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Supporters of Prop 47. that caused crime to sky rocket, spent $10,306,082 to con voters into passing it. Doing same thing with Prop 1, getting shallow thinking short attention span voters into believing DEM hoax that mentally ill and veterans will be helped.
Remember high speed rail . . . . . . all the promises DEMs made
Keep in mind quote from infamous mass killer of last century,
“All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.”
Supporters of Prop 1 have $10,764,084.60 to spend, or to put it another way
newsom gets as much free TV face time as $10,764,084.60 can buy in his quest to be president.
Prop 1 TV commercials . . . . . featuring
His Imperial Majesty Emperor newsom explaining how veterans, mentally ill and homeless will be helped.
Sounds allot like BS snake oil he peddled as mayor of SF.
“Just a few months after Gavin Newsom was sworn in as mayor of San Francisco in 2004, he announced a plan to get all of the city’s chronically homeless residents off the streets within 10 years.”
“So Proposition 1 is Newsom’s attempt to get credit for solving a problem that he and other state leaders contributed to by allowing the homelessness situation to spiral out of control. It is nothing more than a $6.4 billion talking point Newsom will use in his 2028 campaign for president, all at taxpayer expense.”
The California democrat politicians are basically con artists. The only difference between them and a common career street criminal is that the politicians speak more fluently and they wear nicer cloths.
Trump is going to be living on the street soon. This is really terrible. He can’t even do business in new york anymore. All because some people don’t want him to run for president. What a shame.
Be this a lesson to anyone who dares go against the CIA and deep state power structure. They should have just JFK epsteined him. At least he still has the hottest first lady wife. Maybe she’s leaving him right now. I’ll have to check msnbc and see what maddow is saying about it.
I’m joking. Democrats are dreaming if they think any of this will stick. He just made 4 billion dollars today when the SEC approved the merger of Digital World Acquisition Corporation and TRUTH SOCIAL.
Check your math.
Jake- “polly wanna cracker?”
It should be apparent to most people that all this is just election year tactics by the “dems”. It should and may well backfire against them. I hear from them about how Trump has “dementia” but what about Biden? It’s the USA that is going down. Live simply so you can simply live is the “new normal”. 🙄
Sophisticated big banks decided to loan #Trump money, were repaid in full with interest, never complained, and now Trump was fined $365 million because some judge claims Trump obtained those loans based on fraud. The real fraud is NY’s kangaroo court.
I’m sure it’s gonna stick in the appeal courts.
Leftist lunatics have lost their minds. Talk about the highest levels of election interference ever
Agreed. If the money was repaid, or is being repaid, then who gives a f$&@, it is a private matter.
Who is the money supposed to be paid to? There’s nobody owed. This is insanity.
3/17 – Hunter admits laptop
3/18 – Trump indictment news
6/8 – FBI doc alleges Biden bribe
7/26 – Hunter plea deal collapses
7/31 – Devon Archer testifies
8/11 – DOJ (illegally) designates special counsel
8/14 – FBI Whistleblower transcript released
12/13 – House authorizes Biden impeachment inquiry 12/19 – Biden family whistleblower testifies
12/19 – Colorado ballot removal
2/14 – Damning evidence proving ‘Russiagate’ was a hoax
2/15 – Fans Willis hearing
2/16 – Tony Bobulinski transcript on Biden family corruption released
2/16 – $354 million fine & banned from business in NY
Didn’t y0u read that the FBI’s informant recanted the Hunter Biden bribery allegations? He was caught lying. Trump was cheating on his taxes about the value of different properties. That is reaching too far for any connections.
New York needs the money for illegals….
It’s not a private matter. If you or anyone used false/fudged data in order to get a mortgage or loan, you would also be held accountable. Every year people are fined for falsification and misrepresentation. Donald is no different than Concords’ Birsan, even though Donald thinks he is a special snowflake. A lifetime of being a con-man has made him unable to fathom being held to the standards everyone else is held to. His past has caught up with him.
Try and keep it together jake. Trump will be your president. We’re gonna MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN get used to it
Incorrect. Lenders are responsible for their own due diligence.
