Home » Claycord – Talk About Whatever – Jan.5, 2024

Claycord – Talk About Whatever – Jan.5, 2024


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Cowellian’s first first of 2024


Dang!, …. You are on a roll with Whatever First.
Happy New Year!!



Pick One:
A) Dungeness
B) King
C) Yuck


been a long time since I had king, but I love all crab, so will say A) and B).


B) King for a couple of reasons. It tastes better, and since it’s a bigger crab, it’s easier to crack open and dig out the meat.
When I was a little kid, we usually had dungeness crab with our dinner. My uncle was a crab fisherman out of Fisherman’s Wharf, and he would bring us fresh crab.


A, ….. but I’ll have to try B one day.


B) Living in Seattle in the good ol’ days (before it became too crowded and crazy) I had plenty of that.


Forget the crab in Seattle Bebops. It’s clam chowder at Ivar’s Acres of Clams and chocolate from Boehm’s in Issaquah. I was on the Boehm’s float with the slobbering St Bernard’s in the 1962 Issaquah Labor Day Parade because Julius thought I was the perfect Heidi. Julius also taught kids to swim down at Lake Sammamish which at that time was called “state park”

not really a ‘Yuck’, but just not my favorite; and with the price…. not worth it to me.
It looks like “B” edges out as the winner…..

Dungeness is the best. Nice firm meat. King is okay and Snow crab is a waste of time

First, good on ya . Next, another week, another disappointment that my portfolio did not increase enough where I could retire. Of course, I have a single stock that could do that, and to be honest, it ain’t gonna happen, but I will still kavetch about it. Have to wait until I hit that right age. OK, done moaning, and apologies who all read this textual mental melt down…

Of course, I write this in semi-jest, to humor myself. I am smiling, right now. Have a good weekend all.


1. Of all the great oceans, I like the Indian Ocean the least. Won’t be long before they want to rename it to something less provocative I bet.
2. There’s comets made solely of water and rock, but from outside our galaxy. That’s cool.
3. The Rain Song -Led Zeppelin https://youtu.be/BeDylD8dV7U?si=P_QfZLO3Iuki7_bc
4. I’ve swam in the Atlantic and the Pacific and honestly, I can’t tell the difference.
5. The Irish term for whiskey( and the only one that matters) is Uisce Bethea. Or informally, fuisce. Means ‘water of life’. Roughly. And no space program…go figure.
6. Holy water doesn’t burn witches. Well, the one witch I tried it on anyhow.
7. Science question…what is the force that binds two and only two oxygen molecules to hydrogen molecules? I’m not trying to test anyone, I don’t know.
8. The Rain Song isn’t a song, it’s a composition worthy of Bach or if If you’ll pardon the blasphemy, Mozart his own self. Yeah, I said it.
9. In a tribute to S, there is no #9.
10. People living in Iowa never get eaten by sharks. If they stay in Iowa.
7. I didn’t really like #7 so here’s another…here’s how you say water in German…wasser but pronounced with a “v”, In French…eau, in Dutch…it’s waater, but you say it funny, in Russian…voda, but you spell it funny, In Greek I can’t spell it or say it.


I have always loved the sound/tone of the guitar in this song. Such a beautiful sound.


I am deeply Honored
Thank you


Atticus, I actually liked number 7 so I asked a science student the question…here’s the reply, “It has to do with the number of valence electrons oxygen has. Valence electrons refer to the the electrons in the outermost shell of the configuration. Atoms always want to fill up their outer shell of electrons to be in the most stable state. Oxygen has 6 valence electrons, but needs 8 to have a full outer shell, so it forms covalent bonds with hydrogen. Each hydrogen atom has one electron so the two hydrogen atoms share their electrons with oxygens to have a full outer shell. Hydrogen needs two electrons to have a full outer shell. So both oxygen and hydrogen achieve more stable states by forming water. Also force wise, this is all due to the electromagnetic force.”

Thank you Sancho.

Jimmy Page will be 80 years old on January Ninth. Hard to fathom, being an old Zeppelin fan myself. Got to see him a couple of times in concert, once with Plant, once with Paul Rodgers. Wish I could have seen Zeppelin in their heyday.


Saw him for the first time just sitting a few feet away backstage when he just joined the Yardbirds to replace Jeff Beck. Quiet guy back then. Their leader was a very outgoing though. Yes, my band was also on the bill.


