Home » Claycord – Talk About Politics – Feb.9, 2024

Claycord – Talk About Politics – Feb.9, 2024


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Biden should let someone run for the presidency; the man is clearly slipping. He would lose against Trump.


Biden already lost to Trump in 2020.


… my only fear is that it would be Newscum – bad news!


Hopefully the rest of the country is smarter than California’s voters!!!


Or Michele Obama!


I’m more worried about the “bench warmers”(Harris, Newson, or M. Obama) who could possibly run in Biden’s place. All the contenders (Tulsi, or RFK) who I could trust, have left the Democrat party.


Leave the old man alone!
Biden is fine right where he is! Yeah 4 more years, sure… that’ll happen.
But for God’s sake, put a bib on him when he has his ice cream.


Have you were heard Pres Biden this week???
He stated that he’s been talking to president Mitterand of France and Chancellor Kohl of Germany recently over issues. Is he using a Ouija board? Both of these leaders have been dead for years!
And to think this man has his finger on the nuclear button is scary! I’m afraid he’ll thinks it’s his alarm clock silence button!


Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley. Have you heard Trump lately as he displays he has no idea who he’s talking about?


Yes,she is nobody..good point.


Sunny Hostin (The View) an outspoken proponent of reparations, just found out her ancestors owned slaves….. Golly!


I saw that clip of Sunny, she also said she was surprised to find out her ancestors were from Spain. She said she always believed that she was part Puerto Rican. Is she really that stupid? Does she not realize that the majority of Puerto Ricans are of Spanish and African descent? It was the Spaniards that brought the slaves to the Caribbean Islands in the 1500s.


Yes she is really that stupid.


That was an eye opener for her. But her response to the info surprised me.
I can’t remember word for word what she said.
Something to the effect of, … guess that’s the way it was back then.
What! …. Wow!


I wonder how she feels about reparations now?


Would be great if everyone got their dna checked. There are a lot of white folk who have sub-Saharan African dna, most American blacks have European dna, and Hispanics have both.
Harder to hate groups of people when you discover you are part of them!

I guess you would only “owe” reparations if you identified as 100% white. But like gender “fluidity”, I guess that can change day to day.

Lot of complaints about the inability of the House to pass articles of impeachment against cretin mayorkas. One of the R nays was Rep Tom McClintock, whom I have a tremendous amount of respect for, at least towards his fiscal ideology. Now I have thought the entire thought of passing articles of impeachment against anybody with the Senate the way it is, is and will be complete folly. Even if they could get an impeachment passed, no way it would get through the conviction in the Senate (let me add, given the inability to get an acceptable bill re: immigration, sounds like schumer ran out of snake oil), so I think that entire exercise was a waste of time, and easily portrayed as a political stunt. Oh well. Of course the media are portraying it as a messed up Republican party. They are, but not because of that, more because of mcconnell, lady lindsay, as slow-as-joe susan collins, etc. Ah well, rant is over.


Tom McClintock said:
“Even if Mayorkas had been removed from office, he would have been replaced by someone like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,” asserting that addressing the border crisis doesn’t entail merely substituting one leftist official with another, but rather necessitates a change in the entire administration”.

Another Republican, Rep. Blake Moore, flipped his vote to “no” seconds before the vote closed as a procedural move that allows Republicans to bring the legislation back at a later date.
If the vote had been a tie it would automatically have failed and would not be allowed to be voted on again.

Besides….Myorkis “Vas just followink orders!”


I forgot to include the link!


Biden’s press conference was like the album cover of Led Zeppelin I…………….


‘Pedophile transgender daycare worker AVOIDS jail after sexually-assaulting baby while changing her diaper, then telling colleague: ‘She likes it. It just made her day’ ‘ …
“Prior to her arrest, a daycare facilitator told police they were aware of Childers actions and gave her a ‘write-up’ for the inappropriate comments.”
Parents need to exercise due diligence anytime surrendering care of their children.
An in this case did daycare facility obviously made grievous error in hiring practices?
Should daycare workers be required to pass psychological testing before hiring?


