Home » The Water Cooler – Construction Of The Former Concord Naval Weapons Station

The Water Cooler – Construction Of The Former Concord Naval Weapons Station


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

QUESTION: When do you think construction will start on the old Concord Naval Weapons Station property?


  • 1-5 years
  • 6-10 years
  • 11-20 years
  • Over 20 years
  • Never

Talk about it.

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After deep thought and consideration….
I don’t think it really matters to me….
But, I’ll go with 11-20

20 years minimum for the superfund cleanup, another 10 on any type of major construction.

Complete money pit.


IF you truly want drama, butt hurt temper tantrums, unbridled God complex Hubris and hilarious entertainment go with the committee approach.
I’ll go with 17 years.
Meantime, predict there will be bumper stickers
Bring Back
About land Mark Twain said “…they’re not making it anymore.”
Don’t be in a hurry to be sucked into endless PONZi scheme of,
if we allow more residences to be built it’ll get us out of our budget shortfalls.
Look no farther than the stupidity of antioch.


One year. I don’t think many people will object to a giant “temporary “homeless/ migrant camp


I’m hoping never. What Concord doesn’t need is more traffic. When I moved to Concord in 1984, the population was about 85,000, now it’s over 125,000. The streets are falling apart because they cannot support the weight of so much traffic, especially when it rains. Water and heavy traffic are the biggest factors why our roads fail. The water will weaken the soil, and the weight of the traffic will add pressure, and strain the pavement past the breaking point.


Build a giant psychedelic warehouse like that idiot seeno is doing and put all the 5000 mentals on the streets in Concord in it along with all the dopeheads running this cesspool and call the site “Many flew over the cuckoos nest”.


This is Concord so I don’t think it will start in my lifetime.


The tule elk should get first dibs


We should add buffalo & pronghorn antelope too.
Keep it as open space and restore it to as much of a natural environment as possible.
Make a replica Miwok Village & a Mission too…. and a Rancho.
Let the school kids go on field trips there.

Or we could build an enormous NASCAR Racetrack!


@DR. JELLYFINGER….A dedicated Formula 1/ MotoGP track would be much better IMO.


How about a herd of wild mustangs and a herd of wild burrows. The way the federal government treats these animals is disgusting!


Or a baseball stadium or a Theme park like Great America

The 33rd of Neveruary


Never! Because of the Project labor agreements (PLAs) concerning the Base Reuse. PLAs are pre-hire collective bargaining agreements negotiated between construction unions and construction contractors that establish the terms and conditions of employment for construction projects.

11-20 but even then it won’t be much … there is a lot of clean up to do and tons of red tape & BS to plow through

I’ll go with never.

If its Seeno, they won’t bother to clean it up. They build on GARBAGE DUMPS!


Hopefully never. Turn it into a big park, instead of giving in to the bribing money grubbing developers.


I’m betting it will be turned into some sort of federally funded migrant camp before we see any housing development.

I’m on Team Bring Back the Elk!


Even Indiana Jones would not disturb Native American burial sites!

There’s a none zero chance of a naval war in the Pacific Rim in the next 3-8 years involving major powers that will almost certainly make that space strategically relevant for military purposes if it doesn’t immediately flash over into hypersonics and megaton yields. If.
According to my neighbors cat anyway. 🐈

When mark desaulnier becomes mayor of concord!

Congressman Mark DeSaulnier already served as the Mayor of Concord in 1993, while he served on the Concord City Council from December 1991-January 1994.

Minimum two years to draft specific plan if no issues with PLA on term sheet during that time.
Maybe three to five more years for initial infrastructure required before anything else can be built.
Then at least three more years for first vertical construction.
So 7 years for initial infrastructure construction and 10 years for first structure construction.
(unless elected officials insist on building majority unpopular high density which will delay construction as developers funding stalls like several projects now in Oakland & SF and that huge Chinese investor three tower structure in Los Angeles by Crypto stadium that was abandoned and has 27 floors of graffiti on it)


PLA’s on Residential do not allow for any Profit maybe even a loss. Without any profit or a loss nothing residential will be built, W/O residential, why bother. Commercial there would be worthless W/O residential to draw people in.

given they’re entering an agreement with Brookfield Property, a huge conglomerate . they will walk if the City gets cute on demands after an approved contract

There is great potential in this land. I always try to direct the pessimistic to Liberty Station in San Diego. This is a gem when it came to a military base conversion into a civilian use of space. I fear a time frame exceeding something I will not see in my life time. There is plenty of blame to go around and I won’t start with City Council members.


The Liberty Station project is nothing like CNWS. It’s a block from the Beach in a highly desired part of San Diego. CWNS is in a Crappy Area, you are not going to put in a “Santana Row” type of development there, and the PLA for this development is quite onerous, so unless the PLA is modified nothing is going to get built.

Open it back up as a navy base as bidet biden is pushing us to WW3.
POS Clinton closed it. Did he think there would be no more wars?
Or his plan for us to surrender to the countries that just want us all dead?


The answer reminds me of an old joke; The pope is praying and he gets a visit from God.
God says, “I will answer three questions for you.”
So the pope asks, “Will priests and nuns ever be allowed to marry?”
God says, “Not in your lifetime.”

Then the pope asks, “Will there ever be a woman pope?”
God say, “Not in your lifetime.”

The pope thinks for a while and asks, “Will they ever begin construction on the Concord Naval Weapons Station property?”
God says, “Not in my lifetime!”



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