Home » Claycord – Talk About Whatever – Dec.8, 2023

Claycord – Talk About Whatever – Dec.8, 2023


Happy Friday to all the wonderful citizens in the City of Claycord.

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Cowellian’s first


Wow…. Cowellian IS first!


That happens sometimes.

This might sound strange since we don’t know each other, but when I heard about the tornado in Tennessee, I thought of you and hoped you and your family were o.k.

Absolutely do not waste your day. You only get so many, saving them buys you nothing.


That’s good advice. Also, don’t save your fine china/crystal for only special occasions….use and enjoy them often.

Was that a dead body on Olivera Rd today. Black tarp leaking blood. There is blood left on the street still. Daughter saw it this morning and I saw blood at 1pm in that location. At the stop light of Hillsborough beginning of the bridge

When I’m I going to see police officers give out tickets for cars running through red lights or not obeying the speed limit signs . I don’t feel safe walking in around town anymore too many cars running through them or speeding.


Red light runners are out of control. Entitlement and disregard for others is becoming intolerable.


I agree see them all the time. Yet, I got stopped on Center Street in Martinez, about 9:30 on a week night. I rolled very, very slowly through a stop sign, no car in sight. However, police was sitting on the side road, and pulled my over. He did do me a favor and only gave me a citation for not having proof of insurance. I had just renewed my police and had forgot to put the new insurance card in the car. However, I never see red light runners being stopped. guess there’s no police or HP around to catch them. Seems to me it would be more productive if they would to a stake out on Contra Costa Blvd. or another busy road.


Monument is shut down yet again.
Please advise when there is no threat.

Book report: The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress, Robert A Heinlein, 1966. Starts out laying the ground work about Mike the dinkum thinkum computer that is alive. Mike helps lead the way to revolt from Earth’s authority and fight to be recognized as a world with its right to rule itself. It fights to a satisfactory ending that is also a sad one. This one is one of my favorites and if I don’t say all that much about it that is because it really does need to be read not just recommended. Only after reading will you know what TANSTAAFL! means.


Has been at the top of my recommended reading list for decades, Dorothy! That and Michener’s “Hawaii” are books I stood reading, lost in adventure and wonder, while in the act of stirring the soup, or pushing old Kirby around the furniture. I fear there aren’t many young “house” wives left — lucky to be young & poor — able to really appreciate and use children’s nap time as I did.

Did anyone see the group run at the mall the other night? I’m guessing they must be part of the WC Track Club.


Looks like they can’t find the right store to loot…. “Aw sh*# we at the wrong mall”

Harry Dean: Speaks volumes about the joys of shopping at Sun Valley Mall. 😮

Pick One:
A) Hashbrowns
B) Latke
ok , a bonus option for that certain someone today…


A or D but they need to be crispy


Copy that.

Ditto on A & D

Me too Roz…ever had tater tot tacos?

A, B and D. C is a little too sour.

A) I like hash browns with shallots, or green onions mixed in, topped off with three eggs, sunny side up. Sourdough toast, and lots of crisp bacon. All washed down with a tall glass of either orange or grapefruit juice.

“A” most of the time

You had me at D) Tater Tots. 😁 But dang I do like a nice latke. And hash browns speak for themselves.

I never knew potato pancakes as latkes (Yiddish/Jewish potato pancakes), but as kartoffelpuffer (German potato pancakes).
In order, I’d go with B, A (crispy hashbrowns only), D or B, D, A (if I couldn’t get hashbrowns crispy). When it comes to tater tots, I actually prefer tater rounds, which are the same diameter, but about 1/3 as thick as a tater tot.
Speaking of tots, actress and singer Reba McEntire calls her beau, actor Rex Linn, Sugar Tot, and he calls her Tater Tot, because they bonded over tater tots early in their relationship.

I thought Latke was that character on the old “Taxi” show.


Fat ‘like’ for that one. And I rarely like/dislike. 👊

Xmas joke

What do you call Santa when he stops moving? Santa Pause.


