Home » The Water Cooler – Are People Too Lazy?

The Water Cooler – Are People Too Lazy?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

QUESTION: Overall, do you think people are lazier than they were 20, 30 or 40 years ago?


Talk about it.

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Lazy, disrespectful, self entitled, lack of manners,,,,


I know I am, but that’s because I’m getting older.


It’s just too much work to use a turn signal when driving!


Can tell when computer is driving a vehicle, turn signals are used.


How can they use their turn signal when they’re checking their e-mail?


Believe it depends on parents.
Example, rich kid in southern CA kills in a car accident, parents pay off on $20 million lawsuit and kid avoids jail. What a wondrous adult he’ll likely become. Some of best human beings was lucky enough to work with came from humble beginnings, knew what poor, tired and hungry was and had decided they never again wanted to be that way. They were hard working, ready to help and were experientially more intelligent than most engineers.
https://www.cmu.edu/randyslecture/ watch video


Take the garbage from your meal and put it in the can that is five steps from your car!


What’s worse is all of the dirty diapers that end up in the gutter around the Solano Drive-in in Concord on weekend flea market days, especially during summer months, is lazy, dirty, and disgusting!!! Dumping dirty diapers and trash in the gutter for someone else to clean up is nothing but lazy!!!
The piles of used toilet paper that end up on the floor next to the toilets in the restrooms at parks, especially on weekends, when the piles are often a couple of feet high, is also lazy, dirty, and disgusting!!! Leaving used toilet paper on the floor for someone else to clean up is nothing but lazy!!!


I don’t think it’s generational. I think it depends on the person. Some people are lazy and some people aren’t.


Fortunately many are not lazy. Not being out in the workforce anymore it is hard for me to tell because I can’t see what is going on. I admire all those busting their backs working through the malaise of our country. We really need Trump in office again to instill some common sense back into government. As we saw though with the three woke heads of ivy league schools in congress the other day we have a long way to go. If I was still raising three kids today I would turn off the news and keep my head down to the job.


My coworker’s husband orders door dash from Taco Bell several days a week. They live 1/4 mile from Taco Bell.
Yes, we as a society have become so much more lazy . We are all guilty of it too for some extent. Have you watched the movie Wall-E? … we are on track for that.


Some people that seem lazy, use more energy/effort to avoid something.
I do enjoy the lost Art of Being Lazy though… It’s a skill….


Absolutely – if you are talking in general. Some of it is the entitlement mentality that many younger folks have become accustomed to (shame on you, too, mom and dad for allowing that), and some of it is thanks to so many restrictions/obstacles/laws/regulations (high minimum wage requirements) in place preventing younger folks from doing part–time work in high school. When was the last time some high schooler knocked on your door and asked if they could mow your lawn or rake leaves for a reasonable price or saw some kids selling lemonade on the street?


An then this gem shows up,
‘Man, 41, is slammed after complaining that he has no savings, no job, and has had to rely on his parents to pay his rent for SEVEN YEARS – all because he REFUSES to take work that he believes is ‘beneath him”


Waaay lazier.
Nowadays people hire out housecleaning, yard care, and grocery shopping.
Then there’s Uber Eats and Doordash.
It’s no wonder Americans are overweight. Too much TV, “convenience foods”, and automation.
Do it your damned self!!


Depends on people’s energy levels. Some people are high energy and some are low. High energy people may overdo things while low energy people may find it hard to get going.


Yes I am


Some are some are not. I think there’s a difference between generations. My daughter and son in law are hard workers, but there some things they don’t do that I did. They entertain, but they don’t go all the way out I did when I entertained. I inherited several heirloom items, that belonged to my parents and even great grandparents. Solid brass candle holders, brass Irons (that my mother remember her grandmother actually used, you put hot coals inside) copper pots, etc. I used all them as decorative items. The copper pot found a home in front of my fireplace and at Christmas I put pink poinsetta’s in it. I also have several silver servings spoons. All require polishing every so often, I just don’t see my daughter doing that. Perhaps because she does not have the same emotional connection to the items as I do. Don’t remember my mother, and my dad died when she was 6. My mother installed in me don’t leave the house with spots on your clothes, unshined shoed and wrinkle clothes. Thus I make sure my shoes are always polished and clothes ironed, that kind of thing seem to have fallen by the wayside with the younger generation. Granted where I grew up, we didn’t have to content with traffic, since it was mostly a farm community, most people had their work right where the lived.My daughter and son in law, does do a lot of cooking, but I see many of the younger generation that don’t oook much, saying it takes too much time. I have worked with people I would consider lazy, don’t like to move much. I think most people are not lazy, and then it comes down to what one consider lazy. If a woman stops working and stay home with her children, is that being lazy, some will say so, but I don’t think so, only if she neglects the children and sits in front of the TV all the time.


I prefer the term ‘ a man of leisure’. While I’m certainly lazier now, I’m also more efficient. I have no comment on other people and times, but only because I’m lazy.


omg yes – that and having the “me first” and entitlement attitude… couple that with woke and the cancel culture… sounds like evolution is going backwards – fast!


A large swath of our society, definitely. Most people from the mid-60’s on up are incredibly lazy. They stop working and expect to live the next 30 years with healthcare largely paid for by younger working people. They check their bank accounts every month to see if their government handout has been deposited, again, paid for by younger working people. Entitlement mentality at its finest.


I don’t know if it’s lazy what I worry most about is that lack of common sense is just staggering and also paying attention to detail to paperwork to what you say to what you write I think every office should have signs on the walls where people are working that say measure twice cut once something were to happen where all internet service went down all ATMs didn’t work there was no DoorDash no GrubHub no instacart how will people make it I was married in 1962 We didn’t have credit cards We didn’t even have a checking account there was no welfare there was no way to people gave you money or gave you food stamps You had to go to work and doing some kind of job to make money to feed yourself and your family I wonder how the younger generation will make it and it certainly shouldn’t be the crime wave we’re having now with young adults which is out of control some of the problems is is there’s no such thing as consequences if you do something wrong very seldom and if any there are consequences how do you learn if you’re not told it’s wrong and manners do count and playing games with sports or life in general there’s winners there’s losers


Too lazy for punctuation?

So lazy I can’t even make a good comment

” No of course not!” now let me get back to my couch surfing…….


All you people should get off your lazy butts & turn off the computer.



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