Their underwriting never relies on the borrower’s valuation opinion.
It’s the lender who is “held accountable” when a loan fails by virtue of the loss. Then they rightfully go after the borrower for damages.
In this situation, they are going after Trump for damages on loans that did not fail.
The bizarro world.
These democrats are crazed about Trump. I wonder if they care it’s not healthy. Denying the truth over and over will lead to mania. They obviously understand this trial is unjust.
Jake,he grew up in military school and excelled.
Not exactly the life of a snowflake,but this is the first time youve heard this because you cant get any truths from CNN or your video games.
So what!!! It is between the “bank” and the “borrower”. The Trump Organization paid back the loans. None of the institutions filed a complaint, but it was the overzealous a-hole’s of “Democrat kind” and their cheap efforts at digging up dirt on the former president.
Jake,look up Trumps military records,im sure it will say his true height.
I heard a relative saying Trumps not as tall as he says he this all you and Rachel Maddow can come up with?What next?Hes really bald and impotent too?
The last POTUS besides Trump that didnt have a cow for a wife was Reagan.
You missed the part where Trump under-paid his real estate taxes. Some financial documents, like tax returns, include the phrase “under penalty of perjury.”
Yeah because we get to decide how much we owe on our property taxes. Lol get a clue.
Some things are tax deductible, and there’s nothing wrong with “legally” minimizing your taxes.
Trump pays to have his taxes done,he has accountants,etc,and none of them are to blame?
Most of those accountants who handled the finances are currently serving time, or have just been released due to charges if fraud due to how the Trump accounts were handled.
Name them. Who are these Trump accountants you know about that are in prison?
Who are these accountants that are serving time?
Can you name one?
No names, just lies
I repeat, serving or just released.
Allen Weisselberg, the Cheif Fincial Officer.
Paul Manafort and Rick Grady are another two.
It gets difficult to dig deeper due to the fact that we are discussing a private company that does not release its tax returns. Which in and of itself is not illegal.
Being pardonded does not equal being innocent.
@ DI…. WTH are you talking about?
Those guys weren’t accountants.
Weisselberg a former CFO, did a whole 100 days for not declaring the perks he got on the job & Trump wasn’t charged with anything.
Manafort was a lawyer and campaign manager, not an accountant.
Who’s Grady? Geez…..any chance at all that he might have been an accountant? maybe?
So you have admitted to misrepresenting information because “it’s hard” and you ”missread”.
I think my work here is done. My only purpose is to find or expose the truth. Some of you jokers make it a full time job, but we get to the bottom of things.
Thanks for playing, come again
If you ever own a home, business or support yourself someday you might understand how tax codes actually work DOH, not how they work in your leftist fantasy world.
I sure would like to see a link to that info DOH.
I searched but could not find one.
Doh, Trump has accountants pay his property taxes and all his business taxes. They were paid. He doesn’t assess the property values. My property tax bill for my house in Clayton is a lot less than the present market value if it was sold today. That is the way it is! Start thinking about the state of our country now. Thomas Jefferson stated (a long time ago) that if our country ever failed it would be from within. It is now failing. On life support. The liberals are trying their best to ruin our country and change it the way they want it. I have been around for more than 7 decades, and it is not better. Who do you want to be under–the Chinese? The middle east? The globalists–Soros, Obama, Gates, and the liberals have plans.
No Trump”at any cost” remember?
She only knows what she’s been told to say.
Any thing that cost more money I vote NO. Done
I love my Grandpa Joe. He makes me laugh. Even when he doesn’t know what he’s doing. I tell him all the time, He needs to retire. Being the president is just too much for him.
The downside is if he retires, we get her. And she might she might just lay down for anyone to walk all over her.
The leftist that are saying Biden is sharp as a tack should be next in line for a psych exam.
Only those that arent lawyers can lie.
I think the new Democrat slogan for 2024 should be “Desperation is a stinky cologne”. I’ll bet ya money that the next insane dem funded project will be “Reparations for TDS sufferers”.
