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‘US Intelligence officials warn of rising risk of Hezbollah attacking INSIDE America …’
With DEM’s wide open borders, chances are next major terrorist events attackers are already here.
US intelligence is trying to sell the people on another war – this time supporting Israel. To that end, they will use Hezbollah and other terrorist groups as boogeymen and bandy around slogans like “Better fight them in Israel than at home.”
You do know they have American hostages ?
So does Ukraine. Or maybe you didn’t hear about US journalist Gonzalo Lira, who just died in a Ukrainian prison.
Yeah, right! Like that’s going to really happen! I am now afraid of any Hezbollah!
So, we were told the Hunter Biden’s pop-art was so wonderful that it was worth the hundreds of thousands that private parties were paying for it. But what was revealed this week,was indeed another Biden family scheme to raise money. One purchaser even obtained a position in the Biden White House for buying the ‘art’
And while the IRS and authorities seemed happy to overlook the millions of unpaid past taxes he owed, I hope they’re looking at the taxes that Hunter owes on these art sales!
This is probably the most corrupt presidential administration we’ve ever had! There should be impeachment hearings on many different offenses. But of course the democrat controlled media has no interest in that. If you were to change the last name to something that started with ‘T” they would be salivating. Thank goodness the public is beginning to see through this though.
Everyone focuses on Hunter Biden, yet the Saudi Government gave Jared Kushner $2 Billion to invest in 2022, and no one bats an eye!
To invest as a private citizen…for them. What kind of block head tries to compare these things?
Hes the new fly on the wall,,,
Yeah, a day after Biden was sworn in.
A day after biden was sworn in. When the capital was shuttered, fenced off surrounded by armed men who slept on the floor. That day? When nobody from the public was allowed to witness the coup. You mean that day?
Business and/or other financial dealings between Hunter Biden and/or foreign governments, and/or foreign businesses, and/or foreign individuals began during Vice President Joe Biden’s terms in office between 01/20/2009 – 01/20/2017, and may have continued during his term as President from 01/20/21 – present, when it comes to Hunter Biden’s “artwork” sales.
Business and/or other financial dealings between Jared Kushner and/or foreign governments, and/or foreign businesses, and/or foreign individuals began after President Donald Trump’s term in office between 01/20/2017 – 01/20/2021.
Do you not see the difference, or is it just that everything having to do with the Biden’s is good in your eyes, and everything having to do with the Trump’s is bad in your eyes? That’s the way your comment comes across.
Hunter Biden isn’t working in the White House and he has not asked for nor received a security clearance. Jared Kushner and Ivanka on the other hand were working in the white house and no one can explain why he got a security clearance.
Hunter Biden was conducting business with foreign companies / individuals prior to the Obama Biden campaign began. However, he quit due to requests from that campaign to avoid even the appearance of violating things like the Hatch Act.
The Kushner’s business dealing with foreign companies / individuals did not begin after they left office. They, like Hunter, had been engaged woth international bussiness prior to anybpresidential campaign or advising. Unlike Hunter, they did not divest. I mean, what else can you call ot when Ivanka had a launch for her close line made possible by her numerous patents and licenses with China, during her father’s “trade war” with China. Or explain why Jared did not go through proper channels when he was meeting with the UAE? Explain the coincidence of a blockade on Qatar ships by the UAE that stopped as soon as Qatar covered the sizable debt Kushner Companies incurred through purchasing 666 Park Ave.
You don’t possess a full picture of how either Hunter of Jared have conducted themselves it seems.
Put down the crack pipe.
I’m no fan of Hunter Biden or Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump.
Jared Kushner received a security clearance because President Trump wanted him to have one. Jared Kushner also sold his interest in 666 Park Avenue and tens of other properties and investments where he had financial interests in late 2016 or early 2017, before going to work in the White House. It was also widely reported that Jared Kushner wasn’t receiving compensation for his work at the White House.
