Home » The Water Cooler – Senate Bill 770 – A Single-Payer Health Care System That Would Require Californians Now Receiving Medical Benefits Through Employers, Unions Or Public Agencies To Give Up Their Benefits And Join A Universal System

The Water Cooler – Senate Bill 770 – A Single-Payer Health Care System That Would Require Californians Now Receiving Medical Benefits Through Employers, Unions Or Public Agencies To Give Up Their Benefits And Join A Universal System


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

Have you heard of California Senate Bill 770? Dubbed “single-payer,” it would eliminate insurers and other aspects of private enterprise from medical care and provide everyone the same medical care services, regardless of income or other characteristics, according to CalMatters.


A single-payer system also would require Californians now receiving care through employers, unions or public agencies to give up their benefits and join a universal system.

In a single-payer system, the government typically collects funds through taxes and then uses those funds to cover the costs of healthcare services for all residents.

The bill has already been signed by Gov. Newsom, and it’s now awaiting federal financing, which is expected to be approved.

QUESTION: Have you heard of SB770? What’s your opinion on this bill, and do you trust the government to handle your medical needs?


Talk about it.

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Fascism anyone? I don’t want any government to determine my heath needs. When I was paying for insurance I had a personal provider coverage instead of group. I could pick my own provider, get second opinions etc. This can still be done with a program even like Medicare if it were extended with that option. But what you’re more likely to get from this rather “neo-Marxist” government in this state is to follow their forced and ignorant policies. We need change alright. Send the present government to Somalia where they will fit just in.


My body, my choice!!!!



What’s next CA’s version of “little red book”
‘Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung’ ? ? ? ?
Ahhh, once again no doubt they will say it is in the name of equity . . . . ?
After all ONLY The State knows what’s best for you.
Union members, think of it as your long over due reward for supporting DEMs over the years.
Next will The State be deciding when you’re too old to get costly medical treatment ? ? ?


I don’t trust the government to spend my tax money wisely (they’ve proved it). No way am I trusting them with my health. California is becoming a no-choice state. I’ll keep my employer-subsidized health plan.


How did they keep this so quiet?


It’s not like there’s a whole bunch of informed voters
providing those “public servants” with adult supervision.
Even fewer in number are media who still provide public with actual news.
These days we’re burdened with vast number of parrots regurgitating press releases provided to them.


I have absolute faith that CA can run this well……


Because they’ve done so well with the DMV, roads and gas prices!!! How is gas only $2.41 /gallon in Tulsa Oklahoma……and it is Double that here????


If you hate the problems the government causes just wait until you see the solutions.


If the state’s plan is anything like Medi-Cal, one of the biggest problems is finding a doctor that will accept it. Medi-Cal is very slow at reimbursing doctors, and they only pay pennies on the dollar. The only way to improve it will be to raise taxes. Everybody is always talking about how most European countries have free health care, but what most people do not realize is that Europeans are paying over 40% in taxes. Finland, for example, has the highest at 59.95% and Sweden tops out at 52.3%.
Watch out for this, Newsom will not only be raising taxes, he will undoubtedly be raising the minimum wage again to keep up.


Socialism sprouts another root.


Such a scheme would be deemed unconstitutional under the supremacy clause. Employer sponsored health coverage is governed by the federal ERISA and HIPPA statutory framework. Federal statutes typically preempt state gambits to meddle in federal programs.


Newsom is applying for a waver from the feds.
He just might get it since he has been playing favorites to Biden.
And “some” of the money for it too from them.


My body my choice! Fascists Commies F@#$& NO!!!!


Umm … how bout no. How bout Newscum and the other Democrats go pound sand .. Go away! Quit trying to throw away our hard earned money!


Illegals, check that, future DEM voters dependent upon government for their financial well being must be treated equal to legal residents / Americans. An how many illegals voted for DEMs in last election ? ? ?
Nice to know who DEMs take care of first . . . . .
How many VETERANS went hungry today and are part of CA’s large homeless population ? ? ?


