Home » Claycord – Talk About Politics – Dec.8, 2023

Claycord – Talk About Politics – Dec.8, 2023


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I’ve become very upset at the anti-semitism that is being condoned by the democrat party and most of our institutions of higher hearning.
Numerous of them indicated this week that mild hate speech ‘within certain contexts” is allowable. Do you think they would allow any such statements against gays or transgenders? Or African Americans?


Who cares, let them do what they do. Any ways, why are you so concerned about other countries?


Yep, I seriously do not care that some people dislike other people. It’s the nature of life, get over it. Nobody is obligated to like or agree or protect anyone. Life comes down to experiences. Not everyone is a friendly, caring, loving person. You ain’t owed nothing and life ain’t fair. Bout time you snowflakes get over it.


@Badge “Numerous of them indicated this week that mild hate speech ‘within certain contexts” is allowable” …Sounds like a step forward for the Democratic party.

Hate speech is protected by the 1A. And aren’t we always being told that it is important to protect Israel because of their liberal democracy and commitment to freedoms – so similar to our own. On the other hand, banning unpopular speech sounds like something certain fundamentalist sects would do.


No one hates harder than the haters who hate the so-called hate speech speakers. Freedom for the haters who hate the hate speech speakers but not freedom to hate for everyone? Protect freedom of speech for every one from the haters to the haters who hate them.


Huh? I better get some coffee before I tackle that.


@Hope Johnson
Protesters aren’t saying: “We hate you”. Instead, they’re saying: “You need to die”. That’s not your typical hate speech, those are out-and-out deadly threats. And my not condoning these threats against others’ lives most certainly does not make me a hater. And they’ve turned out to be more than threats, as that Jewish man was killed by the protester who knocked him to the cement with his megaphone. The true haters appear to be all the anti-Israel protesters. They’re certainly the violent ones. SHAME ON ALL THOSE IVY LEAGUE WOMEN for not standing up to protect their students against bodily harm.


We don’t have “hate speech” laws in the United States. Your example of “You need to die” isn’t really a threat. A persons FEELINGS don’t trump another persons RIGHTS. The purpose of “free speech” is to protect the speech you dislike, disagree with, and may find reprehensible, and is not meant for the speech that you like, or agree with.
Now, “actual threats” and violence, including the violent death you referenced is something different. The Jewish students who were locked in a room in fear as pro-Hamas and/or pro-Palestinian protesters banged on the door and walls appearing to try to gain entry into the room to possibly physically injure and/or kill Jewish students is something different.
The Palestinian people believe they’re oppressed and victimized by the Israelis, although they’re just as oppressed and victimized by Hamas, but appear to not yet recognize that. Until the Palestinians get rid of Hamas, Hezbollah, and similar groups, then nothing is likely to change.


@The Black Knight
I should have been more clear in my post. The anti-Israel protesters aren’t just saying people need to die….that is free speech; however, the protesters are acting on it, and as you said, that’s something different. Students have to hide in libraries and teachers lock themselves in classrooms with anti-Israel protesters banging on doors. And because I don’t condone these actions, Hope Johnson called me a hater. But that’s fine with me…that’s not a threat to my life, that’s free speech, and I’m all for it. But I object to protesters using their speech to take away people’s rights. Everyone has the right to feel safe, just as they have a right to speak freely; however, Jewish students don’t feel the least bit safe and have lost those rights.


I thing you’re misinterpreting what Hope Johnson said. She didn’t call you a “hater” because you won’t condone violence, her comment was about “free speech,” and nothing else. She was saying the “haters” are those that want to silence the “free speech” of others by calling it “hate speech” because they don’t like, agree with, or hate that “free speech.”
You stated that “Everyone has the right to feel safe.” That’s simply just not true, the Courts have repeatedly ruled “a persons feelings don’t trump another persons rights.” If you want any or all of our rights to be based on the feelings of each individual person, then we’ll have no rights at all! Do you think the millions of Americans living in our violent inner cities “feel safe?” Actual and specific threats usually aren’t protected speech, especially when paired with acts of violence.


If the clueless, progressive protesters continue with the pros hamas demonstrations, I predict the red wave in next years election that did not happen in 2022.


Let’s elect the guy who can get us out of these wars. Israel isn’t on the right side, if our money is buying their bombs. America First.


