
The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
A proposed new ballot measure may give Californians a chance to repeal the highly contentious Proposition 47, which lessened the charges associated with non-violent property crimes and drug possession, according to CBS News.
“The law made some non-violent property crimes, where the value does not exceed $950, into misdemeanors. It also made some simple drug possession offenses into misdemeanors,” according to the Los Angeles County Public Defender. “It also provides that past convictions for these charges may be reduced to a misdemeanor by a court.”
The proposition was passed by voters in 2014, and since then has been a hot button topic for debate amongst Californians, many of whom believe it was the spark in a notable rise in the crime rate and drug use over the past decade, CBS News reported.
QUESTION: Do you blame Prop.47 for the rise in crime? Do you support repealing Prop.47?
Talk about it.
Yes, and Yes Emphatically! And I will encourage everyone else to do so. We have been sold “a bill of goods” by the criminal justice reformers that tell us crime is down, but it’s only down because they changed the standards of reporting crime. Crime is up!
Coincidently, that is what libs do to HS graduation rates. They lower the standards for graduation ever so often and pat themselves on the back for increasing graduation rates!
I blame Prop 47 for the rise in crime including people who voted for it. I support repealing Prop 47, including Kevin Kiley’s effort.
Also, if you’re interested in learning more, I suggest listening to John McGinness (retired sheriff) on KFBK 1530 in Sacramento from 3pm to 4pm each weekday.
He is spearheading efforts to improve (replace) Prop 47.
You can also access his website through KFBK.com to get more info.
He says it’s going to take a vote by us (the voters) to change it.
I also agree with other commenters that this is just one step. We need to get some of the DA’s replaced and some Judges to start acting with common sense.
California voters are to blame for the passage of Prop 47.
Most are IGNORANT, unable to read at a college level, and unable to ask critical questions.
Second, “social justice” activists including Gov. Brown and Newsom pushed the “non-violent” crime rhetoric and STUPID voters ate it up hook, line, and sinker. Brown also pushed it as a cost savings measure.
Voter care more about what a group of over endowed bubble butt
show offs on TV and what’s for dinner than what they’re voting for.
This is CA where many voters have the attention span of a Fungus Gnat,
side that spends the most on advertising wins.
Supporters of Prop 47 spent $10,306,082 to con voters into passing it.
Prop 1 on current ballot has $14,723,362.13 to spend, guess how that’s going to turn out.
“If you want to understand any problem in America,
you need to look at who profits from that problem,
not at who suffers from that problem.”
–Dr. Amos Wilson
Someone a long time ago said that “democracy is mob rule”. Obviously the intention of Prop 47 was to unclog the court system. Seems like it was not thought through very well as are other laws passed these days. It’s more like “rule by idiots”. Welcome to “idiocracy”. 🙄
Yes and Yes, repeal everything the crazy libs put into play.
Being an informed voter is vital to CA survival !
Restores power to Judges to force people to get clean-n-sober and stay that way.
“Allows felony charges for possessing certain drugs, including fentanyl, and for thefts under $950—both currently chargeable only as misdemeanors—with two prior drug or two prior theft convictions, as applicable. Defendants who plead guilty to felony drug possession and complete treatment can have charges dismissed.”
Since news reports are so lacking in details about this from Ballotpedia,
‘California Drug and Theft Crime Penalties and Treatment-Mandated Felonies Initiative (2024)’
Hope this helps.
No. I blame drug use for the rise in crimes for the users are like to steal and commit other crime to get theirs next fix.
No repeal on 47. We need to enforce the law.
Just a side note that TX and other states have similar law with higher threshold than CA. The difference is that they enforce the law.
Enforcement of the law when the laws have been softened and punishment is nil for committing the crimes?
Someone is clueless regarding the prop 47 issue.
Many may not agree with me, but Yes & Yes.
Stealing a candy bar, … misdemeanor. $950 worth of item(s) is not.