The purpose of letting the illegal immigrates into the country is planned. They will be counted in the next census and therefore grow the urban area that would allow more seats in the house. The count is not of citizens but the number of people. The democrats want to have complete control for ever.
Wake up America before there isn’t one.
I love this thread. Angry people full of sound and fury signifying nothing. Broken record just repeating itself over and over. If that makes you feel better I’m all for it. Enjoy your posting good citizens.
This is one of the better post I read in a long time. Especially when it comes to politics,
Lawless Concord city council will do the same thing. The Bay Area is suicidal.
Biden is not the ideal candidate and many of us would prefer an alternative, but when that alternative is Trump, it’s not a hard decision. If the party that complains so much about Biden was in any way serious about having a serious presidential candidate, they would offer someone other than Citizen Donald… everyone knows he only running for office in a last ditch effort to solve his legal jeopardy. (PS: it’s not gonna work.)
If Trump (after leaving office) had just went away, and stayed away, he would be enjoying the same great lifestyle before entering politics. I’m questioning the motives of our system.
For those of you that think fluoridated water is poison, the CIA was behind Pumpkin heads downfall or an appellate court court will save him, think again. Pumpkin head went out of his way the attack the judge and his clerk. Think the appellate judges didn’t notice?
Oh and he tripled the size of his condo on loan applications. Valued his Florida digs at over 1 billion . Assessor says it’s worth $17,000,000.
Thats what they call fraud. It doesn’t require a victim.Sorry
So you and judges don’t believe in the First Amendment. There’s nothing wrong with Freedom of Speech!
Frank,your whole existence revolves around this guy.
Real estate loans are not based on assessed value, they are based on comparable assets.
It’s called underwriting, and it’s the responsibility of the lender.
Further, commercial real estate investors use leverage to turbocharge returns. They deserve it because they shoulder the liquidity risk. Take that away and capital markets collapse. And when capital markets collapse, so do you.
No, bank loans are based on the assessed value of a piece of real estate. That value is based on comparable properties. This is called real estate appraising.
Underwriting is what the banks and /or lenders do to verify that a loan can be paid. And yes, this is a pore process to the real estate market. That is why it’s fraudulent that Trump was borrowing off of fudged numbers, and evident of a rotten system.
So literary everyone who’s ever taken a loan based on an appraised value is guilty of fraud because maybe the appraiser miss judged the property? Appraisers are selected at random.
That is quite a leap to say that everyone who has taken a loan is guilty.
I merely explained the process. I happen to have an amount of experience in the field. But I do agree with you on the assumption that the these appraisers have some accountability. To say that one party, the building owner or the appraisers, can hold all the blame isn’t correct. This is why and finished my comment that this is part of a rotten system.
Also, yes, appraisers are selected at random, from the pool of registered appraisers in that state. 3 in this state, New York would have it’s own process. Anybody is welcome to look it up and cite it, I am making this holiday low activity by choice.
Danged Ineffectual,
Did the Trump Organization pay back the loans?
Use whatever example you want, I don’t care. The Trump Organization borrowed money, and payed back the money. It is a “victimless crime”, at most! Someone who takes $20, and NEVER pays it back, is guilty of a bigger crime; especially, if the “victim” is $20 short on rent. Some people, just hate the man, (Trump), and they’ll do anything
to move him out of the way…….just be honest about it.
Frank obviously has a case of TDS in his continuing reference to “pumpkin head.”
I don’t hear you referring to Harris as a hooker; after all, she sold sexual favors for something of value (ie, political appointments and support from Willie Brown).
Look up pc 647(b).
That would be multitasking and far too difficult.
I see that KCBS is about to get a new owner. Guess who?
No guesses? Hint supporter of Becton (and buying over 200 stations which shouldn’t be allowed)..
$355 million
Between the E. Jean Carrol verdicts ($5M + $83M), and the NY civil verdict ($355M + $100M interest to date, which is still accruing at 9% annually) Trump owes over $540M.
He’s definitely appealing. You already know the judge will be removed and e jean carrol will be paying him. What the point of your very short lived propaganda? Everyone already knows how this plays out.
He just made 4 billion yesterday, he’ll be ok.
