Home » Contra Costa County Suspends All-Electric Requirements For New Buildings

Contra Costa County Suspends All-Electric Requirements For New Buildings


The Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors Tuesday suspended enforcement of its requirement that most new buildings be constructed as all-electric buildings. The County’s all-electric building requirement, as part of the County’s building code, had prohibited the installation of natural gas infrastructure in most new buildings and required developers to use electricity as the sole source of energy in the building. With Tuesday’s action, the County’s all-electric building requirement will not be enforced. Homeowners may seek cost-effective solutions for all electrical problems from companies that offer affordable electrical repairs.

Last month, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit invalidated a City of Berkeley ordinance that prohibited natural gas infrastructure in new buildings. The court held that the federal Energy Policy and Conservation Act precludes cities and counties from adopting building codes that prohibit the installation of gas plumbing in buildings.

Contra Costa County’s all-electric building requirement, like the invalidated City of Berkeley ordinance, prohibits the installation of gas plumbing in new buildings. The County is therefore suspending this requirement in response to the Ninth Circuit’s decision.

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How about that for a turnover.Who are you to begin with telling people we can only use electricity.Hopefully you will lose more of your control as time goes on.We don’t have enough electricity to support our system now.Open your eyes and clear your brain.


They aren’t necessarily done. Dems play the long game mutch better than the GOP. They will at least attempt to put the framework in place at the federal level, either through legislation, executive order, or administrative state fiat (or all three).

Now would be a good time for SCOTUS to overturn Chevron deference so the EPA can’t cram this down on us. Make politicians that have to face voters put their name on it.


Hip Hip Hurrary!


Saw headline and thought perhaps their not woke stupid after all . . . . . and I was wrong !
The Courts are once again the adults in the room.


Government over-reach is beyotch slapped again.


Wow, something I like to hear!

Good for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

They got one right.


Common sense and Freedom of choice prevails!
Who voted for Klaus Schwab and his world economic forum??? I guarantee that Scwab’s protégé Newsom will attempt to over rule this.


Plus , Apple abandoned their 10 year project of developing an electric car and other major auto makers will continue to sell both electric and gas operated vehicles. Maybe politicians are slowly seeing the light that you must provide both gas and electricity as a means to power appliances, etc.


Whenever I see so many sensible comments, I wonder why California is still run by Democrats, who are responsible for these kinds of ridiculous policies. Do people lose their common sense when they enter the voting booth? Since California has had 1party rule for over 30 years it’s fair to say Dems are responsible for current decline this state is in; high taxes, mismanagement of the budget and spending priorities, high crime, rising homelessness, encouraging illegal immigration, increasing mental health/drug problems, declining education, and on and on. Stop voting for anyone with “D” after their name. Restore California to its previous glory!


Just think: this is the state that elected Ronald Reagan as Governor. Maybe there is hope.


You are 100% right but life in California will have to get much more dangerous and much more costly before the blind and just plain ignorant democrat voter will change. For example, Adam Shiff is a known liar .He lies every time he opens his mouth, but he will be elected. Why do our politicians want to force us to go all electric, but they have no plans to build any new clean power plants? Wouldn’t a couple new power plants solve our high electric bills? This state is full of non-thinkers.


Makes me wonder too! I don’t get it. Can’t you see what you have done to this beautiful state.

They did something right! would like to see this to be a start of a trend of common sense!


What are they up to? I don’t believe that they are done with their plan!
“I’m from the GOVERNMENT and I’m here to help”. ” For the GREATER GOOD”.

All those people in mid construction or just got blueprints at a cost,please,file a lawsuit to cover the expenses on the house you can now build but you paid for non gas building plans.
This made many people move away.The county doesnt care..illegalls can take their place


Great maybe the new under construction coffee shop on clayton RD can open now.



What was California’s plan when the electricity went out for 1 or 2 days?

Politicians are trying to put everything onto the electrical grid but they’re not upgrading & expanding the electrical grid.

We need redundancy!



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