Home » Claycord – Talk About Politics – Dec.15, 2023

Claycord – Talk About Politics – Dec.15, 2023


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Original G December 15, 2023 - 7:01 PM - 7:01 PM

newsom logic,
always someone else’s fault.
‘California Gov. Gavin Newsom shifts blame on Republican critics for amplifying homeless crisis plaguing San Francisco and claims ‘they have to focus on our failures for them to be right’ – despite the city facing an exodus over crime’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/pjjp4crk
Competency and accomplishments,
“Top 50 Disasters Gov. Gavin Newsom Has Ushered into California”
newsom’ public office experience,
San Francisco Board of Supervisors 1997-2004
Mayor 2004-2011
Lt governor 2011-2019
governor 2019-present . . . . .
“Just a few months after Gavin Newsom was sworn in as mayor of San Francisco in 2004, he announced a plan to get all of the city’s chronically homeless residents off the streets within 10 years.”
sacbee https://tinyurl.com/vdw3uhau
Better return on investment than stock market, and it’s your tax dollars being paid out.
‘California Gov. Gavin Newsom Reaped $10.6 Million In Campaign Cash From 979 State Vendors Who Pocketed $6.2 Billion’

MAGA SAM December 15, 2023 - 11:09 PM - 11:09 PM

‘they have to focus on our failures for them to be right’…yeah duh.
What a gd idiot. Unbelievable what dumb liberals will use as an argument and people eat that crap up. Like duh, obviously we’re right and gavin slezebag newsom is wrong. He’s literally admitting we are right while admitting democrats failure. Duh, it’s plainly obvious. Duh duh duh. Where did this slime come from? Everyone has a plan till they get punched in the face.

Original G December 16, 2023 - 8:45 AM - 8:45 AM

‘…How Gavin Newsom and Kamala Harris used the rich and connected San Francisco elite to propel them into potential 2028 rivals’
‘How eight elite San Francisco families funded Gavin Newsom’s political ascent’

Captain Bebops December 16, 2023 - 10:26 AM - 10:26 AM

Not liberals but ideologues. There are plenty of liberals who despise Newsom. One host of the Sunday KPFA morning show said he doesn’t like him and wouldn’t vote for him because of the dynasty. One the wackiest things he ever proposed was the reparations bill which would have cost the state hundreds of billions. I think he even lost a lot of black voters that way realizing how wacko he is.
There’s a bit of broad brush painting here. Most people are not exactly one way or the other. This is a time for right and left to band together and overthrow the elite rulership that is driving this country to authoritarianism. They should take that elsewhere maybe Uranus.

domo December 16, 2023 - 7:50 AM - 7:50 AM

.. well done OG!! 2 thumbs up!

DOH December 18, 2023 - 1:14 PM - 1:14 PM

Republicans in Michigan testified in a Lansing court that Donald Trump’s campaign was directly involved with putting together a team to create a false certificate that said he won the 2020 presidential election.

Trump administration lost a highly classified binder.
“How a collection of raw Russian intelligence disappeared under Trump…
The binder was last seen at the White House during Trump’s final days in office. The former president had ordered it brought there so he could declassify a host of documents related to the FBI’s Russia investigation.
…an unredacted version of the binder containing the classified raw intelligence went missing amid the chaotic final hours of the Trump White House. The circumstances surrounding its disappearance remain shrouded in mystery.” -CNN

Rudy has to pay #148 million for his defamation victims. You may be broke but you’re not Rudy Giuliani broke.

Dr. Jellyfinger December 18, 2023 - 3:37 PM - 3:37 PM

Wait for Rudy’s legal team to file for appeal with a real judge who ISN’T a Liberal activist.

THE BLACK KNIGHT December 18, 2023 - 4:22 PM - 4:22 PM

Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani doesn’t have to pay the $148 million judgement against him, the plaintiffs have to collect the $148 million from him.

Badge1104 December 15, 2023 - 7:08 PM - 7:08 PM

Thre news this week showed three university presidents before Congress. None could condemn protests on their campus that called for the genocide of Jews. Each president of Higher Learning said that such speech is permissible within certain contexts. I find that shocking!
I’m wondering if they would say the same if anyone were to call for the genocide of gays. Or the genocide blacks….. or of Muslims? Would that be free speech, permissible in certain contexts? My God, the hypocrisy of these liberals is astounding!

Glen223 December 15, 2023 - 7:37 PM - 7:37 PM

If liberals didn’t have double standards they wouldn’t have any standards.

The Fearless Spectator December 15, 2023 - 7:58 PM - 7:58 PM

The Harvard President, now accused of plagiarism, bears a striking resemblance to Urkel.

