Home » The Water Cooler – Would You Purchase A House Near Buchanan Field Airport?

The Water Cooler – Would You Purchase A House Near Buchanan Field Airport?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

QUESTION: Would you purchase a house near Buchanan Field Airport?


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What is meant by “close”?


No, …. the noise would be a bit much.
Plus, there is a Refinery and CCC Sanitary nearby too.


yes…. no problem ….. but only if a good deal – like anywhere else


Those little houses with the flat roofs? Nuh uh!
Unless I need a hideout and a couple of my friends go in on it with me….. build a bar in there, get a poker table, ping pong & a pool table, maybe a few slot machines and a couple of pinball’s…. keep it quiet.


I would not consider purchasing a home adjacent to Buchannan Field.

Not for the fear of accidents but more for the fact that the lots are smaller there and I would prefer a larger lot.


No, but It’s plane to see lots of people have


Never. I’ve worked in areas off of Chilpancingo, Gregory gardens etc……and that Saturday flight school activity with all of the touch n go stuff is too noisy!


I’m content where I am, but living near Buchanan, or any small airport wouldn’t bother me. I’m not a worrier, so the worry of a plane crashing on me wouldn’t enter my mind, and I like the sound of a light plane buzzing overhead. I have a cousin that lives in South San Francisco, and passenger jets fly over his house several times a day. He’s so used to the noise that he doesn’t even notice it anymore.


Aircraft flying in and out of Buchanan Field have had every few issues in the 60+ years of operation. That air field has well of 100 flights per day will less than a hand full of incident. Not to mention you don’t have to be by an airport. Have a plane fall out of the sky. Go ahead and look up. It’s OK I bet you there’s a plane over your head right now.


Based on daily exposure to jet fumes from the JSX takeoffs/departures and the refinery on Hwy 4, it’s a definite no for myself or for young kids.


You also need to factor in the car exhaust on 680 and 242 as well as the radon gas, molds, asbestos, and lead paint that may be in your house.


At this stage, not even close, but because I have no plans to buy another house in this declining state that is California. When I was looking for a house, some 2 decades ago, the house I ended up in is under the landing pattern, and I have no issues. Not necessarily near the airport, but about as close as I would get. Short answer, not likely.


What Would Chicken Little Do?


If I were otherwise interested in living in one of the neighborhoods in that area, the proximity to the airport wouldn’t be a deal breaker for me.

Next time I buy a home, it will not be anywhere in California, airport or no.

But if you are worrying about a plane falling on your home, you watched Donny Darko too many times. People have no idea how to think statistically. Our minds just aren’t geared to work that way. We see “bad thing” and think, I should avoid bad thing at all costs. But if bad thing is something like getting hit by lightning on a clear day, that would be an illogical reaction. You’d never go outside.

Your chances of being hit by a plane have to be several orders of magnitude smaller than being in a major car crash, yet almost everyone here drives every day.

Not anymoe!


I bought a mobile home behind the airport 12 years ago. I didn’t hear the touch and goes at all. There was one guy who use to do stalls. By the time he started the plane up again, he was out of earshot. The first couple times cared me half to death. Then I figured out what was going on. I was close to where the Reach helicopters took off from and landed. Didn’t mind them, either I bought a place close to an airport, I expected to hear airplanes.


Definitely figures into the calculation, but probably not a determining factor. But yeah, how close?

I’m live in the path of the landing runway which is no where near the residential area close to the airport. The planes shake my house and fly around 500 feet. It’s a bit concerning since we have many schools in the area and residents.

No, too much crime at the Veranda Shopping Center.


I’ve lived under airport flight-paths all my life (Heathrow mainly, so: big airliners), now Buchanan, so it doesn’t bother me. i like to hear the weekend pilots going out – it’s a comforting sound – life is being lived.

@ANCIENT MARINER….I grew up under the flight path of Buchanan Field much like you and Heathrow. Back in the 50s and 60s I lived within a 3 or 4 mile radius of a small weekend racetrack, a couple of train lines and the airport much like I do now, very comforting.

Absolutely not. I find the noise of those small planes very irritating!


It wouldn’t matter to me, as long the property is exactly what I’m looking for, and if the price is right.


It could be very convenient if I were planning to travel a lot, and the noise wouldn’t be an issue with good enough soundproofing.


i do love the smell of jet fuel in the morning…

I never lived that close to the airport, but I did have an office on Stanwell Drive that overlooked the airport. I enjoyed watching the planes take-off and land. Back then, there was a passenger flight that took off every morning shortly after I got to work.


Just did last year, live in the trailer park and love it!

have been here almost 40 yrs.
right under the rudest pilots, probly fly like they drive (bad).
commuter jets hit the air @ 6 AM.
SUX 🤢🤮🙉



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