Home » The Water Cooler – If We Protect Public Libraries With Armed Guards, Should We Also Protect Public Schools With Armed Guards?

The Water Cooler – If We Protect Public Libraries With Armed Guards, Should We Also Protect Public Schools With Armed Guards?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

The Antioch public library recently said they plan to have armed guards on-site to protect their patrons.


QUESTION: If the public library has armed guards, should we also have armed guards protecting our public schools?

Talk about it.

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🤣No. That doesn’t fit the narrative!


Until they restricted who and where law abiding citizens could carry guns everyone was an armed guard.


Been saying it for decades. Of course we should protect our schools with armed guards. We should also protect students from administrations pushing trans and gey ideologies and other fringe beliefs or issues. Schools are to produce educated young people. Not ideological soldiers to fight culture wars. Introduction to social issues is fine but opinions should be left out.


Or give them a vaccine that makes them more submissive?


Should be the other way around. Schools first, you don’t have to go to the library .


Yes – but only until we vote out lenient progressive incumbents and get some muscle back in prosecution


Gun free zones were created to entice rabid mental defectives and to give them free fire zones to kill as many as possible until a good guy with a gun comes along to give them a a permanent dirt nap.
Providing armed security in schools would prevent DEM politicians from gaining tender age body count.
What could be done to slow number of mass shootings is enforce mandatory reporting to federal authorities behavior that would prevent legal purchase of firearms by handing out jail terms to those who fail to report. Too often in wake of mass shootings we hear guns were legally purchased.
‘Air Force failed 6 times to report Texas church gunman’
‘…Concerns about Navy Yard shooter never reported’
‘Shooter at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church Stopped by Good Guy with Gun’


Why not protect society and start making these idiots responsible for their own anctions and locking them up. Once they relearn that there are real repercussions for there actions there will be a huge decrease in this type of crap. We have allowed politics to take away people being responsible for their own actions and paying the price. Rich or poor the laws and punishments should be applied


Open Carry in CA NOW!!


If the media, and public officials would stop bad-mouthing the police and let them do their job without fear of being reprimanded, if prosecutors would prosecute, if judges would hand down stiff sentences without plea bargaining, if we had a governor that would refuse to let criminals out of prison early, then maybe we wouldn’t be in the mess we’re in. Violent criminals would be behind bars where they belong, and armed guards would not be needed.


What has happened to this country? When I first started teaching, there was never a police officer on campus. That changed within 2 years! Now, armed guards? What direction are we heading in?


Aren’t you for defunding the police and going soft on prosecuting crime? This is where is goes. So you’re also a teacher responsible for the worst grades in nation and guilty of teaching a victim mentality to the kids. Good job man, no really, you’re an all star. Give yourself a trophy for the special teacher of the century guy. Now you want to ask questions? Talk about zero self awareness.


The Anti Christ has returned. and taken over the weak and young minds,
“The worship of false idols has deceptively and strategically made its way into our youth. , but that isn’t Satan’s only attack.”
Talk to your children and show them you are there for them.


We don’t need no stinkin’ police state. There are probably better ways to solve this.


Felon with a gun automatic 10 years consecutive.
Carry a gun during commission of a crime automatic 15 years consecutive.
Fire a gun during commission of a crime automatic 20 years consecutive.
If there is no threat of incarceration,
there is no deterrence to criminal behavior


Our most precious and valuable commodity are the children. Why would we not have armed guards to keep them safe. The Dems no gun zones do not work. Unless their agenda is to leave our children helpless to gun violence.


Even worse… envision a Beslan school siege style attack in America.
Remember, Joe Biden just let millions of unvetted aliens run right across the border.
We don’t know who is actually here.


“No, because that would adversely affect persons of color”

– Literally Someone


Yes after the very first school shooting that should have been a no brainer.If the government would stop giving money to other countries and handing it out to unproductive citizens of this country we would have enough money to solve a whole lot of problems.

They have had armed guards at schools and libraries in S0 Cal since the 80’s.They dont talk about it much because its shows how bad life is there.When they in review the people at the border and ask them where they want to go,most say “Los Angeles”
I hope they like turning 10 million into 20 million.They asked for it.

oops “in review” Should say “when they interview”

Welcome to the party California. I move to Texas from Claycord 5 years ago and was shocked when I saw the schools in my new home. They were actually secure, new, with new technology, auto locking doors. Parents could not just loiter around the school like all the parents seemed to do at Highlands Elementary. The entire school is inclosed with locked doors, during school hours, there is only one way for parents to enter the school and that is through the main doors past the office. It is sort of an airlock system so you go in the outer doors, check in at the office window, then they buzz you through the second set of doors to enter the main school. There is an armed police officer at every elementary school in uniform (the kids love their cops) and the district has their own police force dedicated to the district. I don’t think I could put my kids back in a dilapidated 50 year old school with no security like we came from at MDUSD. So yes, I wouldn’t think twice about having armed guards at the schools, better yet, make them actual cops.


It doesn’t matter if they have armed guards at the library. There should be armed officers in every school.

Well Duh, No Brainer. I don’t want to say anything bad about those that oppose it, but why would you?

Or we could just lock up the criminals like it was done when I was in school back in the ’70s.

Bill introduced forces schools to have armed security.
AB-3038 School safety: armed school resource officers.
Is all but guaranteed DEM controlled state legislature will kill the bill.

The question is do you want your children to be guarded by vastly undertrained, minimally vetted, and poorly compensated armed security? I’d home school before I’d allow that.

We’ll need armed guards at the inside the grocery store and in the parking lot soon.



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