Home » The Water Cooler – Careless Drivers On The Road In Contra Costa County

The Water Cooler – Careless Drivers On The Road In Contra Costa County


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

QUESTION: Why do you think drivers are so careless, thoughtless and irresponsible these days, and when was the last time you saw someone do something extremely dangerous on the road?


Talk about it….

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When i walk to work in the mornings i see people haul butt down Concord Blvd. they drive so fast its nuts and they get away with it.


Radar cameras!

everyday, they don’t care… ” I would like to say accidentally but…”. I think it is a very myopic view of the world only thinking of themselves and their phone. Their own little bubble


I’ve been seeing more people flying through red lights than ever. Also, people going slow in the fast/passing lane….totally unaware.


It is a passing lane. Not fast lane 🤦

Yes, the red light runners are out of control. Pretty much every day I see more than one red light runners. Just yesterday I was just by my second stop light 5 minutes from where I live, 2 cars passed after the turn arrow had turned green. Most days I drive less than 10 miles, mostly Contra Costa Blvd. Center Street Martinez, and Willow Pass.

If drivers would let cars in as they get close to their left turn it wouldn’t be such an issue. You’ve got to get in the left lane blocks before or you miss your turn…..Concord Blvd. Inconsiderate drivers all around.

Lack of patience.
We see it Monday – Friday when a solo driver goes flying down the carpool lane.
Late last night there was a car on northbound 680 that went from the fast lane all of the way over to the 242 lanes, back all the way to the fast lane and then back again to the 242 exit.

Reckless driving is nothing new. When I first moved to Contra Costa County in 1982, one of the first things I noticed was how terrible people were driving. I moved here from San Francisco, and back then most of the City’s drivers were a lot more courteous than the drivers out here. I haven’t been back to the City in over 10 years, so I don’t know how they are driving now, but back then most of them weren’t tailgating trying to intimidate people, and they also knew how and when to yield to other drivers.
Most days I will see somebody do something foolish, and even dangerous, especially when I’m driving the Corvette. They either want to challenge me, or race by trying to show off. I usually let them by, I don’t feel like I have to prove myself to anybody.


Ah the vette, that’s you! Rarely do you see a vette these days.

They are careless, thoughtless and irresponsible because they know there are no consequences for their horrible behavior!!!


Well, that is not quite true. They might not be stopped because no Highway Patrol or Police see them. They are however putting theirs and others lives at risk, especially if you run a red light. They might get away with it for some time, but eventually something bad will happen. unfortunately when it does often the innocents get hurts.


Over the last month:

1. Napa. I was second in line stopped at a red light. The Hyundai Sonata ahead of me simply took off and ran the red because there was no cross traffic. Impatient!
2. Southbound I-680 btwn Lake Herman Rd and the Benicia industrial exit. A speeding new Camaro tailgated me but there was nowhere for me to go. I simply lifted and he/she apparently got mad. The Camaro then went on the right shoulder to pass a stack of us who were two-wide. Douchebag!
3. Southbound I-680 at Pacheco Bl. Almost got side-swiped by a speeding and lane-changing black Infiniti G35. Luckily I swerved and made room cuz he would have clipped the vehicle in front of him. Punk!
4. Westbound Hwy 4 at Franklin Canyon. A Dodge Charger zoomed by me at probably more than 120 mph. Where is the CHP when ya need ’em?


The make of cars describes the identical hood type driver typically no license or ins,low low intelligence.The hood dont care.
Problem is,they go where they dont belong while fleeing from their crimes and humans experiences their wrecklessness.

The last time? Yesterday…. person stopped on YVR before turning into a Dr’s office driveway – stopped completely, for maybe 5 seconds in the middle of traffic going 45-50 mph …. last week – another driver stopped on Oak Grove in the “faster” lane for no reason – no stop sign, signal, pedestrian, animals,,,, nothing – driver had a complete brain fart and the car behind it had to skid to a stop.

More common & main reason – the “me first” and entitlement attitude society is growing …. imho started more aggressively at start of covid when people developed a “survival” mentality – and it’s just taken off from there with nothing stopping it

Speed limit on YVR is 40 isn’t it? It’s a busy road with many businesses where folks are entering and exiting driveways everywhere. Why are you going 50 in the right lane anyway?


You can walk onto a car lot & drive off in a brand new mustang GT with 450 horsepower…. are you going to drive like an inexperienced, dangerous jackass? Yeah, probably.

There’s always been a higher state of neurosis among drivers and people in the Bay Area. Maybe it’s an “urban effect”. But it does seem to be worse since the “pandemic”. I think some think that the “new normal” is over and we’re back to the “old normal” but I think the “normal is more bizarre than ever”.

I really dislike hearing or seeing news about auto “accidents.” Unsafe, reckless, and irresponsible driving events should be called what they are – illegal!

Most think they are invincible. I’ve got news for you.
a holes ….you name it it’s out there


Just now, didn’t see it happen but a car crashed into a house on the corner of Landana Dr. and Manzanita Dr. People drive way too fast on landana even with the stop signs and speed bumps.

It’s part of California progressive liberal Democrat governments promoting of crime, zero accountability, and no punishment for breaking laws.


First off you need to realize, ‘those’ drivers are SPECIAL.
They are the only ones on the road that matter.
Members of the me first generation who got their Drivers ED
watching action movies and playing video games.
Fun for some of them is driving down Clayton Road doing 70 weaving unsafely in and out of traffic cutting people off, forcing people off the road, using turn lanes and sidewalk to pass in vehicles with paper plates.


Arrogance. Entitlement.
Look both ways before crossing the green.

We are in Santa Clara County frequently, and the dangerous driving is even worse than in CoCo County. Specifically, on 280/680 between ~Hwy 17/880 and Milpitas is the worst. Not that it isn’t bad in CoCo County, it’s just not quite as bad. It seems that the most aggressive drivers are in BMWs or pickup trucks. The “moving roadblocks” seem to be mostly Toyotas. Also, it seems that most drivers consider turn signals as an option, and an infrequently used one at that.

Other than red light runners, what bothers me immensely are those that drive 100 MPH on the 24 between Orinda and Walnut Creek. Though I rarely drive there, I understand that this happens on the 4 between Hercules and the Antioch Bridge as well.

Whenever I read about a solo turnover accident where the driver is ejected, I know exactly how the accident happened.

A drivers license is way too easy to get.


so is a gun


youre confused.


Obviously ajr has never purchased a firearm.

Maybe it’s “easy” if you stole it.


Perhaps it is easy to get a firearm as pretty much every felon with outstanding warrants seems to have one.

Witnessed my first road rager, after turning into a street a car took a yellow light on Olivera and almost hit me. They then made a turn and followed me. After pulling up next to me the lady continued yelling profanity, got out of her car opened my door, slammed it when she saw I had my 8 yr old son and yelled something about America. We were shook



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