Home » Rent Stabilization, Just Cause For Eviction To Be Considered Dec. 12 In Concord

Rent Stabilization, Just Cause For Eviction To Be Considered Dec. 12 In Concord


Due to a public notice publishing error, the City Council will not take up its consideration of a draft ordinance on rent stabilization and just cause for eviction on Nov. 28. Instead, the public hearing is set for Tuesday, Dec. 12.

Earlier this year, as part of the City’s 6th cycle Housing Element Update, the Concord City Council committed to adopting rent stabilization and just cause for eviction policies by the end of the year. The goal of the new regulations is to stabilize the community and minimize displacement of residents, while also allowing property owners to make a fair return on their investments.

After receiving more than five hours of public testimony on Sept. 5 the Council provided direction to staff at meetings on Sept. 12 and Oct. 10 on what major elements to include in the new ordinance, which is now available for public review. 

Members of the public are encouraged to review the draft ordinance as well as the staff report for this item, and come to the Dec. 12 meeting prepared with comments responding to the draft ordinance.



Exit 12A November 27, 2023 - 5:12 PM - 5:12 PM

“Rent Stabilization” is liberal-speak for RENT CONTROL.
Landlords should consider adjusting their rents according to current market conditions (and also account for inflation).

Old Timer November 27, 2023 - 8:34 PM - 8:34 PM

Don’t forget to add in for repairs they can add up fast.Insurance is going up way faster than inflation.All cost need to be taken into consideration.Landlords aren’t in it for charity.The government needs to keep there noses out of it.

American Citizen November 27, 2023 - 5:33 PM - 5:33 PM

If you can’t pay you can’t stay. Don’t expect it to bail out from the taxpayers. Live where you can afford. I don’t live in Moraga because I can’t afford it.

Wesley Mouch November 28, 2023 - 5:09 AM - 5:09 AM

These schemes always result in reduced rental inventory, further harming the working poor, just like high gas taxes and excessive energy regulation.

Ronald Reagan actually said: “The nine most dangerous words in the English language are: “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.

And he’s proven right once again!

domo November 28, 2023 - 7:55 AM - 7:55 AM

Just cause for eviction? … not paying your rent for one

WC---Creeker November 28, 2023 - 10:07 AM - 10:07 AM

Per the Ordinance draft — “Rent Increase Limit – 60% of CPI or 3%, whichever is lower.” Let’s do a survey of homeowners and landlords and see if the increase in cost to maintain properties, provide water and power fall into that number. It’s not even close to the increase in costs for my property. Stupid.

Nope! November 28, 2023 - 12:09 PM - 12:09 PM

Call it what it is – RENT CONTROL. This means no matter what your Landlord costs are or whatever ridiculous bonds people vote for, or tenants slack off on paying, or INSURANCE UP 55% you can only raise the rent to what the local government says you can. This is part of the reason I sold my rental property. Now there is one less rental available…

Ricardoh November 28, 2023 - 12:10 PM - 12:10 PM

Yes everyone has to pay their rent but recently landlords have gone bananas. A trailer park just doubled the rent for everyone in the park with a $900 increase. That is just not right. Many rental places are controlled by property corporations with very little care for who they rent to.


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