I understand times are tough, but there are places looking to hire, … many don’t want to work.
Stealing is not an acceptable career.
You can get the petition mailed to your house so you and your family and friends can sign it.
Although I support repealing Prop 47, I’m not sure if it will solve the problem. We will still have liberal prosecutors, that will plea bargain and dismiss a felony charge only to have it dropped to a misdemeanor, which will result in probation without any jail time.
As far as drug use goes, it was the Dems who decriminalized drugs, and handed out free needles, and safe injection sites, which has been a contributing factor to the drug overdose deaths in San Francisco. Legalizing marijuana has brought the Mexican drug cartels into California, where they have been growing marijuana in rural Mendocino, Siskiyou, and Humboldt Counties. The county sheriffs have been using aircraft, and drones seeking out marijuana grows, and nearly every grow they found has been linked to the cartels. California is a huge failure and a mess, thanks to Democrat policies, that are upheld by state and local Democrat officials.
It won’t solve the problem by itself – that’s why we also need to replace these soft-on-crime idiots (prosecutors AND politicians) with hardliners.
Liberalism has NEVER worked.
Clean the house…NOW!
Repeal it. And bring back the three strikes you’re-out law too.
This November will mark Ten years of Prop 47. I wish there was a then and now slideshow for people to see how much damage has been caused becasue of it. Unfortunately some people still don’t see any issue with it.
It is because they are fed bad numbers that indicate crime has gone down. Well, yeah, when you decriminalize everything, crime sure does go down! Lol.
it’s a start, and it’s necessary, but it’ll take a generation or two to undo the damage that has already been done, and that’s IF many other corrections are enacted to turn this state around.
I don’t think it’ll happen, our state has been lost and Gavin and his ilk want to do it to the whole country.
Yes and Yes!!! A clear example of “you get what you vote for” in California. This can be extended to the looming massive budget deficit partially caused by financially illiterate politicians who only know how to push the spend button. Many other states are reducing income taxes but that will never happen here unless we demand a change. Unfortunately, I don’t see that happening with the unconcerned voters so my only viable option will be to get the heck out of CA.
Yes, I blame prop 47 and I blame all the morons that voted for it and yes again, I support the repeal.
Also vote this November for the California Two-Thirds Legislative Vote and Voter Approval for New or Increased Taxes Initiative. 2/3 majority to raise taxes and defines fees to be taxes!
Yes, and Yes !!!
Calif also need to enforce the laws on the books, no matter who committed the crime. No letting the rich off and no letting the poor off.
YES!!!!!! it about time we can repeal the atupid prop 47 let it going. I am going to vote yres on repeal prop 47!!!
This mess all started in 2011 with bill AB-109, DEM’s answer to a Judges ruling on CA prison overcrowding. Funny thing that, little known political tactic of using The Courts to achieve goals politicians want. Is used when they are afraid voters will be angry and not vote for them. They make sure a lawsuit is filed, then blame “The Judge” for ordering them to do what they wanted to happen all along, which was to put FELONS back on our streets.
AB-109 sent felons back to counties they came from and as an added bonus where felony sentences were served changed. Previously and sentence over 367 days was automatically served in state prison, no more. There are felons serving multi year sentences in all 58 county jails. Prop 47 was DEMs shallow thinker cure for jail overcrowding they caused. They made it harder for Law Enforcement to charge Felonies.
When personal drug use became a misdemeanor (Prop 47) an extremely successful tool was taken away from Judges. Ability to impose a harsh Felony sentence which would be immediately stayed, provided defendant got clean-n-sober, stayed that way, maintained steady employment and committed no new crimes. Defendant was placed on 3 – 5 years of probation with VERY CLEAR understanding if terms of probation were not adhered to, original Felony sentence would immediately be imposed.
Have watched that proven method work more times than I can count over the years as people were forced to hit bottom, get clean-n-sober and stay that way.
Look at condition of CA ! ! !