Imagine a guy with $10,000 and he gets a fine of $1.
It’s the same.
He wont even notice,but he wont even pay either.This buys him an election,by fining him.Its *shock” news,and it works both ways.
But Trump is begging for donations. And now Trump is trying to sell $400- sneakers. Maybe he could sell his jet.
To be fair, Trump is always hustling his fans.
You mean creating was for us to make money.
Creating ways.
It’s all just a show. It’s all a diversion to deflect attention away from China Joe, Hunter, Maydorkous, Kimila Hairus, and the others.
We’ve heard it all from the so called news media. Get back to us Trump actually makes a payment.
Trump never pays. But that has everything to do with the fact he is a grifter.
So you obviously have oversight of all of Trumps financial records; or you are just mindlessly parroting what you were told by the mass media.
LGBT lessons a violation of First Amendment . . . . .
“The St. Louis Park public school district in Minnesota will reportedly allow Muslim families to opt out of LGBT reading lessons for students.”
How much of a hassle do non Muslim parents
who don’t want their kids brainwashed have ? ? ? ?
Just heard on the news that according to Russian news Navalny died of “sudden death syndrome”. Must be a new advanced diagnose. I would be interested in learning more about it. I have heard of sudden death caused by heart attack, stroke etc. but nothing as vague as “sudden death syndrome”, when it comes to what appears be a healthy 47 year old male.
And what are your thoughts on Gonzalo Lira’s recent death in a Ukrainian prison? Did you even hear about it from the MSM? He was a US journalist imprisoned for “propaganda”. By propaganda, they meant that he was critical of the US financed war in Ukraine.
Did you know that Ukraine has banned the Orthodox Church, rival political parties and unapproved news outlets? Does that sound like a democracy to you?
What does that have to do with the murder of Yavalny? Two different issues. I choose to bring one up because it is the headlines the past few days.
Hanne, here I find you worrying about a russian guy with hitler tattoos on his chest. Why do we always meet this way? Screw your freedoms arnold would be proud.
I checked online and found no evidence of Navalny having that tatoo. Did find information that he, at least in the past, had some right wing views, which means you should like him, Maga Sam! In any case neither should be punished by prison and death. At least not in a country that values free speech, which Russia does not. We are all lucky to be living in a country where you are free to speak you mind (as long as you don’t threathen violence) and having whatever tatoo you choose.
He had a portrait of hitler on his chest. Hitler was a left wing socialist, you know, like denmark. I’m MAGA that’s America first, not right wing or left wing. I certainly would never align with a nazi supporter. My J blood would never allow it. The only similar aspect you draw together is that I’m a nationalist. Yes MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGIAN before trying to fix other countries. What’s the problem? I’ll find you the evidence
Define oblivious: I bring up the double standard of news coverage – only Russian human right violations are reported on, although a very similar incident just happened to a US reporter imprisoned in Ukraine. You: Who cares? It wasn’t even in the news 🙂
Lol, It wasn’t in the news. It’s true. Some people get all wound up by the media don’t they
How about the 22 US journalists being held in Russia?
DI, please post a link.
I can find no info at all on 22 US journalists being held in Russia.
This could be a real blockbuster news story……. if it’s true.
And it isn’t.
I had misread rhe article at first. It speaks of 22 journalists, but they are from around the globe. 2 of them are American. Apologies for the confusion. It is the largest amount of journalists being held by any one country.
“Among the journalists imprisoned currently in Russia are two Americans: The Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, detained since March, and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty editor Alsu Kurmasheva, held in custody since October.”
Just because they are “journalists” doesn’t give immunity from the law. VOA is straight propaganda. Now do Julian Assange the founder of Wikileaks.
Every country is a little different, on how things are handled,
suicide in Fort Marcy Park in Virginia.
History has a way of repeating,
Imagine if you will William M.(Boss) Tweed as president . . .
“The appearance of the law must be upheld –
especially when it’s being broken.”
—Boss Tweed
” As long as I count the votes,
what are you going to do about it?”