Thursday eve driving down Port Chicago in the right hand lane towards Olivera shopping center. Just about at Floyd lane when I pass a car facing the wrong way on the left side of the road. The car looked like it had been in an accident. Thought to myself how strange how did they get turned around on this single lane stretch of the road. How did they do that? Kept driving starting to pass Baldwin Park and see a handful of police and a car in the left hand lane facing the wrong way. What? Does anybody know what happened ?

Beautiful crisp sunny day in the Sierra. Time to hit up 3 holiday shows at local galleries the motor up to Reno to visit a Kiwanis mother who’s in physical rehab after a stroke. Her body might be a mess but her mind and feisty mouth have worked since day one and that is a blessing . I usually walk in and ask if she’s been behaving and her response is “Why? That’s no fun”

Good news. Bad news
Good news is U penn president resigned. Bad news is she wasn’t fired and Harvard and MIT presidents haven’t followed suit


The U Penn president has tenure and will be receiving a nice big fat paycheck for the rest of her life.

Way too cold for the Bay Area these days. I note in the bar on my Windows machine the weather report usually has just the temperature but also been reporting record or near record low. I recently checked other years and we may have had lows overnight but days often got up to 70s. This kind of weather was reserved for late January and early February. This is what happens when scientists try to fool mother nature.


My orange tree doesn’t appreciate the cold, either. All fruit is colored, but hard as a rock, and much smaller than normal. In years past, I’d be eating large, delicious, juicy fruit by now. Guess I’ll pick a couple and try ripening them in the house.

Ever wonder where loud exhaust pipes started ?
Did you do this as a kid ?

Original G
When I was a kid we had a ’52 ,Merc that my dad put glass packs on

Hey Mayor, how come you don’t have the pet adoption anymore on your side column ? With all the shelters max out it would be a good thing. One of my cats I got 10 years ago came from Claycord.


Thanks for asking. Middle Tennessee took a real battering yesterday. We stayed in the basement until the tornado passed. We had no damage but are without power or internet for the foreseeable future.
We drove two towns over to find an open Starbucks this morning.

How scary that must have been. So glad to hear you’re o.k. and no damage. Thank you for the update. 🙂

Yellowstone? What’s that?
Forget your “final episode” …… It’s been so long we don’t care anymore.
You weren’t all that popular! Treat your fans like crap? FO.


I can’t even understand why they called it “Yellowstone” they should have called it “Beth’s Boobs” which is the only reason anybody watched the stupid show in the first place.


Talked with Son in Texas about his two acre 4 bedroom house and his three businesses he’s got down there. First thing they did was get a propane tank installed, changed out stove and water heater from electric to gas plus ran a gas line into attic for new heater.
Had looked online about his place and he’d mentioned place
across street from his would be going on market.
Two bedroom two bath fixer upper on just over two acres for approx. $275,000.
Nice thing is Son has riding lawn mower and tractor, could have huge garden.
Could go back to electrical control panel building for one of his businesses.
Oldest Grandson already expressed a passing interest in moving to Texas.
Talked with Daughter and she said when do we leave.
Very tempting.

I like Texas. West Texas at least. But some advice from your ‘ol buddy Atticus. First, go live there without committing for as long as feasible. Grass ain’t always greener and there ain’t much grass in Texas. Second, Every cost you estimate, add 12-15%. Third, moving inter-state takes about 10-11 months off your life in stress. Fine if you’re thirty, not so fine 65 and over. Fourth, well I don’t have a fourth, but it probably would have been tornado related.

Wise advice.
Last time on a plane turn your head-n-cough didn’t exist.
An moving, well that would take at least two moving vans, plus transporting 5 vehicles and all the pinball machines. Most of the time feel my best by date is still a long way off even though am in my early 70s still getting job offers. Repairing sewer line at other house few weeks back with Grandson took 4 days rather than 3. Getting slower crawling under the house these days. Was fun to watch the kid use a 40 lb. jack hammer. Might just buy that place in Texas and let Son update it. Could maybe spend winters down there.
Spending time in Texas is not a bad idea, could fly down there for a month or so
assuming my posts haven’t gotten me on the no fly list.