The Daily Mail is a British daily middle-market tabloid newspaper founded in 1896 and published in London. The Daily Mail has been criticized for its unreliability, its printing of sensationalist and inaccurate scare stories about science and medical research and for instances of plagiarism and copyright infringement. In February 2017, the English Wikipedia banned the use of the Daily Mail as a reliable source.


dailymail has clickbait at times.
Second tinyurl in my post points to Feb 17, 2023 piece out of WPSD channel 6 out of Paducah, KY.
Post URLs to authenticate quoted text or story header, to give credit to source and provide a starting point in case reader wishes to do additional research to be better informed.
There are too many koolaid believers to implicitly trust whatever “news” is pushed out to their handheld and never double check looking for truth.
War criminal of last century said,
“All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the
comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.”


Who doesn’t have clickbait? Everyone does it. It’s called marketing your product.


Mud Blood ? ? ? ? ?
‘Wyoming lawmaker proposes bill to make it a law that all blood donations from COVID-vaccinated Americans need to be labeled so recipients can reject it’
Should such a law be nationwide ? ? ? ?


Well the immigration bill didn’t pass because Trump ordered the ( craven cowards ) republicans not to pass it.


The immigration bill didn’t pass because it was a raw deal and was defeated with the help of Democrats too.
Trump is being scapegoated (as usual) by left wing zealots.


Try again Frank, the bill did not pass because it did NOTHING to stop ILLEGAL immigration. Quit watching MSNBC and you might learn something.


Kind of true. Johnson was against it before he knew what is in it. But who put Trump in charge? The bill was going to pass the senate until Trump spoke and now it is dead. This proves the Republicans do not want to do anything for the immigration problem they have been screaming about.


B.S. Doh, what this proves is Biden and his cohorts refuse to honor or enforce our written immigration laws.


Ted Cruz referred to the bill as “A steaming pile of crap”


Like so many democrats, slow joe and Harris the ho FAIL to enforce existing laws. Instead they just sign off on new laws that they refuse to enforce.

Try again, doh . Your moniker fits you perfectly.


GLEN223 speaks wisely….


Democrats always lie. It’s their number one trait. Their whole foundation is built on lie on top of lie.


The possible passage of this bill in the Senate is unknown and speculative at best. Do you really believe several Republican Senators would vote to convict former President Trump in his post presidency impeachment trial, but they wouldn’t vote for this bill because former President Trump told them not to vote for it? The Senate vote was 49-50, with more Senators voting against it than voting for it, including 4 Democrat Senators voting against it. This bill was dead in the House before former President Donald Trump said a word about it because the House wasn’t involved in the negotiations and writing of the bill by the Senate and White House representatives.


Frank – the “immigration “ bill contained a lot of unrelated spending, including more dollars thrown at Ukraine.

Don’t blame the republicans when unrelated items were in the budget. They included Ukraine e in there , knowing full well it would be rejected as an immigration bill so they could blame others for no immigration reform.

Put a sock in it, sonny. This is nothing more than a blame game . Read the damn bill instead of just listening to msn, HuffPost, the view, the Berkeley Barb and other left wing “sources.”

Grow up. Until then, have yo momma throw you another hot pocket. And keep supporting slow joe and the ho – an inept administration full of check-the-box appointees.


You think 4000 a day is better than 5000 a day and its border control?the liberals have a different definition for control,its to control your mind,not the border.


So a guy who isnt POTUS has more influence than someone that is??
Thanks for admitting that.


Even NBC News has reported that it was unknown if the bill had the necessary 60 votes in the Senate needed to end a filibuster and pass the bill. Why Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell had Connecticut Democrat Senator Chris Murphy, Arizona Independent Senator Kyrsten Sinema, and Oaklahoma Republican Senator James Lankford waste their time negotiating and writing a bill without input from the House of Representatives, when the bill was never going to pass the House in its current form, remains questionable and unknown, but appears to have been based on the assumption that the funding for Israel, Taiwan, and Ukraine contained in the bill was going to be enough to pass the bill, but that assumption was widely incorrect. You’re comment “Trump ordered the ( craven cowards ) republicans not to pass it,” as the reason for the failure of the bill is just false and a mainstream media conspiracy theory.
This bill was dead on arrival in the House of Representatives because the House was left out of the negotiations. The House of Representatives is both the more liberal/progressive and conservative body compared to the Senate, to think this bill was ever going to pass the House in its current form, before or after former President Donald Trump commented on the bill, is nothing but a false narrative, if it was ever even going to make it to the House floor for a vote at all. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell appear to have bet the passage of the bill on the funding for Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel contained in the bill, they lost that bet, and they lost it badly!