Just 2 months ago Elon Muck was tweeting about how “Jews control the media.” Before that Marorie Taylor Green ranting in about Jewish Space Lasers. Now you want to talk about antisemitism?

Mind you, the eldest Jewish member of Congress did not vote on the resolution passed this week. Now anti-zionism (criticizing Israel) equates to antisemitism? Now that is Orwellian. Passing Legislation to control speech and irs meaning.

They can’t pass a budget, but they have now legislated Thought Crime.


of course, MTG said nothing at all relating to Jewish involvement. Her theory correlated the relationship between a member of the PG&E BoD was also vice chairman of Rothchilds, and the financial contributions to and political benefits from gov brown, as well as benefits realized by feinstein and her husband. Whether or not any of these relationships were actual, I do not know, but I would believe it. However, it was randos on the net who started the whole Jewish laser thing, not her. I only am responding because I had never heard that story and wanted to understand the genesis of it, so looked into it, and saw her post was printed on newsweek, no friend to anybody right of manchin..


She said nothing relating to Jewish involvement, but you acknowledge that she may have been talking about the Rothschilds? Then why didn’t she use the name Rothschilds? The surname alone would have been effective in evoking blood libel theories, but you threw in Diane Feinstein and Jerry Brown.
MTG made a Facebook book post in 2018, I believe it was before she was in congress. I didn’t mean to imply that I thought she had started it, she did have a number of interviews where she was questioned about it. I found a lot on it.

For example, Marjorie Taylor Greene earned the 1st runner up prize for The Jerusalem Post’s 2021 Antisemite of the year .

Also, randos posting and believing antisemitic theories does not downplay what was being discussed.


Hey Danged. She did use the name Rothschilds, she specifically stated Vice Chair of Rothchilds, Inc. (I had to look it up again, since it was so long ago I looked at it last, like over 24 hours…such great memory these days, aging is sometimes over rated). I could care less about rankings by publications, those are so politically motivated and have little to do with reality. What was being discussed was the links of political corruption, along with some weird conspiracy stuff with blue lights. I believe the corruption, not the blue lights.

What do you get when DEMs run a state like a 14 year old
with a no limit credit card, without adult supervision ? ?
$68 BILLION budget deficit
Want it to stop ? ? ?
Stop electing DEMs.
What happens when republicans run a state,
‘Tennessee Violent Crime Rate Dropped as State Put More Criminals in Prison’


He destroyed San Francisco and he’s destroyed California.
He would do the same to the entire country if he’s given a chance(more so than China Joe has already done).


…couldn’t agree more CI… and I said it several years ago – Newscum is going to make Prez unless we can come up with something.. if not you better start picking up Mandarin classes


When you say “destroyed California” do you mean the fifth largest economy in the world? You would think if it had been destroyed it would be lower on that scale.

Why hasn’t California franchise tax board gone after Hunter. Don’t tell me they haven’t figured out he swindled them also.


Probably the same type of idiots that ran California’s EDD department which lost billions due to fraud…..and nobody has ever been held accountable… any level.

Never trust a democrat when it comes to money.


A Facebook page has been set up called “Recall District Attorney Diana Becton.” They’re seeking 10,000 followers that are supportive of the recall before they spend the time and money necessary to collect signatures and move forward with the recall effort.


‘George Soros-backed PAC spent $1MILLION on woke California DA’s campaign, records show amid soaring crime: Burglary is up by a third, car theft climbs by a fifth and rapes surge by 7.5% in Bay Area city’
“Contra Costa DA Diana Becton has overseen a surge in crime in Antioch, CA”


The City of Antioch has far greater problems than Contra Costa County District Attorney Diana Becton, the Antioch City Council, Antioch City Manager/Management Staff, Antioch Police Department, and Antioch City Staff are all a mess, in big trouble, and are severely understaffed. Until things at the city level of government get straightened out we won’t see any movement from District Attorney Diana Becton, as she has no faith in the Antioch Police Departments abilities and trustworthiness. The City of Antioch is reaching the point where a State of California appointed Administrator needs to come in and take over management and operational control of the city. The City of Vallejo has many of these same problems and is nearing a second bankruptcy filing.


