows that she has to smile and play along to stay in the good graces of the party.
…and just a reminder about Harris… while in SF she and Willie Brown had affairs as Newscum was taking out his GF – who was married to a friend of his at the time …. some friend
It all makes sense now:Biden is wearing a diaper and if he walks too fast or too big a step his pants will fall down
BTW,when was the last time he gave ole Jill a jump?
Trump has a beautiful wife and you cant keep a beautiful woman around if you can’t satisfy her.
biden is physically and mentally disfunctional.
Ultra RINO Mitch McConnel endorses Trump today.
Trying to save his own job.
Tick tock-flip flop- Trumps been bought.
I know politicians of all get bought, but this is painfully obvious.
That’s a pretty strong accusation without any supporting evidence. We’re all curious how you came to this conclusion. Please explain your rationale. Who bought him? How did they buy him? What was the payoff?
These are pretty simple questions that you should be able to answer, since it’s so painfully obvious.
Why is biden and the democrats so afraid to debate Trump? Surely biden’s superior intellect would dominate orange turds pee brain. So what’s the worrying about? Is it just pure PANIC? LOL
That would be a great debate. A total idiot and a dementia patient. If this is the best we can come up with for president we are in deep…
@Snakekeeper….. Here’s what your “total idiot” accomplished during his time in office:
biden has lost 4 US embassies. Charlie Sheen level winning
The next day after Bidumbs speech they tried to ask him some questions,he looked completely wiped,and just sat there staring for about 20 seconds on the first question.
They almost killed him with the cocktail to get thru his speech.
He wont even make it to Nov.
If you vote for him youre voting for giggles and you know it.
Voodoo Giggles.
This is a presidential election year, so where are the news helicopters providing live coverage of riots, looting and burning DEM run cities ? ? ? All in the name of some dead black felon DEM politicians and a sycophant leftists media raised to status of martyr, in their effort to turn out the guilty white vote and black voter bloc.
Did all of a sudden black felon predators stop putting themselves in harms way?
OR did those running DEM party decide they’ve already got way too many problems?
An when was the last time a political party screwed things up so bad they had to open our borders to import millions of eventual new voters that might eventually keep them in power ? ? ? ?
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
–H. L. Mencken
What riots ?
Everything you say from this point forward is disingenuous. What riots huh? Wow this is low, even for you
Four Oakland Taco Bells have closed their indoor dining service, and have changed to “drive-thru only” due to high crime. Now only one Oakland Taco Bell offers indoor dining, but it has switched to cashless payments after a series of robberies in the area. Robberies increased 38% from 2022 to 2023. Oakland police officers have noted that ‘restrictive’ rules don’t help. ‘We can’t do a car chase on a nonviolent crime. I can go behind the cars and try and turn on my lights, but why would they stop?’
George Floyd was killed on 5/25/20. Today is only 3/11/24. They still have a few months left to ramp up the racist rage machine. Plenty of time.
Doubt DEMs will risk pushing another one of their felonious martyrs.
Even with their leftist media to spin it, they run the risk of driving black voter bloc towards Trump. What could well bite them, is possible riots at their convention August 19 to 22, 2024 in Chicago.
There are still us old farts who remember the 1968 DEM convention in Chicago.
An with today’s instant communications ability could become rather dynamic.
“Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Ill., specifically blamed “political rhetorical terrorism” – heated rhetoric on social media and in the news – for Wednesday’s shooting, in which House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and several others were wounded.”
‘…Congress shooter was 5’6″ rude loner who creeped out female bar staff at BBQ restaurant where he spent Happy Hours – after moving to D.C. to protest against the president he hated’
‘The 9 Minutes That Almost Changed America’
A few questions to the many Trump supporters on this blog:
This is a presidential address from 2019
Why did Trump in 2019 talk about a crisis at the border? I thought under Trump we had the most secure border ever?
He says the surge of migrants has been fueled by our strong economy in 2019? I thought the surge of migrants was the product of policies by the administration?
He is requesting Congress to pass a bill which is quite similar to the bill he is now opposing? Why were these helpful measures in 2019 but not in 2024?
He says that CONGRESS has to pass these things in order to secure the border, because he doesn’t have the legal authority or funding to do it as president. Why does he now say that the president has the legal authority to do this as president?
The Democrat party views flooding America with future new voters as a huge success. And it could NOT have been done without Joe Biden at the helm.
Wow it’s hard to imagine a bigger pile of garbage than this article.
It start with a picture which claiming this to be an illegal immigrant who beat up cops on Times Square. This whole story has been debunked and Elon actually might get personally sued for spreading this garbage.
The rest is not better, claiming that illegals can vote in Federal elections? That enforcing the US Constitution to have a census every 10 years counting all people living in the US is some sinister plot to somehow change the voting power.