Ivanka Trump applied for Chinese trademarks before going to work at the White House. Many of those trademarks had to do with “trademark squatting,” which flourished in China after the 2016 election of Donald Trump. However, it does appear that China may have fast tracked those trademarks, as did Canada, Japan, Philippines, and other countries. Ivanka Trump’s fashion brand existed prior to her father being elected president, and she also had her fashion brand shut down about a year after going to work at the White House. As with her husband, Jared Kushner, it was also widely reported that Ivanka Trump was also not being compensated for her work at the White House.
The nature of Hunter Biden’s business with Christopher Heinz, the son of deceased Senator John Heinz of Pennsylvania, the stepson of Democrat Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts, and the cousin of Republican businessman Donald Trump of New York, changed after his father, Joe Biden, became vice president, and his business with Chris Heinz ended due to Hunter’s outside business activities.
Nobody bats an eye?
The House Committee on Oversight and Reform investigated all of this, maybe they still are!
According to the article you linked, yes, they still are investigating Jared’s dealing with the UAE and Qatar with good reason. Dealings that ocurred during Trump’s term. Jared has not been cooperating either, unlike Hunter.
Hunter is cooperating?
Wow….. the farce is strong with this one!
Poor Kyle is offended, because he/she/it doesn’t agree with others’ opinions.
Why don’t you just scroll on by and go back to your safe space? Most comments are being dumbed down to lower levels solely for you.
Just keep on supporting the idiots in this “check-the-box” administration while you wait for “free” stuff from the government. You’re obviously not a contributor to society.
Badge 1104. Would you provide us with the link from wherever you got that information.
America’s enemies would be absolute fools not to exploit the opportunities Joe Biden and his minions have given them. You can count on them serving us a big dose of grief.
Get real! No one is going to attack our country that has more guns than people!
seek help child.
But, wait a minute – – – if that’s true, why did 911 happen???
Wake up Guido….Geez!
This lists terror attacks in USA by American citizens and non citizens from various countries.
You can sort them out yourself.
You should start at about 1910 and work your way up.
Guido, It only took 19 terrorists to attack our country on 9/11.
Then why was the US attacked on 9/11/2001? Why was the US attacked in 1993, with the World Trade Center bombing? Why did Japan attack the following US states and territories?
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, USA
Phillipines, USA
Guam, USA
Wake, Island, USA
Midway Atoll, USA
Dutch Harbor, Amaknak Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, USA
Brookings, Oregon, USA
Ellenwood Oil Fields, Santa Barbara, California, USA
Fort Stevens, Oregon, USA
Japan also launched over 9,000 “balloon bombs” targeted on the west coast of the US, which were located as far east as Michigan.
Did these attacks not occur?
Capitalism is freely giving your money in exchange for something of value.
Socialism is having the government take your money against your will and give it to someone else for doing nothing.
So is PG&E capitalism or socialism? Inquiring minds want to know. 😄
they dont make you buy electricity,you can make your own,
It’s not socialism, its a monopoly, it’s privately owned and we pay dearly for the service that we all obviously need.
“Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”
― Theodore Dalrymple
The mendacity of institutions we trusted has fractured our worldview—may we not fall to apathy—this will be the downfall of this constitutional republic. I will no longer remain silent.
But DEMs are convinced they can make their version of communism work,
all they need is enough money and total control.
Right! And Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are real!
Now you admit youre a minor,yes Virginia.those people do exist
I remain increasingly impressed with Vivek.
I remain increasingly impressed with Vivek.
Vivek has endorsed Trump for President, now I’m impressed.
How about NY, Colorado, and Chicago complaining about buses dropping off illegals without warning. You think Texas and Arizona get notice when they run across. I thought they were sanctuaries.
They are SINOS: Sanctuary In Name Only.