Agree, problems in antioch began years ago and are ongoing, in 1980s city was a good place to live. Entire city was doing well and high density housing was at a minimum. So far this year NINE MURDERS.
City allowed builders to build smaller homes on postage stamp sized lots believing more is better. Ignoring fact that city must provide services to each parcel. Those services are at a rising cost mainly due to employee cost. Those smaller homes bring in lower amount of property taxes leaving little cushion in event of an economic downturn. When the last downturn happened city ended up laying off sworn Police officers.
It seems all it takes for those in charge to hand out taxpayer dollars is a slick sales presentation. Today west antioch is an empty shell of what it once was with many boarded up commercial properties. Even gold into cash place went belly up. Fire took out a block of 4 businesses and owner bull dozed the ashes down to the concrete slab and never rebuilt.
Only businesses making it are cash advance, laundromats and liquor stores.
Completely agree, antioch is in desperate need of Adult Supervision ! ! !


Shout out to China Joe jr. aka Hunter Biden. He’s ranting and moaning that he’s being accused and attacked by the Republicans for his felonious criminal activities, and implying that he’s never done anything wrong!
Way to uphold the liberal Democrat tenet of blame, lack of responsibility for self, and ‘it’s always someone else’s fault’ China Joe jr.!!


Just helping out sanctuary cities . . . . . priceless !
“Billboards showing sanctuary cities New York, Chicago and San Francisco pop up in El Paso, Texas”
How much does CA spent every year on illegals ? ? ? ?


The California Department of Water Resources has released the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Delta Tunnels Project.
This project should be dumped in favor of desalination plants.


The sad part is these tunnels have been being built for the last few years. It’s not long till there ready to be turned on. That part has been kept pretty quiet


Retiring Contra Costa County Supervisor Federal Glover has endorsed Pittsburg Mayor Shanelle Scales-Preston to replace him on the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors, District 5, also known as the “Waterfront District,” which stretches from Antioch to Pinole. Antioch Councilmember Mike Barbanica and Pittsburg City Councilmember Jenali Killings have also entered the race to replace Contra Costa County Supervisor Federal Glover.


Actually, after the Pittsburg City Council reorganization this week, Shanelle Scales-Preston is no longer Mayor, but a Councilmember, and Jenali Killings is no longer a Councilmember, but Vice Mayor. I apologize for the error.
I wish the cities in Contra Costa County would end the rotating Mayor and Vice Mayor/Mayor Pro Tem positions for directly elected Mayor and Vice Mayor/Mayor Pro Tem positions, with term limits.


Probably says that the citizens don’t get to run their cities just the same old gangsters that have been around forever.


Isn’t great we are getting $$$ from the big guy for our useless bullet train to nowhere. Thanks to all the 49 states who chipped in…SUCKERS…


Hunter Biden claims Republicans are trying to kill him.

Rumor is he also intends to sing “Oh My Papa” when testifying before Congress on Dec. 13th


“Oh My Papaaa … to me he was so wonderful” Great hit song for Eddie Fisher in the 50’s


Given Hunter Biden’s lifestyle, a more appropriate song might be, “Why Does it Hurt When I Pee?”


To spend $800,000 on prostitutes must have required a serious effort, and some serious Penicillin.
What a busy guy.
He approached the podium yesterday, full of confidence and bravado. It was almost as if to say, ‘ “Top this Bill Clinton.”


Crime and a life/career as a criminal and a degenerate is a legitimate lifestyle to progressive liberal Democrats.


Then, hunter better hope and pray the clintons aren’t dragged into this somehow.


Hunter will be found guilty on federal tax charges. He will do a little time, maybe 1-2 months. Then Joe’s term will be up and on his last day Hunter will get a nice pardon. Thus, escaping because of double jeopardy. Who can then hold Joe accountable? No one! Well maybe Corn Pop, but I fear he might be dead.


The above is clearly an article for those who don’t know or who can’t distinguish the differences between opinion and fact.
If you look hard enough, you could probably find an article that claims that Trump is actually a space alien sent here to take over our planet.


I mean, the word opinion is in the URL…..


Meanwhile the current administration continues to intentionally destroy this Country, but you stay fixated on Trump instead Duh, brilliant strategy.


They really are trying quite hard, aren’t they? As they likely fancy themselves behind schedule, expect a ramp-up in bad policy for 2024. Expect the new year to be chock-full of bad news.


3 tears of the country in the toilet and youre worried about the next president that did a great job for people that work and are functional.To the welfare state,people like you,he is the boogyman.


