Home » The Water Cooler – What’s One Conspiracy Theory You Think Might Actually Be True?

The Water Cooler – What’s One Conspiracy Theory You Think Might Actually Be True?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

QUESTION: What’s one conspiracy theory you think might actually be true?


Talk about it.

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1) Vaccine
2) Aliens
3) Biden (pick one, from laptop to bribe monies)
4) Gain of Function
5) Fauci
6) Epstein

Oh wait, I misread the question lol. It asked what I think might be true, not already proven. My bad.


Epstein for sure. Guy makes a ton of money after being a nobody high-school teacher that no one can explain. Goes into child trafficking business to wealthy elites with the daughter of a Mossad agent, the father having died in a mysterious boating accident. Throws his mysterious fortune around in a supposedly philanthropic manner, ensnareing a ton of up-and-coming talent. Proceeds to (not) kill himself when finally jailed and charged, which the entire planet saw coming. Ghislane Maxwell then gets prosecuted so carefully that they convict her of human trafficking without ever revealing the name of a single John. The chief prosecutor just happened to be James Comey’s daughter. The entire news media shows zero interest in any of this reeking mess, moves on like the story is believable.

The Epstein operation was a Mossad and/or CIA operation, I’d put a lot of money on it.

Conservatives don’t care about America. Pretty much a proven fact.


Fact, eh? How so?

You’re either stupid, ignorant, or both.
Conservatives and other America-loving people believe in American values, small government, freedom, and liberty, and America’s exceptionalism.
It is your ilk, the liberal socialist left, who fail to enforce the border, ignore laws, have low standards, create bigger and needless government red tape and bureaucracy, and wrongly attempt to instill socialist values on Americans.


liberals are destroying the country. Inflation, crime, victimhood etc…


Second shooter involved in JFK assassination


@LAZY K….I just watched this a couple of nights ago, seven doctors (now deceased) tell their stories about the ER the day JFK was shot. It just came out this year, most interesting. I don’t think the real story will ever be disclosed.


Patty Lane & Cathy Lane are the same person

And Penny Lane the twin


And Primerose Lane, cousin.

Don’t forget “Fast Lane”, 2nd cousin….hammer down.

Meet Cathy, who’s lived most everywhere,
From Zanzibar to Berkeley Square
But Patty’s only seen the sights
A girl can see from Brooklyn Heights –
What a crazy pair!

But they’re cousins,
Identical cousins all the way.
One pair of matching bookends,
Different as night and day.

Where Cathy adores a minuet,
The Ballets Russes, and crepes suzette,
Our Patty loves to rock and roll,
A hot dog makes her lose control …..
What a wild duet!

Still, they’re cousins,
Identical cousins and you’ll find,
They laugh alike, they walk alike,
At times they even talk alike –

You can lose your mind,
When cousins are two of a kind.

Using Covid to control the population


Labeling something a “conspiracy theory” is an old trope that government agencies use to distract the public which someone is onto the truth.


“when” not “which”. My keyboard is rebelling! 😎


JFK assassination- more than one shooter…… aliens – I know for a fact they’re here, i had one boss that couldn’t have been from Earth… she was something else 🙄🙄🙄


As a retaliation for all the legal and political troubles of the last four years, Trump will destroy America after being elected for the second term.


No the question was the ones that are true. Trump is for the people not the corrupt government. Look around you the whole government has become a wreck. One bad move after the other. Look at just the open border, crime, and inflation and tell me the government is here to help.


You are right! Trump and the dysfunctional Republican Party is destroying America.


you are correct 🙂


There may not be a whole lot left to destroy. 2024 is going to be a very long year and the Biden syndicate are sure to ramp up more border crossings, more war, more spending, and more censorship.


You do realize that Biden has not changed a single law that Trump enacted for the border, right?

More war? Please explain how one American President is responsible for for armed conflicts in other parts of the world, but another isn’t.

You are worried about spending when the national debt was increased more under the last administration then aby other before. What do you think covers that debt? Because our current GNP is the highest it’s ever been, taxes are the other compensation. Without the tax cuts enacted by the last 2 R presidents, the national debt would actually be declining.

Define censorship? State sponsored censorship.i mean. Because Trump actually used his position and wrote executive orders to ban speech.


You said “You do realize that Biden has not changed a single law that Trump enacted for the border, right?” What about regulations and executive orders?
You also said “Without the tax cuts enacted by the last 2 R presidents, the national debt would actually be declining.” So, would those be the same tax cuts that President Obama and President Biden largely left in place? Would that include President Obama’s extension of President George W. Bush’s tax cuts, which passed both houses of Congress that were controlled by Democrats? You’re also making assumptions about tax revenue and spending had those tax cuts not been enacted to conclude the national debt would be declining.
Yet, federal tax revenue has continued to increase to over $4 trillion with many, if not most, of those tax cuts still in place.
The increase in the national debt under President Biden’s full term in office is likely to match the increase in the national debt under President Trump.
Every modern Congress (1929 – present), Democrat and Republican, and every modern President (Hoover – Biden), Democrat and Republican, has spent too much. They’re all to blame, Democrat and Republican.
President Trump didn’t write any executive orders.

People that believe one man, whether Trump or Biden, could destroy this country not only misunderstand our Republic but also have a very low opinion of it.


Nah, because the proof is in the pudding. no one destroyed America as much as Obama. He increased racial tensions so much that it still is getting worse. Everyone is a victim because he told them they were.


Rollo vote for Joe again and you have a good chance of seeing if you are right or wrong. You are not paying attention to what Joe is doing.