Everyone in the world watches American politics more than it’s own citizens. I think these last few months of Dementia Joe, the double standards of enforcing the law, and the Tucker interview with Putin, and Texas taking charge on the border, is slowly opening the eyes of the brainwashed MSNBC crowd (which, I tried watching 15min the other night, and literally whining, TDS talk, ZERO actual news – just vomitous theatrics)

2024 is going to be the make or break for our country. Stakes are high, as our dollar has been devalued or abandoned worldwide by the major players. Most have no clue what is coming.


What country abandoned the dollar, besides Iran?


You’re not smart enough to explain global finance to Frank. If you don’t know, you can spend a decade tying to learn and get back to us.
Why are democrats so afraid to learn about the reality their leaders are creating? They have no clue what or how anything works yet think they are so smart because they “stand up” for men using little girls bathrooms and racial discrimination in the workplace. While this government hands out our money like candy on halloween to everyone but our own.
Democrats are a threat to all life on this planet


From American Thinker: “This year’s political tea leaves”. People are upset with office holders who are supposed to fix potholes, provide police protection and defend the realm from foreign invaders. Banning gas stoves and all the other woke antics alienates voters. Although Biden was deemed mentally incapable to stand trial this week, it’s likely that he will remain on the ballot. Meanwhile all the law-fare aimed at keeping Trump off the ballot looks to be growing even more crazed, brazen and corrupt. 23 Democrat senators are up for re-election; but only 10 Republicans. If the Democrats “win” the presidency in 2024, at least it’s likely that they will have to contend with a Republican senate.


Biden won’t be charged because James Comey… err, I mean Special Counsel Robert Hur claims that even tho there is ample evidence of Biden’s guilt in classified documents case (being kept in various locations including card board boxes in his garage dating back to his VP days) he won’t charge him because he doubts he could win the case…. doesn’t that sound familiar?


More validation of the cartoon,


In essence, the public was told that slow joe is just a senile old forgetful man (?).

And that’s what the democrats elected….which tells you about THEIR levels of intelligence. They didn’t vote for Biden, they voted against Trump.


I think the pendulum is going to swing again and there is quite a chance that Trump will get in. Except for airheads the general public has had enough of Biden and wokism. The deep state will try to control Trump but I think there is a split going on in the deep state because it hasn’t worked out like they thought. You can’t fool the public all the time.


How soon will the Contra Costa Board of Supervisors declare loneliness as a public health crisis? Why, San Mateo County just did…Supervisor Canepa has even sent Gov. Newsom a letter asking for a Minister of Loneliness office to be created. You can’t make this stuff up! Government created problem during the tyranny by fracturing families, friendships, job loss, church and social clubs shuttered…


Remember the good ole days when democrats and republicans could actually get along as friends & neighbors without drawing red or blue war lines … what the heck happened to society?




No, it was the hatred of Obama for various reasons. Remember McConnell say we will not give him one victory and we must make Obama a one term president. Sure you do.


I hate obama because he’s a communist. That’s what you’re lying about. It’s not because he’s a kenyan not born in the US, it’s because he’s a communist race baiter who destroyed our country. Everyone got along beautifully in the 90s


Like Obama’s fundamental transformation of America?

“In the Obama era, we are the ones portrayed as the outliers, as abnormal, as extremists, as “haters.” If you dissent from this new vociferous breed of human-nature redefiners, they sue you, they jail you, they smear you, they boycott you, they harass you, they ruin you — and they do so (with no sense of their hypocrisy) in the name of “tolerance” and “diversity.”


When I heard that the interview with Tucker Carlson and Vladimir Putin was 2 hours, I wasn’t going to watch it. Then I thought, why not, I don’t have anything to do today. It was a good interview, and well worth watching.


