The “Water Cooler” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
QUESTION: If you punched someone at your place of employment, you’d probably be arrested and/or fired. Do you think professional athletes should be arrested and/or fired if they punch someone while they’re at their place of employment?
Talk about it.
There is no single right answer. Different circumstances dictate different rules of consideration.
A case-by-case basis for decision.
Someone will need to explain how we would still be able to have hockey with that kind of thinking in place.
Punching is battery, and unless it is in self defense or protection of others you should be fired and possibly arrested although there may be very good reasons behind it and you may feel the consequences are worth it. If we start legitimizing it due to consideration of feelings then the gloves are off and everyone is in the ring.
Professional athletes and politicians are SPECIAL. SCa
You mean except for sports events? Yes. But for sports events it seems like various degrees of hand slaps. Except for boxing, of course, where it is required.
Will Smith got away with it but he’s just a professional ass%ole.
What Green did was horrendous. He should be kick out of basketball. He is out of control. As far as hockey goes I will never understand allowing players to fight like that.
Bosnian players are a minority in the NBA. Green sucker punched a Bosnian player. Applying Democrat logic, that’s a hate crime and he must be held to account. Whatever that means…….
Like all streets in the Marxist paradise, they are only one way.
That’s why the term “reverse discrimination” was hatched by
the Ministry of Truth to use in cases like that.
… really depends…. Green’s altercation couple weeks ago – yes… this last one – multiple game suspension and a fine that actually makes him sting
If they try and serve you grilled cheese on whole wheat…well I think you know my stance on that.
I am all in favor of bringing back the cane sessions in congress,
If you haven’t learned by the time you are working that you do not put your hands on others and haven’t learned how to behave as an adult, you should be fired obviously too immature to hold down a job. There isn’t any justification.
Always better to “COUNT TO TEN” before punching anybody … athlete or not.