Altough a huge music fan, both jazz and rock and roll, I never cared for Led Zeppelin, just don’t get it. Liked the Yardbirds, love The Doors and especially The Band. Just read the biograhpy of The Band by Barney Hopkins “Across the Great Divide”, I had already read Robbie Robertson’s book, but wanted a more balanced view, especially the feud between Levon Helm and Robbie. Hopkins is a little more even handed, I have not read Levon’s book, not sure I will, I saw some interviews with him on UTube and read some, he just sounds too bitter. Does not mean I don’t like his singing I do, especially on Up on Cripple Creek, and The night they drove old Dixie down”. My favorite singer from The Band is still Rick Danko. However, all 5 members were multi talented and all contributed to the unique sound that is THE BAND.


I envy you TPC. Never got my shot to see him.
Captain BeBops what band please?
Hanne, I dig you, I really do, but if you ever come on here talking smack about Zeppelin again, you’re off my Christmas card list. Yes I’m that serious. 😁


I didn’t talk smack all l said l don’t care for his music. I don’t hate it, l don’t always turn the dial when he is on, but would never buy any CD with Led Zeppelin


You’re killing me Hanne, Led Zeppelin isn’t a ‘he’ and I think you know that. It’s all good. The Band is fine too. For a dentist office or elevator. 🫣


Have you really listened to The Band, especially pieces from The Last Waltz? Further up the road with dueling guitar solos (all in good fun) by Eric Clapton and Robbie Robertson is out of this world. When Eric Clapton first heard The Band he went from England to visit them in Woodstock, he wanted to join them but didn’t have the nerve to ask.

Atticus, Your c
Christmas card must have gotten lost in mail, didn’t get it. Heartbroken!


I may have had your old address. 😝

Well….. Atticus will be Atticus, but I never liked Led Zepp that much…. except for the “Immigrant Song” which really kix butt. So you’re still OK on my list Hanne…. but I never send Christmas cards anyhow so who cares? I kinda wonder why I even bothered to post this, but it is what it is.


I’m gritting my teeth here Jelly, one day you and I need to sit down and discuss your stance on Zeppelin over a bottle of single pot still. Wear a cup and bring a mouth guard, I debate passionately. 😙❤️


Atticus, LoL!
We will just have to agree to disagree.
At least I gave you the “Immigrant Song”.

Dr. J I like your post, seems like we might have a few things in common, at least when it comes to music. As a teenager in Denmark I was never that much into rock and roll (like early Beatles, although liked the Stones, they were the bad boys} my friends and I liked Jazz, and Copenhagen had a great jazz club Montmatre, we would take the bus or train in, to hear Dexter Gordon play, he was great. However, in 1967, when I was an au pair in Westport Ct, The Beatles came out with Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club album and that changed everything, then of course The Doors, The 5 Dimension, Motown, CCR, The Who, Jefferson Airlplane and I could go on, now I like rock as much as Jazz.

Zeppelin is one of my all time favorites. How can you not like Zeppelin. I guess if you don’t feel it in your soul (there is something wrong with you). Just kidding.


If I could like your post twice, I would. 👊

You can’t discuss music taste, there’s no right or wrong.. We all have different taste. The first time l heard The Band play Up on Cripple Creek l was sold, felt it in my soul.

I send a video of House of Rising Sun to my girlfriend in New York, sbe didn’t like the were all white guys singing a blues song! How does that make sense? Eric Burden has such a powerful voice. Besides white musician.sings black music and vice versa, l love Richie Havens album where he sings Beatles and Dylan. That is what’s so fascinating about music different versions my different artists can sound completely different.

Anybody familiar with “A long black veil”, it has been covered by many artists, although it was a country song, rock stars have tackled it. Of course my favorite is the version by The Band, song by my favorite Band member Rick Danko. He sings it on the album Music from the Big Pink, which is the better version. However on utube there’s a video of him singing it from 83 with the Band members sans Robbie, l love to watch him sing so that is the one l usually listens to

Led Zeppelin was by far the greatest band in the 70s. Only saw them once despite all the rock concerts I went to back in the day. I think they only came to the Bay Area a couple times.