—Boss Tweed
Well judges don’t get removed because someone doesn’t like a verdict.. But as previously stated Pumpkin head went out of his way to insult the judge. How does that work on the appeal?
Hint: not good.
Yesterday Pumpkin head said people will be moving out of NY due to this judgement. Thats OK because there are plenty of illegals to take their place.
Wow. That’s crazy you just said that. You are right, there are plenty of illegals to take their place. I’m sure the federal government will start sending billions to the city now. I noticed truckers are refusing to take loads to NYC so that will get interesting. Maybe the illegals can farm some food in the city.
Antioch library closed until further notice due to crime! Now you can’t even go to the library without getting mugged. Thank you Liberal Progressive Democrat soft on crime party.
Here it is:
Breaking News – Trump unveiled “Trump Sneakers” at Sneaker Con in Philadelphia. He placed a pair of gold sneakers, which a new website has listed for $399, named the “NEVER SURRENDER HIGH-TOP SNEAKER,” on the podium as he spoke.
“This is something I’ve been talking about for 12 years, 13 years, and I think it’s going to be a big success,” said Trump
Sounds like a big win!
Selling sneakers, not secrets. He’s one of the few politicians to be poorer after leaving office.
Unveiled at Sneaker Con and instantly the most sought after sneaker in the world. 399. will make you 1000s % ⬆️. All the biggest most popular sneaker resellers have bounties on pre-orders. Whoever bought those will be making huge profits.
It’s call marketing and branding. Sneaker heads already loving TRUMP. Breaking down walls gaining votes from all the former leftists
Is the pillow guy involved in making the sneakers? I will wait for a promo code before buying.
Rumor has it Fani WIllis is introducing “The Backward Dress” for a whole new vibe. No more fumbling with rear or side mounted zippers………
Cash sales only.
Backwards dress and an upside down flag, pinned to her shirt. She straight trippin’
That dress was not fitting right. Looks like she had some cottage cheese underneath too.
This just in:
Nathan Wade introduces his own line of Beer Goggles. Just in case someone has to, well, you know.
First pair just sold for 9000. Sneaker heads love TRUMP
Let’s elevate the conversation. The burning question: do the gold sneakers come with his signature heel-lifts?
You must be thinking of desantis. When it comes to TRUMP, the propaganda was about bone spurs. Get your propaganda talking points right. You’re like a confused NPC machine. Your jealousy is off the charts my man. Get it together.
“signature heel lifts” Lol his son is 6’7”
Regardless, it’s common knowledge Donald wears lifts. It’s part of his branding, to appear to be more than he actually is.
“common knowledge” in the blue anon crowd? Literally nobody by you has ever said that.
The Democrat Party has destroyed the DOJ.
The Democrat Party has destroyed the FBI.
The Democrat Party has destroyed every blue city.
The Democrat Party has destroyed the CIA.
The Democrat Party has destroyed the rule of law.
The Democrat Party has destroyed the Constitution.
The Democrat Party has destroyed the border.
The Democrat Party has destroyed the banks.
The Democrat Party has destroyed the CDC.
The Democrat Party has destroyed the FDA.
The Democrat Party has destroyed the children.
The Democrat Party has destroyed trust in vaccines.
The Democrat Party has destroyed trust in doctors.
The Democrat Party has destroyed fair elections.
The Democrat Party has destroyed liberty.
The Democrat Party has destroyed free speech.
The Democrat Party has destroyed the Bill Of Rights.
The Democrat Party has destroyed the middle class.
The Democrat Party destroys everything it touches.
The Democrat Party has destroyed the USA.
“Truckers are reportedly planning to boycott New York City
by refusing to take loads to and from the Big Apple”
If obama was selling shoes, it would be crocs to go with the pajamas his supporters stay in.
Reminds me of, the Insufferable Man-Child Pajama Boy
At the time, little did we suspect . . . . . .
I saw DeSaulnier on a news interview recently. He looked old, tired, and seemed unable to catch his breath even though he was just sitting there. Does not look healthy. And then I see his campaign signs around town. I am soooo disappointed that yet another politician doesn’t know when to retire. It’s ego, I suppose. A desperate attempt to hold onto power, and a self centered belief that only he can do the job. He should step down and let Steve Glazer have it. Glazer is being termed out of the state senate, has done a good job, and is available to move up.
