Home » The Water Cooler – Do You Think The New Mobile Cameras In Shopping Centers Are Effective, Or Will Thieves Just Ignore Them?

The Water Cooler – Do You Think The New Mobile Cameras In Shopping Centers Are Effective, Or Will Thieves Just Ignore Them?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

QUESTION: Do you think the new mobile cameras in shopping centers will be effective, or do you think thieves just don’t care?


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Will it have any impact.. If the DA’s Office finds “reasons” to Not prosecute…


Zero impact. They don’t care if they’re on camera or even caught.


They just don’t care because they know that they could get away with minor punishment if caught. The DA, GA, law enforcement like to take credit for big fishes (like retail organization thieves or violations from big corporations).


Probably more effective with vaporizing guns built in. 😁


I like your idea! Have multiple drones dispatched with a laser guided turret mounted 50 cal. That should teach em.

Robberies and thefts will happen whether there are cameras or not.
There is little to no consequence in getting caught due to lax prosecution.
So, until the dollar threshold of stolen items is lowered AND punishment by incarceration is certainly guaranteed, the law abiding public will continue to be victimized by paying higher product costs and inconvenienced by locked goods.

The public in general has lost confidence in the justice system. federal, state, and local. There is too much selective enforcement and selective prosecution of serious crimes and perhaps most fundamentally, basic immigration law.


Hoodie, Mask and stolen car. Can’t identify them.


I think the thieves will steal them.


Why would a thief care? They wear hoodies, cover their face with a mask, and drive stolen cars.


they don’t care


I have another perspective. I was at a bank branch in Sherman Oaks about 30 years ago when a man with a gun robbed the bank as well as a couple of customers (not me, fortunately). All told, it lasted about 45 seconds but it was a horrific experience that took me years to shake off.

People’s personal safety is paramount. If these cameras deter one robbery, armed or unarmed, it is worthwhile. When I see these camera systems in a parking lot, I feel just a little bit safer.


… little impact… most perps have hoodies & stolen plates or cars anyway… worth a try… anybody have comparative results yet?


I work at a retail store and see people shoplift EVERYDAY. They steal everything from booze to lipstick to vitamins to candy. Some people steal one or two items some bring in duffle bags and load them up. Employees aren’t allowed to intervene in any way. We do tell people to leave our store but are powerless to do anything if they refuse. The cops can’t hang around our store all day. There’s not alot they can do anyway. Cameras in the parking lot aren’t much help without the laws in place to hold people accountable. Until people realize that liberal feel good policies don’t work, this won’t be fixed. So the next time you see someone shoplifting at the store you shop at, the next time you have to wait for an employee to come unlock beef jerky, batteries or advil, when you find your wait time at the checkout has increased because our store cant afford to hire more employees and you find yourself paying double for your items ask yourself why you vote the way you do. It’s politicians that decided to weaken our laws and cater to criminals but it’s YOU that voted them into office. Wake up folks.


Always nice to have a commemorative video.


No, they are simply a deterrent and a way to take data on theft, not to convict.


As someone in the industry that has provided law enforcement with countless perfect mug shots, license plates, social media pages and even address/phone numbers of thieves, only to find out that the DA doesn’t prosecute crime, I can tell you anything short of proactive security is an absolute waste of time and energy. We no longer offer stand alone video security anymore, unless the client signs a form saying “All I want is 4k video of all my property being stolen” (not a joke). We only do Artificial Intelligence with Video Analytics/Perimeter security now, along with monitored video options. If the rent a blue light special gives people peace of mind, then they are working as intended.


They will just smile and wave…..Hi Mom!


Their fathers would be so proud!

Anyone know how much one of those cost?

How about making, retail thefts of “$49.99, or above”, a felony? I’m sure the first year will be rough, but these, “arrogant” and “entitled”perpetrators will, sooner or later, get the message.


“Shall issue” is more effective than cameras. Criminals who had been ignoring the cameras immediately start scrambling for the exits once some old guy starts popping off.

What you need is a sharp shooter up there instead of a camera.When the word gets around it will stop.Might have to take out a couple to show them we aren’t playing around.🎯

This will have absolutely zero effect on crime outcomes. CA citizens will continually vote in progressives who refuse to prosecute people of color which unfortunately commit a substantial percentage of these crimes. This state is too far gone and lost in the radical ideology of far left propaganda and i don’t foresee a change anytime in the near future.

Do they even work or are they like the ones on Bart trains and garages that are not turned on?



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