Only once is once more than I did. I have memory envy for you guys. I did see The Tubes when hardly anyone liked them and Tom Wopat at an Army base in Germany. He tried to get the crowd to sing “All my Rowdy Friends” with him and was booed mercilessly. Weird I remember that. Poor guy, just trying to do something nice for the troops. 🇺🇸 😝 🎸

I rode my bike to Gemco and purchased Led Zeppelin I. That night my Dad told me that while Led Zeppelin was terrible, he thought it was a step up from my Iron Butterfly record. And just like that, Iron Butterfly gained credibility.

One of my favorite songs is In-A-Gadda-DA-Vida. It was supposed to be, In The Garden Of Eden, but Doug Ingle who wrote the song, was so drunk that he slurred his words, and it sounded like In-A-Gadda-DA-Vida, and that’s how it was written.

My best friend who lived here in Concord, and was a decent amateur musician (did a mean version of Rod Stewart’s Maggie May) knew so much about music and musicisan loved In A Gadda Da Vida. He passed away over 3 years ago, and I still miss talking movies and music with him. We use to go to Petar’s in Lafayette and he would often get up and sing along with the singer there, I think JoAnn was her name, and another one of our friends who is also a musician would often join us. My other friends often performs at Rossmoor. he does a mean impression of Elvis. Those were they days.


Led Zepplin was the first major concert I ever saw. In August 1970, they performed at Nashville’s Municipal Auditorium, and it was an amazing show. The auditorium is considered too small nowadays, so it’s been turned into a songwriter museum. The big shows are now at Bridgestone Arena, but my very favorite concert venue will always be Ryman Auditorium.

@Cowellian….. Here’s that LZ show with the set list. They only played in the Bay Area 3 times in ’69 and once in ’73 at Kezsar Statium. My first show was Quicksilver, Elvin Bishop and Big Brother in ’69 at a quonset hut at the Antioch Fairgrounds….good times!..….

Cool site nytemvr. Didn’t know it existed.

Thanks for posting that! Like Atticus, I never knew about that site.
I looked up the Allman Joys, but I guess the East Nashville YMCA wasn’t a big enough venue to make the cut.

I have noticed that car tags are way out of date and still being driven. In a drive-through lane this week, I saw a Celica with a 2018 tag. Do the cops just not bother with stopping the violators?

The other day was behind a car at a stop light that had paper plates that expired in 2017. Guess they just see paper and don’t pay attention to the expire date.

…. imho…. if they get stopped they get so much flak and then questions from their leadership that it just isn’t worth the hassle…. not sure if it’s effective yet but expired reg is to be a non-reason to be pulled over

Probably no insurance either.


They only look when the pull you over for something else as it’s the rear plate the notate to run

Yesterday I had mentioned that the one thing that I would change about my neighborhood would be to restaff station 12 with an engine company. Last night there was a working house fire and an Engine 12 would have been first in.
Exhibit A your honor

Calif will now offer Medi-Cal payments for illegals to cover sex change operations. This is just nuts. Calif is already $68 billion in the red. I think Gov Newsom should be drug tested and forget about running for higher office.

ASPCA – ok the hundreds of holiday TV ads were getting to me seeing all of the hurt animals so I was thinking of making a regular donation… but then I kept seeing the numerable ads on multiple channels … like constantly.. I thought how much are they spending on TV advertising anyway… I emailed ASPCA and got a cannned answer not answering my question… gotta be a lot right? a little bit of sleuthing and found they spend almost $100M a year on advertising! … and the CEO makes $1M / yr! …. that’s a heck of a lot of $$ that maybe half of it goes to helping animals and the CEO could certainly live on $500K … so I emailed ASPCA back with my findings and question the legitimacy of that kind of spending and salary for the CEO… of course no answer….. feel bad for abused animals but I’ll hold off on donations for a while

It’s similar for all the big charities.

@DOMO….AM is right, check out the financial pages for the CC Food Bank…..and nepotism abounds, especially in food banks.

@HANNE JEPPESEN……After seeing Eric Burden on the Ed Sullivan Show as a kid I went and bought my first LP record, “The Animals” at the Thrifty Drug Store by Montgomery Wards in Pleasant Hill. I’ve always have that album on my car stereo, still to this day…….

That was a real “blast from the past”! I still think one of the best rock bands of all time was/is the Sons of Champlin.
BTW, a led Zeppelin would be heavy………….