Where are these signs?,I guess i missed a few while tearing them into little pieces.
California State Senator Steve Glazer is already running for California State Treasurer. He wasn’t termed out from running for another term in the California State Senate, he could’ve served about a week short of 30-months of a 48-month term, and there was also the high likelihood that the California Courts would’ve allowed him to serve the complete 48-month term, but he decided he didn’t want the Courts deciding the matter. Thanks to his decision we’re now going to be stuck with the lying, cheating, corrupt, preacher, Tim Grayson, as our California State Senator. This now only further helps the lying, cheating, corrupt, preacher, and Assemblyman Tim Grayson, in his stated quest of replacing Congressman Mark DeSaulnier in the US House of Representatives. We’ll now never be rid of the lying, cheating, corrupt, preacher, Tim Grayson, so you better get used to him being around for the next 30-years.
Yes, I understand this. Termed out unless he wants the court to decide. Which he doesn’t. So…….termed out. Tomayto tomahto, I guess. DeSaulnier is hanging on too long. He should retire. And Glazer would be fantastic in congress. But he hasn’t had encouragement in that direction. I agree with you about Grayson!
California State Senator Steve Glazer still could’ve served 30-months of a forth term, without the Courts getting involved. I haven’t been all that impressed with State Senator Steve Glazer, but we’re so lucky that he won his first term in 2015, because he’s so much better than his defeated 2015 opponent, former Concord City Councilmember, former Contra Costa County Supervisor, and then California State Assemblymember, Susan Bonilla. She was absolutely horrible!!!
While it’s an absolute travesty that we’re going to be stuck with the lying, cheating, crooked, corrupt, preacher, Tim Grayson, being promoted by voters to the California State Senate, I truly hope voters don’t choose to vote for the angry, mean, nasty, vile, former Pleasant Hill City Councilmember and former Contra Costa County Supervisor, Karen Mitchoff, as his replacement in the California State Assembly. This woman has no business ever holding elective office again with the way she’s chosen to treat, speak about, and speak down to her constituents. Karen Mitchoff needs to be soundly DEFEATED by voters!!! Please don’t forget that while attending the California Water Conference, then Contra Costa County Supervisor Karen Mitchoff delivered comments to the conference where she stated Contra Costa Water District residents WANTED to share excess stored water with other water districts in the state. She also supported the expansion of Los Vaqueros Reservoir, not for the benefit and use of Contra Costa Water District residents, but to make the Los Vaqueros Reservoir a “shared resource” for the benefit and use of other water districts throughout California. Don’t forget the way then Supervisor Karen Mitchoff defended Concord City Councilmembers, and in her true form, nastily ranted against the many residents who spoke at a Concord City Council meeting, where the residents had accused Concord City Councilmembers of bribery and corruption in their dealings with former Concord Naval Weapons Station property Master Developer, Concord First Partners, in which the Seeno’s were a partner. Finally, don’t forget when we were 9-months into COVID-19 restrictions and Contra Costa County Supervisor Karen Mitchoff said “I WANT TO SEE FINES THAT HAVE A “BITE” AND THAT BUSINESS OWNERS CONSIDER TOO HIGH TO KEEP VIOLATING THE RULES AND ABSORB THE PENALTIES” and “IT’S TIME TO BRING THE HAMMER DOWN,” as well as wanting to fine businesses as much as $20,000.00 for some violations. There are plenty of other examples of her nastiness towards her constituents and other members of the public. California State Assembly candidate Karen Mitchoff in no way embodies the qualities of a “PUBLIC SERVANT,” she embodies the qualities of a “NASTY AUTHORITARIAN TYRANT!!!” Please, defeat this woman at the ballot box on March 05, 2024!!!