It’s worth a look at least OG. Just don’t tell anyone where you’re from. It’s not that they’re rude, but you’ll have to suffer through their long list of issues with California and Californians each and every time. Even when you somewhat agree it gets irritating after a few days.
Flying isn’t as bad as you hear people go on about, and if they still let me fly after all that ATF nonsense a while back, you’ll be fine. Just have what you’re supposed to have when you’re supposed to have it. And no guns. They give you one at the gate when you land. It’s Texas after all. 😝

More Wise Advice,
My belief has always been, “if God had meant man to fly, he’d be buyin’ the tickets”.
First time was computer programing class in Huntington Beach, we flew out during huge Oakland hills fire. Second time flew to Kansas one way to pick up a unique low mileage car. Since I’m between cats have time to fly down.

Hey all!
My last PG&E bill was $368 (month of October). Anyone else get annoyed when a household member runs their “personal space heater” with their sliding glass door open?

cut plug off the heater cord.

I mean…probably unplug it first. Geez OG. 😬

Had a new hire electrician make that mistake, . . . . . . instant wire stripper.

Manslaughter in that instance, perfectly acceptable.

I wouldn’t send you guys to some nonsense, at least not with music. But this girl writes, sings, plays guitar and piano. All with pleasing sincerity. Give her some time, some life experience and she should could be legendary. See for yourself.

Body found on CNWS.

No info?

Hoping Claycord might look into it and report. Close to
Bailey Rd and had been there for a while is all I know. Don’t know who found it. Maybe the rancher since the cows are back.

Mid-Week Pick One:
A) Garland
B) Tinsel
C) No Thanks

We do garland on porch and stair railings, but I’ve never cared for tinsel.

never cared for either…
did have fun stringing popcorn when the kids where little…

Food stuff:
Ranch dressing is essentially white ketchup. Doesn’t bring anything to the table.
If lobsters and crabs walked around on land nobody would ever eat them and we’d spend billions trying to eradicate them.
I’ve never seen wild broccoli.
I don’t like grafting. Lemons on lemon trees, limes on lime trees, just a God intended.
Grapes by far are our most versatile fruit.
Pine nuts aren’t food unless you have a bushy tail and have good reason to fear hawks.
Spiders are bugs and tomatoes are vegetables. Stop it.
That thing I said about lobster and crabs goes for shrimp too.
The next person who try’s to serve me grilled cheese on whole wheat bread is getting punched. It’s fine, I’ll do the time. I will not be shamed in the eyes of my ancestors.
My doctor said to eat only eggs whites. Why don’t you just spit in my mouth and call it a day? Sometimes doctors say stupid s***.
You don’t have to wonder if someone you just met is a vegan. They’ll find a way to tell you in the first 3 minutes. Same with people who went to Yale, or have a CC permit.
I’d eat horse, no problem at all. Never liked horses.
Honestly I’m still not completely clear on the whole yams vs. sweet potatoes thing.
Beets are terrible.
They told us the Indians called it ‘maize’. That was a lie too.
Is rice pudding better hot or cold? I can’t decide.
Trail mix without Capn’ Crunch is unworthy of the name trail mix.


I could imagine your contribution to the chitchat around the campfire with 3 fingers…
Top Shelf for sure.

Atticus Thraxx — Very interesting. You have a point about Lobsters, Crabs, and Shrimp … until you taste them drenched in clarified butter. And … Pine Nuts are the “World’s Best Kept Secret.” Only Squirrels have figured it out! They clearly rival Peanut Butter in texture and flavor.

Although I don’t share your affection for pine nuts, I do agree they’re very tasty, but NOT the cheap nuts from China; the good ones come from Italy. Unfortunately, most of the nuts on the market come from China, so look carefully when buying pine nuts. Your taste buds will thank you.

Pleasant Hill world famous again,
‘Brave moment elderly Bay Area worker pulls gun on gang of would-be robbers and sends them scrambling for the door as neighborhood’s property crime soars by 13 percent since last year’
Business located in old Hogan’s building on Contra Costa Blvd.

Thursday night football…. If Raiders can score another 10 points they will break NFL record.
currently 63 -7 now in the 4th quarter.

Looks like Vegas didn’t care about setting a new record for most points scored….. they went ahead and let the Chargers score a couple touchdowns to lessen the humiliation.



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