MAGA SAM December 15, 2023 - 11:11 PM - 11:11 PM

Let’s not forget the chinese mayor of chicago who’s throwing a no whites allowed “holiday” party. These fools need to be deported back to wherever they came from.

Private Snafu December 16, 2023 - 2:48 PM - 2:48 PM


MAGA SAM December 16, 2023 - 4:13 PM - 4:13 PM

Yes. With so many clown democrats doing clown show things it’s hard to keep track

THE BLACK KNIGHT December 17, 2023 - 6:08 AM - 6:08 AM

Mayor of Boston Michelle Wu, American, born in Chicago to Taiwanese immigrant parents.

MAGA SAM December 17, 2023 - 10:05 AM - 10:05 AM

And exactly where is Taiwan? Mayor wu can go straight back to china when we repeal the birthright citizenship laws retroactively.

THE BLACK KNIGHT December 17, 2023 - 5:39 PM - 5:39 PM

The repeal or banning of birthright citizenship is always an unlikely possibility, which would apply to those born to illegal aliens, not to those born to resident aliens or those born to one natural born citizen, but the retroactive repeal of birthright citizenship will never happen. Given that Mayor Michelle Wu is married to a natural born American, Conor Pewarski, and their children are American born citizens, she’ll never be forced to leave the United States for Taiwan or mainland China.

The Wizard December 16, 2023 - 5:58 AM - 5:58 AM

And Joe Biden

The Fearless Spectator December 19, 2023 - 5:16 PM - 5:16 PM

In her quest to inspire Harvard students, she has composed a motivational speech entitled “I have a dream”. Fortunately for her, Harvard board members support plagiarism, and 1963 was a long time ago.

Dr. Jellyfinger December 20, 2023 - 7:09 AM - 7:09 AM


“Did I do that?”

Guido December 17, 2023 - 10:26 AM - 10:26 AM

Criticism against the extreme right wing government of Israel is not antisemitism!

History says December 17, 2023 - 11:37 AM - 11:37 AM

But those are the very same people supporting Hamas and their goals of killing Jews and destroying Israel. That does make it antisemitism!

Guido December 17, 2023 - 2:11 PM - 2:11 PM

I am not supporting HAMAS or want to kill my Jewish family members, but believe Netanyahu is out of control dictator, putting his people in further, and future danger! Why did he once support HAMAS! Know your corporate, propaganda history!

MAGA SAM December 17, 2023 - 9:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Sounds like you support hamas guido.

Hanne Jeppesen December 18, 2023 - 12:48 PM - 12:48 PM

No it is not. Although I’m big supporter of Israel, I’m not a fan of Netanyahu. However, being critical of Netanyahu and not being able to acknowledge that calling for the genocide of Jews is appalling, is very different. Something some people, including certain professors have a hard time keeping separate.

Original G December 15, 2023 - 8:26 PM - 8:26 PM

‘Chicago’s migrant crisis spirals out of control: City spent nearly $1 million on failed camp before pulling the plug – as officials now IMPOUND buses bringing migrants to the city from Texas on Gov. Greg Abbott’s orders’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/mry58662
All Texas has to do is buy ’em one way Amtrak tickets . . . . . approx. $200 each.
Doubt if chicago will tow and impound trains . . . .
Politicians are ones who wanted it to be a “sanctuary” city, then look what they went and did.
‘Chicago lawmakers are slammed for blocking efforts to put sanctuary city status on ballot after Windy City was inundated by 20,000 migrants’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/44wh4u5x
Presidential election may well be a referendum on economy and illegals.

Captain Bebops December 16, 2023 - 10:30 AM - 10:30 AM

It wouldn’t taken much of a brain to realize that immigrants were there for “sanctuary” but for cheap, under the table paid, workers.

Ricardoh December 15, 2023 - 9:35 PM - 9:35 PM

Our drug OD deaths excides those killed in the Ukraine war. So far this year over 750 people have died from just fentanyl in San Francisco. An equal amount from other drugs. Yet our border is open. We pay money to keep the Russians out of the Ukraine while the world invades ours

MAGA SAM December 16, 2023 - 4:04 AM - 4:04 AM

Heck of a week for the Left. Gay porn in the Senate, swearing in ceremony on child porn in Virginia, tranny tap dancers in the White House, and Satanic
statues in lowa.
What else am I missing?
Love is love right

Dr. Jellyfinger December 16, 2023 - 9:13 AM - 9:13 AM

You could’ve posted the link:


Have a barf bag ready.