What would that make the City of Concord? Several years ago, the Concord City Council voted to adopt the policies that many or most “sanctuary cities” have adopted, but they didn’t adopt the term “sanctuary city.” Would that make the City of Concord a “SCIPO – Sanctuary City In Policy Only,” or “SIPO – Sanctuary In Policy Only,” or do you have a different or better name for the City of Concord.
Governor Greg Abbott of Texss did make one error when he started busing and flying released “foreign-born non-resident aliens” and “illegal aliens” to large urban cities like New York, Boston, Chicago, and Denver, he should’ve instead sent these individuals to smaller suburban cities the size of Concord, because he would’ve overwhelmed the system and services of these smaller cities much faster than the large urban cities.
14 million taxpayer dollars spent by biden to go after Trump. This is sick. I don’t even know what kind of government this is. What a joke.
Only 14 mil? One by now would think that the public would wake up and want to dump the O’Biden administration. Sooner the better before the country crashes and burns (the O’Biden plan anyway). They accuse Trump of being a dictator but what about the dictator O’Biden? Imagine at 1950’s Twilight Zone episode featuring a dictator like O’Biden.
China Joe is the best campaign manager any opponent running for president could ever have.
Here we are in the third year of a four year presidential term,
where is BLM, where is antifa and where are the dead black FELON martyr riots ? ? ? ?
Guess no one is paying for them to happen this time around.
Trump gets elected and we’ll have four years of paid civil unrest.
Is there any limit to what tactics the left is willing take ? ?
They are still out there. Busy protesting what is current. Look at the crowd protesting the Israel / hamas war.
For the most part, college age, white people. Most of them don’t even know what they are protesting about.
Someone is funding it all. Soros? Schwab?
You are not incorrect OG. Although, interestingly, an advocate/founder (depending on which group/story you refer to) of BLM came out in support of President Trump. Won’t change anything, the powers that be behind this movement have too much money to allow something like supporting President Trump, or any Republican (regardless how weak/swampy) to gain traction. The new middle sized state of Illegal-opolis (population 7 million), who will somehow be granted the right to vote, will of course support wax-faced, puddin’-eating, corrupt, bribery biden (or whomever the left puts in his place).
There are all kinds of cracks and messes because the country has outlived it’s usefulness. It was kinda jinxed from the start with the ultra rich wanting to be in control. A smooth revision to something more practical and serves the public not just the rich may not be possible. I think smart political science professors would tell you that this kind of scenario has gone on throughout history. It becomes a ping-pong game.
If the CIA was doing it’s job George Soros would have mysteriously passed away already.
Dennis Prager on Biden’s 2024 election campaign: “With some of the lowest favorability numbers ever recorded for a sitting president, Biden can’t run on his achievements. Instead he is running a fear campaign against half of the American people. He has jailed hundreds, soon perhaps thousands of Americans, for merely entering the Capitol, or for just being present on January 6.” Biden relies on the media to hide his dismal record, while fomenting hatred for Trump and his supporters with : “a vote for Trump is a vote to end democracy in America”.
Rachel Maddow on MSNBC: “GOP rejects democracy with embrace of Trump”
Dennis Prager: “Biden’s scary speech”
Question would be what does Maddow mean by “democracy”? It’s a buzzword the dems have adopted. Even a few years ago the left would say that the US isn’t a democracy but a republic because that’s the way we operate as well as correct political science. Though these days we seem to be moving towards feudalism.
A pure Democracy is the equivalent of “mob rule”.
That’s why Democrats don’t want the Electoral College.
But as long as they’re stuck with it they want all those new immigrants (probable new voters) to go to Red States where they will go on every welfare & charitable program they can get.
As soon as they are given voting rights they will vote solely for the Democrats who will provide more of those programs.
And you know who gets to pay for it all.
Roger Marshall, U.S. Senator for Kansas, recently issued a statement about Biden and the crisis at the Texas border: “By seizing control of the port of entry, Gov. Abbott is upholding his oath and protecting his citizens from the dangerous consequences of Biden’s actions, which he has full authority to do so under Article One of the Constitution.