Thanks to all of you for proving my point. You sound exactly like the dimwits in the mainstream media claiming a re-elected Trump will imprison and/or kill his political enemies and declare himself dictator for life. Anyone who believes that has a very basic misunderstanding of the foundational pillars of our Republic.
By the way, if you think I’m a Biden supporter you haven’t been paying attention.


He will. He will destroy Liberal Democrat America values – Rampant crime, wide open borders, dependence on countries that hate us and want to destroy us, China Joes’ open arms welcome to border crossing fentanyl smugglers, terrorists and criminals….


Han shots first!

That’s not a conspiracy – that’s fact!


Conspiracies and truth seem to have only been separated by about 6-8 months here lately….almost like they can see the future????????


Oh you know that’s funny


Adolf Hitler survived, and lived out the rest of his life in South America. Hitler escaped through an underground tunnel that led to an airport where he flew to Spain, and eventually onto Argentina. It’s not a crazy idea, knowing that many top German officials, officers, and scientists also turned up in Argentina at the end of the war, in order to escape from the Soviets.
Hitler and his wife Eva Braun, we were told, committed suicide. Hitler supposedly shot himself in the head, and Eva took a cyanide pill. However, their bodies were burned. In 2009, American scientists claimed that DNA taken from Hitler’s supposed skull with a bullet hole in it indicated it was actually the skull of a woman.
In 1945, Argentina welcomed thousands of Nazis into the country, and In 2000, Argentina formally apologized for its role in harboring Nazi war criminals.
Hitler was supposedly buried in an underground bunker, which is now a hotel in a city in Paraguay.


The freaking ‘Boys From Brazil’!!!

I believe that a lot of conspiracy theories were created and promoted out of Russia by Yevgeny Prigozhin’s internet troll farm known as the Internet Research Agency. Prigozhin was also head of the Wagner Group, and was killed in a suspicious plane crash after turning against Putin.


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has canceled a planned virtual appearance at an all-senator briefing on Ukraine and Israel on Tuesday, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced.

“Something came up at the last minute,” Schumer said at his weekly press conference”


Birsan’s vote for Lennar was bought by the Garaventas.
Grayson’s support for Lennar was bought by Willie Brown but, Grayson couldn’t actually vote because he was caught getting payment by journalist Rich Eber.
May not have been a suicide.


Most are BS and the people that believe the BS are the undereducated Tim Foil Hay society


I believe in the old adage, what 3 people know, everyone knows. Eventually someone will spill the beans, very hard to keep things a secret that involves mutiple cover ups, and many people. Goes against common sense.


Another saying, similar to yours;
What you don’t want anyone to know, don’t tell anyone.

What is a conspiracy? What is a theory? Anyone who buy’s into the idea that people aren’t conspiring every day all day, have never been in business and probably still wear masks in their car. Anything they don’t want you looking at to closely is branded a conspiracy theory. It doesn’t take a degree in advanced aerodynamics to figure that out. People who scream conspiracy have the lowest IQs on the planet.


Lowest IQ?
Let’s see… Russia-Trump collusion was proven false yet Pelosi, Schiff, and Swalwell, all pushed the lies and false narratives.
Schiff and Swalwell should have at least been censured by their respective Congress bodies.
How do these clowns lie with a straight face?


Every one with a D by their names only care about their party. What they don’t get is Trump is for the people of the country and he knows how to do the job.


Trouble reading exit12? But thanks for dropping facts. Obviously they conspire and it ain’t no “theory”


That one day all the babies prevented by abortion will come alive. And they’ll be very mad…….


A conspiracy theory is nothing more than facts that liberals wont cop to.


There is way more proof that we didnt go to the moon rather than we did.Peoples head would explode after 54 years of believing so they will never change their minds even with proof


In 1969 When I was 4 I did not believe anyone would risk their life on a something never tested because they wouldnt and didnt.I didnt live in the USA either.


None. Irrefutable truth is all that matters. And I barely care about that.


Oh look hunter biden just indicted on 9 felonies connected to china and UKRAINE money laundering. Another “conspiracy theory” becomes reality. 😉


Where are the “chemtrails” people in this post? I see more and more “chemtrails” this time of year when the temperature drops…. don’t look directly at them.


Just pick one? I believe almost all of them!


People have the wrong idea about conspiracies – they think that they happen only occasionally.
They believe that things are normal, then something extraordinary happens, and then things go back to normal again. They think that the unusual things are anomalies and that anyone who has legitimate questions about them is a “conspiracy theorist”. What these people don’t realize is that those in power (political, financial, media, etc.) are engaged in a constant conspiracy against the ordinary people. It goes on 24/7. It has never paused. It goes on all the time and has done so throughout history, in all countries. People notice it only when something big happens (Polk’s war on Mexico, USS Maine, Pearl Harbor, Kennedy assassination, 911, etc.) not realizing that they are being conspired against right now. Someone, somewhere, is figuring out how to steal your pension, how to privatize your social security, how to jack up your heath insurance rates, how to get you to pay more for your prescriptions, how to get you to support their evil policies, how to get you to vote for their candidate. Conspiracy is constant.


That Dems are trying to destroy america, and Newscum has to change the oil in his hair once a month.


Fluoride actually is toxic and many countries have already banned it from the drinking water. US lawsuits, ongoing.

Stanley Kubrick fans will remember this conspiracy theory popping up in the black and white classic, Dr. Stranglelove

@YOYOHOP…..Slim Pickens takes the ultimate ride……….


that former president fake, hoax ,your fired is mentally unstable.


Oh gee wiz hunter biden indicated on 9 felonies connected to chyna and Ukraine money laundering.


There is a network of child trafficking and the youths being used a sex work. It is patroned by the wealthy elites of America. It is there little flex that they can get away with anything so what is the outermost edge of that they can pursue.



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