Home » San Ramon City Council To Discuss Gun Storage Proposal Similar To Walnut Creek’s

San Ramon City Council To Discuss Gun Storage Proposal Similar To Walnut Creek’s


The San Ramon City Council on Tuesday will discuss whether to approve an ordinance mandating the safe storage of firearms within city residences.

California already has a law mandating gun owners lock up firearms if the owner “reasonably should know” a child can gain access to the firearm. For gun enthusiasts looking to take their hobby further, using a reloading primer tool can be a great way to create customized ammunition while staying within the law. This tool ensures that ammunition is reloaded safely and efficiently, providing more control over the reloading process, which can be especially important for those who prioritize both safety and precision.

The San Ramon ordinance, like many other ordinances in Bay Area cities, eliminates the question of whether a gun owner should have “reasonably known” a child or prohibited person was likely to access the firearm.

It requires safe storge of the firearm irrespective of whether a child is likely to be present.


Contra Costa County’s unincorporated areas are already subject to a similar ordinance, as are the cities of Antioch, Dublin, Pleasanton, and Walnut Creek.

Violations would be punishable by a $100 fine per firearm for the first violation and larger fines for repeat violations within a calendar year. If a person violates the ordinance more than three times in any 12 -month period, or if the violation includes elements of reckless endangerment, the city will have the option of charging the violation as a misdemeanor.

The San Ramon City Council meets at 7 p.m. at the city council chamber at city hall, 7000 Hollinger Canyon Rd., in San Ramon.

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Dummies who want to be redundant need to be recalled.


That’s an enormous high capacity magazine for that pistol in the photo.

(Illegal in CA.)

If someone breaks into your house you do have permission to ask them if you may look for your trigger lock key. I understand if there is a child in your house the firearm should be out of reach and unloaded but this law makes you defenseless. Every thug in town will love it though.


More unconstitutional laws to ignore. Keep your guns close and your powder dry. Lock and load friends, it’s getting bad out there….


Agreed. Here’s another BS “law” to be ignored.


Shall not be infringed. Was not aware Walnut Creek passed something like this. Shame on the person or the people responsible for that they should not be in politics, but should be at a daycare wearing diapers and anybody thinks otherwise we got some diapers for you too. This is actually criminal and unconstitutional and the people writing these bills should be put in prison. If you don’t like the Bill of Rights, get a plane ticket and go somewhere else you won’t be missed and maybe somebody can get a house at an affordable cost.


When do mandatory home inspections begin ? ? ? ?
Sarcasm aside if you improperly store firearms, you have no business owning them in first place.
Other problem is kids these days get their firearm training from movies and video games.
Kids need to be taught proper firearm handling SAFETY.
Both kids were taught at an early age gun Safety and how to hit what they aim at.
Son lives in Texas, has conceal carry and both are still proficient.


Kids need to be taught that firearm ownership is a RIGHT and not a privilege. This should be emphasized in school just as much as the right to vote and free speech.


Another do-nothing ordinance to make it appear to their ignorant liberal voters that they are doing something.
How about enforcing the ban on public camping, vagrancy, and loitering?


What law? I haven’t seen anything “official” … no certified later , nobody of any authority personally communicating any law like this, certainly can’t take mainstream media at its word anymore… sounds like all rumor to me 🙂

Any law enforcement officer that participates in the enforcement of this “ordinance” is violating his or her oath.


Wow didn’t know that we have a constitutional lawyer here on the board.


No need for a law degree, skippy. The only source needed was written 250 years ago. Let me know if you need help with the big words.


Now do Bruen.

Apparently jwb doesn’t know anything about the existing state laws.

Don’t need to be a “constitutional scholar.”


kinda on the fence with this one ” Please throw rocks, I could use other points of view” I lock all my guns up (other than my sidearm) but I do it for thought of theft. I was raised with guns and bought my first pistol (Ruger MK) in 1978 with my dad as the cosigner (10 day waiting period). I was raised with guns and knew at a young age the responsibility and danger of them. I have taught my now adult children the understanding and respect needed for gun handling and been fortunate to have been able to do so. I am not too sure of this current generation of younger people (kids) as I do not know how their parents bring them into gun ownership…. I believe if you hide something from someone they will seek it and if you introduce it and understand then it just another part of life and not a prize or goal to achieve. We always knew there were guns in our house and as a typical angry male teenager (14-65) I have had many altercations and never have I ever thought a gun would be needed…just took it on the chin or made the other do so. If you chose to have guns then raise your children to understand the hazards and respect for them “some will fall through the cracks” but it is our job as gun owners to prevent this.
Off my soap box… please throw rocks.

I reject the argument that a weapon can’t be both secure, and readily available in an emergency. I’ve been using an awesafe biometric(2 pistol) for a few years now. It works, it has never not worked and I’ve tried to fool it to the point of boredom. Best $150 I ever spent.


@ Atticus. Your argument is a false binary and besides the point.

The government’s increasingly strict and arbitrary definition of “secure” is clearly infringement of 2A. That certain politicians are set on broadening such infringements – the gradual chipping away of the 2A under the guise of public safety, makes their agenda clear.

Yoyhop, You can approach the storage and use of firearms as you see fit. My approach is to absolutely make certain only the people I wish to see shot with my weapons, get shot. Has nothing to do with the law, I am responsible for any harm caused by my weapons. Morally.


The part that’s most laughable to me, is the fact that I have a CCW issued by the city of Concord. I can carry a firearm nearly anywhere I want to. Especially in my own home.

They don’t and wont issue ccw permits in Concord,,its done by the chief of police,please stop fibbing…kay?


But you need to be on the friends & family plan or they will just toss your application in the round file.

You can apply for one all you want,you wont get one.Of course theres an online form,of course there is…..

You pay $145 even if refused, no matter what,and need character references.
What a scam.

Anyone can carry their firearm concealed inside their own home.

Nope. Do not comply with any made up “gun laws”


the 2nd amendment is a law made up by some people.


And it has been infringed upon for generations. Enough already.

@S No the 2ndA isn’t just a law that some people made up. It is the codification of a basic human right – the right to self defense.

The Second Amendment isn’t a law, it’s a right! There’s a big difference between a “law” and a “right.”

Wasn’t the original “cooling off” period in California a 2 week waiting period to pick up a firearm purchase?

Because when you can’t stop the criminal, stop the law-abiding gun owner.



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