Useful idiot gets schooled by Vladimir, as he reinterprets history to fit his ideology.


Funny watching Putin point out that Tucker tried to join the CIA. Interesting that Tucker ended up on Fox news – a channel where fellow pundits like Sean Hannity openly wear CIA pins on their lapels.


Jake got his useful idiot comment from hillary clinton. What kind of man takes their marching orders from hillary rodham clinton (aka side of beef)? Lol talk about a tool.
Acting like the Minsk agreement isn’t real shows you are a liar. You can pretend to ignore it but don’t be mad when people like putin start bombing things because America broke their word and signed agreement.


So again franks throws around his insults. Using his logic, I guess all democrats support Harris the ho, dementia Joe (the pervert) and the rest of the inept “check-the-box” administration.

Wonder if he also supports the consideration of a California “minister of loneliness” being proposed to Newscum by San Mateo – another Democrat enclave.

You just can’t make this $hit up.


And Hillary got the “Useful Idiot” comment from Vladimir Lenin.
Here’s a couple more Lenin quotes:

“The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation
and inflation”

“Democracy is indispensable to socialism”

The goal of socialism is communism”


Minsk?? Please, refer to the Budapest Memorandum and see who is actually a liar.


Come on jake now call tucker a puppy dog… Do it.


I use to feel kind of sorry for biden. Now I’m actually laughing at him like many others as he self-destructs before our eyes. But remember-it’s only gaffes.


From US News….

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley has a new reason to demand that ex-President Donald Trump debate her in South Carolina: The former president attacked Haley’s husband, who is overseas on military deployment, for being absent from the campaign trial.

“If you mock the service of a combat veteran, you don’t deserve a driver’s license, let alone being president of the United States,” Haley told supporters in Gilbert, S.C., part of her bus tour throughout the state.

Another reason to not vote for Trump – but then again, I’d never vote for any democrat.


That was a real boner for Trump.
He should follow the old lawyer’s rule “‘Never ask a witness a question you don’t already know the answer to”


Your grandma died alone in the hospital.
Your husband was fired over a mandate.
Your teenage son has heart problems.
You lost your business.
You weren’t allowed to go to church.
Your 2-year-old was forced to mask.

But you wanna forget the whole thing?

NO. I will NEVER forget.
All because they fear TRUMP


If a climate change activist’s car gets a flat tire, they worry about running out of fuel.
It’s lost on them that if the flat tire isn’t repaired, fuel doesn’t matter.
The U.S. has a flat tire now.


There are people who would vote for this liar for senate. I’m still waiting for his evidence he said he had on Russian collusion!
Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) said Sunday on MSNBC’s “Inside” that he believed Special Counsel Robert Hur is a “hack” who released a political report on President Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified documents.


Biden should retire for the good of the nation as he makes us appear weak. He served his country, now he should hand the torch off to another and enjoy the few remaining years he has.
Kamala is just a heart beat away from the presidency! Wow. Wonder who is really running the country.
Wish we had better choices of qualified candidates.


Kamala will be awesome, what could go wrong? Democrats need to suffer what they created. Trump will be in charge soon.


Well, let’s see:
Merrick Garland chose Hur to lead the investigation, and he chose to release the Hur report. We all know Garland is adept at burying information he doesn’t want released, and yet he purposefully launched a torpedo into Biden. Obviously Garland takes his orders from a much bigger big guy.


Obama is the head lefty….


no matter. what ridiculous stuff pumpkinhead does , his fans believe everything he says.

At least he’s $88,000,000 poorer because he can’t keep his hands off of women. Serial sexual predator.


Hahaha. Cool. It must suck to feel such panic.


So you continue to support mumbles, the hooker and the rest of the incompetent check-the-box administration….including the cross-dresser (?) that steals suitcases.

Good for you. We now know your limits and fixations. You’ll support anyone/anything that has a “D” after their name. Obviously, critical thinking is not one of your strong points.


Used to think of that sort of OFF WEIRDNESS behavior as well past strange.
After obama and now biden harris administrations beginning to think leftists are in need of intensive examination of their childhood fascinations with highly trained professionals.
An what’s the fascination with children ? ? ? ?
Or are they only group in society who won’t laugh at them ?


