The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
In Oakland, 1 vehicle was stolen for every 30 residents in the city last year.
QUESTION: What do you think can be done to stop this uptick in vehicle theft?
Talk about it….
The liberals won’t like my suggestion. Recall the punishment for horse thieves in the wild west.
… anybody surprised? and if you include in break-ins it’s probably every 1 in 10 residents
Interesting number, what is it for say Phli or Chicago? Trying to decide how bad it is.
https://www.sfchronicle.com/crime/article/oakland-car-thefts-rising-18453221.php has quite a bit of data but here are some extracts:
It appears the usual criminal demographics found in large cities are either feeling emboldened and/or are getting desperate.
Theft rate is so high might as well just treat the streets like a little library. Leave a car, take a car.
Heck yeah! Let’s defund the police even more! I’m sure that will help! 🙄
When I looked up the Cities with the most car thefts in 2023, Pueblo Colorado was listed number 1 with 1086.44 auto thefts per 100, 000 residents. That works out to 1 theft for every 92 residents. Oakland had 14,700 auto thefts in 2023 and the population is 433,403. That works out to 1 theft for every 29.48 residents. Three times the rate of Pueblo. Why are they not listed as number 1. Looks like the Statisticians lumped Oakland, San Francisco and Berkeley together as one City. Why? Save Oakland more embarrassment? Bottom line- Stay out of Oakland- It sucks on every level.
That is what we call creative statistics and why the general population cannot be trusted to accurately understand numbers that are put out by (nefarious, so all) politicians and the government.
“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” Mark Twain
if the government gives them enough money for food and shelter, they wouldn’t be out there doing crimes.
I really, really hope this is sarcasm.
Let’s subtitute a few words…if the government gives them enough JAIL TIME they wouldn’t be out there doing crimes.
Paul is correct, they need to steal cars to get to their current shoplifting target (or Target).
That’s 14,460 stolen vehicles. All to be found at sideshows.
The mayor is gonna get recalled – HARD.
Here’s a novel idea… prosecution, conviction, and incarceration.
Alternatively upon conviction, public caning like they do in Singapore. Helluva deterrence!
Unfortunately, the justice system will never do what I think should be done, because it will violate the cruel and unusual punishment clause of the Eighth Amendment. Other than that, the only thing I can think of would be for the people of Alameda County to remove the DA from office for willful or corrupt misconduct, if that’s the case, and can be proven.
Whatever you’re thinking wouldn’t be “cruel and unusual” if it were normal and routine.
Silly Voters . . . . . .
Got exactly what they Voted for,
candidates who spent largest amount ob advertising.
I work in Oakland and it’s horrible! Our customers have had their cars stolen or csrjacked..and our customers have beat up bloody and robbed at gunpoint. I narrowly avoided being a victim wslking from Bart to my office. It is totally the fault of the liberal Oakland mayor who has restrained the police from doing their job. And add to that the new Alameda County District Attorney who says she will not prosecute property crimes because they are racist ( as they effect black criminals more)
In the mirror when being interviewed is like a squeaky teenage girl who has no clue of what’s going on. She can’t even get angry about it she just in a phony way says how upset. They need to recall that mirror and their district attorney. Things are going to get worse and worse! Let that be a petri dish lesson for the surrounding cities and counties of what not to do.
It makes people mad when they say that it’s all the liberal cities that have all the crime and issues but that’s actually very very true! You’re meeting a new conservative here in me! No more votes for Democrats!
The Oakland murder rate will likely have a positive effect on these statistics over time.
My insurance company actually canceled my renewal when they found out I drove the car to work in Oakland. They were a great out of state company with really low rates for good drivers. They did give me two months warning though that they would not renew me. They confessed to me that my risk of having the car stolen or broken into in Oakland was astronomical and that they were losing a lot of money ensuring cars in this area . They actually said it was a big problem in California and that the state was doing nothing about it that the criminals were just getting more emboldened. I guess there’s also a lot of accidents scams going on in the state . So you see, when steal, whether your car or from a store, it does end up costing us all more money. We honestly got to start locking these people up and punishing them hard! I don’t give a damn about their race or what they’ve gone through , or their background or orher sob stories it’s wrong to steal and brutalize others! I’m actually so angry and fed up with this that I would not mind if they rounded them up and fed them to the sharks. They could probably sell tickets and make a bundle.
Oakland is where you park your car when you’re mad at it. 🫣😁
The Oakland Police Department employs 2 detectives to handle over 14,000 car thefts in 2023. The 911 system doesn’t work in Oakland where it routinely takes 15-20 minutes just to speak with someone. Car theft is considered low priority so an officer will not be immediately dispatched. The entire department is extremely understaffed for the level of crime and number of calls police officers get. Oakland does not have a police chief and hasn’t had one for almost a year so there is no one responsible for even forming a policy to address these issues. The crime situation in Oakland has been spiraling out of control for some time now and they don’t have an adult in the room in the mayors office, on the city council or in the DA office to adequately address what’s going on.
I’m just wondering that if the state imposed harsher sentences and kept the thieves in prison longer then perhaps they rate of auto theft would decrease. 🤔 Since Democrats are in charge this maybe a bit too much for them to comphrend. Besides, they seem to enjoy the chaos they created and are against punishing criminal behavior.