@ORIGINAL G….This is who this administration takes care of first……

HELL NO!!!!!!

Everything that the California government touches turns to $hit! EVERYTHING!


At my age I could be retired but I need medical so if this passes I’m giving notice.
If this was April 1st I would laugh at such a horrible plan, but isn’t. Taxes will be going way up 🤑


The courts will maul this legislation.


This is what happens when you elect DEMs, give them super majority control of the legislative process and provide ZERO adult supervision. Prediction, Doctor shortage will become worse as they leave a state with single payer and low reimbursement for services rendered.
In short watch for healthcare in CA to implode in less than a decade.


California Nurses Association is HUGE into the single payer scheme. They’re more communist than most unions. They f-ing suck. Had to pay dues for 25 years or so. Complete and total waste of money. Nothing but a bunch of angry karens.


…. no frickin’ way…. did Weiner think this one up too? …sounds like his kind of garbage


You are correct. “With this signature, California takes a historic step toward universal healthcare,” said a statement from the bill’s author, Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco)” From the LA slimes.


The democrat government does everything so efficiently and effectively. I’m sure they do an excellent job.


Since our state elected officials do such a whiz-bang job, I’m inclined to direct Newsome and his cronies to pound sand. Not a chance am I going to trust these clowns with my healthcare!


Does it force doctors to work under the system? Bet it would make a lot of doctors leave the state.


I’m confused. So, the very people who are against “monopolies”, are ok with the idea if, the government is running the show?

NO THANKS!!!!!!! Competition keeps prices low.


“…it’s so hard to find men of a so high type of morals that they’ll stay bought.”
— Mark Twain
“I think I can say, and say with pride that we have some legislatures that bring higher prices than any in the world.”
— Mark Twain – Speech 7/4/1873
“To lodge all power in one party and keep it there is to insure bad government
and the sure and gradual deterioration of the public morals.”
— Mark Twain – 24 January 1906
It is as if he time traveled to 21st Century and observed California . . . . .


So I’m going to have to leave my Blue Cross PPP plan!?!? Something is not right!


I’m not in favor of forcing people into such a system. I don’t know why they can’t do a hybrid, so people have a choice. Denmark have socialized medicine, but also private insurance companies. It wasn’t always that way, not sure when it changed, but at some point somone came up with the idea, that so give people a choice might make sense. Some of my friends and family have chosen private insurance, others not.

However, no one gets their insurance from their employer, so they are not forced to stay in a job they don’t like because they have their health insurance through their employer.

Dawg is right the taxes are high, but you need less of a nest egg, if you don’t have to plan for an eventual high medical expense, and education is also more or less covered. Life in Scandinavia is not that much different than in the US, people like to spend time with friends and family, have a nice meal with a glass of wine, like to travel. Things are on a smaller scale, smaller, but more efficient, houses smaller cars, but the distances are less.


What they are not mentioning is when Weiner(SF) first introduced it last year, the legislature didn’t agree to it. when he re-wrote it and EXEMPTED lawmakers, they approved it (just as Congress did with Obamacare). Lawmakers exempt themselves from EVERYTHING they try to force us to do.
Californiaglobe.com has a lot of information about what they are planning to do to us. Go to the search bar and punch in SB770, scroll down and read the article titled “Gov Newsom marches California toward Socialized Health Care in labor union sponsored bill” dated October 10, 2023.


So much misplaced anger. You must admit almost nothing can be worse than the system we have now where insurance companies extract too much money. It is difficult to see why anyone would defend this system other than under the false flag of “socialism”. Perhaps one day we won’t be the country that pays the most for healthcare and gets the lowest quality care and lowest life expectancy.



First, all but one of your assertions is incorrect. “Socialism” is in fact a false flag. It’s actually “communism.” Were you a critical thinker, you would be horrified at the implications of this.


If people appear angry over this idea, you can thank Obama. His complete misrepresentation of the Affordable Healthcare Act has made the prudent wary, with good reason.



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