Home » The Water Cooler – A Cough That Won’t Go Away

The Water Cooler – A Cough That Won’t Go Away


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

QUESTION: Do you, or does someone you know have a cough that just won’t go away? If so – have you seen the doctor, and what did he/she say about it?


Talk about it….

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I had a persistent cough that went away soon after I quit smoking. It wasn’t the cough that made me quit, it was the price of cigarettes, I quit the day the cost went from 40 cents a pack to 45 cents. In case you’re wondering, that was in 1974.


Yes, My one brother smokes cigars like cigarettes, since they are less expensive.
One day I think he is not going to be able to catch his breath and pass out.
I was a 5 cigarette a day smoker and quit March of 2022, …so happy I did, … 🙂


Wife had that problem, an of all things possible turned out to be caused by acid reflux.
Meds and a little baking soda if she tastes stomach acid took care of it.


Your headline piqued my attention! Because I’ve had a cough that won’t go away for the last month!
I’ve not gone to the doctor yet, as it seems that a lot of people have this darn cough! So I’m interested here with the rest of you say.


It could be something as simple as post nasal drip or something as serious as tuberculosis. See a doctor, and if warranted, get a chest x-ray.

Dark-n-early she tells adult Daughter she doesn’t feel well, Daughter as usual freaks out.
Talk to Wife, do arms or legs hurt, that’s a no, what about chest, yes pressure, can’t catch breath, 911.
First Responders show up take BP, pulse, O2 saturation and 12 lead EKG,
within limits but pulse a little high.
Wave bye, doesn’t matter “You are going in to see hospital”
Daughter a little less freaked asks she going to be OK?
Tell her “first responders did every thing there supposed to, readings are mostly normal, she’ll be OK”
Wife comes back and says it’s GERT, . . .
“Say WHAT” ? ? ? ?
An she says “Oh I knew I had it, didn’t I tell you” ?
“Ahh, that would be, NO” !
An that’s how I learned about GERT.
Adventures in Marriage continue . . . . . .
The Neighbors Kids Love IT . . . . . . get to see Fire Engines.
For casual medical questions I go to Mayo website. Usually can find understandable info.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
Mayo on Chronic cough
Seriously, take time to get it checked out by professionals.


Yup, have had it for years. total “PITA” but not the end of the world, random dry cough for no apparent reason worse laying down in the middle of the night. Drank a lot previously and relaxed my stomach valve.
Experience is what we get when we get what we don’t want.

Same thing with my father-in-law. Acid reflux caused a nagging cough. Treating acid reflux with a pill got rid of the cough.

I had a cough that stayed with me forever until I saw my doctor and complained about it.
He figured it out right away “Lisinopril Cough” he said.
He explained that my high blood pressure medication was causing it & switched me over to Losartan.
Abracadaver! Cough went away.


Spelling Hat Tip

My Dad was on Lisinopril and developed a dry, hacking cough. Drove my Mom nuts. His doctor took him off this drug and his cough was gone in 48 hours.

I have allergic rhinitis that causes fluid to run down the back of my throat which causes a cough when I don’t take my allergy medicine. This year I could not control the cough with the medicine. I had constant coughing, wheezing and sinus headaches for months. Turns out that I had a sinus bacterial infection. I am on my second round of antibiotics and all the symptoms have gone back to their normal state.

I dunno. I knew a guy who coughed all the time, claimed he had allergies. He died hiking or something on Mount Whitney, probably unrelated.
Knew another guy who was fond of the ganja, and swore it had nothing to do with his chronic cough.
Me? I’m allergic to crazy women. But I just cough up dollars.
Don’t even know if this’ll post, Mayor is kinda pissed at me. 😉


My 8 year old had a cough that lasted for about 30 days! I kept calling the advised nurse, kept seeing a Dr and all they kept saying is that it was viral, not contagious and that it will go away on its own. Luckily I had some antibiotics from a trip overseas, well that took care of it after 3 days.


Once you have a cough (especially from a bout of Covid) the cough reflex lingers, the throat is dry easily triggered and post nasal drip lingers. So metimes it takes six months to realize you are not coughing anymore
If you feel well other than that you are usually just fine.
Honey helps…a teaspoon taken or lozenges. If it’s due to GERD slippery Elm from Health food store helps.

@AUNT BARBARA.…Honey mixed with a bit of fresh lemon juice, Granny’s old fashioned treatment. The best was old time, over the counter, cherry flavored, Robittusion with codeine, plus it took us rug rats strait to Dream Lane.

Granny’s Secret: there was Bourbon with that honey & lemon.
S’s Recipe: 3 fingers Bourbon: Leave out the honey and lemon…. Repeat as desired.
I liked the taste of Vicks Formula 44D; don’t think it’s made anymore….

@S….Non-alcohol household, just honey and lemon juice. My Dad used to dip out a teaspoon of Vick’s Vaporub, put it on the back of his tongue and let it melt down his throat…gross.

that’s why it was Granny’s “SECRET”



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