Home » Claycord – Talk About Whatever – Jan.19, 2024

Claycord – Talk About Whatever – Jan.19, 2024


Happy Friday to all the wonderful citizens in the City of Claycord.

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Book report:The Dragonriders of Pern, Anne McCaffrey, 1971, 1978. Actually 3 in 1 volume: Dragonflight, Dragonquest, and The White Dragon. Pern is planet humans have landed on. The red star actually is another planet with an erratic obit the spits deadly thread onto Pern. Full size dragons eat black rock and spit out flames to kill the thread before it hits ground. That is kind of bare bones version but McCaffrey wrote 12 books about Pern and dragons. Then she wrote 3 more with her son. After that he wrote 3 more on his own that I know for sure because I have them. It has been so many years since I first read all of them that to all extents and purposes these 3 are almost new to me. I do remember reading about white dragon but not the details. So if you like Sci Fi that has real fire breathing dragons this would be a nice collection of stories. And since I had forgotten so much, other than I really enjoyed them, I now have to go to the first one and start them all over again.

Cowellian’s first.
I, for one, am ready for summer.


All the leaves are brown
And the sky is grey….
I’ve been walkin for a while on a winter’s day
I’d be safe & warm,
Back in the East Bay….
California dreamin… on such a winter’s day


Checked out 10 day forecast for back there, wow
three days of freezing weather back there, . . . . stay safe and warm.


No reason not to add to my long list of unpopular opinions on these pages , but I hate that song. Depresses me almost as much as Steely Dan. Or that Rainy Days and Mondays song. Or Puff the Magic Dragon. Dirty hippies, the lot ‘o them. 🤨

I get no sympathy from my son in Northern California either. But the power is on, the gas fireplaces are going, and I stocked up on milk, bread, and toilet paper. Our Bird-Buddy is in constant use by a wide variety of birds, and my wife is loving all the bird pictures she’s getting from it.


Noses are red
Fingers are blue
I’m sick of winter’
How about you


Safeway (the one just north of JC Penney) has just installed internal security gates, to make it harder to shoplift.


But for the Grace of God, I’ve never had to steal food. But I’ll make three repeat trips to the free samples lady without any shame at all. The fourth one, I am kinda apologetic.

Off subject, but what happened last night at corner of Frederick and grant st.Lots of police snd emergency vehicles.

Bubba, if there wasn’t free samples, I couldn’t tell ya.

Pick One:
A) Bacon Fat
B) Lard
C) Yuck


A) Bacon Fat ,… just a bit for certain recipes, Yum!

Yes!!! Green beans cooked in bacon fat is wonderful. An addition to my grocery list.


I am making the assumption the bacon fat is accompanied by the scant amounts of meat as part of that pork belly, so A. B is what my can resembles after eating A.

C) Yuck! But I’ll take butter anytime.


C. My mother would cook some things in bacon fat and that was okay. But there was a TV Guide article back in the 1980s suggesting making popcorn with bacon fat and it was just too heavy. We didn’t finish eating it. 👅


@S….Depends, lard for Granny’s fried apricot pies, bacon fat rarely for sauteed green beans….so both have their place. I definitely don’t cook as much of either as I like.


Bacon fat for cooking liver & onions. Everything else is butter or avocado oil. Don’t remember ever using lard for anything but I know my grandmother did.

Bacon fat to fry eggs and potatoes
Lard for pie crust


Bacon fat adds a lot of flavor to gravy and many other dishes, but Krispy Kreme doughnuts tasted a lot better when they were cooked in lard.


In Denmark when I was growing up we used both. Don’t know if the American lard is the same as the Danish one, but we used it to spread on bread for open faced sandwiches, depended on what the sandwich was, for cheese you would use butter, but certain meats lard or bacon fat, after it had thickened. Don’t think it is used much anymore, not exactly very healthy.

“A” !