..…EB and the Animals were on Ed Sullivan many times. I learned early not to show too much interest to the bands on Ed Sullivan for fear my Dad would start ranting about “Those long-haired hippie freaks”…lol, I’d have to hide my LPs to be played on the Packard Bell console we had. I’m surprised I never blew the speakers out of it whenever my folks were gone somewhere.

On the video of The Animals on YouTube they look pretty conservative, wearing suits and hair not too long.

@HANNE JEPPESEN…To my Dad they had on those hippy suits and their hair was over their ears, enough said….he didn’t rant about them as much as a lot of others. Big argument ensued when the Beatles were on. He asked if I’d rather be like them or have a regular job like him….big fireworks that Sunday night.

And if bassist Chas Chandler hadn’t left The Animals, Jimi Hendrix might not have “experienced” the success he did. It seems rock music was a small world back then, and yet some of these musicians are still playing today. There are some great YouTube videos recently posted of Jorma and Jack.

@THE FEARLESS SPECTATOR…But I read Jorma and Jack aren’t doing electric sets any longer.

I saw the Tubes Halloween night (twice) at the Pavillion. When I saw Led Zeppelin at Kezar in ’73 I wasn’t old enough to drive. I told my dad it was their last trip to the Bay Area. I was making it up, but it ended up being true. Atticus, you missed a great show!

Mondo Bondage! I’ve heard about their set at Kezar, but alas I was but a lad in ‘73 and mostly worshipped Tom Seaver.

Well, My Dad flipped out over the Beatles. I remember my mother saying “And you should see their haircuts”. My dad did think they were pretty smart, thought they would definitely a lot of female attention. Now mind you when the Beatles first appeared on the scene I was not a fan. I might have listened to them on the radio. we use to get Radio Luxemborg, which had some good music late at night. I had an old fashion recored player, but my collection at that time were mostly jazz and Pete Seeger. My parents like music a lot, but more the old fashion kind, Frank Sinatra, Vienna Waltzes, some light opera’s and of course some Danish singers as well.


The evil mastermind Lightning Bug used rock & roll as a weapon to attack Earth from his base on the Moon in the movie J-Men Forever.
Don’t pooh pooh this, it could happen!


Mid-Week Pick One:
A) Barcalounger
B) La-Z-Boy
C) Yuck


A) But I’m old school.

If you have something useful to do, by all means go do it. Give me my dislike and move the ‘eff on. If not…
Like many of you I’ve been following the Russian invasion of Ukraine with great interest. My focus hasn’t been the political machinations of the various entities involved, but the strategic and tactical choices made by the combatants. The rate of change of available weaponry and the means to deliver it has risen exponentially in the last 23 months and the war colleges of every major and minor power has to not only be re-writing their doctrine and TOE, but re-thinking their entire approach to warfare. Damn well better, the modern battlefield is no place for the modern human.
Which all got me to thinking about possible intelligent life in the universe and Fermi’s Paradox’s role(?) in why from our admittedly brief and restricted perspective, it appears that no one is out there. Not buying Fermi’s assertion. Or any conspiracy nonsense so just save all that nonsense for you and yours.
The pious will say “Of course not, we are alone, because we are the embodiment of our Creator and the universe, such as it is, is our domain”. Got my doubts, but I also can’t eliminate that possibility.
The scientists will say that at some point active geochemistry inevitably became biochemistry and they seem to be able to prove that did happen. Just not how or when. Once we got that jump start it was just a matter of enough environmental support AND challenges AND time and countless multitudes of mutations, most failing. Almost all failing. But just enough didn’t. Seems reasonable.
So charitably say I give both the studied and the pious partial credit, and ultimately my point… I think I believe the Great Filter Hypothesis. I think sentient life, given stable enough, yet changing conditions will eventually evolve to the point to spell it’s own doom. The more comfortable and the quicker the race to some critical point, the faster the doom. We are alone, simply because anyone worth contacting has long since destroyed themselves or each other. All well within mankind’s capability I think. Why would we be exceptional?
Question becomes, will The Creator intervene before we destroy ourselves?
Too bad there’s not some outside perspective I could watch it all unfold from, regardless of the space and time involved.
Thanks for reading.
I also like kittens and puppies. 😉


Yipes! Stripes! Fruit Stripe Gum!
to be discontinued
Sad Face



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