Opinions have nothing to do with facts, chump.


‘Rich Californians flock to Las Vegas for cheaper property, lower crime rates and less taxes…’
How many people do you know who have moved out of CA ?
Son recently bought 2.5 acres outside of Huston, TX,
4 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 1/2 car garage for $370,000.


I have a similar story. To Texas. Not sure about that Las Vegas thing though. I think they have a lot of crime.


Make that Houston, TX.


Has he spent a summer there?


Is so reassuring swamp dwellers in congress put the interests of WE THE PEOPLE above all else.
‘Want to beat the stock market? Just copy Congress!
Politicians’ trades perform twice as well as market average
and Nancy Pelosi’s portfolio has grown by 50 PERCENT in 2023′
Anyone had their 401k or stock portfolio go up 50% in 2023 ? ? ?


Politicians are exempt from insider trading laws. This needs to be fixed.


Black congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee lost big time to a tough on crime white 74 year old Texas State Senator John Whitmire. Sheila Jackson Lee was endorsed or hindered by nancy pelosi and hillary clinton.
Houston population makeup, 45% Latino, 23% Black and only 24% white, with median age of 35 which is well within DEM voting demographic. Appears minorities are fed up with woke liberal DEM politics?
Is this election a warning that voters have had it with long time DEM swamp creatures ? ?


Texas State Senator and Houston Mayor-elect John Whitmire is a Democrat who’s been in elected office for over 50 years. He served in the Texas House of Representatives for a decade, Texas State Senate for over 4 decades, and served as the Acting Governor of Texas for one day. His now former sister-in-law also served as the Mayor of Houston for 11 years.
He ran as the “centrist” or “moderate” candidate to attract moderate and conservative Democrats, Independents, and Republicans, while Sheila Jackson Lee ran as the “progressive” candidate and won the progressive Democrat vote, and they split the liberal Democrat vote. This was a runoff-election, which tends to garner lower voter turnout than the already extremely low voter turnout in the general election. Mayor Sylvester Turner is term limited, he won his 2015 runoff-election by less than 4,100 votes and won his 2019 runoff-election by almost 25,000 votes with less than 20% voter turnout. The problem for Sheila Jackson Lee was that black and Hispanic voters didn’t turn out for her in the numbers they did for outgoing Mayor Sylvester Turner in 2015 and especially in 2019 where they heavily came out to support him.


Probably the best choice that the Houston voters have ever made. Sheila was arguably the most vulgar, rotten, racist, entitled, and nasty person to ever grace the Capitol Building. Just an awful waste of human flesh. Her next career step will most likely be hosting her own show on CNN.
Good riddence.


Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee actually filed today to run for reelection to the House of Representatives. It appears she won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.


Thank you, BK.
Truly a sad day for Houston. Will the residents stay smart and vote for Sheila’s opponent? Time will tell but I have my doubts: especially if that opponent has an (R) after their name. After all, they have continued voting Sheila in since ’95 and Houston also seems to love Geico Caveman Al Green for some reason.

Perhaps she’ll claim that screaming obscenities at her staff was caused by Tourette Syndrome.


Any and all homeless encampments shall now be referred to as:


I see you’re following the “Hooverville” precedent set by the critics of President Hoover during the Great Depression. The term “Newsomville” fits and works well. Will the homeless encampment in the City of Concord be called “Birsanville” after newly elected/appointed Mayor Edi Birsan? It doesn’t quite have the same ring to it.


I see you’re following the “Hooverville” precedent set by the critics of President Hoover during the Great Depression. The term “Newsomville” fits and works well. Will the homeless encampment in the City of Concord be called “Birsanville” after newly elected/appointed Mayor Edi Birsan? It doesn’t quite have the same ring to it.


Contra Costa Citizens

Right now they haven’t filed but they are working on it. Go to the site and get on their mailing list so you have the opportunity to sign the petition when it comes out.


Sorry the email address didn’t get printed.


Who hasn’t filed? What site? Who’s mailing list? What petition?

It’s like my wife wrote your post.

I think it was the group that’s looking for supporters to recall Contra Costa County District Attorney Diana Becton.