Sorry I could go on and on but this trash is certainly not worth further discussion.
Just like a debate huh?Time to drop it before anymore truth is revealed and all the wrong people see it.
Joe isn’t at the helm, he is simply the cowcatcher on the crazy train.
JWB, since you want more clarity, here’s an official status report from the State of TEXAS: “Operation Lone Star Ramps Up Historic Response To Biden’s Border Crisis”.
The bottom line is this: President Trump’s border policies worked. On the other hand, Biden’s policies have created a dangerous and unprecedented migrant crisis in Texas, and throughout the U.S. Even the left leaning Washington Post gets it:
JWB: The Washington Post adds a pay wall when viewers reach a monthly limit. I think your fixation on Trump is causing you to overlook a major problem that our country is now facing: “the Biden administration is “hyper-political” and it is deploying socialist tactics driven by the belief that “the ends justify the means”.
From today’s Federalist: “DOJ is encouraging illegals and felons to vote.”
Oh my goodness a MAGA Secretary of State makes some wild allegations. Just look google his name and you will see that he has a history of making false voter registration allegation going back to at least 2021.
Als you may note that his letter cc’ed the speaker of the House and minority leader of the Senate. Seems strange to only cc the GOP or not? Well, I guess I will just conclude that this letter is nothing more than his annual GOP performance review.
And talking about hyper partisan, how is that totally non-partisan Biden impeachment coming? So sad how long have they now trying to find a crime?
A Republican Secretary of State is worried about Democrats signing up illegals to vote? What a surprise. Also note: “How Illegals Skew Elections For Democrats Without Ever Casting A Vote”.
Worships Putin.
Loves to quote Hitler.
Brown noses Orban.
In love with Kim Jong Un.
Praises Xi, calls him brilliant.
Raise your hand if this reflects leadership in America.
He talked about the crisis because there were increasing numbers of illegals being apprehended at the border.
The surge was/is about our economy. It’s better then where these illegals are coming from. Now, we have the draw of a better economy, plus additional free stuff, plus no enforcement. The free stuff and no enforcement are the Biden admin policies supercharging the invasion.
The bill he asked congress to pass was all about funding for the wall. It was not primarily an amnesty bill disguised as an anti illegal immigration bill like this latest attempt. Not sure how you think that bill is similar to the latest one.
Having Congress pass the bill has two benefits. First, its about the funding. Without Congress there is no $ to pay for the program. Second, having Congress pass a bill that he can sign creates a law, which is pretty hard to overcome. Big difference vs. an executive order that can be rescinded with the stroke of a pen.
Finally, when Trump says Biden has the authority, he is talking about executive orders. You know, those pesky things that Biden nullified on his first day in office. All Joe needs to do is sign an XO that reinstates Trump’s policies- like “remain in Mexico”. But we both know that it’ll never happen.
The bill discussed by Trump in 2019 was not only about the wall (which actually Trump claims that he had completed the wall) but if you listen to him he says in addition to funding for a wall:
“The proposal from Homeland Security includes cutting-edge technology for detecting drugs, weapons, illegal contraband and many other things. We have requested more agents, immigration judges and bed space to process the sharp rise in unlawful migration fueled by our very strong economy.
Our plan also contains an urgent request for humanitarian assistance and medical support. Furthermore, we have asked Congress to close border security loopholes so that illegal immigrant children can be safely and humanely returned back home.”
And you really want me to believe that Senator James Lankford (R-OK) would have negotiated a bill that was primarily an amnesty bill disguised as an anti illegal immigration bill?
Harder to get in and easier to send them home vs. easier to get in and harder to send home. You don’t seem to understand the difference.
Also, please stop answering your own posts. It shows you to be desperate.
Well I disagree with your reading, he was asking for more money to fund more immigration judges more bed space more humanitarian assistance and medical support.
But I do appreciate that at least you try to address some of the points.
Create a crisis then solve it..
Just to be clear the quotes are from the transcript which can be found here:
It can be found at other places as well but I linked CNN because it has no paywall.
While you all ponder on how to respond to my border questions, here is another question for you.
I keep seeing a lot of references here about the alleged war on energy by Democrats and particularly by the Biden administration.
Here is a graph from JP Morgan’s energy review.
The graph shows that energy dependence started to drop around the start of the first Obama administration and kept continuing from there. I agree around 2019 we see the first time that the US exported more Energy than it imported, but this trend continued and actually improved so far during the Biden administration.
Thus, what is basis for the claim that the Biden administration lost Energy independence?
In case you want the full JP Morgan report it ca be found here. There is a link to the PDF and the graph is on page 19 of the PDF.
You are frantic,just like the left fake news “WHEN Trump (they are not even saying IF anymore) is elected you will be in prison or he will execute you,…… wont have a home anymore” .
All the stuff they are trying to do to Trump.
