I drive that lane quite often. Yeah, it was rutted and I assume the road base finally washed away. Yay!
December 20, 2023 - 4:25 PM 4:25 PM
Most roads are in horrible shape and with all the trash they look lie something from a 3rd world country … so CalTrans waits till there is rain and a real damaging causing pothole to fix it… novel ideal – get ahead of the curve and fix them year round
Exit 12A
December 20, 2023 - 5:32 PM 5:32 PM
Apparently, there were like 15 vehicles on the shoulder with blown tires.
That’s probably the only reason that CalTrans crews were fixing the pothole.
Oh, please
December 20, 2023 - 10:10 PM 10:10 PM
Why. Why do this in rush hour and not the night before. I would say to make it make sense, but this is CA we are dealing with.
A little humor,
I drive that lane quite often. Yeah, it was rutted and I assume the road base finally washed away. Yay!
Most roads are in horrible shape and with all the trash they look lie something from a 3rd world country … so CalTrans waits till there is rain and a real damaging causing pothole to fix it… novel ideal – get ahead of the curve and fix them year round
Apparently, there were like 15 vehicles on the shoulder with blown tires.
That’s probably the only reason that CalTrans crews were fixing the pothole.
Why. Why do this in rush hour and not the night before. I would say to make it make sense, but this is CA we are dealing with.