The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
QUESTION: How much did you spend on Christmas presents this year? A: $0 – $100, B: $100 – $500, C: $500 – $1,000, D: Over $1,000
Talk about it.
Wife is uncontrollable, Great Grandkids are going to need another room.
Don’t ask how much just write another check for her to deposit.
Personally gifting is year round, helps reduce stress.
for my Spouse: too much 🙂
for my Grandbaby: much more than that
all my kids combined: @ 300ish…
GRAND TOTAL: @ $1500
B, not counting gas. To head over to the peninsula on two different dates to two different locations.
Most of my gifts are handmade or fabricated over the entire year. Figure about $500 in materials and supplies but it goes a looooong way.
One of the most precious gifts one can give is time because once it has elapsed there is no getting it back.
D. With today’s prices, it doesn’t take much to spend over $1,000.
Times are tough, things are hard.
I’m not even sending Christmas cards.
They are tough times. Let me send you a Christmas wish, with the hope you do have a Merry Christmas.
B, closer to the lower end though. This economy is a bit rough. We’d rather have utilities and food than presents and treats.
Me personally, C, for the wife. How much she spent, I joke she has a direct line to bezos. I know she bought me stuff, even though I tell her not to, that I really do not want anything. I expect she is an easy D.
A, particularly 0 or whatever the cost of the ingredients of the food I bring to the family get together.
D without a doubt.
14 kids (own, nieces and nephews) plus one gift for each side of the family (we draw names at Thanksgiving)
Everyone I would include on my gift list can easily afford anything I would consider buying for them. The fact that they haven’t bought such a thing means they prefer not to have it, so a gift would just burden them with unwanted clutter.