That’s your response to my question about energy independence? That’s really weak. And what stuff are they trying to do to Trump? You mean holding people accountable for their crimes? He will have his day in court and should look forward to clear his name.
Ps When did you ask me a question,you post questions all day pandering to a ridiculous ideology that is destroying anything good in America
So none of you can explain why there is a war on energy and causes the US to be more energy independent?
You are ultra frantic and hoping self convincing will get you through the night it looks like.Get grip.
8 months is a long time to place bets and put your money where your mouth is instead of asking questions that you read in leftist rags
Did you get the same cocktail Joe got on speech night?
Take a deep breath
“California Gov. Gavin Newsom is pledging to fast-track more than half a dozen projects by the end of his term to remove or bypass dams that have blocked salmon from returning to the state’s chilly mountain streams and acting as the keystone of a complex ecosystem that sustains both economies and spiritual beliefs for tribes.”
“Congratulations on the first annual ‘River of Death’ award”…
“Residents should not be in or drink water from the Klamath River due to high levels of arsenic, lead and aluminum, the Siskiyou County Environmental Health said today. According to the report, heavy metals in the Klamath River have increased due to sediment buildup that happened after drawdown of the river’s three reservoirs in January. This is part of the Lower Klamath Dam Removal project.”
Report generated in 2006 warned of sediment build up behind dams on Klamath River.
Until sediment is remediated every heavy rain will wash more sediment into river.
“Photo of rancid water coming out of Iron Gate Dam. (Photo: Siskiyou Co. Sup. Ray Haupt)”…
“…massive samples of sediment in the Klamath Basin contain high levels of heavy metals – chromium, aluminum, arsenic and lead. And this sediment was supposed to have been removed ahead of the Klamath Dams “unplugging.”
Someone, somewhere in the dam deal decided $450 million was too much money to spend on sediment removal, even though everyone knew it was polluted…” By Katy Grimes
SAVE California by voting DEMs out of office
‘Connecticut pastor launches armed patrols ‘to keep the streets clean’ after deadly shootout near his church – despite condemnation from Democrat mayor’…
“Mayor Arulampalam, a Democrat, said: ‘Adding more guns into the midst of trauma, into the midst of pain in our communities, is just going to lead to more deaths.’ ” …
“In Connecticut, open carry is illegal, so all of the patrol members must keep their weapons concealed”
All of a sudden criminals don’t know which one of their potential victims can decide not to be a victim and KILL them. . Is so nice when the natural order of things becomes balanced again.
Boeing whistleblower “takes own life with self inflicted wound.”
I didnt know the Clinton’s were involved…..
Can Someone get Jaime Raskin to change the oil in his hair?
All they are doing is talking about Trump in a hearing about Biden.
What else can they do..?
It’s not going to work and Raskin seems like an angry mobster.
What I see is thousands of people scrambling to save their meal ticket by not letting Trump be POTUS they hope,by voting for the destruction of everyone else,because it wont effect their meal ticket….for a minute,till eveyone needs one.
They just don’t think.
How quickly life in America would improve once the gravy train grinds to a halt……..
Robert Hur’s testimony today was quite a show.
Lefties should be shouting out to all Democrats reminding them to NOT watch FOX News tonight!
Especially Watter’s World or Hannity!
CNN and MSNBC will give a quick summary of the session and go light on details so as not to be too obviously partisan, while FOX will present all of it for viewers to decide for themselves.
Or…don’t take my word for it…. watch coverage from various networks & see for yourself!
(if you dare)
Do we have a 2 tiered justice system?
Republican’s get charged while Democrats walk away scot free?
Everybody already knows the answer but it’s awesome to see hypocrisy on display and lefty lies laid bare.
biden and Trump will be the candidates, thus far.
DEM voters need to think real hard about biden’s VP pick, who do you want / trust ? ? ?
If biden wins again it’s highly doubtful he’ll be able to serve the four year term.
Would you trust giggles to be POTUS ? ?
Would you trust His Imperial Majesty, Emperor newsom as POTUS ? ? He’s same guy that didn’t have the backbone to stand up to CA teachers union ? He gives wonderful photo OP and that’s it.
Either giggles or newsom as biden’s VP guarantees all the brush wars and about to Wars will take place.
n korea will go after south, communist china will take Taiwan, mid east will escalate and venezula will make trouble with Panama Canal. We don’t have the military personnel to fight in three theaters nor enough war fighting supplies. Allies were put on notice when gramps abandoned Afghanistan. (trust issues)
Remember jimmy The Wimp carter and 444 days. (look it up)
Wimps in the White House give you four years of a world in crisis.
President Reagan was 100% right when he said,
“We maintain the peace through our strength;
weakness only invites aggression.”
–Ronald Reagan
“History teaches that war begins when
governments believe the price of aggression is cheap.”
