The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
QUESTION: In your opinion, what is one (or two) things other countries do right that the United States does wrong?
Talk about it.
Public Education
Which country does public education right?
We stick our nose in every other countries business.let them figure out their own problems.
The reason the country to do that is for the money to made. It’s the military industrial complex that wants involved in these wars. Money is to be made of they debt and money is to be made of arms sales. The US is on track to it’s own self-destruction. Which makes the elite happy because they can have their own Caligula staffed by the immigrants pouring over the border. And it will be hell.
Going back to Desert Storm: I friend bought a bunch of stock shares in companies that made munitions; mostly ammo I think. Sold it all in April 2003 cause it went so high; he made a small fortune, was afraid it lose the profit. May 1st President Bush made a visit to an Aircraft Carrier: Mission Accomplished…
School lunches – check out this link:
I can think of several countries that have stricter immigration laws, and a tighter border security.
A couple of countries that don’t seem to have an illegal immigration problem are Russia and China. How many people want to cross their southern borders? Western Europe, on the other hand, has a serious problem enforcing their border security. There seems to be a contant stream of people from Africa and the Middle East crossing the Mediterranean in small boats to reach Greece, Italy, France, and ultimately, the U.K. England is getting a regular stream of such people crossing the North Sea from France and Belgium. Yes, we haven’t been able to limit illegal immigration so far. But we aren’t alone with this problem.
Have a secure border.
Gun control; less gun = less gun violence. Sure that people get killed by other weapons (like knives, swords, ect…) but I rather go against such weapons than gun, which could be used from a far distance.
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Other countries do a better job of killing marauding Russian soldiers and Islamist terrorists. The least we can do is buy them ammo to do it.
You watch… after this snow job is over suddenly the ruskies will be our friends again.
funny how there are very very few calls for cease fire with Russia but never ending for Israel, Palestine. Kind of makes you think..
Universal Healthcare!
punish criminals
Other countries have LAW & ORDER; therefore, people know how to behave.
Reasonable regulation of firearms.
Educate yourself.
I think C G said “reasonable”, not California’s take on it.
Fair enough. Educate yourself.
And for good measure:
“The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed; a well armed and well regulated militia being the best security of a free country: but no person religiously scrupulous of bearing arms shall be compelled to render military service in person.”
Do yourself a favor. Educate yourself about the history of the militia.
Every other “First World Nation” doesn’t have 51% of Cancer patients end their treatment with debt and 53% of that going to collections. So healthcare
Policing. Look up 40% of Police. Interesting statistic
As other said, quality public education (not what Cali has), border management, tougher immigration laws, consequence for violating laws, parents teaching kids respect
That is a difficult question to answer. Almost no country does everything right or everything wrong. Since I was born and raised in another country, it is only natural that I point out what I like about my native country.
Since it is Christmas, I much prefer how most European countries deal with Christmas, everything shuts down by 2 or the latest 4 p.m. and not many establisments (save food stores) don’t open up until the 27th. I work to 7:30 p.m. Christmas eve, so no chance of me making it down to Pasadena to celebrate with my family.
Other than that Denmark and many European countries treat their elderly population much better than the US, we don’t have elderly people living on the streets.
We have universal health care, and while it is not perfect, no one goes broke because of an illness, we also have private insurance companies, so people have a choice, if you have the money and health to get private insurance, if not at least you are still covered.
Education is basically free, not sure I’m in favor of that, I think it is good to have some skin in the game, having said that, I think higher education in this country is too expensive. If you attend the University in Denmark, it is mostly free, it is also much more strict than in the US, you can’t skip a semester and then go back. Your studies takes up most of the time, no time for sports etc. in fact many that played sports in school and high school have to drop it if they decide to go to the university. Many textbooks for higher education is not translated into Danish, so someone have to be fluent in English and/or German.
Hanne, your thoughtful responses are always interesting to read. I appreciate having a point of view from someone who had the experience of growing up in another country.
Thank you. I appreciate it. Happy Holidays.
Education: In the US if you want a decent education for your children you have to pay for it. We have the worst education system of all the western nations. Education is credential driven and not driven by actually learning something.j
Healthcare: We don’t have free and available access to healthcare for our citizens. We probably never will because some feel this would make us a socialist country – WRONG!
Elderly care: Other western countries take care of their elderly. We don’t. It’s up to the elderly to navigate their own retirement. Many starve or become homeless. SHAMEFUL!
The list is too long but I’ll stick with: 1 – High speed rail. 2 – Education.
Which countries with similar geographical size and population distribution have efficient HSR systems?
Every other country in the world protects its borders and does not allow people to justsneak in . Even Mexico…
Every other country in the world also will punish those that do crimes.
Some other countries have secured borders. We do not.
The Biden/Harris administration and Newsom’s actions (or inaction) are selling out American society & culture for the sake of the Democratic party staying in power. Disgusting.
I hit the thumbs up a thousand times but it only went up 1.
Giving fewer handouts to the lazy. We have created a weird nanny system as a way to funnel money for the government to take even more. In other countries, if you don’t work, you don’t eat. Period. Here we pay lazy, stupid people to keep having lazy, stupid kids.
Borders, Crime, High Speed Rail, and Drug Abuse.
Shorter school days. In El salvador parents get to choose if kids go to school morning or afternoon. Morning kids go from 730am to 1130am, afternoon kids go from 1pm to 5pm. It works out great, kids spend more time at home with parents/relatives, they also get to play outdoors with friend and eat fresh cook home meals. I have to say the kids are happy, they might not have the latest pair of Jordans, latest game, cell phone, but there is lots of love and they appreciate things more. The USA offers so much material things, this way we must keep working 24/7, which leads to the kids having to stay away from home and feed them all that nasty cafeteria food.
How do the teachers feel about it?
Feel free to home school and do it your way.
1. Universal healthcare
2. Gun control
3. Care for the elderly
But we’re better at other things such as fostering innovation and assimilating immigrants. And we have a better form of government than other countries, imperfect tho it may be.
Enforce their borders.