Home » Claycordian: CVS Takes Away Hand Baskets Because Of Thieves

Claycordian: CVS Takes Away Hand Baskets Because Of Thieves


We received this email from a reader in Concord, who was shopping at the CVS in the Clayton Valley shopping center on Ygnacio Valley Rd. this week.

The reader, “Concerned in Concord,” had this to say….

Hi Claycord, I wanted to let you know I was at CVS on YV in Concord yesterday and when I was in line, and woman came up and asked the cashier if they had any hand baskets for her to put her stuff in while she walked around the store. The cashier said they had to take away all the hand baskets because people fill them up and run out the store. She said someone even brought a cart in the other day, filled it up with alcohol and other merchandise, walked out, and about 4 guys lifted the entire cart into a truck and drove off.

It’s getting ridiculous out there. I don’t think people realize just how bad it is because they’re not out seeing it happen and our lawmakers just turn their heads and ignore it.


I’m hoping you publish my letter.

Thank you.

“Concerned in Concord”

Thanks, “Concerned in Concord.” Yes, nothing is being done. Stores/employees can’t do much, and the cops have their hands tied. It’s up to the lawmakers and prosecutors to really change things. Right now, the law-abiding citizens are the ones paying the price.


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It’s been ridiculous, and it’s only getting worse! Hopefully some of our voters are waking up and will boot out of office all the liberal DAs, judges and politicians. All which I might add have a political party affiliation “D” after their names.
The hell with this supposed social justice effort which is code word for not sending any criminals to jail who are black or brown but only let them go out to continue their crimes against society.


The liberal democrats do not make it where anyone is ever held accountable for their own actions at all.


I never voted only on party lines. But, the last few years in CA have proven to me that anyone with a D next to their name will NEVER get my vote again. They only want to ruin this state with insane policies.


White man bees evil according to them.The lesser of 2 evils it seems.


Make no mistake, everything is ‘going to hell in a hand basket’…all by design! With the passage of Prop. 47 (2014) by the voters and the recent SB 553, which prevents workers from intervening in shoplifting incidents, all under the guise that it is protecting workers— giving criminals the green light. Have you heard of The Cloward-Piven Strategy?


Fake news. Look up SB 553- it says nothing about preventing workers from confronting shoplifters. If you fact check SB you will see that your statement is wrong.


Of course facts don’t matter. SP also ignores that among the supporters of Prop 47 you will find prominent Republicans such as Newt Gingrich and Rand Paul, while on the opposition to Prop 47 you will find Diane Feinstein. But that just doesn’t fit the Democrats BAD Republicans GOOD mantra on this blog.


I believe you should fact check your fact-checking…SB 553: “6401.7. (a) Every employer shall establish, implement, and maintain an effective injury prevention program.” Specifically-(6) The employer’s system for ensuring that employees comply with safe and healthy work practices, which may include DISCIPLINARY action.


This behavior can be expected in a Democratic Run, Liberal State. They support and encourage this. Equity or Reparations?


Some stores including Walmart took away the hand baskets too but then brought them back. They probably got around to calculating how much they were losing on people either just buying what they could hold in their hands or shopping elsewhere. Same with Raleys. Who wants to push a cart around for just a few things?


When I’m buying only a few things, and since we have to bring our own bags, I just put everything in the bag as I walk through the store. At check out, I remove the items from the bag and place them on the counter. It’s easier than carrying a basket and not as bulky or heavy.

Safeway in the Virginia Hills shopping center has done the same thing. Theft is the cause stated store employees.


I love what you’ve done with the place, democrats.


No. It’s up to voters to elect hard-on-crime officials who enforce LAWS.
And repeal Proposition 47.


I thought it was only a certain news network making up stuff about crime. Hum.


Ha! ..well that ought to show ’em! We’ll take away your baskets! 🙂 How about doing more to stop the theft in the first place and aggregressively persue arrests and convictions?


I blame liberals. So you reap what you sew.


@DONK…”Sow, not sew”


Omg is that why there are no baskets anymore…..I run into this at CVS on Treat and I ask them, but no one responds…brother🙄 the days of shopping in person are ending….


Efforts to revise Prop. 47 were made in early 2022 through Assembly Bill 1603. The bill would have reduced the threshold amount for petty theft and shoplifting from $950 back down to $400 and would have also allowed shoplifting to be tried as a felony again if the person who committed the crime had prior convictions. Also introduced was Assembly Bill 1599, a bill that would have almost entirely eliminated Prop. 47 by repealing almost all changes and additions made by the initiative. However, even with skyrocketing crime, both bills failed to get the assembly votes needed to change the law. The liberal super majority of democrats in our Government as well as the soft on crime district attorneys will need to be voted out of office for any real change to take place. Anybody see that happening? Nope! Too many liberal strongholds, low information voters, a corrupt and bias media and an education system designed to promote liberal thinking. Sad but true.


You know, there ARE registered Democrats that believe in hard on crime policies, the right to carry a gun to protect your family and property and many of the other policies that the other side of the isle support. They are called moderates. The current EXTREME views of the left AND right are going to destroy our nation. This all staged and brought to you by main stream media! YES, the DA in CC needs to go and crime needs to be addressed. Any politician who is an extremist (left or right) and who is unwilling to cooperate to reach a goal for the people they represent NEED TO GO! So tired of the left right argument. People are actually smarter than you think! Form your own opinions and ideas!


It doesn’t matter if they are moderates, they are still voting for Democrats that turn out to be soft on crime.


You can’t be moderate in a climate like this now. Everyone needs to push hard against this insanity form the left.


Just don’t shop at these stores for your own safety. Maybe they will get a hint.


Greasy Gavin will probably leap to the rescue and pass a bill to prevent discrimination based on hand basket elimination.


That does sound very plausible, knowing him.


Mark D. could do a Town Hall meeting on this crisis!

More low-tech “solutions” from this company that simply foist the burden onto their customers. They can certainly do better but the money goes to executive compensation instead.


Another case of taking something away from law abiding citizens because criminals use these items to commit a crime. Any guesses of other things taken away like this? Bang, bang.


That CVS store @ 5408 Ygnacio gets hit all the time. There is armed security there now to
protect it and Ross Dress for Less also in that center. Easy stop-off on your way home to
East County. Repeal Prop 47!


I haven’t been to a store since pre COVID. Instacart is worth every penny. Vote Diana Becton out for the love of Pete!


They just lost my business and anyone one injured or on crutches.I can use a hand basket but not a cart.Dumb move,they sell meds.they cant think.they fired the racist ethnic security lady?

That is such a pain when you want to buy multiple items, but have no way of carrying them all. It’ll cause you to buy less and for them, they’ll make less. Hurts everyone until they go out of business.

There is a solution, but it involves giving up space. Mantrap. Make everyone pass through two doors to get out. If you rob the place, you should be trapped between doors.


Don’t allow anyone to shop inside and instead make everyone request items at a front counter and everything is brought to them, which they then purchase to take out. Remember catalogs stores? We had one called Consumers. It would be like that.



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