–Ronald Reagan
The margin for passage of Proposition 1 fell to just 4,218 votes today, which is the closest Proposition 1 has come to losing since vote counting began last Tuesday.
YES – 50.0% – 50.0% – NO
YES – 3,164,593 – 3,160,375 – NO
31 more days of vote counting to go.
How about that awesome high speed rail project? Back when the brilliant CA voters chose insanity, the initial cost was estimated at $30 billion. Today they come out and say that they need $100 b to complete the project.
But there is hope. For only $38 b, they can finish the valley portion so we can take our bullet train to Merced. The problem is, they only have $35 b on hand. And you have to wait an estimated 10 yrs.
This bottomless money pit needs to end. Think of how many roads you can fix for $38 b. Or teachers you could hire. Or police and other first responders.
It’s to continue.
How come nobody has been discussing this news item?
The California thefts occurred in Alameda, Placer, Kern, Contra Costa, Orange, Los Angeles, Santa Clara, San Diego, Sacramento, San Mateo, Solano, Riverside, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Napa, Marin, Tulare, San Bernardino, Sonoma, Ventura and Yolo counties.
So some scumbag was arrested for leading a crime ring? Yawn, but I’m glad that another bad apple if off the street.
But you seem keen to talk about it. The floor is yours….
Well I guess I must have been dreaming, but for some reason I thought I had seen plenty of discussions about retail theft in Contra Costa county?
But then again maybe I didn’t pay close enough attention to the demographics of the scumbag. There are probably very strict rules you’re observing.
Scumbags come in all “demographics” and the cops are doing their job.
Stop always trying to look for a fight with your questions that are really a prelude to starting an argument.
It really doesn’t matter what “demographic” that this perp is, but I’m thrilled that this white women is facing justice.
The lady doth protest too much, methinks
That idiot who sold stolen items on Amazon, along with anyone else who operated in groups, should get the book thrown at them. I think nobody is talking about it; because, we have been conditioned to think our elected officials don’t seem to give a crap, and the “criminals” are the real victims. So, why bother to worry? Hopefully, in November, voters will vote with their “smarts”, not their hearts.
‘Russia is beating us in Ukraine.
China’s Navy outnumbers the US.
The Army is collapsing – and the Air Force is falling from the sky.
So, as Biden inexplicably CUTS defense budgets, ANDREW NEIL blasts: Does he have a death wish?’
“We maintain the peace through our strength;
weakness only invites aggression.”
–Ronald Reagan
6 charges drooped against Trump,and soon more,like avalanche,other judges will see what happened here and follow.
That’s what happens if you get your information from propaganda sites. While there were a total of six charges dropped only 3 of them were against Trump. Also the DA could re-file them with more particularity but may not because it would cause delay.
ALL the defendants each got 6 charges dropped,sonny.
Awaiting a slap on the Fani…….
What you talking about, Willis?
Keepin’ the dream alive . . . . . .
‘George Floyd Gets His Own Musical Tribute —
to Be Sung by a High School Choir at Carnegie Hall’
Guess DEMs couldn’t be exploit their deaths for political gain.
I wonder if there is a verse in the George Floyd Song about him pressing a pistol up against a pregnant woman’s belly as he robbed her and threatened to kill her baby?
Yeah, he did that but nobody ever brings it up.
GOOD ! ! !
‘James Crumbley, the father of Michigan school shooter Ethan Crumbley is found guilty of involuntary manslaughter for failing to safely store the gun his 15-year-old son used to kill four students’
With gun ownership come responsibilities,
being able to accurately put lead into what you are aiming at,
the SAFE storage of firearms to prevent theft and unauthorized use.
Finally teaching your children gun SAFETY, muzzle and trigger discipline, ability to hit what they aim at and respect for what a firearm can do. IF above can’t be done, got no business owning firearms.
Too many kids learn what they know about firearms from video games, TV and movies.
‘Yemen’s Houthis vow ‘major’ expansion in attacks on international shipping and claim to have new hypersonic missiles that could dodge West’s defence systems’
There is a very concise message terrorists understand, overwhelming air to ground lethality.
Judge gives ridiculous ruling on Fani Willis / Nathan Wade impropriety case.
Case can continue but either Fani or her boyfriend must go!
What is this Kindergarten Court?
Chickensh*t decision! Get a real Judge here to make a LEGAL decision.
Judge is going to let Fani decide???
HE is the Judge… it should be HIS decision!
He’s a wussie!
Either he’s been neutered or had his family threatened. Nobody with a proper legal education would make such a ruling otherwise.
Certainly this is additional confirmation of two tiers as lying under oath is clearly just dandy for people of a specific political ideology.
A flurry of hot sizzling lawsuits coming to a theater near you…….
The Judge is coming up for reelection and does not want to offend Fani Willis supporters and Trump haters.