Remember the names of other local elected politicians who’ve endorsed this TYRANT, Karen Mitchoff, for California State Assembly, for when they next run for reelection! They are:
Antioch City Councilmember Lori Ogorchock
Concord City Councilmember Dominic Aliano
Concord City Councilmember Laura Hoffmeister
Concord City Treasurer Patti Barsotti
Martinez Mayor Brianne Zorn
Martinez City Councilmember Mark Ross
Pleasant Hill City Councilmember Sue Noack
Pleasant Hill City Councilmember Allen Vinson
Walnut Creek City Councilmember Matt Francios
Contra Costa County Supervisor Candace Anderson
Contra Costa County Supervisor Diane Burgis
Contra Costa County Supervisor John Gioia
Contra Costa Water District Boardmember John Burgh
Contra Costa County Board of Education Trustee Annette Lewis
Contra Costa County Board of Education Trustee Mike Maxwell
EXCELLENT POST. This should be saved and plastered weekly.
@bk – well stated! Thank you!
Gotta laugh at PG&E and their energy recommendations they email out. Best recommendation I would think would be get rid of the criminal organization PG&E.
I don’t think we’ll be hearing about any gangs of retail thieves breaking into Footlocker stores to steal Air Trump sneakers.
It’s a flex. Trumps not in the shoe business.
Are they being sold in Foot Locker?
Democrats concoct a different Trump hoax to keep each of their controlled demographic groups in line.
Sex hoax for the ladies.
Race hoax for Black voters.
Russia hoax for the older generation.
Serial Felon hoax for people who don’t understand how banks or free speech work.
Is all to keep you low info people on the plantation. Learn to think for yourselves and for Gods sake, educate yourselves on the real world. None of these HOAXES even make sense when looked at by people who actually understand. It’s all geared to low IQ and low education general populations learned by public schools.
DEMs claim illegals are needed to do jobs Americans won’t . . . . .
OR is it campaign contributing companies want cheap labor to increase profits?
Another consideration is training of non English speaking employees who are also lacking in education. Workers who work in food preparation resulting in products containing E. Coli , Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella or other dangers to life.
Browse thru recall list and click on Brand Name and look at incident summary
I’d be willing to but some Obama clown shoes.
You’re so worried, don’t panic. Trump will be your president too. We’re Making America Great Again, it doesn’t matter how popular the idea is in your crowd.
To be fair to William Henry Harrison, he died only 31 days after he was inaugurated.
JWB . You are correct. MAGA is a true believer. Believes pumpkinhead can do no wrong. .
126 cops injured in trumps riot
$80,000,000 lost for running his mouth
convicted of sexual assault
boxes of top secret info stolen and stored on a stage
Failed business empire.
Of 44 cabinet level appointments by trump , 4 support him . 40 don’t
And worst of all he called our fallen soldiers buried in a cemetery “losers”
Despite all that some people ignore trumps deep character flaws and defend him no matter what.
Its troubling and sad. to see such naive people.
You believe the immune system is a conspiracy theory and fake news misinformation. You actively argued that vitamins and exercise wasn’t important. You pushed a vaccine that is banned. You thought masks that don’t stop viruses, stop viruses. Naive is not something you get an opinion on.
Hate Trump all you want FRANK, but I know no one that was ignorant enough to vote for Biden, do you?
After reading biden supporter comments, I can understand why biden is scared to debate TRUMP. Poor democrats literally have nothing.
instead he hands out phones so people can buy and sell crack easier.
Once biden and giggles are bounced michelle obama and His Imperial Majesty Emperor newsom.
We’ll get to endure DEM’ version of communist china.
Save time get your olive drab Mao hat with the big red star on it.
For all you confused about the world you live in,
MAGA Patriots make this country run. Liberals make our coffee and try to tear everything down. The time is rapidly approaching you will have three options, lead, follow, or get out of the way nothing else will be tolerated.
“California Democrats Introduce Bill That Would Force Homeowners and Renters to Disclose Number of Firearms to Insurance Companies, Government”
AB-3067 Residential property insurance: firearms.
Where life is worthless.
“A Prius hanging out of a dumpster. Stripped-down cars. Burning trash cans.