The government, the cancel culture and the woke mob are trying to tyrannize everybody into compliance. If you fear losing what they could take away, you will be controlled. If you don’t succumb to the fear, you remain free.
RIP Gonzalo Lira. American journalist dies in Ukrainian prison. He was critical of the Ukrainian war and the enabling regimes. His only crime – ultimately a death sentence – was this criticism.
What kind of parents would subject children in their care to be here? I just don’t understand any of this. The filthy few that can’t stand me and my opinions, please tell me something. Teachers, parents and some sick individuals are responsible for this 100%.
Men are from Mars
Women are from Venus
Made up genders are from Uranus
Nothing Says Democrats Stole the Last Election Like, “We Need MILLIONS of New Voters to Win the Next Election!”
They have been rigging the vote in California for years. Dominion voting machines a Democrats life saver. What reason does Biden have for letting in millions of illegals if not for their vote. We need a law that if you come in as an illegal you will never be allowed to vote.
1960s- Oil will run out in 10 years.
1970s- Another Ice Age in 10 years
1980s- Acid rain will kill all crops on 10 years
1990s- The ozone layer will be gone in 10 years
2000s- Polar ice caps will be gone in 10 years.
2010- In 10 years, Greenland will have no glaciers due to global warming.
WAKE UP!!! These false narratives and apocalyptic proclamations are nothing more than manipulation and deceit to control the masses.
Ha! Ha! Ha! Is that the best you can do? 2023 was the hottest year ever recorded on Earth, and was possibly the hottest year in the past 100,000 years! WAKE UP!
“possibly the hottest year in the last 100,000 years”
The brainwashing on this one is severe. This is why we are where we are in this country.
I saw two perfectly healthy teenagers walking dogs down the street yesterday with brand new fresh shiny white masks on their faces. For what? The levels of stupidity we have achieved is just amazing.
I saw a pretty girl with makeup and a backwards hat tell her doctor it was impossible for her to be pregnant because she was a guy and she was going for a second opinion because she did have sex when she was a girl, but she’s a guy now so it’s impossible for her to be pregnant and the doctor was wrong.
What a sad world we live in. I can’t imagine how hard it is for these people.
News Flash!
Earth has been warming gradually since the end of the Ice Age.
But who really cares? Only a control freak would believe they could do something to change how the earth operates. All these know it all cult followers of the prophet al gore really need to do the best thing they could do for the world and remove themselves from the equation. Then they could be confident they did everything they could do and we wouldn’t have to hear the obnoxious crying and whaling from cult members.
Just drink the koolaid
Enough modern temperature records to determine changes in the earths global temperature currently go back about 140 – 150 years. So, using your comment would mean “2023 was the hottest year ever recorded on Earth” in the last 140 – 150 years.
If “2023 was possibly the hottest year in the past 100,000 years,” then 2023 was also possibly NOT the hottest year in the past 100,000 years.
Lol, “So you’re telling me there’s a chance”. – Dumb and Dumber.
Yes, a 1 in 100,000 chance, an extremely unlikely and miniscule chance, but still a chance. If you didn’t notice, I was using GUIDO’s words to turn around his statement.
This is why. That was a robot response, meaning you apparently don’t comprehend sarcasm. Your comments are robotic and not human like. Your inability to detect my previous post is interesting.
So, now I’m “robotic” and “not human like.” As always, MAGA SAM, you turn to name calling, it never fails. I’ll have to add those to the long list of names that you’ve previously called me.
Take it as a compliment. I just don’t understand why you felt the need to explain that to me when it was an obvious joke.. maybe you haven’t seen the movie. I’m on high alert for AI posts and responses.
I’ve never seen the movie other than preview commercials from when it was in movie theaters and rerun on TV.