RunDog December 17, 2023 - 1:36 PM - 1:36 PM

This was, at one time, considered
perversion. So what changed? Nothing actually!

The Fearless Spectator December 16, 2023 - 9:14 AM - 9:14 AM

Colon Jousting in the Senate Hearing Room. What an absolutely perfect metaphor for what the Biden Administration is doing to our country.
The person on the receiving end claims he will be pursuing remedy. From the video, it appears he already received his remedy.
On the whole, this is absolutely a new low.

Glen223 December 16, 2023 - 6:44 PM - 6:44 PM

I’m not surprised. The democrats have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that a new low is only a challenge to them.

Moral bankruptcy. Ethical bankruptcy. Financial bankruptcy. They’ve got it all when comes to this inept check-the-box administration.

Hell, neither Biden the bumbler nor Harris the ho can speak a single coherent sentence.

And that’s the reason that “draining the swamp “ includes the staffers working for the politicians.

Fire them all!

The Fearless Spectator December 16, 2023 - 8:01 PM - 8:01 PM

To quote Archie Bunker, they’re a regular Sodom and Gonorrhea.

Glen223 December 17, 2023 - 7:13 AM - 7:13 AM


Original G December 19, 2023 - 4:39 AM - 4:39 AM

Political cartoonist Mike Beckom drew a cartoon,

RunDog December 17, 2023 - 1:32 PM - 1:32 PM

MagaSam: It is when you’re a Biden.

MAGA SAM December 16, 2023 - 2:46 PM - 2:46 PM

To be a democrat still you believe donald trump is only popular because idiots are easily led by fear, unlike intellectuals, who reject trump on intellectual, objective fact-based grounds such as the fact that he will trigger nuclear holocaust and call for the mass slaughter of blacks and gays.

Glen223 December 16, 2023 - 3:37 PM - 3:37 PM

Meanwhile, the woke liberals (and democrats) are running and hiding . They KNOW they can’t defend slow joe and the ho….and their class of check-the-box appointments.

Original G December 16, 2023 - 4:19 PM - 4:19 PM

What CA has become,
‘Oakland becomes even MORE of a Mad Max hellscape as robbers CHASE driver in multiple cars, ram him and then steal his belongings when vehicle flipped and crashed’
‘Soros-Backed District Attorney Hires Boyfriend for Six-Figure Position’
‘Billionaire George Soros Pours Money Into Alameda County District Attorney’s Race’
‘Woke LA DA George Gascon’s new chief of staff is proud former LOOTER who wants to abolish prisons and defund ‘barbarian’ police: Backed ransacking of shops during 2020 BLM riots’
‘Here are the mega-donors and police unions pouring millions into the L.A. County district attorney race’
Would help if CA voters had an attention span greater than a fungus gnat.
Candidate or proposition that spends most money on advertising wins.

Glen223 December 17, 2023 - 7:20 AM - 7:20 AM

And the liberals are still hiding ‘cause they know they CAN’T defend those miscreant democrat politicians. If they did, it would be obvious that they condone their behavior.

Maybe so….

MAGA SAM December 16, 2023 - 5:08 PM - 5:08 PM

Woah man are they panicking. The propaganda is reaching epic proportions. The salt will flow.

Glen223 December 17, 2023 - 7:23 AM - 7:23 AM

The democrats are f****** morons.

Never trust one around money or kids. Or anything else for that matter.

You know who you are…..supporters of the worst administration in history.

Hanne Jeppesen December 18, 2023 - 12:51 PM - 12:51 PM

That is a pretty broad statement. I’m sure there are republicans who steal and can’t be trusted around kids. Criminals come in all sizes, colors and political persuasion.

RunDog December 19, 2023 - 3:45 PM - 3:45 PM

Hanne Jeppersen: You can’t possibly be defending what Mush Mouth Joe Biden and his sexually perverted, drug-addicted son, Hunter Biden, have done for the country.

whenwilltheylearn December 21, 2023 - 1:06 AM - 1:06 AM

she just thinks its ok all around

Chris December 16, 2023 - 9:14 PM - 9:14 PM

Russia just blew up a weapons’s depot in Ukraine and according to a Defense Department spokesman the U.S. had just sent $320 M worth of military hardware that just went up in smoke. Well, at least the Big Four Arm’s dealers in America are making a lot of money off the taxpayers. I don’t hear the environmentalists complaining of all the smoke emitted from these military munitions we are sending to both Israel and Ukraine.

nytemuvr December 17, 2023 - 12:06 AM - 12:06 AM

@CHRIS…. Auto pollution, cow farts and munitions explosions are just a drop in the bucket, the 75+ active volcanos around the world at any given time are probably the worse polluters….Green people, put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Glen223 December 17, 2023 - 6:45 AM - 6:45 AM

Post Deleted: Copyright Violation

MAGA SAM December 17, 2023 - 8:38 AM - 8:38 AM

Fun fact about American presidents:
Barrack Obama holds the world record for the most children killed by a Nobel peace prize winner.
Hope and change from the kenyan born fake American communist that pimped democrats with smooth talking while killing thousands in the name of gayness.