These are some of the East Oakland sights set to a new catchphrase that’s blowing up on social media: “Oakland, California, … donde la vida no vale nada.” ”
After many decades of DEM governance, WOKE gets piled on.
Love it. Let it burn baby. Maybe someone important will notice 🤣🤣🤣
What a worthless survey!
The opinions are from 154 members of the American Political Science Association (experts & scholars?)Not just ordinary citizens but exceptional know it alls!
Tho political party & conservative or liberal classifications were asked of respondents the percentages of those are not mentioned anywhere in the survey.
It isn’t hard to figure it out tho, the majority of respondents decided Biden is the 14th greatest President in history & overwhelmingly agreed that FDR belongs on Mt. Rushmore!
I can hardly believe FOX news even mentioned this bogus survey, but you know “Fair & Balanced”
Paul ryan, disney. Bye
“CA Democrats Push Bill Requiring Insurers to Rat out Homeowners Who Own Guns”
…and on the lighter side…😁 … and considering ‘They’ pass dozens…maybe hundreds of new Bills/Laws every year, I want a law that says Candidates MUST have a CURRENT picture of themselves on their campaign material…. not a picture that is 10-15 years “younger.”
“Revenge? My revenge will be success”
Donald Trump 2/20/24
After tripping on Air Force One’s steps again today someone needs to set up a GoFund me page to get Slow Joe one of those chairs that lets a person sit to ride up and down stairs. God help us if something happens to him and Willie Brown’s “squeeze” ends up behind the desk in the Oval Office….things that nightmares are made of.
Remembered I had this biden Stairlift commercial bookmarked.
Lets say you have 3 biilion dollars like Trump has,and you make %10 interest per year on that,around 300 million.He is then ordered to pay 300 million or more blah blah blah.
All they are doing is taking away a year or 2 of dividends.
I doubt it hurts him at all.Its an insult and would piss off anyone,but they cant hurt him.
Those that say you would let people in NY not get food all for Trump?
No,and you prove you dont understand ,its all for the country.not for Trump.He will only be around 4 years.The country wont be if Biden keeps pretending to be in charge.
The left supports the individual,just Biden,the righr supports what Trump is trying to achieve,to get things back to how they were before Biden and the country wasnt in a downward spiral like a kamakazi airplane like it is now.Inflation isnt down,it is just within the Biden presidency..
Causing a huge problen and then only solving a third of it is not an accomplishment,its damage and failure.
To make a rather strong point regarding Engoron’s corruption, Trump should take out the largest loan possible against Mar-a-Lago to raise capital toward his $350M appeal.
Obviously the loan will be far in excess of $18M and will clearly illustrate to the American people that Engoron & James are punitive, arbitrary, and corrupt.
‘Biden administration to invest $20BILLION to replace Chinese cranes
at shipping ports over fears of hacking and spying by high-tech machines’
What wonderful way to get built in America.
One heck of a sales job relying on communist red china paranoia.
Cranes are not that complicated, could easily rip out all electronics in existing cranes and install new.
First one would take a month each successive three weeks.
Ports get new cranes that’ll be faster and built in America.
Why should putin worry, he got Crimea when obama biden were in office.
Why shouldn’t he go after Ukraine ? ? ?
So if PG&E wants to base your rates on your income why don’t grocery stores do the same?
They can charge ’em $7.00 for that overpriced bag of Frito’s that cost’s me $5.50
The discount club card doesn’t really help either when the store raises the price on an item $2 and then a few days later label it “On Sale” when they drop the price by $1 I guess they don’t think we’re paying attention.
Teamsters Donate to GOP for First Time in 20 Years.
The Dems are losing the black vote. Same for the hispanic vote. Now the union vote. But they keep saying that there is nothing to worry about. Riiiiiight.
About the only demographics that remains firm for the Dems are college students who hope for a loan forgiveness handout and white, suburban Karens.
Either that or it’s all Russian propaganda.
They aren’t concerned with votes, they are focused on ballots.
When the vote counters are all people that havent worked in years and are all from blue “hoods” its not going to turn out well.Give em all a hundred dollar bill and they will do anything you want.
It’s well worth it to the people on both sides of free money .