2023 was actually the hottest year in 100,000 years. If you don’t believe it, just check the weather records kept by the cavemen.
…and it’s natural, there’s nothing we should be concerned about. We can’t control, Mother Nature.
Yes, and when “global cooling” didn’t pan out they changed it to “global warming,” and when that didn’t work they changed it to “climate change,” so they could never be wrong because everything could fall under “climate change.”
Those with a passing knowledge of history might have noticed there is with some regularity military conflicts requiring use of U.S. made weapons. After all as new or improved war fighting equipment is produced old stocks of weapons just sit around, why not use them up and create a need for more arms production.
“A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Our arms must be might, ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor may be tempted to risk his own destruction. . . . American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. . . . This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. . . .Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. . . . In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”
excerpt from President Dwight Eisenhower farewell speech January 17, 1961
military-industrial complex is not exclusive to America.
“History teaches that war begins when governments
believe the price of aggression is cheap.”
—Ronald Reagan
“We maintain the peace through our strength;
weakness only invites aggression.”
–Ronald Reagan
Apologizing, bowing, weakness and naively believing our enemies won’t act if we’re nice was failure of obama biden regime.
Political cartoonists have it figured out,
Remember the commercial for Uranus Corporation in The Groove Tube Movie?
From 1974, it now seems rather prophetic given where we are today.
I wonder if anyone can figure this headline out without laughing
“Almost half of Haley supporters say they would vote Biden over Trump…”
Let me do a little Homer Simpson math. Almost half of Haley supporters…. Okay, so that supporters number is already small, and we’re slicing that in half. So she had 8% support, and almost half of that miniscule number would supposedly vote for Biden. So you’re telling me 3.5% would vote Biden over Trump?
Just goes to show you how they used to gaslight everyone with nonsense like this. Now everytime they trot this garbage out we see directly through it
Khashoggi was not a US citizen but look at how the media reacted to his death and blamed Trump
Gonzalo Lira was a US citizen, and the media is not even talking about his death in Ukrainian prison
Are you paying attention yet?
“Migrants continued to enter the US illegally in near-record numbers last year, in a trend that will weigh on President Joe Biden as he defends his record against his likely 2024 election challenger, Donald Trump.
The US Border Patrol recorded 2,063,692 encounters with undocumented immigrants in the 2023 fiscal year, down just slightly from the record high reached in 2022.
Over Biden’s first three years in office, Border Patrol recorded a total of 5,940,511 encounters, a 277 percent increase from the same period during Trump’s term, from 2017 to 2019, according to US Customs and Border Patrol data.”
Reason for open border ? ? ? ?
NBC News
A network of public interest groups and lawmakers, nervous about former President Trump’s potential return to power, is quietly devising plans to foil any effort on his part to pressure the U.S. military to carry out his political agenda.
And you called me a conspiracy theorist for saying a deep state exists and is actively working against the will of the people.
The word “devising” is synonymous with conspiring. As in conspiracy, they are literally telling you they are conspiring. Then when people like myself point out what they did, they will say conspiracy theorists say…They think you are too stupid to understand and keep up.. maybe they are right
We already saw this when Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia and Senator Marco Rubio of Florida sponsored an amendment, which passed and was stuck into the NDAA, which prevents a future president from removing the US from NATO without congressional approval.
Special counsel Jack Smith wasn’t lawfully appointed, can’t prosecute Trump, legal scholars say
Nothing the current presidential joke of an administration does is lawful. Decency was on the ballot remember, dr jill biden told you…lmao every day at this bumbling clown show. Pelosi is your hero…You follow a skeleton with 4 eyebrows and a vodka bottle.
Watching all women diversity hires build and fly planes without male supervision is what you wanted. Please sir may I have another…🤣🤣👍
How democrats win

How democrats win
Anyone surprised ? ? ? ? ?
‘Gaza Ceasefire, BLM: Who’s Behind the Protests?’