Original G December 17, 2023 - 4:17 PM - 4:17 PM

2014 “A group of artists in northwest Pakistan have installed a huge skyward-facing poster of a young child in a field to help raise awareness for the many victims of drone attacks in the region. The image shows a Pakistani girl whose parents, lawyers say, were killed in a drone strike.”
“Obama Reportedly Told Aides He’s ‘Really Good At Killing People’ ”
huffpost https://tinyurl.com/2s49f4d7
‘Barack Obama Is A War Criminal’
Harvard Political Review https://harvardpolitics.com/obama-war-criminal/
“Double Tap”
2013 “For these attacks, the US relies on consecutive rounds of strikes – missiles are dropped, killing people. A moment later – when people in the area have raced to the scene to help the wounded, another round of missiles is dropped.”

Original G December 17, 2023 - 11:44 AM - 11:44 AM

“DEMs is such smart people, defunding Police.
‘Washington, DC’s, soaring crime rate pushed the Wizards and Capitals to relocate the professional basketball and hockey teams out of the nation’s capital, surrounding District residents say, potentially costing the District $25 million in yearly tax revenue.

The Metropolitan Police Department’s 2023 statistics show:
Robbery increased by 69 percent
Violent crime spiked by 40 percent
Carjackings soared by 89 percent”
Kinda reminds one of oakland’s anti Police stupidity.
If there is no threat of incarceration,
there is no deterrence to criminal behavior

Original G December 17, 2023 - 1:43 PM - 1:43 PM

Prior to the homeless industrial complex was formed, neighbors,
civic organizations and churches looked after the down and out.
Today at federal level there are 19 federal agencies
make up the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness.
Federal agencies have a long history of failing to coordinate
Is any wonder 653,000 people are homeless ? ? ?
“No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size.
Government programs, once launched, never disappear.
Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we’ll ever see on this earth!”
—Ronald Reagan
‘New HUD Report Shows U.S. Homelessness Increases –
As Do the Budgets of the Responsible Agencies’
Another excellent piece by Katy Grimes caglobe https://tinyurl.com/yr73fzuz
“Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them.”
—Ronald Reagan
‘I get PAID to be homeless in San Francisco – it takes one phone call’:
‘Old-school junkie’ says he moved to woke city because he gets $620-a-month that pays for his Amazon Prime and Netflix and ‘cops are like neighbors’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/5ck68p83
To have it become worse elect DEMs

Dr. Jellyfinger December 17, 2023 - 6:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Clarence shows Gavin what California would look like id he’d never been born….


John Hemm December 18, 2023 - 10:56 AM - 10:56 AM
THE BLACK KNIGHT December 18, 2023 - 4:37 PM - 4:37 PM

I can’t get your link to open.

Anew December 18, 2023 - 12:12 PM - 12:12 PM

According to the Federalist, in 2021, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, the George Soros-backed Open Society, and other activist groups helped create a new voting law–Executive Order (E0 14091). It appears to make ballot harvesting and other questionable activities easier for Democrats to deploy. It will have a definite impact on the 2024 election. https://tinyurl.com/mffyfmtu
Also: “Politically Motivated Army Being Assembled Inside the Federal Government.” https://tinyurl.com/ypf7np7s

THE BLACK KNIGHT December 18, 2023 - 9:17 PM - 9:17 PM

An Executive Order isn’t a Law, it’s a Declaration or Directive issued by the President. Valid Executive Orders must comply with existing Statutory and/or Constitutional authority, in some situations an Executive Order can require Legislative approval in order for it to go into effect, and Executive Orders are subject to Judicial review by the Courts.
Just because liberal and progressive Democratic Party aligned nonprofit organizations were involved in the writing of this Executive Order doesn’t mean only Democratic Party aligned nonprofit organizations can benefit from it, as moderate and conservative Republican aligned nonprofit organizations can also benefit from it. If Republicans don’t like or believe this Executive Order is illegal or unconstitutional they should be fighting it in the Courts. If Republicans or Republican aligned nonprofits don’t successfully fight this Executive Order, then this is the way things are, and they must play by these rules or be left behind.

