The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the top public health officials in the US during the COVID-19 pandemic, told House lawmakers on Tuesday he was “not convinced” that children suffered learning loss due to school closures his agency supported, according to a report in the New York Post.
QUESTION: Did your child (or a child you know) suffer learning loss during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Talk about it….
A politicrat who is not to be questioned only obeyed!
Yeah we really don’t care what that POS is concerned about. We were the only ones advocating for our children during the big lie & now NY is re-instituting remote learning to deal with illegals. Yes this clearly has affected the youth but his ass belongs in jail.
He also stated in that Q&A with congress that they pulled the 6′ distancing rule out of their ass plus knew mandating vaccine passports would cause hesitancy. Duh! who in their right mind would feel that government has their best interest at heart after the big lie
stupid is as stupid does …
What a total jerk.
I know a few parents with school age kids that said their kids had learning loss and felt alone with covid.
Fauci does not care for anyone, …. just was able to line his pockets well.
Needs to be charged with crimes against humanity, put this POS in prison!
In my opinion, Dr. Anthony Fauci is a lying, fraudulent quack.
When did he get a Phd. in childhood development?
What a tool. He made many, many mistakes. CDC did not have an effective test making initial quarantine and contact tracing useless as virus spread out of control. He advised us to use cloth face coverings which were worse than nothing. He covered up for pals in China who likely let natural virus escape lab as he was worried funding for research would be curtailed.
From my experience dealing with remote workers not all of them could work from home successfully so we had to bring them into the office. I would expect similar results from children trying to learning remote and probably would have an even worse time. So, as usual, Fauci doesn’t know what he is talking about. He was in it for the money.
Oh, he’s not convinced. OK, I’m not convinced he’s not a reptile.
Of course the kids were adversely affected with a learning loss… the Calif educational system couldn’t cope with changes – we saw that – that’s why kids lost a year or more … I’m sure all of us can tell horror stories about the garbage going on with the schools at the time
Dr. (?) Fauci claimed 100 time that he did not remember when he was before Congress. He lorded over all researchers because he controlled the government grants so nobody could question him. In his home office he has a 3-foot oil painting of himself facing his desk and an 8×10 photo of himself on his desk. He should be in jail for many things, including funding the torture killing of puppy’s and the thousands of AIDS patients who died because of his delaying treatment drugs because he only wanted a vaccine, sound familiar?
I thought he retired.
Why are his statements about children’s academic problems during the COVID lockdown (of which he knows next to nothing) even in the news?
He can go away now.
I’m not a Doctor, but I saw an Actor play one once on TV, so feel clearly qualified to say: “What an idiot !”
In the beginning thought you said that wearing face masks would do nothing to stop the spread. Then he locked us down to stop the spread they need changed his mind on face masks. Then we all had to get vaccinated. But we all ended up getting covid anyway! ( except for several sets of people I know that never got vaccinated and they never got covid either). The economic and social damage done by these lockdowns it’s almost been irreparable. Trump was actually right when he was against all of these extreme measures that ended up not working at all.
And Trump caught COVID.
And survived, just liked 99+% of those that were infected with the virus. I guess being old, out of shape and subsisting on a diet of cheeseburgers and Diet Coke didn’t make COVID the death sentence you and people like Fauci thought it did.
I’m not surprised, since he does not believe any other actual data either.
Josef Mengele
Again with the noise of a million people died …
A million people died WITH COVID …. Not from ….
We know the truth. You should brush up on it.
This is a strange comment, even for you. Why are you so invested in fauci and all things government? You’re like the kid in class always kissing up to the teacher. It’s a rather strange habit to bring up Trump. Did you watch fauci plead the 5th or do not recall over 100 times? He’s a slimy rat who should be hung.
Why are people still listening to this man?
Have seen, know, and work with plenty who suffered learning loss. Friend’s children barely speak and go to speech therapy. Teenagers who coasted/slept/partied through online school years and were handed diplomas like participation trophies.
Fauci doesn’t belong in prison, he belongs underneath the prison.
Fasci is only interested in one thing and that is power. He loved to have people hang on his every word.
This is as bad as what the government did during the Vietnam War, telling us lies and more lies.
Fauci should be thrown in jail for what he did to our great country.
It must be delightful to see how well disinformation works, if peddling misinformation is your gig. I’d trust Fauci over any of you knotheads for advice on immunology, but child development is definitely not his lane and he should stifle himself, that we can agree on. 💉
He is not just wrong. He is an evil, greedy, manipulater. The fact that he is not in jail after all of his lies that caused so much damage to the health and economy of this country is beyond me.