DEMs don’t deserve your votes.
The US already has the highest number of people in prison than any other country in the world. Prisons are very expensive and, personally, I’m not keen on having my taxes raised to warehouse even more people. Perhaps other countries have a better solution we could adopt instead of the knee-jerk “lock ’em up”.
“The cost of imprisoning one person in California has increased by more than 90% in the past decade, reaching a record-breaking $132,860 annually, according to state finance documents.
“That’s nearly twice as expensive as the annual undergraduate tuition — $66,640 — at the University of Southern California, the most costly private university in the state.” https://calmatters.org/justice/2024/01/california-prison-cost-per-inmate/#:~:text=In%20summary&text=The%20cost%20of%20imprisoning%20one,according%20to%20state%20finance%20documents.
And why does it cost so much to house our criminals?
New weights, libraries etc. No more work details, like making big rocks into small rocks or digging a hole and then filling it back up. We provide surgeries to remove gentilia and other non-life threatening procedures.
How bout we make prison UNCOMFORTABLE for the criminals? Why do they receive more rights and priveledges than our children, veterans and homeless?
How bout we get rid of the luxuries these criminals have, execute those on death row (not a popular opinion in CA), and actually make the criminals do HARD TIME. Flat out, I think the criminals in CA receive way more than they deserve.
KJA… Yeah, so instead of all that, we should make prisoners work and become a for-profit situation. But, noooooo. The libs just want them sitting there. THAT is why it is so expensive.
kja, … Children are educated in a number of ways, schools, church, parents and their interactions with society and that usually gives them skills and moral values to become productive members of society.
CA Governor Edmund Gerald “Pat” Brown (failure moonbeam’s Father) was very strong supporter of education and insisted on best education possible for CA’s kids k thru College.
Pat knew the secret, an educated prepared student is more likely to become a productive member of society and less likely to commit crime.
If kids don’t learn a skill set allowing them to earn a decent wage,
they’ll learn the skill set of the streets and likely become life long predators upon society.
“To educate a man in mind and not in morals
is to educate a menace to society.”
–Theodore Roosevelt
Schools these days are much different than when I was in school.
Today they’re tasked with teaching to pass government tests and woke indoctrination.
Neither of which prepare students with skills allowing them employment providing a living wage.
Liberals usually can’t comprehend life on the streets or in prison.
There are two types of people, Prey and Predators.
Historically CA’s educational failures turned predators were housed in California State Prisons.
DEMs became embarrassed by increasing numbers of their failures swelling Prison population and increasing cost of incarceration.
Limited intellect DEM’s brilliant answer to problem they created
was to simply make it, NOT THEIR PROBLEM.
AB-109, their so called prison realignment bill of 2011 sent convicted state FELONS back to counties they came from based on last conviction ignoring past criminal history, if memory serves.
They shoved their prison overcrowding problem down onto all 58 California counties.
Forcing counties to release their inmates long before sentences were up to prevent overcrowding which continues to this day.
First inmates on buses from state back to counties were those with disabilities, the old and those with very expensive to treat medical conditions. County jails were not set up for what was shoved down on them, creating a cottage industry of lawyers suing counties over conditions and disability accommodation.
DEM created initial conditions and each of their successive brain fart knee jerk fixes have only made problem worse. Prop 47 was just one in a number of fixes for chaos AB-109 started.
An here we are today with an over abundance of predators and addicts on our streets, in an election year, taking advantage of what DEMs have created by their monumental incompetence.
Wouldn’t it be grand if PAT BROWN’s vision of the greatest education possible for all California’s children had been carried on by moonbeam . . . . . . . instead, it all went up in SMOKE
When there’s no threat of law enforcement and punishment the criminal element of our society will do what they do – commit crimes. And, when there’s no law enforcement and punishment for committing crimes criminals will be encouraged to do what they do – commit crimes.
If voters do not approve this measure, then there can’t be any complaints about the rampant crime in this state.