Widespread power outage affecting 2,767 customers, in Martinez.
Several traffic signals are completely dark.
MPD is receiving numerous calls about drivers going through these intersections, with complete disregard for the set procedure of treating them as an “All-Way” stop.
City workers are scrambling to get temporary signage set up at these intersections.
The power is expected to be restored by 7:45 tonight.
No worries. Our petroleum-fueled generator is working great.
Are YOU prepared?
Grid down incoming.
I assume it’s PGE.Keep raising the rates and less dependable service.Oh wait we have to raise the rates to fix your problem.
Not that part of Martinez but PG&E had trucks down the street earlier. I didn’t go look but I think they may have been replacing the large transformers with smaller ones. Some poles in the area have 4 small transformers which makes sense and less costly to replace.
And what will happen when everything is electrical based? PG&E can’t keep up with the demand now.
What’s Greasy Gavin’s plan to ensure a solid power source, when his planned everything petroleum powered annihilation happens?