Home » Concord City Council Approves Homeless Specific Plan

Concord City Council Approves Homeless Specific Plan


The Concord City Council on Tuesday night signed off on the final draft of its homeless specific plan.

The 44-page document is meant to serve as a roadmap as the city begins implementing strategies to prevent and address homelessness.

The city identified homelessness as its top priority in 2022, when the council asked staff to develop a comprehensive plan with recommendations for strategies the city could implement using $5.4 million in one-time funds specifically allocated for homelessness.

The money was allocated from Concord’s sales tax fund from 2020’s Measure V approved by voters as well as federal American Rescue Plan Act funds the city received for pandemic recovery.


The goals include creating a mobile resource center, investing in rapid re-housing and developing various interim housing models, such as scattered site homes and tiny homes, centralized tiny homes and interim motel housing.

The council on Tuesday said it wants to start with the mobile resource center and interim small motel housing and will be seeking nonprofit partners and other organizations to assist in the implementation and help offset the ongoing costs to running and providing services.

The city said on its website it’s seeking a $4.7 million grant from the state to help with costs, which could be announced this spring.

City staff will now focus on implementing details, including meeting with community stakeholders and developing requests for proposals. Staff will come back to the council in a few months to provide a progress report.


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Well, that’s another $4.7 million down the drain. The only thing that will work is to assess each homeless person and then direct them to the appropriate place: 1) drug/alcohol treatment for addicts, 2) mental health hospital for the mentally ill, and 3) job placement center for those (very few) who are not drug addicts and/or mentally ill.


Complete and out of reality Concord looks like Oakland right now no question look around you holier than thou board members you allowed it you restricted our police dept from properly dealing with it! you as board members are worse than the poop and pee stains than the homeless leave behind in this community if you take the time to be harassed and exposed to the dream world of your acceptance you have exposed us to this a direct violation of our freedoms you are as sick an twisted as the disease you allowed
you protect violates of law and order over the the taxpaying community that you have ignored in safety, health violations and many other violations I’ll refer to the poopmap of San Francisco and the ability to have businesses open due to their own safety an security to operate day to day and not be infringed! On taxpayer rights restricting the ability of our police department to act accordingly to the calls of issue. You are the problem Board members you are lower than the stains we encounter on a day to day exposure of crap by your own allowance of it all!!!


They don’t have these problems in alamo and orinda. Wonder why


Can you imagine how trashed the motel rooms will be after they are vacated? Guess who is going to pay for that?


That’s nice. I don’t have a plan. But it would probably involve my passport and a thick stack of travelers checks. Maybe a fake mustache.🥸


Now the adopted plan will be placed on shelf to gather dust.

plan suggestion:
give them nothing
provide them nothing
clear out encampments consistantly
sorry, i’ve no sympathy in this regard


I have no sympthay as well, but I would add one step to your plan.

4. Provide one way bus ticket to Dictator Newscum house.


I can do a successful 1- page strategy. STOP giving them money and they will leave/ stop destroying eveything. The end.


Lets hope Concord can make a difference with our 5 and a half million dollars. San Francisco has a homeless budget that works out to about $150K per homeless person per year, and get this, they’re all still homeless and scraping their poop off of their rear ends on our high priced shacks.


Just taking from tax payers. They will never fix anything. People love urban camping and doing drugs. They know their lives are wasted and are just waiting to die. Why do I have to pay for some feel good gestures? I’d rather pay to put them in jail where I don’t need to see them. There’s drugs in jail.


Money ahould have been spent on a 3,000 bed mental Health facility. This money will just be thrown away with no change to the homeless.

Taking our sales tax money and building stuff. What’s the goal? Is it to end homelessness? What about the people that done want to live in the places your building, the ones that are happy living on the streets?



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