The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
If you live in Contra Costa County, chances are you live within at least 20 miles of a refinery (or multiple refineries)
QUESTION: Does it make you nervous to live near refineries, or is it something you just put in the back of your mind and hope nothing bad happens?
Talk about it….
Not at all.
No. Not concerned about the refineries. Our home is topographically screened so an explosive blast would have to be HUGE to cause damage. We’re also far enough away escaped gases or fallout is a non-issue.
Odds are nothing catastrophic will happen.
If it were a chemical plant then our proximity to such a facility would have been a locational consideration.
Wouldn’t want to live within 5 miles of a Refinery, … so it doesn’t worrier us much, since we don’t.
Hubby works at Valero in Benicia and carriers all the protective gear when he has to visit out in the field.
He’s always ready to bust a move and get the heck out if need be.
23 years there has been O.K.,…. 4 more months to retire!! 🙂
No. It makes me more nervous knowing that scumbag grease ball is still our governor.
Agreed. He’s doing more damage than any refinery ever could
No. I lived next to Chevron Richmond Refinery for years. They take safety seriously and very few incidents have happened. Safeguards are in place for when unintended releases occur. I will take a refinery ANY day over low in come housing or “navigation center”.. We need to keep fuel refinement on US soil as much as possible.
I worked there for 35 years as a Chevron Employee and and they were very safety orientated. The contractors that worked there called it the Cadillac of refinery’s.
Not really. More nervous about living near so many idiot progressive socialists.
There was a refineries in Nipomo California but that’s gone it was shut down last year. I’m not too worried about the refineries I got the feeling that a lot of them is going to get shut down.
Just as much as living/driving on 680, near freight trains and open space.
I would not want to be any closer to any of the above.
Only if we get in a shooting world war. Then those become targets. But I live south of 4 so not too worried.
I don’t even think about it. After reading about a refinery mishap, I will completely forget about it until the next time, then I will forget about it again.
There’s a reason why I live in the 94521…
No… I’m far more worried about Newscum and his cronies running this state into the ground but what really does scare me is the thought of him running for prez and getting the office – that terrifies me!
No, not at all. They’ve been there a long time, before many of the homes that have been built since. It’s a lot of safety in place and I don’t even worry about it.
It is funny how houses seem to grow up around refineries, kind of like apartments around freeways. Not worried at all
Folks look at this site and chose chem in the menu (may already be there) and pick carbon monoxide and please tell me why I have to have to buy an electric car and lawnmower while China still does this The data is about 20min old
we literally could stop everything today and not make a dent. lie to me again……change my mind
I don’t live close enough to a refinery to worry about it. Refining is an inherently dangerous business. I have confidence that major companies like Chevron run their refineries as safely as possible. It’s the low cost operators like the one in Martinez that we should worry about.
I do not live near a refinery, but when looking to buy our house, we made sure we were not near one. I think it had more to do with resale more than anything else.
Of course I worry about it. I developed asthma in my 50s working in Richmond, and had to think of the chemical plant and refineries. We had a period in the late 1980s when a couple of employees just collapsed and were gone. I always suspected the refineries. Talking care of people after a big release and seeing how sick they were further concerned me.
We’re like frogs in water being gradually poisoned by oil pollution and contamination and not noticing it.
No…. but I would if I lived in Martinez near the refinery or downwind in Clyde.
Of course if I lived in either of those places I’d probably just kill myself anyway.
If every share holder, investor and refinery operator’s entire families had to live at or alongside their refineries, we’d be singing a whole different tune. It’s axiomatic.
No!What I’m worried about is them getting shut down.All these meatheads are complaining to much.They can just move to the desert.And I bet you they are driving combustion engine cars and heating their houses with natural gas.
Spent 36 years working in one. I wouldn’t like to live too close because I want dark skies.
Yes it concerns me. A number of times over 30 years I have smelled bad fumes. In the late nineties there was one occasion that burn my nose walking 10 feet outside to my garage. The news reported that a number of people called in but nothing was found. Read that as cover-up.