Lard, fresh Lard that is. I visited my grandparents during school breaks every summer. They lived in the countryside with no electricity, running water, house made out of Adobe, etc etc. My grandfather had a farm of animals. Every now and then a pig will be butchered and the Lard was the first to reach the wood burning out door kitchen. We used it for cooking eggs for breakfast, last to cook kept the left over Lard from the pot. Tasted so good!

I save bacon fat to season certain dishes, especially shrimp.

You just blew my mind. Shrimp…that’s genius. 🫡

So Mr Mayor or whoever you are now, please give us an update about the situation on Quiet Circle in Concord earlier this week. It was covered on the local news channels but was never mentioned on Claycord that I can tell.


Thanks for that Dr Jellyfinger

Of Interest; or Not:
AAA made over 3800 tows in the mid-west in 3 days of EV’s because of frozen batteries and charge stations.
Let the banter begin….


This surprised me: the word helicopter derives from “helico” (spiral) and “pter” (wing), both Greek. Pterodactyl !!


@DR JELLYFINGER, I Have some great pics of the Mama’s and the Papas. About half a dozen 8×10 glossy black and white. In the 60’s my Uncle a photographer worked for Associated Press. The lyrics in their songs were very poetic.


Corn snake poses for camera

Way cool. And familiar. Often saw my ex strike the same pose. And then her lawyer.

LoL! That reminds me of this one:

Q. – What has 4 legs and chases Catz?
A. – Mrs. Catz & her lawyer.

It’s all good, I hired a California King Snake. Pretty much lives on eating other snakes. 😁 💵

Paid $8.90 for a Burger King whopper with cheese.without a coupon. Costs are going up due to minimum wage. A job at fast food was never intended to be a living wage, but an entry level job. Will no longer support fast food restaurants with raising costs. It’s the law of unintended consequences. Will wind up putting people out of jobs. Just look what’s happening to Subway. Thanx to the democrat Newsom.


Soon people who work in fast food restaurants will no longer be able to afford to eat there. The result of short-sighted financially inept decisions.

You haven’t been paying attention, fast food workers are doing pretty good now. The ones not replaced by robots anyway.

Decided to check my BMI (body mass index) weight / height.
After holidays found that am now, 14 inches too short.

Just hang from the backyard swingset. It worked for Bobby Brady.

Getting upset with all the prescription drug commercials on TV. Viewed 4 within 5 minutes, then changed the channel.
Also switch channels with ambulance chasing personal injury ads. Was not allowed at one time.

PG&E going in raw. My bill this morning is $146. It has gone from $75 to $103 to $146 in the last 3 months, and I haven’t turned on the gas central heating in over a year.

I don’t know anything really, about wine. But I am an expert on what I like and don’t like. I bought a bottle of Toscana, Vino Nobile Di Montepulciano from 2019 I really like. Silineo is the brand. Had it with a Spinach and Orange Slice salad with Ricotta and Spinach Ravioli.
Problem was the first bottle I opened was also a Toscana, but from 2018 and labeled Monte Antico. Probably would have made a passable salad dressing, but was undrinkable as actual wine. Two sips and I poured the bottle down the drain. The screw top probably should have warned me.
Also for work night wine, I like the Mondavi Woodbridge Cabernet. A 1.5 liter bottle for $9.99. Pretty good wine at that price.
Drink responsibly, and re-hydrate. 😎

Not a regular wine drinker, but on the occasions I do indulge it is Bogle Old Vine Zinfandel.
It is around $10 – $12

No warning necessary, unless the screw top was loose. I’ve enjoyed several wines with a screw top, which avoids the laborious task of using a corkscrew. Salud, pesetas y amor, y tiempo para gozarlos.

Strange lights in the night sky out here in Delta land… any other sightings?

Turns out it was a small convoy of military aircraft.
People on Bethel Island Facebook were buzzing about it last night.
Speaking of military I wonder if Claycord would consider annexing the city of Oakley into it’s realm?
It’s a twofer because Bethel Island would be cut off and fall right into your hands as well, along with more ad revenue.

Actually I was kinda surprised when the East County Today website called it quits I thought Claycord would have rushed in to fill the void.



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