Ah yes the benefits of an OPEN border . . . .
‘Texas police arrest illegal immigrant in 16-year-old cheerleader Lizbeth Medina’s murder’


Ah yes OG once again…….
So the alleged killer of the 16 year old cheerleader entered the US in 2018 on a visa which since has expired. So clearly the current administration is to blame for the OPEN border in 2018 and how do you think somebody with a visa would have entered the country?
But of course you guys start blaming without even knowing any facts. The hallmark of the crowd here.
“Originally, police described Romero an “undocumented male.” Edna police have since clarified, saying Romero, who is from Mexico but has been in the U.S. since 2018, resided in the country with a visa that has since expired. On Sunday, police said Romero confessed to the crime after his arrest.”
And you keep wondering why?


Georgia on my mind…. again.


When taxpayer money stops flowing to Ukraine,
will they drop a dime on the bidens.

“Planned Parenthood and other abortion advocacy organizations received nearly $2 billion in federal funding over a three year span, according to a new government report.”
Am a bit confused,
it’s OK to use taxpayer dollars helping border crossing kids, already born, outside America while at same time taxpayer dollars are being used to help kill inconvenient babies conceived in America ? ? ? ?


PP and it’s ilk did not receive $ for abortions. They received the $ to provide other women’s health care like pap smears and pre-natal care. At least that’s what we’re told. But we all (should) know that $ is fungible and that $2 bil will definitely find it’s way to funding ice picks to baby’s brains.


CIA involved in vote fraud as well?


‘Seattle high schooler FAILS quiz where he marked only women can get pregnant and that all men have penises’
Another reason tenure should be given only in 5 – 7 year increments.
Does this woke insanity take place in mdusd ? ? ?


‘Greg Abbott promises to keep busing illegal immigrants to New York, Chicago, declares he will defend Texas’ sovereignty’
“Since President Biden took over the White House in 2021, the US-Mexico border has seen more than 6 million illegal crossings. More than 2 million illegal immigrants crossed into the United States within the past year alone.”
Texas at least has a Governor who puts his states legal citizens above illegals,
unlike CA’s governor photo OP who coddles illegals.
HOW MUCH do illegals in CA cost per year ? ? ?
Would CA have a $68 billion deficit if our borders were closed ? ? ? ?
Want it to Stop ? ? ?
STOP electing DEMs ! ! ! !


Do we really want to impeach Biden and remove him from office?
Who will the Dem’s run for prez then?
I think beating Biden will be a slam dunk, but who knows how new candidate will fare?


The Democrats are using the Trump trials to fix the 2024 election, so Biden could win. From the Washington Examiner: “As Trump lead widens, prosecutors step up pursuit.” —


Maybe Trump should have committed fewer crimes in public before posting about them on Twitter? And maybe he shouldn’t have strewn so many confidential documents with implications about our national security all over the floors of Mar-A-Lago?




Stepping up the Trump persecution makes it clear this impeachment inquiry is right over the target and closing in. Perhaps Joe should have been more careful with the 82,000 pages of pseudonym emails, and Hunter should have been more elaborate with his multi-shell company foreign money laundering.
150 SARs reports are irrefutable.


Bad actors around the world have little fear of biden.
If biden were removed or resigns then we’re stuck with giggles which would be disastrous for the world.
“We maintain the peace through our strength;
weakness only invites aggression.”
–Ronald Reagan


Fear? They are giggling like Giggles over the many foreign benefits provided by the Biden administration.
Remember Asa, the aged security guard on the Andy Griffith show? Joe Biden is the Presidential equivalent of that.


“An unlawfully present Mexican man and previously convicted sexual predator pleaded guilty to illegal reentry in November 2023 and will serve a 42-month sentence in an Indiana Federal Bureau of Prisons facility.”
“A Honduran national who illegally resided in Houston was sentenced Dec. 4 to 50 years in federal prison for traveling across interstate lines to engage in sex with a 15-year-old child using drugs, violence and threats of violence against her family to manipulate and control her.”
‘ERO Boston arrests convicted fugitive wanted for assaulting, threatening minor in Brazil’ …
“In fiscal year 2022, ERO arrested 46,396 noncitizens with criminal histories. This group had 198,498 associated charges and convictions, including 21,531 assault offenses; 8,164 sex and sexual assault offenses; 5,554 weapons offenses; 1,501 homicide-related offenses; and 1,114 kidnapping offenses.”
‘ERO Chicago arrests 44 criminal noncitizens during local enforcement action’
‘ERO Houston removes Mexican fugitive wanted for homicide’



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