Anew December 19, 2023 - 8:19 AM - 8:19 AM

Black Knight: it may not seem like a “law”, but it has teeth. Just before the 2022 election, Breitbart noted that it “attempts to federalize elections, without authority from Congress, never mind the Constitution”. https://tinyurl.com/22sjabwr
Correction: It’s E014019, not E014091.

THE BLACK KNIGHT December 19, 2023 - 11:58 AM - 11:58 AM

Then the Republican Party, and/or Republican aligned moderate and conservative nonprofits should be fighting this out in the Courts, if no Statutory and/or Constitutional authority exists. The Republican Party should’ve learned by now that the 2020 presidential election was won in the pre-election Courts.

Original G December 18, 2023 - 2:52 PM - 2:52 PM

Well now, what will our congressman have to say about Nippon Steel buying U.S Steel in an all cash deal. An does he think there will be enough steel for the six can making plants here in CA for next summer’s canning season? Will there be enough cans or will crops end up rotting in the fields?
Congressman how’s about some proactive activity rather than waiting for last minute to be reactive, then putting out a day glow press release. Ask yourself what would George Miller, decades champion for steelworkers, do?

MAGA SAM December 18, 2023 - 7:44 PM - 7:44 PM
Dr. Jellyfinger December 19, 2023 - 7:54 AM - 7:54 AM

I wonder if “Decency is on the ballot” again for the 2024 election?


Original G December 19, 2023 - 5:36 PM - 5:36 PM
The Fearless Spectator December 20, 2023 - 8:49 AM - 8:49 AM

Nothing spells decency like some guy getting pooched in the senate chamber.

Original G December 19, 2023 - 11:23 AM - 11:23 AM

‘…White House dime bags, a crack-engorged First Son, topless trans activists… and now a lurid Senate sexcapade. America is overrun by fetishist weirdos and whackjobs…’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/y6rvupnx
Isn’t it nice what colleges are turning out ? ? ?
Keep in mind people who worked in obama biden regime are back working in biden harris regime. In short obama’s third term. Traditional American values seem abhorrent to them. No strike that, they seem determined to undermine America and attack Traditional American Values.
But there is a bit of good news , , , ,
biden count down clock https://tinyurl.com/bddhu8j9

Original G December 19, 2023 - 1:49 PM - 1:49 PM

Traditional American values seem abhorrent to them, they seem determined to undermine America and attack Traditional American Values.

The Fearless Spectator December 21, 2023 - 9:57 PM - 9:57 PM

Joe Biden has made it clear he supports anyone’s right to get b**** up the *** in public. It’s what makes Bidenomics function….so to speak….

Dr. Jellyfinger December 19, 2023 - 4:32 PM - 4:32 PM

Colorado State Supreme Court say’s Trump is not allowed on the ballot…. even write in votes will be disqualified.
They will tell you who you can vote for!

THE BLACK KNIGHT December 19, 2023 - 10:43 PM - 10:43 PM

The Colorado Supreme Court stayed the order for 2 weeks, and as long as former President Donald Trump appeals this ruling the stay will remain in place until a higher court rules on the matter. At this point it basically means nothing and appears it was only done to inflict more damage on the Trump campaign.

THE BLACK KNIGHT December 20, 2023 - 5:30 AM - 5:30 AM

At this point the Colorado Supreme Court decision would only apply to the Colorado Republican primary election.

Anew December 20, 2023 - 8:49 AM - 8:49 AM

Former Federal Election Commissioner Hans von Spakovsky: “This is a nakedly partisan, anti-democratic decision that ignores the law.” http://tinyurl.com/ytvek9s5

Dr. Jellyfinger December 19, 2023 - 6:05 PM - 6:05 PM
Original G December 20, 2023 - 7:26 AM - 7:26 AM

‘Furious Chicago resident rips into Mayor Brandon Johnson for throwing open the door to thousands of migrants and ‘letting down black communities’ ‘
dailymail http://tinyurl.com/373d356f

Original G December 20, 2023 - 11:45 PM - 11:45 PM

Anyone surprised ? ? ?
‘George Soros Donates Big Sum To Gavin Newsom’s Deputy For 2026 Gubernatorial Race’ …
“Soros donated the maximum amount permissible under California state law to Kounalakis’ campaign…”
‘Soros-backed California Lt. Governor Eleni Kounalakis demands state ‘explore every legal option’ to eliminate Republican hopeful from 2024 ballot as Colorado contagion spreads’
dailymail http://tinyurl.com/4vna4dd5


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