The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
On Wednesday morning, about 20 protesters blocked traffic on the Golden Gate Bridge for about 30 minutes. No arrests were made, according to the CHP.
QUESTION: Do you think if a person blocks traffic on a major street/roadway/bridge, they should be immediately arrested, or do you think it’s ok to just get them out of the way and let them move on?
Talk about it.
Well, if it is a peaceful assembly, then they should allow to go after a warning to disperse.
Blocking a roadway is not a peaceful assembly hit em with a felony charge
Right on! Arrest these morons!
Nothing is peaceful being in the way of people and cars.
Pedestrians om the freeway unless an emergency are subject to arrest
They shouldn’t be allowed in roadways at all, their right to protest does not give them the right to break the law & put people’s lives at risk. Why does anybody agree with these actions? Hopefully you never lose somebody because emergency services were detained by somebody’s right to whine cry & snivel
Apparently there was an organ transport that was delayed and the patient didn’t get their donated organ. Also, not to mention the thousands of people who were delayed getting to work. Also, have you ever been stuck on one of the bridges and had to use the restroom? That’s uncomfortable. If the police denied one of these cream puffs from using the bathroom there would be a demonstration and a lawsuit. Where is our compensation for the EXTENSIVE inconvenience? San Francisco has gone insane.
Reminds me of Altamont . . . .
Get out the number cards 1 – 10, so each can be scored
I wasn’t aware that there was any Pedestrian crosswalks on the golden gate bridge.
Traffic should just continue to drive as if they’re Not there.
PS: Let them try this on a Class 1 railroad main line. They’ll All be removed and CHARGED.
It has a large pedestrian walk way they just get the traffic lane.It should be a felony charge it screws up traffic.
@ANON….Ask Brian Willson how that worked out when he was protesting on the RR tracks into the Naval Weapons Station back in ’87.
Spoiled children…Should be arrested and anyone stuck in that backup should go after them civily…
What were they protesting? Cars driving on the bridge? Or was this an organized protest where 20 got out of order?
The voters are getting what they wanted.
Why do people tolerate this crap? It is not anybody’s right to detain somebody over their right to protest. Go gather at the lawmakers home or city hall where ever anywhere but unlawfully detaining others for your precious viewpoint!?! Nobody cares what you are protesting at that point they are just mad & have every right to be.
No charges? Yeah…. that’ll learn ’em.
Protesting the war in Israel here in the US does nothing.. kinda like Oakland passing a resolution for a cease fire in Gaza…..doesn’t do anything. Are they stupid or crying babies wanting to be heard? Other countries don’t even hear “let alone care” what goes on in politics in American cities, you are just either wasting money or pissing off the people you should be depending on “or both”. God help us if we ever fall under a war on our own soil as these fools will all suffer horribly as they will be clueless on what side to pick and too thick headed to admit they may have originally bet on the wrong one. Yes they should all be arrested for blocking a roadway and unlawfully detaining the people stuck there
You’re right. Not much impact to the war. Hamas doesn’t even know there was a protest. Better plan would be to block a road in Gaza, maybe one the Hamas uses to transport hostages. See how that goes. At least they know you don’t approve the fighting.
What angered me about the Oakland City Council getting involved with this resolution is that their city is in the state of shambles and a very unsafe place. They need to focus on their own town and not another Nation. That might be part of the problem they need to really recall City Hall in Oakland!
That’s that whole “make your point more effectively” thing that not many understand. Doesn’t matter how loud you scream or what tantrum you throw they won’t hear you on the other side of the world nor will they care.We should concentrate on fixing ourselves first.
There are many places in Oakland that make Gaza City look like Eden. That is what these knuckleheads should focus on.
Blocking traffic for a protest is not ‘peaceful’ it is dangerous. It puts both unexpected drivers as well as the protestors at risk. There was a horrific crash early this morning on the Bay bridge that took the lives of now three people. It sounds like a car was stopped or broken down when a truck plowed into the back of them. I can see a protest causing a domino effect crash from a driver having to jam on their brakes.
Protesters have a right to protest.
Protesters do not have the right to hinder the freedom of movement of others.
When protesters hinder the rights of fellow citizens, those protester not only diminish their cause but need to be arrested for hindering the rights of others.
Have you seen bratty kids in grocery stores having a tantrum that don’t get their way?
Well….they grew up. Only in size.
They should be charged with KIDNAPPING! Holding people against their will in traffic.
What did you expect in San Fransicko? Law and order?
Nope just feces on the ground, drug addicts openly shooting up on city streets, oh & let’s not forget businesses leaving in droves due to the lawlessness created by the elected leaders. I hardly expect law & order from the cesspool known as the city by the bay…
“What are you protesting?”
“What do ya got?”
What would be the charges if an ambulance was delayed and the patient died as a result? Manslaughter?
This is just nuts and encourages more civil disobedience. Should be arrested and fined or worse. Protesters don’t win over the hearts and minds of those who were affected. Authorities let us down in this case.
these are children that got together during another useless day in their parents lives
The only way this will stop is if those who want to protest know that if they do, they will get hurt, and hurt bad. The kind of hurt they feel for a month or so. Now, we know law enforcement cannot (should not) inflict this kind of justice, but perhaps they can turn away, like they do when protestors burn down cities, as that angry truck driver, or cheesed off mom trying to get home to her kids exact an appropriate type of justice (a wood shampoo, intimate introduction to a thick telephone book or a quick high heel hard to the back of the hand). Think those 2 cretins who threw junk on the US Constitution would’ve done that if they knew the result would’ve been the only way they could eat is through a tube? They are uncivil, and as such, should be treated rather uncivilly. In spades.
Apply the same laws and penalties as for sideshows. Immediately impound the cars and haul the people off to jail. Protesting is fine but blocking traffic? Nope.
I guarantee if they were wearing MAGA hats and mentioning Trump they would have not only been arrested but paraded in front of the media. Hamas and Palestine is not OUR problem. This country is being over run and threatened and these people are trying to effect change there? Why don’t you all look in your own back yard? More illegal entries than babies being born. Illegal aliens committing felonies on police officers. The priorities of these people are messed up. Here’s an idea, go back there and protest see how long it is before they arrest you put you in jail and if you’re gay they’ll unalive you. So these folks are just damn lucky they live in a state that is run by a sympathetic dictator.
CVC calls it imdeding traffic, but in a vehicle, so that’s out.
Consider the emergency situations, getting to work, etc. these idiots f*** up
Protect freedom of speech!