It’s a mental disorder. A mind virus.


“The homeowner armed himself and awaited the deputy’s arrival. Before deputies could arrive, the offender kicked in the homeowner’s door and entered the residence unlawfully, where he was met with gunfire from the homeowner. The offender retreated outside, where he succumbed to his injuries.”
Took place in a beautiful little town in northern Alabama called Elkmont, population about 380.
A town when looked at on street view you see American flags outside many homes.
A quiet town where woke politics don’t exist, a place where you won’t find blm painted on a main street in big letters, a place where you don’t need to take out a loan to fill up your gas tank.
A place not to much different than how CA was 70 + years ago.
Where politicians were friends, humble folk you could talk with and get problems sorted out.
Not the oppressive all knowing micro managing control freaks using tax dollars for their societal experimentation and propaganda we are encumbered by these days in CA.


Well put


Trump Plans to ‘Troll’ Fani Willis by making an appearance at her hearing, set for Thursday, on relationship with lead prosecutor. Gateway Pundit:


Crime is acceptable cost to DEMs their quest to steal a country by allowing illegals to flood our country.
‘Fears grow NYC could be targeted by migrant SUPER-GANG as FBI agent warns Venezuelan Tren De Aragua gang behind moped phone thefts may join forces with infamous MS-13’
A high crime rate also allows DEMs to pass legislation they otherwise would not be able to pass.
Promising they will cure what they caused . . . . . . .
“If you scare people enough,
they will demand removal of freedom”
—Elon Musk

A new way to govern DEMs leveraging a crisis
2020 April
“Newsom was asked during the news conference if he saw “potential” to use the coronavirus “crisis” to push for the implementation of a “new progressive era.”
After talking for a couple of minutes while trying to qualify his response, Newsom said, “forgive me for being long-winded, but absolutely we see this as an opportunity to reshape the way we do business and how we govern.” ”
“…absolutely we see this as an opportunity to reshape the way we do business and how we govern.”


The removal of women continues because of the Liberal Progressive Democrat Party and their supporters.
Kearsarge Regional High School sophomore high jumper Maelle Jacques, who is a male but competes as a girl, has won the New Hampshire Interscholastic Athletic Association Division 2 state championship. He now holds the women’s record.

And most women vote for this


“DOJ releases pictures illustrating Hunter Biden’s drug use”.
We have all heard of a man without a country, however it appears Joe Biden has become the first President without a country.
His party has formally turned on him, and they will ramp it up until he curls up into a ball.
Not especially merciful are they………..


Weirder than CA, yes it is possible,
Portland, OR
“In an email to employees last February, Chief Administrative Officer Tom Rinehart wrote:

“We will continue to have gender-specific (male and female) multi-stall restrooms that are readily available to any employee that prefers to use one. But, there will be no urinals in any restroom in the building. This will give us the flexibility we need for any future changes in signage.”

The city has redesigned all the bathrooms to be gender neutral– which means urinals are not even part of the men’s room.”
Will they next pass a law requiring inspectors verify seat is in raised position
before standing urination takes place ? ? ?


The focus of the FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago may have been to recover a “missing top-secret binder” rumored to contain evidence of Obama and the CIA’s involvement in the Russia collusion hoax. Fox News host Jesse Watters discussed brand-new details, citing reporting by investigative journalists Michael Schellenberger and Matt Taibbi.
Gateway Pundit:

Simple cure for mass shooters craving attention their wretched lives would never give them.
Never identify them, erase their existence in all records, rent an excavator and dig down about 20 feet.
You can figure out the rest.
No publicity, no body count fame for the next rabid mental case to top, no media digging into and publicizing their lives.

Sure! You can hack a Dominion voting machine.


CIA asked foreign spy agencies to surveil 26 associates of Donald Trump before the 2016 election, to invent the allegations that the former president’s campaign was colluding with Russia.


Then they raided Mar Lago looking for any documents related to the crimes they committed.


So Adam Schiff wants to be our next senator. I guess he didn’t spend enough in the House of Rep. So he wants to finish to job in the senate. NOT.



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