“Similarities between the BLM protesters,
the Ceasefire activists and support of rogue DAs are unmistakable”…
“…AROC, Arab Resource & Organizing Center. Remember the public school student walkouts last October? AROC organized that. The blocking of operations at the Port of Oakland just today was also an AROC operation. Local parents demand AROC be kicked out of schools programs they’ve been awarded contracts for.
The paper trail from radical AROC activism, AROC-led political lobbying and influence, and Lara Kiswani, is tied to Tides, as AROC is fiscally sponsored by the Tides organization. The direct connection is made, and is unmistakable.
George Soros’s Open Society not only provides funding to Tides, his fund also donated to Real Justice PAC in 2018 to get disastrous “District Attorney” Chesa Boudin elected. In 2020, Black Lives Matter was brought in and is under the fiscal sponsorship of Tides.”
If Trump loses in Iowa will we be hearing that the right will then decide mail-in ballots are ok? Bad weather can happen any place, anytime preventing voters to get to polling or caucus locations.
Watch him start the MAGA party. I don’t want to be associated with republicans or democrats.
At first I thought this was an Onion article or the Babylon Bee….. but NO!
“The Federal Aviation Administration is working to hire people with psychiatric problems in order to be more diverse and inclusive”
Look into the tranny that is running united into the ground.
Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue
Yeah better hold off another few months. It’s gonna get worse.
Political cartoonist take on the issue
Just remember: The same people who called YOU a sore loser (and a conspiracy nut) for claiming that the media could engage in Election Interference in 2020, are now crying that the media is engaging in Election Interference.
Just a fun fact. So when you go on X and Social Media and see them crying about something that 3 years ago they called a “Conspiracy Theory” – just remember all the laughing and pointing they did at you back then. The tides are turning on the clowns, don’t let it go to waste.
MSNBC & CNN censor Trump, refuse to air his comments.
Both CNN and MSNBC refused to air former President Trump’s speech to supporters following his court hearing on June 14th and again refused to air his victory speech after his Iowa Caucus win yesterday.
They will decide what is fit for public to hear!
To be fair both networks are refusing to air anything about bribery allegations against President Joe Biden & his family either.
It’s propaganda.
Well…. I can understand where they’re coming from:
Our viewers are too stupid to to figure out for themselves if they are being lied to, so if we think it’s a lie we can’t afford to show it to them because they will believe it !
Liberals are incapable of making any intelligent decisions so we’ll do it for them.
So, ah, . . . how many people are employed cleaning
snow off solar panels so they’ll work ? ? ? ? ? ?
‘FAA launches recruitment campaign for workers with ‘severe intellectual’ disabilities,
psychiatric problems and physical issues to hit woke DEI targets’
FAA push for (diversity, equity, and inclusion) DEI,
rearranging letters spells DIE.
Air traffic control is probably a good place to start. There is no substitute for on the job training.
If that doesn’t work out, they can always become an “FAA Community Engagement Specialist”. Pays $77,611-$144,681, no drug test required.
Political cartoonist Steve Kelly
This whole Fani Willis corruption allegation looks like it has legs. She was accused of sleeping with one of her prosecutors and going on lavish trips with him, while paying him exorbitant taxpayer funds. Instead of denying the claim, she has gone public with cries of racism.
Now a GA judge has ordered her to face questioning during a live televised airing.
It also looks like the boyfriend colluded with the White House and Jan 6 commission, based on his billing records. Time to get out some popcorn.
Fani to everybody listening: “I’m being targeted due to racism!”
Normal, sane people to Fani: “Whatchu talkin’ about, Willis??”
What a great girlfriend!
Apparently, elections are now considered a threat to democracy. We are truly living in the bizarro world.
That’s why Democrats cheat… there’s just too much at stake!
“By any means necessary” Remember that one?
“I am the God of Amazon Fire and I bring you burning spit on your head!!!!”…. apologies to Arthur Brown.